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Kinetics of the Liquid-phase Oxidation

of Ethanol
John Klassen and R. S. Kirk
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin

A study was made of the rate of liquid-phase oxidation of ethanol to acetic acid.
A n aqueous, basic solution of ethanol was allowed to trickle over a palladium-on-
alumina catalyst in a packed tower while oxygen-containing gas was blown upward.
The observed rates are described by an equation including a kinetic term and a
mass transfer term for the diffusion of oxygen. Kinetic rate constants and gas- and
liquid-film mass transfer coefficients are reported.

This paper reports the results work might be extended to the sis. Sodium carbonate was then
obtained in a rate study of a re- roughly analogous process of a tried and proved to be successful.
action system in which both dif- trickling filter. From this view- Concentrations usually of the order
fusion and kinetic effects a r e point i t was especially desirable t o of 0.1 molar were used. No attack
important. The object of the ex- choose a reaction which can also on the carrier was noticed and the
periment was to determine t h e be accomplished bacteriologically. ethanol oxidized was completely
magnitude of both effects and to The liquid rates were in the range converted to the acid. Infrared
evaluate kinetic r a t e and mass used f o r trickling filters. analysis and aldehyde tests showed
transfer coefficients f o r the system. The choice of palladium a s the t h a t little or no acetaldehyde was
A solution of ethanol and sodium catalyst was based on work of being formed.
carbonate was allowed to trickle Mueller and Schwabe (6), who oxi- The equations used to correlate
through a tower packed with pal- dized ethanol in a batch reactor the data are derived in the follow-
ladium-on-alumina catalyst while using various platinum-group ing sections. F i r s t the kinetic rate
oxygen-containing gas was blown metals a s catalysts. Their work in- equation, in terms of activities of
upward through the tower. The dicated that any of these metals the components at the catalyst sur-
ethanol was oxidized to acetic acid, could be used as catalysts but all face, will be introduced. Then the
which then reacted with the sodium catalysts with the exception of mass transfer equations will be
carbonate to form sodium acetate. palladium required a n incubation developed, relating the activity of
The reaction studied is as follows: period. As it was found t h a t oxygen a t the catalyst surface t o
alumina would not interfere by the oxygen concentration of the
catalyzing t h e reaction, a pal- gas stream. It will be shown that
ladium-on-alumina catalyst contain- t h e diffusion effects of the ethanol,
ing 5% palladium was obtained. sodium carbonate, and sodium ace-
The alumina carrier was in the t a t e may be neglected.
form of irregularly shaped parti-
In most cases the liquid rate t o cles, Yi t o 344 in. in size.
the tower was just sufficient to Mueller and Schwabe also tried DEVELOPMENT OF RATE
acid, alkaline, and neutral reac- EQUATIONS
maintain a film of liquid on the
catalyst. Liquid and gas flow rates; tion media. They found t h a t in a This system involves the con-
partial pressure of 0,; and con- neutral solution no reaction oc- sideration of mass transfer across
centration of ethanol, sodium car- curred; in acid solution, the ethanol the gas and liquid films, a catalytic
bonate, and sodium acetate were was oxidized to acetaldehyde; and reaction on t h e surface of the
all varied to produce sufficient data in basic solution, ncetic acid was catalyst, and diffusion of the prod-
from which the rate constants formed. It was desir?h!P to pro- ucts away from t h e catalyst. This
could be evaluated. duce acetic acid as the pruduct of is shown pictorially in Figure 1.
The oxidation of ethanol was the reaction because of the sim- Oxygen is transferred from the
chosen for investigation because i t plicity of analysis. Thus i t ap- gas phase through the gas film and
was known that t h e reaction pro- peared necessary to use a basic two liquid films t o the catalyst
ceeds smoothly a t room tempera- solution f o r the experiments. Pre- surface. The ethanol and CO,= ion
ture. Chemical analysis of t h e liminary work showed t h a t eve3 diffuse through one liquid film to
system would also be relatively ac- dilute sodium hydroxide solutions t h e catalyst; t h e HC03- and AcO-
curate and simple. Furthermore it attacked the alumina carrier. Am- ions diffuse away from the catalyst.
was hoped t h a t the results of this monia inhibited t h e reaction com- There are many plausible rate
-__ pletely. Various lower amines were equations for the catalytic reaction,
John Klassen is with E. I. du Pont de Ne.
mours Company, Ltd., Canada. tried, and while these did not in- but i t is impossible to do more than
Complete tabular material has been deposited hibit the reaction they proved so select a most likely equation by
as document 4706 with the American Documen- volatile t h a t extra precautions had
tation Institute Photoduplication Service Li- inspection. The rate equations were
hrary of Congrks. Washington 25, D. C.: and to be taken to prevent substantial developed by the methods sug-
may be purc!iased for $1.25 for microfilm or
photoprints. loss and consequent errors in analy- gested by Hougen and Watson ( 4 ) .

