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Alexandria Engineering Journal (2023) 73, 109–121

Alexandria University

Alexandria Engineering Journal


ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf

spring systems
_ ßci b
Mehmet Bahadır Çetinkaya a,*, Muhammed Is

Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Erciyes, Kayseri 38039, Turkey
Department of Mechatronics, Technical Sciences Vocational School, University of Kayseri, Kayseri 38280, Turkey

Received 1 March 2023; revised 15 April 2023; accepted 22 April 2023

Available online 3 May 2023

KEYWORDS Abstract Leaf spring systems are mechanical structures used to attenuate or absorb the disruptive
Multi-level parabolic leaf factors such as stress, strain, deflection and deformation occurring on dynamic systems. Leaf spring
spring system; systems may produce different responses to external forces depending on their geometric structures
Modal analysis; and material properties. Computer-aided analysis of leaf spring systems is crucial in determining the
Pressure analysis deformation properties and structural properties of the system with high accuracy. In this work, the
10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 multi-level parabolic steel leaf spring systems were analyzed by ANSYS Work-
bench 18.1 software. In the simulations, the total deformation values emerging under the pressure
values of 12.5 Pa, 25.0 Pa and 37.5 Pa and the resonance frequency values for 20 different mode
shapes were obtained. The simulation results represent that the highest deformations occur in 8-7 leaf
spring system at all pressure values. Furthermore, as a result of the modal analyzes it was observed
that the resonance frequencies of 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 leaf spring systems were respectively occurring at
the intervals of [143.17 Hz, 520.89 Hz], [143.98 Hz, 511.4 Hz] and [146.58 Hz, 525.21 Hz].
Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
University. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction striking occurring during the movement of the dynamic system

cause pressure affects on the system and the lifetime of the
Leaf spring systems are structures produced from high- whole system may reduce due to the malfunctions occurring
strength and flexible materials in order to enhance the load as a result of these pressure affects. In addition, these pressure
carrying capacity of mechanical systems. The leaf spring sys- affects may also cause other undesirable effects such as stres-
tems which are one of the most basic components of the auto- ses, strains, deflections and surface deformations over the sys-
motive industry are also widely used in different industrial tem. In order to obtain the detailed deformation properties
applications to attenuate or completely absorb the effects of and structural properties of the dynamic system to be
external forces. The external forces of braking, cornering and designed, pressure analysis and modal analysis should be per-
formed, respectively.
Leaf spring systems constitute the most important part of
* Corresponding author.
the suspension systems in the automotive industry. These sys-
E-mail address: (M.B. Çetinkaya).
tems are designed by gradually combining a certain number of
Peer review under responsibility of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria
leaf springs each of different lengths [1] and can also be used
1110-0168 Ó 2023 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Alexandria University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
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M.B. Çetinkaya, M. Is

