Princess Seven

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It is said that in ancient times, in the Dumai area there was a kingdom called Seri
Bunga Tanjung. This kingdom was ruled by a Queen named Cik Sima. This queen has seven
beautiful daughters, known as Princess Seven.

Of the seven princesses, the youngest daughter is the most beautiful, her name is
Mayang Sari. Putri Mayang Sari has a very dazzling body, her skin is soft like silk, her face is
radiant like a full moon, her lips are red like pomegranates, her eyebrows are like ants in
unison, her long hair and curls are loose like mayang. Therefore, the Princess is also known
as Mayang Mengurai.

One day, the seven princesses were bathing in the depths of Umai's Nest. Engrossed in
soaking and joking, the seven princesses did not notice that there were several pairs of eyes
observing them, which turned out to be Prince Empang Kuala and his bodyguards who
happened to pass by in the area. They observed the seven princesses from behind the bushes.

Secretly, the prince was fascinated to see the beauty of one of the princesses who was
none other than Princess Mayang Sari. Apparently, the Prince fell in love with the Princess.
Therefore, the Prince intends to ask for her.

A few days later, the Prince sent a messenger to ask for the princess whom he knew to
be Mayang Mengurai. The envoy delivered tepak sirih as a traditional proposal of the king's
greatness to the Royal Family Seri Bunga Tanjung.

The proposal was welcomed by Queen Cik Sima with the glory of the customs that
prevailed in the Kingdom of Seri Bunga Tanjung. In return for Prince Empang Kuala's
proposal, Ratu Cik Sima also upheld the royal custom, namely filling areca nut and gambier
on the largest combol among the seven combols. The other six pieces were deliberately not
filled, so they remained empty. This custom symbolizes that it is the eldest daughter who is
entitled to receive the proposal first.

Knowing that the Prince's proposal was rejected, the messenger returned to the Prince.
"My apoligize, your Majesty! I have no intention of disappointing you but The Seri Bunga
Tanjung is not yet willing to accept the proposal from the Prince’s to marry Princess Mayang

Hearing the report, the King was furious with extreme shame. The Prince no longer
cares about the customs that prevail in the land of Seri Bunga Tanjung. The anger that
controlled his heart could no longer be controlled. The Prince immediately ordered his
commanders and soldiers to attack the Kingdom of Seri Bunga Tanjung. Thus, the battle
between the two kingdoms on the outskirts of the Strait of malaka was inevitable.
In the midst of the war, Queen Cik Sima immediately fled her seven daughters into the
forest and hid them in a hole that was roofed with earth and protected by trees. Not to forget
that the Queen also provided her seven daughters with enough food for three months. After
that, the Queen returned to the kingdom to hold resistance against Prince Empang Kuala's

It has been 3 months, but the battle between the two kingdoms has never ended. After
entering the fourth month, Queen Cik Sima's army was even more desperate and helpless.
Finally, Negeri Seri Bunga Tanjung was destroyed, many of its people died. Seeing that her
country was destroyed and helpless, Queen Cik Sima immediately asked for help from a
genie who was meditating on the hill of the Upper Umai River.

At dusk, Prince Empang Kuala troops were resting downstream of Umai. They took
shelter under mangrove trees. However, towards the evening a very terrible incident
happened. Suddenly they were hit by thousands of mangroves that fell and pierced the bodies
of Prince Empang Kuala's troops. In less than half of the night, Prince Empang Kaula's army
was all died. When the troops of Empang Kuala Kingdom were helpless, Queen Cik Sima's
messenger came to Prince Empang Kuala.

Seeing the arrival of the messenger, the Prince who was still sitting weakly enduring
the pain immediately asked, "Hey you, the messenger from the Seri Bunga Tanjun, what is
the purpose of your arrival?".

The messenger replied, "I came here to convey Queen Cik Sima's message so that your
highness would be willing to stop this war. Our actions have damaged land and stained the
coast of Seri Bunga Tanjung. Whoever comes here with bad intentions, catastrophe will
befall them, on the other hand, whoever comes here with good intentions to the land of Seri
Bunga Tanjung, their life will be prosperous." said the messenger envoy explained.

Hearing the explanation of Queen Cik Sima's messenger, Prince Empang Kuala
realized, that he was the one who started the war. The prince immediately ordered his troops
to immediately return to Empang Kuala Country.

The next day, Queen Cik Sima rushed to the hiding place of her seven daughters in the
forest. How surprised Queen Cik Sima was, because her seven daughters were already in a
lifeless state. They die of thirst and hunger. It turned out that Queen Cik Sima forgot, if the
provisions provided were only enough for three months. While the war between Ratu Cik
Sima and Prince Empang Kuala lasted up to four months.

Finally, unable to endure the grief over the death of her seven daughters, Queen Cik
Sima fell ill and soon died.

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