Page 488 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

The equation which best fits the Step 2 is a summation of several Correlation of the data indicated
data is second-order reactions. Intermedi- t h a t ethanol was not adsorbed on
ates, including acetaldehyde and its the catalyst, and thus no term for
lct aei a,bt a,;
= _________- hydroxylated form, a r e produced ethanol adsorption appears in
(1 + KIU,;+ Kzu~;)' during reaction ( 3 ) . For lack of in-
formation concerning t h e actual
Equation (1).
When standard states of unit
r ' = r a t e of reaction, lb. moles/ course of the reaction, the inter- molarity are assigned for the
(hi".) (Ib. of catalyst) mediate steps have been summar- ethanol, acetate ion, and sodium
kt= over-all kinetic r a t e constant ized in step 2. carbonate; 1 atm. pressure is as-
a,,, abi,a,, = activity at the catalyst The kinetic steps postulated signed f o r the 0,; and ideal be-
surface of ethanol, carbonate above and their result, Equation havior is assumed, Equation (1)
ion, and oxygen, respectively (1),can be justified by the follow- becomes
K , = adsorption equilibrium con- ing information. When all vari-
stant for oxygen ables except t h e partial pressure
K , = adsorption equilibrium con- of oxygen were held constant, the
stant f o r acetate ion rate of reaction increased with in-
This equation may be developed creasing O2 partial pressure. The
on the assumption t h a t the reac- plot of these data suggested t h a t where


-i I
Fig. 1. Diagram of reactor mechanism.

tion takes place by the following the oxygen was adsorbed on the Nei, Nbi,Na,= molarity a t the inter-
steps : catalyst. It was also found t h a t face of ethanol, sodium car-
1. Adsorption of O2 on a catalyst the rate was influenced by the con- bonate, and acetatelion
site centration of t h e carbonate ion; poi= partial pressure of O2 a t the
this would indicate that step 2 interface, atm.
0 2 + Z-+Oz*Z above is the rate-controlling step. Equation ( 2 ) is the basic equa-
2. Reaction of ethanol with the Equation (1) is based on step 2 tion used to correlate the data;
adsorbed 0 2 , an active site, and being r a t e controlling. The thermo- however, the interfacial concentra-
carbonate ion to yield adsorbed dynamic data(7) for the reaction tions must be related t o measur-
acetate ion and water and free EtOh(aq.) +
(aq.) -+ NaAcO(aq.)
02(s> Na2C0,
+ NaHCO,
able quantities if this equation is
t o be useful.
bicarbonate ion
(aq.) H,O(Z) shows that AGO = MASS TRANSFER OF
Z + E t O H + 0 z . Z + COY -+ -118.7 kcal./g.mole. The equilib-
rium constant has a value of 1 X
The concentrations of ethanol
Z-AcO-+ Z*HzO + HCOB 1 0 x 7 ; consequently t h e reverse re-
action may be neglected.
and carbonate were greater than
0.02 molar. The acetate concentra-
3. Desorption of the adsorbed Equation (1) does not contain tion was either greater than 0.02
acetate ion and water a water adsorption term because molar (when acetic acid was added
the water was present in large to t h e feed) or so close t o zero t h a t
excess; its activity would be con- the term K,Nai i n Equation (2)
was negligible. The oxygen was
Z*HzO-+ Z + HzO stant and the resulting r a t e equa-
tion would reduce to Equation ( 1 ) - the limiting reactant, the maximum

