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Support for Learners Participation

Learner’s participation is one of the teacher’s weaknesses inside the classroom.

As a teacher, I am able to observe that my colleague is finding it difficult to get their
learners involved in the lessons. Even I struggle occasionally because I can't apply the
skills I learned in other courses to other subjects, knowing that my students are already
in grades 4, 5, and 6. In addition to creating lessons creatively, educators also need to
be innovative in how they manage their learners.

Reflective responses to students can foster a habit of reciprocation, which will increase
their participation. Fostering personal reflection and non-consequential, praise-oriented
methods of rewarding student participation can encourage students to reflect on their
own learning and take initiative, which in turn will lead to increased student participation.
You can extend the duration that students participate in your course by putting in the
time and effort to set up each class session and create the ideal environment. Your
vocal interactions and nonverbal indicators can provide students an indication about
your attitude toward participation.

The goal of higher participation is to create a setting where every student has the
opportunity to contribute completely to the course and improve their learning. By
offering a variety of ways for students to participate, teachers may foster greater
diversity in the classroom and improve student learning. Different learners have different
ways of navigating a learning environment and expressing what they know, according to
Universal Design for Learning

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