for weight reduction in vehicles [2,3]. Due to their crucial leaf spring systems and to estimate its resonance frequency.
importance in automotive industry, the leaf spring systems Rao and Venkatesh performed ANSYS based modal analyzes
have become an active area of research in recent years. The leaf of leaf spring systems designed with four different composite
spring systems analyzed in this work are mostly used in trucks, materials (E-glass/epoxy, graphite/epoxy, carbon/epoxy and
trailers, work machines and farm machineries which are Kevlar/epoxy) and then determined the resonance frequencies
exposed to high intensity disruptive external factors. In addi- of each structure [17]. Material based analyzes were realized
tion, they can also be used in light commercial vehicles due via CATIAVR9 and ANSYS softwares by Tadesse ve Fatoba
to their flexible structures. to compare the theoretical and FEM analysis of coated com-
In the literature, there are restricted number of works posite leaf spring structures in terms of enhanced Von Mises
related to detection of external forces affecting to the leaf Stress and better deflection [18]. In their work [19], Balakr-
spring system with high accuracy. In [4], Çetinkaya and Is _ ßci ishna ve Mishra realized ANSYS based static analyzes and
have improved artificial neural network-based estimators in modal analyzes using the finite element method to determine
order to analyze the vibration effects on leaf spring systems. the stress, deformation and weight reduction parameters.
In their work [5], Jung et al. have realized a detailed fatigue Shrivastava et al. in [20] presented detailed analyzes for the
analyzes to determine the fatigue strength of leaf spring struc- design process of an E-Glass leaf spring system by using
tures with different geometries. In order to increase the load the CAD and ANSYS software. In [21], Borhade and Patti-
carrying capacity of leaf spring systems, ANSYS based ana- war determined the resonance frequency of a single leaf
lyzes have also been realized to examine the importance of spring both experimentally with fast Fourier transform
material selection and design geometry. In [6] presented by (FFT) analyzer and theoretically by using FEM with ANSYS
Shaikh et al., the fatigue life cycle ratios of leaf spring sys- software. Saianuraag and Sivaram performed detailed ana-
tems having different geometric structures were analyzed via lyzes using Unigraphics NX7.5 and ANSYS 11.0 to predict
ANSYS software by taking into account the thickness and the behavior of composite leaf spring and compare its perfor-
the number of the leaves. In work [7] presented by Amsalu mance to that of steel leaf spring [22]. In work [23] presented
and Damtie, the numerical analyzes under static load for by Juliyana et al., a mono composite leaf spring system with
both mono and multi level steel leaf springs and laminated varying thickness and varying width was analyzed in terms of
carbon/epoxy composite materials were carried out by using static linear and modal analysis results. In [24], the design
the Solidworks and ANSYS Workbench 18.1 softwares. In and ANSYS based analysis of Carbon/Epoxy based compos-
work [8], Arora et al. performed computer aided design ite single leaf spring was presented by Ravindra et al. for the
and analysis of a conventional leaf spring system under dif- aim of weight reduction in the automobile industry. Finally,
ferent experimental and prestress conditions. In another work in work [25] by Gowd and Goud, the authors applied FEM
presented by Satasiya et al. [9], the performances of compos- analysis to determine the safe stresses and pay loads of the
ite materials used in the design of leaf spring systems were leaf spring system at which a comfortable and safe drive is
compared by using ANSYS software. In a similar ANSYS possible.
based work presented by Ekbote et al. [10], the stress and As seen from the literature review, there are a certain num-
deflection results obtained for a steel leaf spring system ber of works related to ANSYS based analysis of leaf spring
including 9 leafs have been analyzed by using the Finite Ele- systems consisting of material analysis, geometric analysis,
ment Method (FEM). In another material analysis based force analysis, pressure analysis and modal analysis. However,
work presented by Bhanage and Padmanabhan [11], the fati- to our best knowledge, the characteristics of multi-level para-
gue properties of a steel leaf spring system and a composite bolic leaf spring systems under different pressure values and
leaf spring system made of glass/epoxy material were com- the resonance frequencies for different Mode shapes will be
pared by using ANSYS Workbench 14.0. Shamim and Anwer simultaneously analyzed for the first time within the scope of
presented a ANSYS FEM based work which consists of the this work.
design and comparative analyzes of a multi-leaf spring system The main contributions of this work to the literature can be
made of AISI 6150 Steel, Ti-6Al-4V Composite and S-Glass summarized as follows:
Fiber Composite materials [12]. In work [13], Chauhan
et al. have developed polymer (epoxy) based composites in  The deformations occurring as a result of the pressure val-
order to investigate the flexural strength and wear behavior ues of 12.5, 25 and 37.5 Pascal applied to the 10-7, 10-5 and
of leaf spring systems produced for light commercial vehicles. 8-7 multi-level parabolic steel leaf spring systems were
Shokrieh and Rezaei realized the ANSYS V5.4 based ana- obtained through ANSYS based analyzes and the results
lyzes of a four-leaf steel leaf spring system used in the rear presented to the literature.
suspension system of light vehicles and then they designed  ANSYS based modal analyzes were performed for different
a composite made of fiberglass with epoxy resin according geometric structures of each leaf spring system and the res-
to the results obtained [14]. In another related work, the onance frequencies obtained for each mode were
deformations and stresses occurring on a leaf spring system determined.
under both static and dynamic prestress conditions have been  Static and dynamic analyzes were carried out simultane-
investigated by Elsheltat et al. [15]. Kumar and Subhash have ously for both upper and lower leaf spring systems of a
designed a leaf spring bracket in CATIA V5 software and multi-layer leaf spring system. The effects of the increases
analyzed its performance by using ANSYS software in order or decreases in the number of lower and/or upper layer
to minimize the stresses occurring under different load condi- leaves on stress, total deformation and resonance frequen-
tions [16]. In the literature, there are also modal analysis cies were analyzed simultaneously and in conjunction with
based studies in order to determine the distortion modes of each other.
ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf spring systems 111