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 489

concentration, corresponding to a liquid film to a solid a t low flow
k L = ELP (8)
saturated solution, being 0.0003 rates. They propose the following
molar. Thus if all the oxygen i n a equation for the liquid-film mass where
saturated solution reacted, the transfer coefficient: kL = combined liquid-phase mass
maximum concentration difference transfer coefficient, lb. moles/
of the other components across the (hr.) (lb. of packing) (atm.)
liquid film surrounding the catalyst S = a constant
would be 0.0003 molar. The inter- where
facial composition would then be Equations (4) and (5) may be
about (0.02 - 0.0003), or ap- kLza= liquid mass transfer coeffi- combined to give an over-all mass
proximately 0.02. As complete re- cient a t t h e liquid-solid in- transfer coefficient, K,,
action does not occur, the concen- terface, 1b.molesi (hr.) (cu.ft.)
tration difference is even smaller; (1b.molesicu.ft.)
consequently the interfacial com- For the system under investiga-
positions of ethanol, carbonate, tion the diffusion coefficients and
and acetate may be taken a s the The rate of reaction is equal to
viscosity and density of the solu- the rate of diffusion of 0, from
main sLream compositions without tions remained approximately con-
introduction of serious error. the gas phase to the catalyst sur-
stant because the concentration of
the solutions was not changed sub- face, 01-
The sites of the major resistance stantially. Equations (5) and ( 6 )
may be rewritten as T = B,( P o - Poi) ( 10)
to diffusion of the oxygen a r e the where
gas and liquid films a t the gas-
liquid interface and the liquid film =
~ L U QiL" ~ L , U= Q2L0'5 r = rate of reaction, lb. moles/
a t the catalyst surface. The follow- (hr.) (lb. of catalyst)
where Q1 and Q, are empirical con-
ing equation for gas-film transfer K, = over-all mass transfer coeffi-
coefficients has been proposed ( 5 ) : stant s. cient, Ib.moles/ (hr.) (lb. of
It is likely t h a t it would be diffi-
catalyst) (atrn.)
cult to determine separate values
kGa = B L" G (3) for the exponent of L. Assuming p , = partial pressure of oxygen in
where the gas phase, atm.
that the two exponents have the
p,, = partial pressure of oxygen at
k,a = gas-phase mass transfer co- same value, p , the two coefficients
may be combined to give an over- t h e catalyst surface, atm.
efficient, lb. moles/ (hr.) (cu.
ft. of packing) (atrn.) all liquid-phase coefficient : F o r purposes of correlation i t is
L = liquid mass velocity, lb./ (hr.) convenient t o combine Equations
(sq.ft.) kLta = QLp (7) ( 2 ) and (10) to give
G = gas mass velocity, lb./ (hr.) where
(1 + Kip,i + K*Na)* 1
B , m, n = empirical constants kL,a = combined mass transfer co-
efficient for diffusion in the
p IT= _______-- + --
k t Nb Ne I&
h value of 0.8 is usually assigned (11)
liquid phase, lb. moles/ (hr.)
to n. If Equation ( 3 ) is divided by
(cu.ft.) (Ib.moles/cu.ft.) Or, if the equivalent of KOis sub-
the bulk density of the catalyst to
convert to a basis of 1 lb. of pack- stituted from Equations (4), ( 8 ) ,
Equation (7) may be divided by
ing and (91,
the bulk density of the packing to
convert to a basis of 1 Ib. of pack-
k, = BL"Go.8 (4) ing, and by Henry's constant f o r
where O2 t o convert the driving force
from concentration units to par-
k, = gas-phase mass transfer co- tial-pressure units (atrn.) . The re-
efficient, lb.moles/ (hr.) (lb. of sult is
catalyst) (atrn.)
For liquid-film coefficients at a
gas-liquid interface, the following
equation is suggested (5) OAS -

k,a = liquid-phase mass transfer
coefficient, lb. moles/ (hr.)
( a f t . of packing) (lb. moles/
D = diffusion coefficient, sq.ft./hr.
p = viscosity of liquid, lb./ (ft.)
? = density of liquid, lb./cu.ft.
a = constant
p = c o n s t a n t with a value of 0.5
to 0.7 f o r various packings
Van Krevelen and Krekels (9) SCRUBBER PRODWT

studied mass transfer through a Fig. 2 . Diagram of apparatus.

