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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Caloocan City

Excellence OverDOSE: CalNatSci 12th Founding Anniversary

December 11-15, 2023


This module is crafted for the celebration of CalNatSci's 12th Founding
Anniversary. It provides a platform for reflection and insights related to the
events. Enjoy and learn as we embrace a tradition of excellence!

General Instructions:
Answer applicable questions in this module based on your experiences and
personal insights about the different programs in the event. You are allowed to
print this module or answer this in your own notebook. Coordinate with your
adviser and subject teachers for more specific instructions.

Day 1: December 11 - Holy Mass and School Blessing & Opening Program
Activity 1 – Reflecting on the Holy Mass
Instructions: Attend and listen to the homily during the Holy Mass. Share your
insights about the topic or points highlighted during the mass. For non-Catholic
students, reflect on the significance of giving thanks and seeking guidance
during important events like Founding Anniversaries.
Father Job's homily was all about the Our Lady of Guadalupe and the importance of foundation
anniversaries to one's school. Father Job also stated that there is a place in Mexico called Guadalupe
wherein it is the base of Our Lady of Guadalupe's name. Our Lady of Guadalupe is basically Mary that
showed up to Juan Diego in 1531. Father Job went and also told us that our foundation is something
that we should celebrate because it acknowledges the way it was found and the journey we went through
just to continue the foundation of the school.