 The simulation results obtained for the leaf spring systems

analyzed will provide a detailed database for leaf spring sys-
tem manufacturers and researchers, especially in the auto-
motive industry.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is

presenting detailed reviews about the analyzed multi-level
parabolic steel leaf spring systems and the analysis methods
applied. In Section 3, simulations were carried out in order
to obtain the total deformation results emerging under dif-
ferent pressure values and the resonance frequency values
occurring for different mode shapes. The relevant conclu-
sions and discussions are presented in Section 4 and
Section 5.
Fig. 1 General structure and basic components of a multi-level
parabolic leaf spring system.
2. Material and method

Leaf spring systems are the dynamic suspension equipments Modal analysis is also an effective approach used to analyze
designed to attenuate or completely absorb the external forces the limits of the responses produced by a dynamic system. One
of different types and intensity that dynamic systems exposed. of the most common usage area of the modal analysis is the
Pressure and deformation analysis with high precision have to detection of resonance frequency. Resonance frequency of a
be carried out on leaf spring systems before mass production. dynamic system defines the frequency value at which the
The pressure analysis is performed to predict the physical amplitude distortions began to occur at the system output.
deformations that may occur in the system for predetermined On the other hand, the concept of Mode can be defined as
conditions. On the other hand, modal analysis is a crucial the shape of a dynamic system takes while it is vibrating at
approach which reveals the structural properties of dynamic the resonance frequency. The main purpose of analyzing the
systems. Mode shapes and resonance frequency is to prevent a dynamic
In this work, ANSYS based pressure and modal analyzes system from being forced at the resonance frequency and the
have been carried out on a steel leaf spring system developed frequencies close to it by updating the design structure. In this
and designed within the scope of [26] by the authors in coop- work, firstly, the pressure analyzes for each of the 10-7, 10-5
eration with Daimler Mercedes Aksaray/Turkey factory. This and 8-7 leaf spring structures have been realized by using
multi-level parabolic leaf spring system having double bushes, ANSYS Workbench 18.1 and then modal analyzes have been
named as 10-7 leaf spring system, consists of 10 leaves in the carried out to determine the resonance frequency and optimal
upper leaf spring system and 7 leaves in the lower leaf spring Mode shape. Each of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 leaf spring struc-
system. In order to present a more fair and realistic results, ture were analyzed according to Mode 1, Mode 2, Mode 3,
in addition to the 10-7 leaf spring structure, the 10-5 and 8-7 Mode 4, Mode 5 and Mode 6 structures.
leaf spring structures have also been analyzed. The 10-5 leaf In order to reduce the physical complexity of the leaf spring
spring structure was obtained by reducing two leaves from system, prior to both pressure analysis and modal analysis, the
the lower part of the 10-7 structure. Similarly, two leaves were Finite Element Method (FEM) was applied for the purpose of
reduced from the upper part of the 10-7 structure in order to cutting the system into smaller elements at points called nodes.
obtain the 8-7 leaf spring structure. In the ANSYS based pres- The FEM model of the 10-7 leaf spring system consists of
sure and modal analyzes, the resonance frequencies and also 44,485 elements and 135,125 nodes, the FEM model of the
the maximum deformations occurring under different pressure 10-5 leaf spring system consists of 43,882 elements and
values of 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 leaf spring structures were 131,381 nodes, and finally the FEM model of the 8-7 leaf
obtained and compared. spring system consists of 43,542 elements and 129,359 nodes.
The general structure and basic components of a multi-level In the ANSYS based analysis of the leaf spring systems,
parabolic leaf spring system having double bushes are shown meshing procedure constitutes one of the most important ele-
in Fig. 1. ments of the design process. The value of the Element Size
In Fig. 2, the front and top views of the technical drawings parameter was taken as 7.7  103 in the MESH processes per-
of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 steel leaf spring systems analyzed formed for each of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-5 geometric structures.
within the scope of this work are given. In the technical draw- On the other hand, the Body Number parameter values for
ings, the regions denoted by S forms the lower part of the each of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-5 geometric structures were taken
multi-layer leaf spring system, On the other hand, the section as 18, 16 and 16, respectively. The meshing images obtained
placing above the S region forms the upper part of the system. for each of the 3 leaf spring structure were shown with Fig. 3.
A, B, C and M values are taken as standard values for all In the simulations, each leaf spring system was fixed from
designs. A represents the distance between the two bushes of the regions indicated by the flag A in Fig. 4 and then the pres-
the upper leaf spring system, B defines the diameter of the cen- sure analyzes were performed by applying pressure to the Cen-
ter bolt to which pressure applied, C denotes the width of each ter Bolt region which was represented by flag B. Also, the red
flat leave and finally M can be determined as the thickness of arrow in Fig. 4 represents the direction of the pressure applied.
each flat leave. The geometric properties of the leaf spring sys- In both pressure analysis and modal analysis the material
tems analyzed are given in Table 1. property is a crucial factor. In this work, ANSYS based pres-
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Fig. 2 Technical drawings of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 leaf spring systems analyzed in this work.