Page 490 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

TABLEL-RANGE O F VARIABLES INVESTIGATED water jacket surrounding the reactor.
Thus the reactor temperature was
Variable Notation Range measured by taking the jacket tem-
Gas flow rate G 1-10 lb./(hr.)(sq. ft.) perature. This procedure was justi-
fied f o r all gas and liquid flow rates
Liquid flow rate L 50-235 lb./(hr.) (sq. ft.)
and gas temperatures.
Oxygen partial pressure in gas p, 0-1 atm. Experiments proved that no homo-
Ethanol concentration N&? 0.05-1.0 molar geneous reaction was occurring and
Sodium carbonate concentration Nb 0.1-0.3 molar that the alumina carrier was not dis-
Acetate concentration N a 0-0.15 molar solving.
Temperature t 23" and 45" C.
where pressure-regulating valves to rotame- The analytical procedure was
ters. The pressure was measured with based on t h e conversion of ethanol
Na,N,, N , = molarity of acetate a water manometer, temperature by
ion, sodium carbonate, a n d to acetic acid. Aldehyde and ketone
thermometers. The gases after leaving
ethanol, respectively, in t h e the meters were combined and piped t o tests gave negative results; analyti-
a surge tank, from which they passed cal tests by the Chemistry Depart-
main stream
through a caustic scrubber t o remove ment at t h e University of Wiscon-
Equations (11) and (12) a r e carbon dioxide and then to a saturator sin confirmed t h e presence of ace-
the completely developed forms of where the gases were bubbled through t a t e ions. Thus i t could be safely
the r a t e equation ( 2 ) , involving some of the liquid feed to minimize assumed t h a t all the ethanol con-
all t h e variables. The methods used evaporation in the reactor. It was verted was oxidized to acetic acid.
to determine t h e constants in these not necessary t o adjust the tempera- The conversion f o r any given
equations a r e discussed in t h e fol- ture of the gas before it entered the r u n was determined f r o m t h e dif-
lowing sections. reactor. The reactor temperature was ference of acetic acid content of
controlled by pumping warm water
the feed and product. The analysis
from a thermostatted water bath
EQUIPMENT through the various water jackets f o r acetic acid involved t h e back
A flow sheet of the equipment is and condensers. Spun-glass insula- titration of t h e alkaline sodium
shown in Figure 2. tion with an aluminum foil cover was carbonate solutions with acetic
The reactor consisted of a 20-in. used t o insulate the jackets and water acid by use of a glass-electrode pH
length of 64-mm. glass tubing sur- lines. All tanks and containers in the meter to locate t h e end point 01
rounded by a water jacket. The system were glass bottles. The piping, t h e titration. It was difficult to
catalyst was palladium supported on except f o r a few fittings on the locate precisely t h e end point f o r
alumina ( 5 % palladium by weight) ; pumps, was glass and Tygon tubing. each titration, but t h e titration
the particle size ranged from 1/8 t o
l/a in. A bed depth of 7 in. was used PROCEDURE curves f o r feed and product samples
(about 1 lb. of catalyst). A 7.5-in. Three gallons of feed were made were parallel in t h e region of the
layer of 4-mm. glass beads was placed up for each run. First the warm end points. Thus the change in
above the bed and a similar 4-in. water was circulated t o the preheater acetic acid concentration could be
layer below the bed to ensure uni- and reactor jacket. Then the tanks, measured by taking t h e difference
form gas and liquid flow patterns. piping, and reactor were thoroughly between the titration curves with-
The liquid feed t o the reactor en- flushed out with some of the feed out a knowledge of the exact end
tered at the top through a distributor solution t o be used. The gas flow points.
equipped with four fine nozzles (ori- rates were adjusted to the desired The total sodium carbonate con-
fice diameter = 0.0135 in.). The dis- values and then the gas was allowed centration of the feed was deter-
tributor was fed from a constant- to flow into the reactor to purge it.
head device to which liquid feed was The liquid-feed tank was charged and mined by titration with hydro-
pumped from the supply tank. Flow the liquid admitted t o the reactor a t chloric acid to t h e methyl orange
rates were measured with a rota- the desired rate, thus starting the end point.
meter. A Graham condenser was used run.
as the feed preheater, warm water RESULTS
All runs were conducted f o r a
being the heating medium. A 1-in. period of 2 hr. when i t was shown Table 1 shows t h e variables and
depth of liquid was maintained at that after 2 hr. operation, steady- their ranges, which were investi-
the bottom of the reactor t o act a s state conditions were reached. At the gated.
a gas seal. end of the 2 hr. samples of the feed
Mixtures of air, oxygen, and nitro- and product solutions were with- Calculation Procedures
gen were used t o produce various drawn. The gas and liquid rates and I n the evaluation of t h e constants
partial pressures of oxygen in the temperatures were maintained con-
gas fed t o the reactor. The air was stant throughout the run. of Equation (12), mean values of
taken from the laboratory service Less than 0.4"C. difference in tem- the concentration terms were used
lines, the oxygen and nitrogen from perature was found between the re- as the reaction caused a change in
cylinders. The gases passed through actor bed a t inlet and outlet and the concentration. This change was of
t h e order of 4yo; because it was
so small, t h e arithmetic average
TABLE2.-sAMPLE DATA-RUN 120 of inlet and outlet concentrations
was used as t h e mean. Table 2 con-
G = 10.72 lb./(hr.) (sq. ft.) p, =0.205 atm. tains t h e d a t a f r o m a sample run,
L = 145 !b./(hr.) (sq. ft.) t = 32.0 "C. r u n 120.
r = 1 943 X 10-j lb. moles acetate formed/(hr.) (lb. of catalyst) Temperature corrections were
Concentrations (molarity) introduced in t h e correlation of
data f r o m those r u n s which could
Inlet Outlet Average not be maintained at t h e desired
0.200 0.196 0.198 temperature. T h e values of the
0.0984 0.0940 0.0962 constants at t h e lower temperature
0.0466 0.0510 0.0488 a r e reported f o r t h e average of the

