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Improving socio emotional Learning of educator toward student success

Today's early childhood/ elementary educators wear a lot of hats. Educators

working with young children, in particular, are responsible for imparting knowledge and
skills that create the foundation for future achievement. Educators' duties include
figuring out how to effectively foster our young kids' social and emotional intelligence to
achieve academic success. We have to equip them with the means to esteem
themselves and their job, to cooperate with their colleagues, to form enduring
connections, and ultimately grow and discover their position in the world. Additionally,
we have to educate kids to be problem solvers who enjoy acquire and impart to them
the abilities to cooperate and function autonomously without continual outside
assistance inspiration.

As I listened to the speaker, it became clear to me that there are numerous reasons
why it's difficult for kids in our schools to see positive behavioral growth. As I do some
research, there are programs and interventions that we can also use on applying SE.
These programs and interventions characterized as “S.A.F.E.” Use a Sequenced set of
activities to develop SE skills in a step-by-step fashion; Use Active forms of learning,
such as role-plays and behavioral rehearsal that provide students with opportunities to
practice SE skills; Focus attention on SEL, with at least eight sessions devoted to SE
skill development; and Explicitly target particular SE skills for development, with skills
identified in lessons’ learning objectives.

In order to help children feel loved, respected, connected to their education, and
involved in their education. SEL works to build safe, encouraging learning environments
in families, schools, and communities. Supporting the school in helping kids build these
competencies can take numerous forms. Furthermore, many programs that focus on
preventing substance misuse, violence, and health promotion also emphasize the
development of SE competences since they are thought to be a key mechanism of
action for prevention programs. Students learn these skills and put them into practice.
Support for Learners Participation

Learner’s participation is one of the teacher’s weaknesses inside the classroom.

As a teacher, I am able to observe that my colleague is finding it difficult to get their
learners involved in the lessons. Even I struggle occasionally because I can't apply the
skills I learned in other courses to other subjects, knowing that my students are already
in grades 4, 5, and 6. In addition to creating lessons creatively, educators also need to
be innovative in how they manage their learners.

Reflective responses to students can foster a habit of reciprocation, which will increase
their participation. Fostering personal reflection and non-consequential, praise-oriented
methods of rewarding student participation can encourage students to reflect on their
own learning and take initiative, which in turn will lead to increased student participation.
You can extend the duration that students participate in your course by putting in the
time and effort to set up each class session and create the ideal environment. Your
vocal interactions and nonverbal indicators can provide students an indication about
your attitude toward participation.

The goal of higher participation is to create a setting where every student has the
opportunity to contribute completely to the course and improve their learning. By
offering a variety of ways for students to participate, teachers may foster greater
diversity in the classroom and improve student learning. Different learners have different
ways of navigating a learning environment and expressing what they know, according to
Universal Design for Learning.
Effective coaching and mentoring in the new normal

Coaching and mentoring gives a bog impact to every newly teachers. A

professional development program that is successful must include coaching. Because
coaching may penetrate an educator's intellect, behaviors, practices, beliefs, values,
and feelings—places where no other professional development has gone before, it can
increase will, skill, knowledge, and capacity. A relationship built through coaching allows
a beginner to feel taken care of, which makes it easier for them to access and apply
new information.

A coach may create an environment where teachers are willing to take chances to
modify their practices, where in-depth reflection and learning can occur, where dynamic
conversations can occur, and where improvement is acknowledged and applauded.
Lastly, a coach creates a safe environment for healing and the development of thriving,
resilient communities. Compared to working alone, coaching enables teachers to use
their knowledge more frequently, more profoundly, and more consistently. Through
coaching, educators can become more adept at reflecting on and applying what they
have learned to their work with students as well as to their work with one another.

According to what the speaker said, one crucial aspect of coaching and mentoring is
that it makes advantage of the connections that exist between coaches, mentors,
principals, and teachers to start the dialogue that results in changes in content
understanding, pedagogy, and conduct. Good coaching maintains the emphasis on
instruction and learning while distributing leadership. This emphasis encourages the
growth of leadership abilities, professional development, and teacher support with an
eye toward enhancing student outcomes. Which, as a novice in the teaching profession,
I can attest to as well. It really helps me to grow and better myself as a teacher to have
coworkers who are encouraging me.
Classroom Management Tips for Teachers

To foster a positive learning environment, effective classroom management is a

critical ability that all teachers must possess. From my perspective, it is important to
guide students at this age in the right direction and maintain firm control and discipline.
They need to be made aware of the rules and expectations of the instructor even
though they are capable of exercising self-control.