sure and modal analyzes were realized for the leaf spring sys- to the predetermined regions of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 leaf
tems designed by the Structural Steel material available in spring structures and the total deformations occuring were
ANSYS material library. The detailed material properties of analyzed by using ANSYS software. In addition, the response
the structural steel preferred in this work are given in Table 2. of each leaf spring structure to the prestresses occurring due to
pressure was also analyzed separately. Afterwards, ANSYS
based modal analyzes were carried out on a leaf spring system
3. Simulation results to determine the instant frequency values at which amplitude
distortions began to occur at the system output.
In order to achieve maximum efficiency in the design process Fig. 5 (a) represents the pressure applied region and the
of dynamic systems, performing modal analyzes prior to actual fixed support regions of the designed 10-7 leaf spring structure.
design is extremely important for the designer. In this work, The total deformation characteristic of the leaf spring system
firstly, the pressure values of 12.5, 25 and 37.5 Pa were applied for 12.5 Pa pressure value is given in Fig. 5 (b). It is seen that
ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf spring systems 113

Table 1 Geometric properties of the leaf spring systems

Geometric Properties
Length of flat leaves, L Upper Flat Lower Flat
Leaves Leaves
L1 = 200 mm L11 = 140 mm
L2 = 260 mm L12 = 140 mm
L3 = 360 mm L13 = 240 mm
L4 = 480 mm L14 = 410 mm
L5 = 560 mm L15 = 470 mm
L6 = 720 mm L16 = 660 mm
L7 = 820 mm L17 = 660 mm
L8 = 920 mm
L9 = 1000 mm
L10 = 1000 mm
Distance between two 990 mm
bushes, A
Diameter of the center bolt, 14 mm
Width of each flat leave, C 57 mm
Thickness of each flat leave, 8 mm

the prestreses that emerge as a result of 12.5 Pa pressure value

cause maximum deformation especially at the pressure applied
region and at the lower leaf spring system. Fig. 5 (c) demon-
strates the results obtained for the 25 Pa pressure value. The
results represent that when the pressure value was increased
to two times of the initial pressure, the maximum deformation
value affecting to the leaf spring system also increase propor-
tionally. Finally, the ANSYS result obtained for the 37.5 Pa
pressure value was given in Fig. 5 (d). It can be stated from
the results that when the pressure value is increased to its high-
est value of 37.5 Pa, the maximum deformation value increases
approximately as three times of the initial deformation value.
The ANSYS based modal analysis results obtained for the
designed 10-7 leaf spring system are shown in Fig. 6 below. Fig. 3 Meshing process for the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-5 geometric
The simulations were realized for six different modes. The structures.
Mode 1 modal analysis result given in Fig. 6 (a) represents that
the relevant leaf spring structure produces the resonance fre-
quency as 143.17 Hz. In addition, it is also seen that the defor-
mations are concentrated especially in the upper part of the
leaf spring system. From the Mod 2 analysis result at which
the resonance frequency was obtained as 250.15 Hz, it was
determined that possible deformations will be concentrated
especially in the edge regions of the lower leaf spring system.
When the Mode 3 analysis result which has the resonance fre-
quency of 270.17 Hz and given in Fig. 6 (c) examined, it can be
stated that deformations will occur especially at the lower leaf
spring system for the relevant mode structure. In Mode 4 anal-
ysis represented in Fig. 6 (d), the resonance frequency was Fig. 4 The fixed support and pressure applied regions of the leaf
obtained as 320.33 Hz. It was also observed that medium spring systems analyzed.
intensity deformations will occur in the upper and lower leaf
spring systems while higher intensity deformations will emerge
in the edge regions of the lower leaf spring system. Finally, was seen that the deformations frequently will occur in the
Fig. 6 (e) and Fig. 6 (f) represent the Mode 5 and Mode 6 anal- lower leaf spring systems.
ysis results, respectively, and the value of the resonance fre- The second leaf spring system analyzed in this work was
quencies were obtained as 374.44 Hz and 520.89 Hz. In leaf obtained by reducing the number of leaf springs to 5 in the
spring system structures corresponding to Modes 5 and 6, it lower leaf spring system. The pressure applied region and the
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In general, it can be concluded that maximum deformation