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 491

L, LB./IHR.)(SQ.FT.)
Fig. 4. Effect of liquid mass velocity on gas-phase
mass transfer coefficients.

l/Go**- G IN LB.I(HR.I(SQ.FT.1
Fig. 3 . Correlation of reaction rate with gas
mass velocity.


(14) AT 23.7"C.
Liquid flow rate,
lb./(hr.) (sq. ft.) A x 10-4 bx l o 4
234 0.733 0.807
145 ,734 1.359
96.2 1.033 2.415
71.6 1.602 1.304 1/L0e6, L IN LB./(HR.)(SQ. FT.)
54.6 1.4111 1.621 Fig. 5. Correlation of liquid phase mass transfer
coefficients a t 23.7"C.
temperatures of the runs used in the assumption of constant 'poi in may be written as A = R 1ISLp +
a particular correlation. this correlation does not introduce where R represents the chemical
The actual mathematical evalua- a large error. reaction terms. Again assuming R
tion of the constants was done by Then by varying only the gas constant, R, S , and p were evalu-
the method of least squares. flow rate, the constants A and b ated from the data of Table 3.
of Equation (13) may be evalu- Values of p from 0.4 to 0.8 were
Gas-phase Mass Transfer Coefficients
ated. Table 3 reports t h e values assumed and R and S were evalu-
For a given liquid rate, if the obtained for various constant liquid ated. The best fit was obtained for
concentrations of the reactants and rates. Figure 3 illustrates the data p = 0.6, although the other values
products a r e held constant, Equa- for a liquid mass velocity of 145 correlated reasonably well. Figure
tion (12) reduces to and temperatures of 23.7 and 5 illustrates the data f o r 23.7"C.
45.8"C. The term R initially was found to
yo/r = A + -_
(13) From Equation (12) the para-
meter b is related t o the liquid
be zero; subsequently it was found
t h a t R = 0.136 X lo*. Using this
Go.8 rate by l i b = BLm. value of R and recalculating give
where A and b are constants. the constants a t 23.7"C. as
The values of t h e constants B and R = 0.136 X lo4
This incorrectly presumes t h a t poi m may be determined from the
will remain constant. Variations in p = 0.6
data of Table 3 by plotting log S = 6.63 X 10-6
gas rate will affect the rate of ( l / b ) vs. log L. This is shown in
transfer of oxygen, and thus poL. Similarly a t 45°C.
Figure 4. At 23.7"C. these values R = 0.136 X lo4
It is extremely difficult to evaluate are
the constants in Equation (12) p = 0.6
B = 0.098 x 10-4 S = 9.18 X 10-6
without making this assumption. m = 0.4
The later correlations show that R, Oxygen Adsorption Equilibrium
the resistance to reaction of the Similarly a t 45°C. m = 0.4 and B = Constant K 1
chemical terms [ R = A - (l/SLP) 1 0.055 X The most convenient form of
is about 0.13 X 1 0 4 ; whereas the Liquid-phase Mass Transfer Equation (1) for determining the
totai resistance (p,,/~-) varies be- Coefficients oxygen adsorption equilibrium con-
tween 0.8 X lo4 and 3.5 X lo4. Thus The term A of Equation (13) stant K , is

