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Lecturer: Drs Jonny Haratua Panggabean M.Si

Name : 1.Agtrimas Situmorang (4232421011)
2.Arya Sandro Simanjorang (4233121033)
3.Cesilia Sondang Uli Sitanggang (4233121043)
4.Pio Situmorang (4233121055)
5.Vesona Cahya Rohana Sitanggang (4233121036)
6.Zahwa Risqa Harahap (4232421005)
Course : English For Physics
Class : PSPF 23E




YEAR 2023

We always give thanks for the presence of God Almighty who has provide the
opportunity and ability to continue learning and learning more deeply knowledge. On this
occasion you can complete the preparation of engineering ideas with the title “comparison
between English and Indonesian physics learning”. In the process of preparing this
engineering idea, I received a lot guidance and assistance from played a role preparation of
this idea engineering.

Perfection is what we desire in engineering this idea. What power, perfection is not
ours as humans. We have many shortcomings fix it. Therefore we apologize to readers for the
problems Suggestions and constructive criticism are always welcome to encourage us to be
even better. Once again we say thank you very much.

Medan, 15 December 2022



Foreword ............................................................................................................................. I

List of contents .................................................................................................................... II

Chapter I Introduction ......................................................................................................... 1

Background .................................................................................................................... 1

Formulation of the problem ........................................................................................... 2

Writing purpose .............................................................................................................. 2

Chapter II Discusion ........................................................................................................... 3

Research methods........................................................................................................... 5

Research Steps ............................................................................................................... 5

Chapter III Closing ............................................................................................................. 6

Conclusion...................................................................................................................... 7

Suggestion ...................................................................................................................... 7

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 8



Education has an important role in forming a competent young generation and ready to
face future challenges. One of the subjects to focus on in the educational curriculum in
Indonesia is physics. Learning physics at school Upper secondary school (SMA) aims to
develop conceptual understanding, critical thinking skills, and the application of physics in
everyday life. In In the context of physics learning in Indonesia, language plays a very
important role. Language is used as a means of communication between teachers and
students, as well as in understanding the concept of physics itself. However, there are
significant differences between English and languages Indonesian in terms of sentence
structure, vocabulary and language conventions. Therefore, it is important to understand how
these language differences affect the learning of physics in senior high school (SMA).

Learning physics in English often uses methods that different from learning in
Indonesian. Learning methods in languages English often involves the use of experiments,
group discussions and resources digital. This method aims to encourage students to actively
participate in learning and developing a deeper understanding of concepts. On the other hand,
Physics learning in Indonesian often relies on lectures, practice questions, and simple
experiments. This method is based more on the traditional approach emphasizes the transfer
of knowledge from teacher to student. Although this method can effective in some cases, but
can limit active student participation and development of critical thinking skills.

Differences in learning methods and language use can have an influence Physics
learning outcomes for high school students. Factors such as language comprehension,
motivation, and the quality of teaching can play an important role in influencing
understanding and student achievement in physics. In this context, comparative learning
research physics for high school students in English and Indonesian becomes relevant. Study
this can provide insight into the effectiveness of learning methods and use language in
improving understanding of physics concepts and student achievement. With a better
understanding of these differences, recommendations can be made for improve physics
learning in high school, both in English and linguistics Indonesia.

Thus, this paper aims to analyze learning differences physics for high school students in
English and Indonesian. Through this research, It is hoped that recommendations can be
found that can improve physics learning in high school, so that students can develop a better
understanding of physics concepts and ready to face future challenges.

Formulation of the problem

1. Is there a significant difference in understanding physics concepts between students

who study in Indonesian and students who study in Indonesian English in high
2. What is the academic achievement of students in learning physics in language
Indonesia compared to students studying in English in high school?
3. Are there differences in student participation in physics learning? between students
who study in Indonesian and students who study in English in high school?

Writing purpose

1. Analyzing differences in understanding of physics concepts between students

studying in Indonesian and students studying in English in Junior high school.
2. Comparing students' academic achievements in learning physics in languages
Indonesia with students studying in English in junior high school.
3. Assess differences in student participation in physics learning between students who
study in Indonesian and students who study in English in junior high school.