Table 2 Properties of steel material used in the design of leaf
occurring for each pressure value is concentrated in the pres-
spring systems analyzed in this work.
sure applied region and the lower leaf spring system.
Material Type Property Value The modal analysis results obtained for the 10-5 leaf spring
Structural Steel Density 7850 kg/m3 system are shown in Fig. 8 below.
Poisson’s Ratio 0.3 When the Mode 1 analysis result given in Fig. 8 (a) is exam-
Young’s Modulus 2e+11 Pa ined, the resonance frequency value produced by the system is
Bulk Modulus 1.6667e+11 Pa observed as 143.98 Hz. It is also seen for Mode 1 analysis that
Shear Modulus 7.6923e+10 Pa both 10-7 and 10-5 structures produce similar results in terms
Tensile Yield Strength 2.5e+8 Pa of the maximum deformation. Fig. 8 (b) represents the Mode 2
Tensile Ultimate Strength 4.6e+8 Pa
analysis result for which the resonance frequency is obtained
as 273.67 Hz. As seen from the figure, the lower leaf spring sys-
tem is exposed to more structurally deformation when com-
pared to 10-7 leaf spring structure. The Mode 3 deformation
characteristics of the 10-5 leaf spring system given in Fig. 8
fixed support regions of the 10-5 leaf spring structure is shown (c) indicates that the system reaches to the resonance at
in Fig. 7 (a). In Fig. 7 (b), the simulation results obtained for 289.81 Hz. On the other hand, a decrease in the maximum
12.5 Pa is demonstrated. It is seen that the deformation regions deformation value has also been observed when compared to
are the same as the 10-7 structure, but the maximum deforma- 10-7 leaf spring structure. In the Mode 4 analysis, where the
tion affecting on the leaf spring system increases. Fig. 7 (c) rep- resonance frequency is obtained as 322.96 Hz, it is seen that
resents the analysis results obtained when the pressure value the deformations are concentrated especially in the lower leaf
applied is increased to 25 Pa. It can be stated that when the spring system and this region is structurally forced. The anal-
pressure value applied to the system is increased, the regional ysis results obtained for Mode 5 and Mode 6 are shown in
deformation intensities occurring on the system will also Fig. 8 (e) and Fig. 8 (f), respectively. As seen from the figures,
increase proportionally. Finally, the simulation results the resonance frequencies are obtained as 382.42 Hz and
obtained for 10-5 structure and 37.5 Pa pressure value are 511.40 Hz. For the Mode 5 analysis, it can be expressed that
shown in Fig. 7 (d). It is seen that the maximum deformation the value of the resonance frequency increased when compared
value measured is similar but a bit higher when compared to to the 10-7 structure, but the maximum deformation value
10-7 structure although the number of lower leaf springs is remains almost the same. Finally, for both Mode 5 and Mode
reduced to five. 6 analysis, it is seen that the lower leaf spring system exposed

Fig. 5 The pressure regions and the total deformation results of 10-7 leaf spring system. (a) The pressure applied region and the fixed
support regions, (b) The deformation results obtained for 12.5 Pa, (c) The deformation results obtained for 25 Pa, (d) The deformation
results obtained for 37.5 Pa.
ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf spring systems 115

