Offline The Palestinian Health Predicament Worsen

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Offline: The Palestinian health predicament worsens

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), and Syrians are politically invisible in Lebanon. Part of the
which administers health services to 5·3 million reason is sectarian. To recognise the rights of Palestinians
Palestinian refugees through 143 primary health facilities, might upset the balance between different religious
is in acute crisis. After President Trump cut almost groupings. Part of the reason is also political. Palestinians
US$300 million from UNRWA’s 2018 budget, services claim the right to return to their homeland. If they were
will run out of money by the end of May. Irrespective granted meaningful rights of citizenship in Lebanon,
of one’s views about the complex politics of the Middle their lives would become more comfortable and their
Richard Horton

East, America’s decision to threaten the provision of incentive to leave diminished, so some argue. Palestinians
basic health care to millions of dependent people seems in Lebanon are therefore trapped. They are unable to leave
utterly cruel. This emergency was a major theme of last to live in a fully recognised nation state. And yet they are
week’s annual Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance (LPHA) ignored by the governments of those countries where
scientific meeting, held in Beirut, Lebanon. In response, they currently reside. President Trump’s decision to inflict
UNRWA has launched a #DignityIsPriceless campaign further carnage on their already challenged lives is simply
to protect its services to Palestinians in Gaza, the West impossible to understand.
Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. UNRWA is more than a
service provider, as Claudio Cordone (Director of UNRWA
Affairs in Lebanon) pointed out. UNRWA provides the Prospects for Palestinians are about to become even more
social protection that maintains stability in much of this precarious. Hopes for a new and successful Palestinian–
region. A financing conference held in Rome this month Israeli peace initiative from the Trump administration
Richard Horton

attracted promises of an additional $100 million. But this look poor. The decision to move the US embassy to
money is still insufficient to save UNRWA. The Palestinian Jerusalem has poisoned trust between Palestinian
people who depend upon UNRWA services now face an leaders and the one country that could catalyse positive
existential crisis. Lebanon illustrates the extent of that change. And the viability of the Palestinian leadership
crisis. UNRWA provides care to about 200 000 people, itself is in question. The LPHA is a scientific network of
distributed across 12 camps and through 27 clinics. Palestinian health scientists and international partners
Two-thirds of Palestinians live below the poverty line of who are committed to describing and solving the health
$6/day. The Lebanese Government isn’t helping matters. predicaments of Palestinians. LPHA annual meetings are a
They refuse to grant Palestinians even basic civil rights. convening point to discuss and strategise about what we
One senior UNRWA official noted that the international know and what should be done about what we know—
community does not see Palestinians as human beings. strengthening solidarity, building hope, and enabling
Tarek Mitri, Director of the American University of Beirut’s a new generation of young Palestinians to be the next
Richard Horton

Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International health leaders of their country. The LPHA is a platform
Affairs, called the prevailing global attitude nothing less to hold all those in the region responsible for Palestinian
than “blatant discrimination”. health accountable for their often harmful actions. And
the LPHA can help translate the evidence it gathers into
action and policy. The LPHA is about voice and agency.
On May 6, Lebanese voters go to the polls in the first Although the circumstances for the health and wellbeing
parliamentary elections to be held in the country since of Palestinians look increasingly bleak, those who
2009. As one would expect, news media are absorbed attended the conference in Beirut last week left energised
by the rivalries between politicians who compete within by their work and the opportunities it provided. For a
a delicately balanced Christian and Muslim multi- people in jeopardy, science is about more than research. It
confessional democracy. What is not discussed is how is about affirming an indissoluble identity.
future political leaders will address the plight of their
Richard Horton

Palestinian communities or the 1·5 million Syrian refugees Richard Horton

who have travelled to Lebanon since 2011. Palestinians

1246 Vol 391 March 31, 2018

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