Comparative study between students who study physics in Indonesian and students who
studied English in high school (SMA) may reveal differences in comprehension physics
concept. The following are several factors that can influence these differences:

1. Vocabulary and Terminology: Students studying physics in English may have greater
access to technical vocabulary and terminology in physics. This can helps them
understand physics concepts better, especially when they access literature and
resources in English. Meanwhile, students are studying physics in Indonesian may
face challenges in understanding the vocabulary and more familiar terminology in
their own language.
2. Communication and Comprehension: Students who study physics in English can has
advantages in communication with international researchers and scientists in field of
physics. They can more easily participate in scientific discussions and collaborations
cross-cultural. However, students who study physics in Indonesian can have
superiority in understanding physics concepts because they use their mother tongue
them more fluently and can communicate well with fellow students and Teacher.
3. Resources and Literature: Students studying physics in English have easier access to
scientific literature and physics resources available in English. They can utilize
textbooks, journals, articles, and resources wider online. On the other hand, students
who study physics in Indonesian may rely on resources tailored to the national
curriculum and local context.
4. Context and Application: Students studying physics in English may have broader
understanding of the application of physics in a global context. They can learn the
latest research, technological developments, and various applications of physics
international field. Meanwhile, students study physics in Indonesian may focus more
on local contexts, such as the application of physics in industry or the environment
around them.

However, it is important to remember that understanding physics concepts is not

complete depending on the language used. Other factors such as teaching methods, quality

teachers, and the learning environment also play an important role in students' understanding
of physics concepts.

Comparison of academic achievement between students studying physics in language

Indonesia and students studying English in high school can provide insight about differences
in their achievements in physics learning. The following is Several factors can influence these

1. Language Competence: Students studying physics in English may have superiority in

understanding physics material because they have language competence Good
English. They can easily understand instructions, texts, and explanations in English,
which can help them in understanding physics concepts better. On the other hand,
students who study physics in Indonesian may facing challenges in understanding
physics material presented in language English, especially if they have limited
English language competence.
2. Learning Resources and Materials: Students studying physics in English may have
easier access to deep learning resources and materials English. They can utilize
textbooks, journals, articles, and resources online available in English. These
resources may be broader and more extensive up-to-date compared to the resources
available in Indonesian. However, students studying physics in Indonesian can also
use the resources and learning materials adapted to the national curriculum and local
3. Teaching Methods and Curriculum: Teaching methods and curriculum used You can
also learn physics in Indonesian and English affect student academic achievement.
Effective and relevant teaching methods with context students can improve their
understanding of physics concepts. The curriculum Well structured and tailored to
student needs can also contribute on better academic achievement.
4. Learning Environment: Learning environment can also influence academic
performance student. Students studying physics in English may have a chance to
interact with international students and teachers, as well as get involved in projects
cross-cultural collaboration. This can increase their motivation and interest in it
physics learning. On the other hand, students who study physics in Indonesian may be
more familiar with their learning environment and can feel more comfortable in
actively participating in learning.

Research Methods

Writing of research results is carried out descriptively or through descriptions

uniformly changing rectilinear motion (GLBB) material that describes and explains research

Research Steps

Writing of research results is also done descriptively or through descriptive descriptions

uniformly changing rectilinear motion (GLBB) material that describes and explains the
subject study.




Language competency influences students' understanding and participation in learning

physics. Students who study in English have an advantage in comprehension physics material
because they have good English language competence. Meanwhile, students who study in
Indonesian may feel more confident in it participate because they use their mother tongue
more fluently. Source learning resources and materials are different between English and
Indonesian. Student those studying in English may have easier access to resources resources
and learning materials in English, which can improve understanding they. However, students
studying in Indonesian can also use the resource resources adapted to the national curriculum
and local context.

Teaching methods and curriculum that are effective and relevant to the student's context
important to increase students' understanding and participation in physics learning, regardless
of the language used. An interactive, explorative and based approach practicum can help
students understand physics concepts better.Environment learning and social factors
influence student participation in physics learning. Students who feel comfortable and
motivated in their learning environment tend to participate more actively. Collaboration
between students and teachers can also improve students' understanding and involvement in
physics learning. It is important for educators to create an inclusive environment and support
the participation of students from various backgrounds behind language. Educators must
consider students' needs and preferences choose the most effective language of instruction for
learning physics. Educators must too ensuring that resources and learning materials are
tailored to needs students in the language used.


English is the language of international communication that is commonly used in

conferences, seminars and scientific collaborations. By studying physics in English, students
will be able to communicate more easily with international colleagues and participate in
global scientific activities.Improved understanding of physics concepts: Learning physics in
English can help students deepen their understanding of physics concepts. English often used
in scientific explanations and mathematical formulations in physics, so that students will be
familiar with the terms and notation used in physics globally. So It is necessary to expand the
research sample to get more results representative, Analysis of other factors that influence
students' understanding of physics concepts to help students use English in physics learning.


Asrizal, A. (2011). Analisis Hasil Uji Implementasi Bahan Ajar Fisika Berbasis ICT Dalam

Bahasa Inggris pada Pembelajaran Siswa R-SMA-BI Kelas X di Kota Padang.

Asrizal, A., Yurnetti, Y., & Ramli, E. (2010). Implementasi Bahan Ajar Berbasis Multimedia

Interaktif Berbahasa Inggris dalam Pembelajaran Fisika pada Siswa R-SMA-BI

KelaS X di SMAN 1 Padang.

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