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Artificial Intelligence in health care: Transforming Diagnostics

and Treatment

There is someone in my life who knows my heart beats better than me, knows my stress level, he follows
me in my footsteps, he catches every tiny movement and motivated to move, he knows my sleeping hours better
than anyone, even he knows my energy levels. When life gets busy if someone is there to care our health it’s really
good right. Oh no I forgot; I am talking about my Smart watch. it’s always amazing how a wearable gadget tracks
my life pattern so carefully sometimes more than a human. It’s because of the artificial intelligence.
So, the next question arise is what is artificial intelligence? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as a
branch of computer science that aims to enable computer systems to perform various tasks with intelligence similar
to humans.
2022 saw unprecedented levels of strikes, staff shortages, unsustainable systems, and a lack of access to
family doctors and hospitals. There’s an undeniable need for rapid and effective solutions to reconfigure these
issues. That’s where artificial intelligence holds the key. The application of AI is also increasing in the healthcare
domain. Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the healthcare industry in India, bringing unprecedented
tools for diagnosis, treatment and patient care. AI expenditure in India is expected to reach $11.78 billion by 2025
and add $1 trillion to India’s economy by 2035, as per a World Economic Forum report. The AI in Healthcare
Market is projected to grow from $14.6 Billion in 2023 to $102.7 Billion by 2028.How about we talk about how
artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the Healthcare segment: The main role of artificial intelligence in health
care includes the following

So, let’s explore examples of how AI is transforming healthcare to make it more accessible, personalized, and
Medical Image Analysis. One of the most common ways AI is being used in healthcare is in image analysis. AI has
been applied to medical imaging to detect anomalies in images that could indicate a disease or other medical
problem. In radiology, AI is being used to identify abnormalities in images such as MRIs, X-rays, and CT scans.
While in pathology, AI is used to analyze biopsy slides and microscope images to identify and classify different
types of tissue.
Virtual Assistants. Another major use case for AI in healthcare is virtual assistants. This involves training an AI
algorithm to respond to questions and queries that doctors and patients might have. For example, virtual assistants
can be programmed to help doctors manage the daily work of their clinic. This can include things such as
scheduling appointments, keeping records, and even communicating with patients.
Chatbots. Unlike traditional virtual assistants, chatbots are sometimes described as “conversational agents” that
have the ability to respond to natural language. A chatbot can be programmed to engage in a basic conversation
with a user through a chat interface. For example, a chatbot could respond to basic questions such as, “Where can
I find the nearest hospital?” or “What are the hours of operation at this hospital?”.
Automated Administrative Tasks. AI is currently being used to automate manual workflows and operational tasks
in hospital and medical settings. Machine learning algorithms are being used to predict which patients are likely
to need care and assistance the most. This can help doctors and nurses allocate their time and focus on the patients
who will benefit most from their attention.
AI-assisted Diagnosis and Treatment. One of the most obvious benefits of AI is its ability to assist with diagnosis
and treatment. AI algorithms can methodically review patient records and medical information to help physicians
make more informed decisions. AI algorithms can also assist with treatment recommendations by examining
patient data and comparing it to the results of clinical trials.
Wearable Devices and Sensors. Healthcare providers are increasingly adopting wearable devices and sensors to
collect data that can be used in research and care. AI algorithms can be used to make sense of this data and turn it
into useful information. One example is analyzing and interpreting data from glucose monitors. These devices are
worn on the skin and can measure a person’s blood sugar levels.
AI-driven Genomics. AI-driven genomics is a relatively new phenomenon. It uses machine learning and artificial
neural networks to explore the genomes of patients. In doing so, it can be used to predict the risk of a patient
developing a certain disease based on their genetic makeup
AI-powered Robotics. Another new phenomenon in the healthcare industry is the use of robotics. Robotics are
often used in the manufacturing industry, but they’re starting to appear in healthcare as well. In particular, robotics
can be used to explore different surgical procedures and help surgeons make better decisions.
AI-assisted Telemedicine. Telemedicine is the practice of exploring health issues remotely. In many cases, AI-
assisted telemedicine is used to explore the records of patients who are too far away from doctors.
We all must accept that there is a significant role of AI in the healthcare sector in the coming years. Artificial
Intelligence (AI) is transforming the healthcare industry in many ways. In conclusion, AI has the potential to
transform hospital quality departments in many ways such as improving patient safety, enhancing patient
experience by analyzing patient feedback, improving staff performance, enhancing quality reporting, training and
Patel VL Shortliffe EH , Stefanelli M , et al . The coming of age of artificial intelligence in medicine. Artif Intell
Med 2019; 46:5–17.

Prepared by
Sonya Godwin, Professor, Athena Institute of nursing, Bengaluru.

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