Page 492 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955


0 0.05 0.10 0.I

Fig. ti. Correlation of reaction r a t e with oxygen Fig. 7. Correlation of reaction r a t e with acetic acid
partial pressure a t 28.6"C. concentration at 29.3" C.

vided the value of v k k , N , N ,is con-
stant. The operating conditions
were such that t h e value of
v k , N , N , would be the same as in
+ ------
Kz Na the previous section.
Figure 7 is the graph of Equa-
and dia3T ~XTNTN~ tion (16) at 29.3"C. The value of
1)oi = p o - r/Ko it will be seen t h a t the equation K , is obtained by dividing the
is linear with respect to N , pro- slope of the line by the intercept.
Values of KO, the over-all mass
transfer coefficient, may be calcu- The results of this correlation are
lated from the previously deter- TABLE4.-sUMMARY OF RESULTS K,=9.05 a t 29.3"C.
mined quantities by the equation = 25.9 a t 45.0"C.
7 =
I<&, Nb Poi
1 1
__ -
- __-
~ ~ 0
. 6
(15) (1 + KIP,^ X KzNJ2 Kinetic Rate Constant, k,
The value of t h e rate constant
BLO.'G~.~ . p o.2 = p - 7 1 1 ~ kt is obtained directly from Equa-
The lower temperature of 23.7"C. tion (11):
could not be maintained a t this 1 1 1
time. The average temperature rose - = _
+ -I<,
to 28.6"C. Interpolating f o r t h e k G
proper vaIues of B and S, gave -17,000
1/K, = 0.925 X lo4 a t 28.6"C. and In kt = ~
+ -49.3
(1 + KI + Kz NJ2
1 / K , = 0.590 X l o 4 a t 45°C. RT R
The operating variables, except
p o were held constant; under these In K 1 = ___
circumstances Equation (14) re- RT R
All the constants but kt have been
duced to a linear equation. If -12,750 46.0 determined so t h a t all the terms
+ p o l r - l / K o is plotted vs. poi, a In K1 = ~-
+-- in t h e equation may be calculated.
straight line should be obtained Then if p,lr is plotted vs. (1 +
with a slope of XII\/kJVcNb and a n Temperature
range of
K , poi K2N,)'/N,Nh a straight
intercept of (1+ K,N,) I v k , N , N b . 23.7" to 45.0" C line should result with a slope of
This is shown in Figure 6. The l i k , and an intercept of l / K o . The
value of K , is obtained by dividing Temperature = 23.7" C. plot of the data a t 29.5"C. is shown
the slope by the intercept of t h e ~ C G = 0.098X10-4 LO.4G0.8
in Figure 8. Five points falling
curve when N , = 0. From the aver- kGa = 4.46X10-4 L0,4G0.8 within the labeled square were
age of the slopes of the two curves ~ C L = 6.63X10-fi L0.n
omitted from the correlation, with
of Figure 6, a t 28.6"C. K , = 5.3. k,',a = 3.62LO.G the result that
Similarly a t 45°C. K , = 4.3. k , = 0 . 0 3 2 a t 29.5"C.
Temperature = 45.0" C. = 0.128 a t 45.0"C.
Acetic Acid Adsorption Equilibrium kG = O.055X1O4 Lo.4Go.s
Constant, K , Temperature Effects
k,a = 2.5OX10-4 L O 4Go.S
If Equation (11) is written in k> = 9.18XlO--fiLo.6 The constants K , , K , and k, may
the form kL,u = 6.85Lo.6 be related to the temperature

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 493






0 200 400 600 800 1000

( I + KiPoi + K2Na 12/Ne Nb
Fig. 8. Correlation of reaction rate with ethanol and sodium
carbonate concentrations a t 29.5"C.