Activity 2 – Guest Keynote Reflection

Instructions: During the opening program, there will be a guest keynote speaker.
Listen attentively to the speaker's address and identify key points related to the
theme "Excellence OverDOSE" and the school's journey. Reflect on how the
speaker's insights align with the values of CalNatSci.
Reflection Questions:
1. What were the main points emphasized by the keynote speaker?
2. How do these points connect with the theme "Excellence OverDOSE" and
the school's pursuit of excellence?
3. What insights or lessons did you gain from the speaker's address?
4. Why do we need to thank and ask for guidance from our Almighty God in
conducting important events such as Founding Anniversaries?
To answer the first question, the speaker: Ms. Abrenica, spoke about working hard and striving about
something like getting into a good university. She also opened that there's nothing wrong with trying and if you
fail the first time, make use of your experience. To answer the second question, her points connect to "
Excellence OverDOSE" and the school's pursuit of excellence through the means of working and striving
hard about something, you can achieve lots of excellence in different fields. To answer the third question, I
learned that we should really work smart and hard for something if we really want to achieve it and also grasp
every opportunity we have. To answer the fourth question, we need to ask for the Lord's guidance in these
events so that we can get the Lord's blessing and direction on how we can successfully pull off an event.
Day 2: December 12 - Intramurals Championship & Awarding and Opening
of School Fair Booths
Activity 3 – Exploring Physical and Mental Benefits
Instructions: List down all the benefits, in different physiological aspects of our
body, of each activity conducted during the Intramurals Championship. These
include the following: basketball, volleyball, badminton, chess, e-sports.
Consider both physical and mental aspects.
BASKETBALL - It can help with our balance, coordination, & endurance. It can also help us all stay fit and healthy physically and
mentally. It could get problems off your mind even for just a few moments. It can help us make friends/peers.
VOLLEYBALL - It can help with the circulation of blood, oxygen, and nutrients in our body. It can enhance your energy capacity.
You can also develop fast reflexes and hand-eye coordination. Mentally, it can boost one's mood & drive to succeed.
BADMINTON - It strengthens your heart muscles. It also improves the blood flow through veins and pumps. It also decreases
cholesterol levels and the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Mentally, it can produce happy hormones naturally.
CHESS - It can improve the cognitive function of our brain. It can also test our memory. It can also exercise our minds.
Problem-solving and planning could be improved. Mentally, it can calm the concentration and calms the mind.
E-SPORTS - It could improve a person's teamwork and communication. It can improve the speed of your hands in doing
something. It can develop unique skills. Mentally, it can boost brainpower, the wellbeing, and lessen anxiety.
Activity 4 – Invent a New Game: Integrating Math, Science, and Filipino
During Family Day, observe Palarong Pinoy and identify key elements. Invent a
new game that integrates Math, Science, and Filipino concepts, outlining rules,
objectives, and mechanics. Reflect on the process and consider how this
interdisciplinary approach enhances the educational value of the game.
Reflection Questions:
1. What elements from Larong Pinoy did you incorporate into your new game?
2. How did you integrate Math, Science, and Filipino concepts into the game
3. In what ways can games like these contribute to a fun and educational
experience for students?
The game I invented is called: "Kulong sa Bawat Sulok," it is a game where a a bunch of squares are needed (atleast 5 squares). A
gamemaster which would be the prisoner is in the middle while four participants (police) are at the corners of the square. The
gamemaster would need to prepare questions regarding Math, Science, & Filipino concepts. Every correct answer of a participant is
equivalent to one step forward facing the gamemaster. The one to answer would be decided with regards to who shouted the loudest
(just a simple "HU!"). If a police reaches the last step towards the prisoner, he/she would shout, "HULI KA!" then run away with the
prisoner. The rest of the police can capture the prisoner if she/he dares to run, it would be their decision to help or arrest the prisoner. If
the prisoner runs away, he/she wins. If the cops could run with the prisoner away from the square, the cop who won the question and
answer would win. To answer the first question, I included elements such as teamwork, sportsmanship, and the willingness of the
participants to win. To answer the second question, I integrated the following subjects by making questions regarding the subjects'
concepts. To answer the third question, games like these contribute to a fun and educational experience for students to test what they've
learn from their subjects and as well as a twist to test their critical thinking and fast reflexes skills,
Day 3: December 13 - Family Day: PlLarong Pinoy & Family
Activity 5 – Cultural Integration
Instructions: Research and share insights into the cultural significance of
Palarong Pinoy (traditional Filipino games). How do these games connect with
our cultural heritage, and how can they be linked to subjects like History and
Araling Panlipunan?
The cultural significance of Palarong Pinoy is that it displays the different cultures and practices of Filipinos back
then and it can also improve one's cooperation, sportsmanship, and camaraderie. These games connect with our
cultural heritage because it shows the vision of Filipinos back then. As an example, some games like Patintero and
Piko are to be played outside a house, it shows that Filipinos or should I say the Filipino children back then loves to
play outside and it continues until now. We can integrate it to History and Araling Panlipunan by comparing it to the
culture and history of Filipinos back then, on how they created these types of games as our tradition and culture now.
Activity 6 – Values Collage: Reflecting on Filipino Values and Personal Growth
For this activity, your task is to craft a collage that visually encapsulates Filipino
values and traditions. Use symbols, images, and words that resonate with the
essence of Filipino culture. As you assemble your collage, consider the principles
highlighted in Values Education. Reflect on the significance of family values in
Filipino culture and ponder how these values contribute to your personal growth.
Delve into the interconnectedness of family values and the development of one's
character and ethics. This activity serves as a creative exploration of the cultural
and personal dimensions, fostering an understanding of the role that values play
in shaping individuals within the Filipino context.

Day 4: December 14 - Christmas Jingle Contest & Mr. and Ms. CalNatSci 2023
Activity 7 – Creative Expression Challenge: Multilingual Excellence
Instructions: Engage in a creative expression challenge by crafting a piece that
showcases multilingual excellence. Instead of a Christmas jingle, create a short
poem or spoken word piece that reflects the theme of excellence at CalNatSci.
Express your thoughts in both English and Filipino languages, drawing
inspiration from your Language Arts learnings. Consider incorporating literary
devices and elements such as metaphors, similes, or vivid imagery to convey the
essence of excellence in a multilingual context. This activity aims to celebrate
linguistic diversity and your prowess in language expression.
'Excelenteng' Taglay
OverDOSE! May taglay ba tayong klase?
Mga taong bilib sa ating eskuwela,
Umaasa ba na tayo ay 'excelente'?
Sa bagay, naniniwala akong tayo'y may taglay!
School, Cluster, District, and Regional Level,
Asking for it? Yes, we have lots of labels,
These just show that we're not just intellligent,
But also students who have lots of talent.

Kaya ano pang hinihintay niyo, mga kaibigan?