Fig. 6 The modal analysis results of 10-7 leaf spring system. (a) Mode 1, (b) Mode 2, (c) Mode 3, (d) Mode 4, (e) Mode 5, (f) Mode 6.

to more deformation when compared to 10-7 structure at res- 8-7 leaf spring system has exposed to more deformation than
onance frequencies. the other two leaf spring system structures. It is also seen that
The third leaf spring system analyzed in this work was the intensity of the deformation is concentrated in the pressure
obtained by reducing the number of leaf springs to 8 in the applied region and the lower leaf spring system depending on
upper leaf spring system. In Fig. 9 (a), pressure applied region the increasing pressure value. As a result, it can be concluded
and the fixed support regions of the 8-7 leaf spring system is that all three leaf spring system structures produce similar
represented. When the 12.5 Pa pressure is applied to the sys- deformation behaviors under the 25 Pa pressure. The analysis
tem and the results compared to that of 10-7 and 10-5 leaf results obtained under the pressure of 37.5 Pa are given in
spring structures, it has been observed that deformation Fig. 9 (d). It has been observed that deformations with higher
regions remains the same, but the maximum deformation value intensity occur on the 8-7 system due to the two leaf springs
increased compared to the other two structures. It has also reduced in the upper leaf spring system. In general, it can be
seen that the effect of two leaf springs reduced from the upper stated that higher maximum deformations occur at all pressure
leaf spring system on deformation is greater than the effect of values in the 8-7 leaf spring system when compared to 10-7 and
two leaf springs reduced from the lower leaf spring system. The 10-5 structures. Finally, the regions where the deformations
analysis results obtained under the conditions of 8-7 structure concentrated are obtained as the pressure applied region and
and 25 Pa pressure and given in Fig. 9 (c) demonstrate that the the lower leaf spring system.
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Fig. 7 The pressure regions and the total deformation results of 10-5 leaf spring system. (a) The pressure applied region and the fixed
support regions, (b) The deformation results obtained for 12.5 Pa, (c) The deformation results obtained for 25 Pa, (d) The deformation
results obtained for 37.5 Pa.

The modal analysis results obtained for the 8-7 leaf spring applied were combined in Table 3. For each leaf spring struc-
system are shown in Fig. 10 below. From the Mode 1 analysis ture, it is seen that the maximum deformation value affecting
result given in Fig. 10 (a), it can be expressed that higher defor- on the system changes proportionally with the pressure value
mation will occur in the lower leaf spring system compared to applied.
the 10-7 structure due to the reduction of the number of upper In order to present a more fair and detailed comparison,
leaf springs. However, when compared to 10-5 structure, it can Table 4 represents the proportional relationship occurring
also be concluded that 8-7 structure produces lower deforma- between the pressure value and the total deformation due to
tion on the whole system. Finally, the resonance frequency the changes in the number of upper or lower leaf springs. In
value for Mode 1 analysis is obtained as 146.58 Hz. In the the 8-7 leaf spring system obtained by reducing the number
Mode 2 and Mode 3 analysis, where the resonance frequency of upper leaf springs of the 10-7 structure, approximately %
values were obtained as 263.57 Hz and 266.12 Hz, it was 19.350 increase was observed in the total deformations occur-
observed that deformations occurred in similar regions for ring in all pressure values. On the other hand, for the 10-5
all three leaf spring system. Also, the maximum deformation structure obtained by reducing the number of lower leaf
value obtained for the Mode 3 analysis of the 8-7 structure springs of the 10-7 leaf spring system, an avarage of % 0.045
was found to be higher than the relevent deformations occur- increase was observed in the total deformations occurring in
ring in the other two structures. Fig. 10 (d) shows the simula- all pressure values. As a result, it has been observed that the
tion result for the case Mode 4. In the Mode 4 analysis of 8-7 strength of the system decreases approximately 433 times when
structure, where the resonance frequency was obtained as the number of upper leaf springs is reduced by two leaf springs.
310.95 Hz, it was observed that the deformations were concen- However, it has been also observed that reducing the number
trated on the lower leaf spring system, as in the other two of leaf springs in the lower leaf spring system has much less
structures. In the Mode 5 and Mode 6 analyzes given in effect on the system strength.
Fig. 10 (e) and 10 (f), the resonance frequency values were Finally, Table 5 shows the proportional relationship
obtained as 371.18 Hz and 525.21 Hz, respectively. It is seen occurring between the Modes and the resonance frequencies
for both Mode 5 and Mode 6 that the maximum deformation due to the changes in the number of upper or lower leaf
characteristics that occur on the 8-7 system are similar to the springs. As seen from the results given for 8-7 leaf spring sys-
characteristics obtained in 10-7 and 10-5 structures. tem, the resonance frequencies increased for the modes of
In order to present a more clear representation the maxi- Mode 1, Mode 2 and Mode 6. Namely, the system become
mum deformation values that occur under the pressure values more strength for the geometric structures represented by
ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf spring systems 117