change by the equation the feed concentrations ( a s is

necessary to evaluate t h e con- Fig. 9. Comparison of gas mass
stants) frequently caused unusual transfer correlations.
rates of reaction. It is felt t h a t the
where buffering action of the acetate-
carbonate system obscured rate oxygen absorption may be com-
AH = enthalpy change of reaction changes caused by changes in the pared directly with the ammonia
or activation feed composition. A more positive results.
A S = entropy change of reaction means of analysis would also be Gas-film mass transfer coeffi-
or activation desirable, as duplicate runs had as cients have been correlated with
The appropriate equations a r e re- much as 15% difference in con- the following equation(C,5) :
ported in the summary, Table 4. version.
Within the limits of analysis, &a = B' I,'"($'' (3)
the catalyst showed constant activ- 6' is a constant dependent on the
Independent Calculation of Intercepts
ity during the period of experi- size of the packing. The value of m
The intercepts of Figure 4 mentation. reported is about 0.4, the same
through 7 may be calculated from value determined in this paper.
the known values of the constants. Comparison of Results with Published It is interesting to compare a
This serves as a check on the cal- Data plot of B' vs. the nominal diameter
culations. The calculated and Most data on gas-phase mass of the packing, as shown in Figure
graphically determined values a r e transfer coefficients have been ob- 9. The value of B' f o r the packing
listed in Table 5. tained from t h e study of the am- used in this experiment is 0.00045,
Comparison of Calculated and monia-air-water system. Sherwood and the diameter is assumed to be
Experimental Rates of Reaction and Holloway(8) showed that dif- the average of the particle-size
ferent solutes affect the coefficients range (l/s t o 1/4 in.), o r 0.188 in.
The rate of reaction for any run
only in proportion to t h e 0.17 Liquid-phase mass transfer co-
may be calculated by a trial-and- power of the diff usivities. Thus the efficients have been correlated by
error procedure by use of the de- results reported in this paper for t h e equation ( 5 ) :
termined vaiues of the constants.
The average percentage of error
tal values is 27.2. A total of sixty-
seven runs was used in the calcu- Intercept
lations; of these, two runs had Calculated Graphical
errors in excess of 100%. Figure Temp."C. value value
The differences between calcu-
4 23.7 0.2X104 0.136x104
lated and experimental rates of
reaction may be ascribed to tem-
perature variations, the chemical 45.0 0.066X104 0.136X104
nature of the system, and the meth-
od of analysis. 5 28.6 41.3 39.8
The correlations show that the
constants change appreciably with 77.1 120
temperature. Better results could 45.0 21.4 31.4
be obtained by maintaining con-
stant temperature; the agreement 6 29.3 40.5 34.8
between calculated and experimen-
tal rates is 1~11~cl-i better for the
45°C. runs than f o r the lower tem- 45.0 20.4 26.8
perature runs, where the tempera-
7 28.6 0 . 9 2 5 lo4
~ 0.924 x lo4
ture varied. Inspection of the data
Indicates t h a t large variations in 45.0 K 0.590 x lo4 0.631 x 1O.l

Page 494 A.1.Ch.E. Journal December, 1955

K,, = effective mass transfer co-
efficient for all diffusion in
the liquid phase, lb. moles/
where u is a constant dependent on (hr.) (sq.ft) (lb. moIes/cu.ft.)
packing size and p is a constant of kL= effective mass transfer coeffi-
value 0.5 to 0.8 cient for all diffusion in the
The value of p=O.6 reported liquid phase, lb. moles/ (hr.)
here f o r oxygen absorption seems (lb. of packing) (atm.)
reasonable when compared with the kt = over-all kinetic rate constant
foregoing values. Figure 10 shows I = symbol fsr a single active site
a plot of a vs. packing diameter. on the catalyst
From the data given in P e r r y ( 7 ) m = empirical constant
for D and Nsc, u for this packing N,, Nh, N , = average molarity in
is calculated to be 3,190. the main liquid stream of
It is difficult to estimate the in- acetate ion, carbonate ion,
dividual liquid-film coefficients at and ethanol, respectively
the gas-liquid and liquid-solid in- Nai,Nhi, Nei = average molarity at
terfaces, but the apparent agree- n EXPERIMENTAL DATA ’ the catalyst surface of acetate
ment between the results and Mol- o DATA FROM LITERATURE
20 ion, carbonate ion, and
stad’s correlations would indicate ethanol, respectively
that the major resistance to mass 10 I I I 1- p = empirical constant
transfer in the liquid phase is a t PACKING DIAMETER. INCHES p , = partial pressure of oxygen in
the gas-liquid interface. This may the main gas stream, atm.
be corroborated by estimating a Fig. 10 Comparison of liquid mass p,, = partial pressure of oxygen at
coefficient for the other liquid film transfer correlations.
the catalyst surface, atm.
from Equation ( 6 ) . Brown(1) in- Q = empirical constant
dicates that the surface area per fully acknowledged. Thanks are due + +
R ( 1 Kip,, K2Na)21k,NeNb