Ipakita ang inyong talento sa ating eskuwelahan,
Baka sakaling ikaw ang susunod na sasali sa paligsahan
Ano? Kailangan mo ng support? Game kami d'yan!
Activity 8 – Character Sketch: Recognizing Excellence in Peers
Instructions: In this activity, select a candidate from the pool of Mr. and Ms.
CalNatSci participants. Develop a character sketch (bionote) that delves into
their qualities, talents, and envisioned contributions to the school community.
Dive beyond surface attributes and explore the values they embody. Consider
how their unique talents align with the school's pursuit of excellence. This task
is not only an exercise in descriptive writing but also an opportunity to recognize
and appreciate the diverse strengths within our school. By connecting this
activity to subjects like English and Values Education, you can deepen your
understanding of character development, empathy, and the qualities that
contribute to an excellent school community
For this activity, I choose Elaiza Rae Guinto (2nd Place of Ms. CalNatSci 2023) to be my topic and subject. Elaiza Rae
Guinto, a student leader and an intelligent individual that almost everyone on our grade level look up to. She's also the
Grade 8 Representative of the Supreme Student Learner Government '23-'24. She loves to sing and is also good in
public speaking and storytelling. She represented the school and won the cluster level for the Interpretative Reading
Competition. In Grade 7, she is the only one who received the Silver Seal of Excellence on the first quarter and
finished the grade level with the award. Even if me and Elaiza aren't friends in real life, I know that she's one of the
students I want to be friends with because according to her friends and classmates, she has an outgoing, fun, kind,
and lovely personality. Her talents bring recognition to the school's pursuit of excellence as she represents the school
in different competitions and still shines and participates in the competition with her best desire of excellence and
victory. This activity enhances the appropriate use of punctuation marks, capitalizations, and paragraphs (English) and
it ______________________________________________________________________________
also helps individuals to recognize excellence in peers which is humane and good for the values education that
focuses on improving how people could be more appreciative of someone and how we can communicate with them.
Day 5: December 15 - Year-End Party
Activity 9 – Year-End Reflection and Goal Setting
Instructions: Reflect on your achievements this past year and set academic and
personal goals for the coming year. Record these reflections and goals in your
notebook, linking them to your English, Filipino, and Values Education classes.
To start with, the greatest achievement I earned this year is to be able to serve in front of a crowd of Catholics
in church as a lector. I had positive feedbacks so I really had the courage to continue serving for the Lord.
Another is that I finished 7th grade With High Honors and Silver Seal of Excellence. Other than these two, I
achieved being a first year teenager and by this, I think I should get more matured and fit well for my age. In
English class, I managed to express myself through storytelling and public speaking, meanwhile in Filipino
classes, I managed to read poems and stories. In ESP classes, our group managed to reach the grade level
competition for Bible Quiz Bee. As the year ends, I want to set academic and personal goals for my own sake.
want to excel more in my academics especially in English, Filipino, and ESP. I'll make sure that I will study
hard to get higher grades in order to reach the Silver Seal of Excellence. Personally, I want to improve myself
to become a better person and a better peer to my family, friends, and classmates. I also want to become a
good influence to all the people that surrounds me especially that I have two younger cousins and one to
come, I promise and I aspire to stand as an older sister who is responsible for all of her actions and who knows
what she's doing at all times.
Activity 10 – Creative Synthesis: Artistic Expressions of Science and MAPEH
Instructions: Immerse yourself in the fusion of creativity and knowledge by
crafting artwork that symbolizes scientific knowledge or concepts you've
encountered throughout the year. Whether through illustrations, paintings, or
mixed media, bring scientific ideas to life visually. Consider the connection
between art and subjects like Science and MAPEH, showcasing the
interdisciplinary beauty of creative expression and academic learning. This
activity encourages you to explore the aesthetic dimensions of scientific
concepts, reinforcing your understanding through the lens of artistic
interpretation. Embrace the synthesis of science and art, demonstrating how the
two realms harmoniously coexist in the pursuit of knowledge and creativity.

We hope you find this module engaging and insightful as you participate in the
celebration of CalNatSci's 12th Founding Anniversary!


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