Fig. 8 The modal analysis results of 10-5 leaf spring system. (a) Mode 1, (b) Mode 2, (c) Mode 3, (d) Mode 4, (e) Mode 5, (f) Mode 6.

these three modes. However, the decreases observed in the onance frequency values obtained were presented. In order to
resonance frequencies for the Mode 3, Mode 4 and Mode 5 present more detailed results to the literature, the modal ana-
shows that the system become less strength in the related lyzes were also performed for the next 14 modes. In conclu-
mode structures. When the results given in Table 5 for the sion, the resonance frequency values obtained for the first 20
10-5 structure examined, it has been observed that the system modes of the 10-7, 10-5 and-8-7 structures were combined in
exhibits similar behaviors for each mode except Mode 6. It Table 6.
was seen that reducing the number of leaf springs in the From the table, it can be stated that the 10-5 leaf spring sys-
lower leaf spring system leads an increase in resonance fre- tem generally produces higher resonance frequencies to that of
quencies for the modes between Mode 1-Mode 5. However, the other two structures. In a general manner, it can be
a decrease in resonance frequency was observed in the geo- expressed that the leaf spring structures producing higher res-
metric structure represented by Mode 6. At the same time, onance frequency values are able to provide a more strength
it can be concluded that the highest increase in the resonance geometry in terms of deformation when compared to other
frequency value was also appeared in the Mode 2 geometric structures.
structure. The relationship between the modes and the resonance fre-
In this work, firstly, the ANSYS based modal analyzes were quencies for each of the 10-7, 10-5 and 8-7 structures are com-
carried out in detail for each of the first 6 Modes and the res- pared in Fig. 11. As seen from the figure, the resonance
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Fig. 9 The pressure regions and the total deformation results of 8-7 leaf spring system. (a) The pressure applied region and the fixed
support regions, (b) The deformation results obtained for 12.5 Pa, (c) The deformation results obtained for 25 Pa, (d) The deformation
results obtained for 37.5 Pa.

frequency values produced at modes by each geometric struc- research in recent years. ANSYS based analysis as one of the
ture seems close to each other. most important computer-aided approaches enables the detec-
In order to present detailed results in terms of material tion of disruptive factors emerging due to the pressure effect
strength, Von Mises Stress analysis has also been carried with higher accuracy before the real-time design.
out. This maximum distortion criteria determines the design In this work, firstly, the design of three different multi-
limits of a material and if it meets long life test standards or level parabolic steel leaf spring systems were realized via
not. As mentioned previously all the pressures have been Solidworks software. Afterwards, the total deformation ana-
applied directly to the Center Bold region. Considering that lyzes occurring due to the pressure effect and the modal
the surface area of the Center Bolt region is 212.08 mm2, the analyzes for different geometric structures were realized by
force equivalents of 12.5 Pa, 25 Pa and 37.5 Pa pressure values using ANSYS software. When the pressure analysis results
in Newton are obtained as 26.51  104N, 53.02  104N and examined, it can be expressed that the total deformation val-
79.53  104N, respectively. The maximum Von Mises Stress ues emerged for 8-7 leaf spring system seem a bit higher
values corresponding to the relevant forces are given separately than the other two structures in all working conditions.
in Table 7 for each of the 3 geometric structures. From the modal analysis results obtained for all working
When the Von Mises Stress values given in Table 7 exam- conditions, it was observed that higher resonance frequency
ined, it was observed that the highest stress values were emerg- values were generally obtained for 10-5 leaf spring system.
ing in the 10-5 geometric structure. On the other hand, the Although the lowest resonance frequency values were gener-
stress effects with lower amplitudes obtained for the 10-7 leaf ally obtained for the 8-7 structure, it was also observed that
spring system represent that the relevant structure is more the highest resonance frequency value obtained among all
resistant to the external forces. Finally, it has also been simulations was emerged in the Mode 6 analysis of 8-7
observed that a linear relationship is occurring between the structure. Higher resonance frequency values indicate that
force applied to the system and the stress value emerging due the relevant dynamic system is more strength to the external
to the relevant force. forces. Consequently, the pressure analysis and modal anal-
ysis results represent that reducing the number of leaf
4. Discussion springs in the upper leaf spring system leads system to
expose more deformation. Similarly, it has also been
Computer-aided analysis of disruptive factors such as stress, observed that reducing the number of leaf springs in the
strain, deflection and deformation caused by pressure effects lower leaf spring system will cause a higher deformation
in mechanical systems has become an important area of effect on the system.
ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf spring systems 119