volume of packing is approximately J. A. Fairall, formerly of U.S.P.H.S., R = gas constant = 1.987 cal./g.
six times t h e area of a sphere of from whose suggestion this project mole) (“K.)
the same diameter as the packing developed. Y = rate of reaction, lb. moles/
(0.188 in.). Coefficients calculated (hr.) (Ib. of catalyst)
on this basis a r e about four times NOTATION S = empirical constant
as large as the experimental values, A S = entropy change of reaction or
an indication that the liquid film activation, cal./ (g.mole) (OK.)
a t the gas-liquid interface offers T = absolute temperature, “K.
more resistance t o mass transfer a = interfacial packing area, sq. t =temperature, “C.
than does the liquid film at the f t. I cu.ft. a = empirical constant
catalyst surface. a,,,a,,,a,,,a,, = activity of acetate p = liquid viscosity, lb./ (ft.) (hr.)
ion, carbonate ion, ethanol p = liquid density, Ib./cu.ft.
CONCLUSIONS and oxygen, respectively, a t p R =bulk density of catalyst, lb./
It may be concluded t h a t the the catalyst surface cu.ft. = 45.5
equations presented in Table 3 cor- B = empirical constant
relate the data reasonably well. b = empirical constant
The various parameters in the D = liquid diffusion coefficient, sq. LITERATURE CITED
mass transfer equations agree with f t.1 hr. 1. Brown, G. G., and associates,
previously published work ( 2 , 5 ) . G = gas mass velocity, Ib./ (hi-.) “Unit Operations,” John Wiley
Figures 9 and 10 indicate t h a t (sq.ft.) and Sons, Inc., New York (1950).
packing size may have a consider- H =Henry’s law constant, atm./ 2. Dwyer, 0. E., and B. F. Dodge,
able effect on mass transfer coeffi- (lb. moles/cu.ft.) ; f o r oxygen, I n d . Eiig. Chein., 33, 485 (1941).
cients. H = 1.20 x 104 3. Egloff, G., in “Organic Chemis-
It has been shown that f o r this 1H = enthalpy change of reaction try,” edited by H. Gilman, vol. I,
system-oxidation of dilute alcohol or activation, cal./g. mole John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
KO= over-all mass transfer coeffi- York (1943).
solutions trickling over a palladium 4. Hougen, 0. A., and K. M. Watson,
catalyst countercurrent to a flow cient, Ib. moles/ (hr.) (lb. of
catalyst) (atm.) “Chemical Process Principles,”
of oxygen-containing gas-appreci- 111, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
able resistance to reaction is en- I<, = adsorption equilibrium con- New York (1947).
countered in both gas and liquid stant for oxygen 5. Molstad, M. C., J. F. McKinney,
films. Increased rates of reaction K 2 = adsorption equilibrium con- and R. G. Abbey, Trans. Am.
may be obtained by increasing t h e stant f o r acetate ion Inst. Chem. Engrs., 39, 605
gas or liquid flow rates and also by k, = gas-film mass transfer coeffi- (1943).
increasing the oxygen content of cient, lb. moles/ (hr.) (sq.ft.) 6 . Mueller, E., and K. Schwabe,
the gas. (atm.) Kolloid-Z., 52, 163 (1930).
k G= gas-film mass transfer coeffi- 7. Perry, J. H., ed., “Chemical En-
ACKNOWLEDGMENT cient, lb. moles/ (hr.) (lb. of gineer’s Handbook,” 3 ed., Mc-
The authors wish t o acknowledqe catalyst) (atrn.) Graw-Hill Book Company, Inc.,
the financial assistance given by the kL = liquid-film mass transfer co- New York (1950).
Wisconsin Alumni Research Fmnda- 8. Sherwood, T. K., and F. A. L.
efficient, lb. moles/ (hr.) (sq. Holloway, T r a m . Am. Inst. C ~ W V L .
tion, the National Research Council
of Canada, and the Engineering Ex- ft.) (lb. moles/cu.ft.) Engrs., 36, 39 (1940).
periment Station of the University = liquid-film mass transfer co- 9. Van Krevelen, D. W., and J. T. C.
of Wisconsin. efficient a t a solid-liquid in- Krekels, Rec. traw. chim., 67, 512
The counsel of 0. A. Hougen, W. R. terface, lb. moles/ (hr.) (sq. (1948).
Marshall, Jr., and R. B. Bird is grate- ft.) (lb. moles/cu.ft.) (Pvcsrntcd a t A.I.Ch E . Houston m&?iirg)

Vol. 1, No. 4 A.1.Ch.E. Journal Page 495

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