I believe that most students are good individuals, but I also believe that a lot of
what they experience in school affects them. Since they won't have time to be disruptive
if they are kept busy with training, they must be instructed to behave appropriately.
Students must believe they are in a safe, nurturing, and encouraging environment in
order to learn. Yet, given that educators wear many hats, I can state that all of them are
highly busy. Furthermore, there are a ton of paperwork and loads of responsibility for
teachers in the country we live in.

Teaching grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 presents many obstacles for a novice teacher,

particularly when it comes to managing both left and right-handed pupils. In fact,
managing my workload is a source of worry for me. As an educator in the Philippines, I
can attest to the speaker's assertion that teaching is incredibly difficult and demanding.
Despite the fact that many have pass on LET, many public schools seriously lack
teachers. Since I'm not simply dealing with one kind of learners, handling multigrade
required me to come up with a lot of unique ideas for handling and managing the
students. Although teaching is challenging and hard, it is what teachers do and what
I have always wanted to do.
Developing Assessment tools of Decoding Skills of Young Learners

It's a crucial fact that learning a new language needs mastery of a variety of skills
for students at all levels. One of the most crucial components of reading is
comprehension for both educators and learners. Educating children about reading
techniques like skimming, scanning, etc., facilitates the achievement of learning
objectives for both educators and student’s objectives. Additionally, students
understand the texts not just moreover; they enhance and enlarge a variety of linguistic
abilities and features of culture.

Another explanation for why motivation is, it is essential for students to grow
personally in terms of acquiring develop their capacity for original thought and boost
their self-esteem. They can freely communicate their thoughts in the language they are
learning. As a teacher, you have to possess the knowledge necessary to assist students
in the proper way. All forms of reading, but particularly critical reading, which goes
beyond simply reading text books, should be emphasized by educators involves the
practice of reading outside the lines. Assist them in becoming proficient readers and
comprehension skills.

Students can easily bore, especially when they are reading. To get the kids'
attention and encourage them to read more, the teacher must be very patient with them
and have innovative ideas. In order to participate fully in the reading process, the
reader's mind should be clear of any and all both external and internal diversions.
Genuine reading occurs. When the text can be understood by the reader reading
content, understand their symbolic meaning, and interpretative meanings, respond to
them, and integrate them. Understanding and perception are the two methods in which
a process of reading; the former is mechanical, whereas the latter requires thought.
Being safe and free of the children is vital, and as educators, we must consider this
when assisting our students with their reading.
Effective Learning Experience for Students in the New Normal

The new normal learning system is an online learning environment combined

with traditional classroom training. With this kind of blended learning, students can
benefit from the flexibility and convenience of online learning from home combined with
the individualized attention and personal interaction of a classroom setting. It
significantly altered the lives of educators and students, particularly those who were
ignorant of the benefits of technology.

It's quite difficult for educators since we have to adjust to the new methods of
instructing students. Blended learning may frequently be tailored to the requirements
and tastes of each individual student. For instance, a teacher can provide additional in-
person support to a student who is having trouble understanding a certain idea.
Students who do well in a more autonomous learning environment, on the other hand,
have more time to dedicate to working on tasks alone. In the end, every student in the
Philippines receives a more comprehensive and individualized education through the
new normal education system.

Additionally, it saves the teachers' expenses in comparison to the days of

traditional classroom instruction. Teachers can handle any concerns about the school
by staying in close contact with kids' parents in order to overcome the problem. Every
teacher benefits from it even though it is not as simple as it formerly was.
Intervention Strategies for Students at Risk in Distance Learning
An Approach to Spiritual Development in School
Lesson Plan and Module Writing
Duties and Responsibilities of Parents in School and Community Teacher
Teaching Phonics
Home Play
Phonemes and Graphemes

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