Fig. 10 The modal analysis results of 8-7 leaf spring system. (a) Mode 1, (b) Mode 2, (c) Mode 3, (d) Mode 4, (e) Mode 5, (f) Mode 6.

Table 3 The maximum deformation values occurring under Table 4 The proportional relationship occurring between the
the pressure values applied. pressure value and the total deformation due to the changes in
Structure (Leaf Spring Pressure Maximum the number of upper or lower leaf springs.
System) Value Deformation Structural Change Pressure Value Effect Ratio
(Pascal) (Meter) (Pascal) (%)
10-7 12.5 2.6016e11 Upper Leaf Springs (2 leaf 12.5 19.349
25.0 5.2032e11 springs reduced) 25.0 19.349
37.5 7.8047e11 37.5 19.351
10-5 12.5 2.6028e11 Lower Leaf Springs (2 leaf 12.5 0.0461
25.0 5.2055e11 springs reduced) 25.0 0.0442
37.5 7.8083e11 37.5 0.0461
8-7 12.5 3.105e11
25.0 6.21e11
37.5 9.315e11
120 _ ßci
M.B. Çetinkaya, M. Is

Table 5 The proportional relationship occurring between the Modes and the resonance frequencies due to the changes in the number
of upper or lower leaf springs.
Structural Change Mode Shape Effect Ratio (%)
Upper Leaf Springs (2 leaf springs reduced) Mode 1 2.381 "
Mode 2 5.364 "
Mode 3 1.499 ;
Mode 4 2.928 ;
Mode 5 0.870 ;
Mode 6 0.829 "
Lower Leaf Springs (2 leaf springs reduced) Mode 1 0.565 "
Mode 2 9.402 "
Mode 3 7.269 "
Mode 4 0.821 "
Mode 5 2.131 "
Mode 6 1.821 ;

Table 6 Resonance frequency values in Hertz obtained for the first 20 modes.
10-7 10-5 8-7 10-7 10-5 8-7
Mode 1 143.17 143.98 146.58 Mode 11 1183.3 1184.4 1203.7
Mode 2 250.15 273.67 263.57 Mode 12 1270.3 1274.8 1232.7
Mode 3 270.17 289.81 266.12 Mode 13 1353.1 1366.2 1399.2
Mode 4 320.33 322.96 310.95 Mode 14 1585.0 1546.4 1590.3
Mode 5 374.44 382.42 371.18 Mode 15 1740.5 1734.3 1749.3
Mode 6 520.89 511.40 525.21 Mode 16 1908.1 1914.1 1908.0
Mode 7 540.93 536.08 537.85 Mode 17 2342.1 2356.7 2226.4
Mode 8 811.07 832.20 812.23 Mode 18 2410.7 2449.1 2386.7
Mode 9 953.61 962.05 953.73 Mode 19 2628.5 2623.5 2608.3
Mode 10 1004.6 1008.90 961.23 Mode 20 2685.3 2691.5 2656.3

Fig. 11 The variation of resonance frequency according to mode values.

ANSYS based analysis of multi-level parabolic leaf spring systems 121

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