CH 08 Revised

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Unit 8

After this unit you are able to

 Define conics and demonstrate members of its family i.e. circle, parabola, ellipse and

 Define circle and derive its equation in standard form i.e. (x - h)2 +(y - k )2 = r2•
 Recognize general equation of a circle. x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 and find its centre
and radius.
 Find the equation of a circle passing through
o three non-collinear points,
o two points and having its centre on a given line,
o two points and equation of tangent at one of these points is known,
 two points and touching a given line.

 Find the condition when a line intersects the circle.

 Find the condition when a line touches the circle.
 Find the equation of a tangent to a circle in slope form.
 Find the equations of a tangent and a normal to a circle at a point.
 Find the length of tangent to a circle from a given external point.
 Prove that two tangents drawn to a circle from an external point are equal in
 Prove analytically the following properties of a circle.
 Perpendicular from the centre of a circle on a chord bisects the chord.
 Perpendicular bisector of any chord of a circle passes through the centre of the
 Line joining the centre of a circle to the midpoint of a chord is perpendicular to the
 Congruent chords of a circle are equidistant from its centre and its converse.
 Measure of the central angle of a minor arc is double the measure of the angle
subtended by the corresponding major arc.

 An angle in a semi-circle is a right angle.

 The perpendicular at the outer end of a radial segment is tangent to the circle.
 The tangent to a circle at any point of the circle is perpendicular to the radial segment
at that point.
Fig. 8.1

A conic section, conic or a quadratic curve is a curve obtained from a cone's surface intersecting
a plane.

The conics are the curves generated by the intersections of a plane with one or two nappes of
a cone. For a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cone, a circle is produced. For a plane that is
not perpendicular to the axis of the cone and that intersects only a single nappe, the curve
produced is either an ellipse or a parabola (Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999). The curve produced
by a plane intersecting both nappes is a hyperbola (Hilbert and Cohn-Vossen 1999).

The ellipse and hyperbola are known as central conics.

8.2.1 Equation of circle:

The set of all points in the plane that are equally distant from a
fixed point is called circle.The fixed point c is called the center of
circle. The distance from the center of the circle to any point on the
circle is called radius of circle.

Let C( h, k) is center of circle and ‘r’ is the radius and P( x, y) be

the point on the circle is represented by
S( c ; r) in notation of set

S(c ; r )={P (x , y ):CP=r }

If we use distance formula the

CP = √ ¿ ¿ ¿ r

We can also unite it as

¿ + ¿ = r2 -----------------(1)

Equation (1) is the standard equation of circle.

In special case if center of the circle is the origin then equation (1) becomes

x2 + y2 = r2

If the value of r = 0 then the circle is point circle only containing the center of circle.

Suppose P(x , y) is any point in the circle and let θ is the inclination of OP than we can write

x=r cos θ ------------(3)

y=r sin θ ------------(4)

Then P(x, y) can also be represented as P(rcos θ , rsin θ).

Equation (3) and (4) are called the parametric equations of circle

Example 1: Write equation of circle having center (2 , 5)and radius 4.

Solution: Center ( h, k) = ( 2, 1)

Radius = r = 4

Required equation is

(x-h)2 + (y-k)2 = r2

(x-2)2 + (y-5)2 = 42

x2 - 4x + 4 + y2 – 10y + 25 = 16

x2 + y2 – 4x - 10y + 13 = 0

8.2.2 General form of an equation of circle

The equation
2 2
x + y + 2 gx +2 fy+ c=0 -----------(*)

Shows a circle, In this equation f, g and c are constants.

We can write eq (*) as follows

2 2 2 2 2 2
(x +2 gx + g )+( y +2 fy+ f )=g + f – c

= ( √ g2 +f 2 −c )2
2 2
[ x−(−g ) ] – [ y −(−f ) ]
(*) is general form of equation of circle.

We can also describe the general form of equation of circle as

The second degree equation with coefficients of x2 and y2 are equal and no product term xy
appears in the equation.

Example 2: Show that the equation x 2+ y2 + 12x -10y = 0 characterizes a circle also find its
center and radius.

Solution: As x2 + y2 + 12x -10y = 0

or x2 + 12x + y2 -10y = 0

[(x)2+2(x)(6) + (6)2 ] + [(y)2+2(y)(5)+(5)2] = 62 + 52

(x+6)2 + (y-5)2 = 36 + 25

[ x – (-6)]2 + [y-5]2 = 61

[ x – (-6)]2 + [y-5]2 = (√ 61)2

its center is ( -6, +5)

and radius = √ 61

We can also solve this example as

x2 + y2 + 12x -10y = 0 -------------(1)

general equation of circle is

x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 -----------(2)

Comparing (1) and (2) we have

2g = 12 2fy = -10 c =0

g= 6 y = -5

Centre of circle = ( -g, -f) = ( -6, 5)

Radius = √ g2 +f 2 −c = √ 62 +(−6)2−0 = √ 36+25 = √ 61

8.2.3 Equation of the circle determined by given condition:
The general equations of circle x 2+ y 2+ 2 gx +2 fy+ c=0 -------------(*)

Holds constants f , g and c which can be found if general equation of circle satisfies three given
condition. In this section, we discuss and elaborate these conditions.

Condition 1:
A circle passing through three Non-collinear points

If a circle passes through three non-collinear points and these three non-
collinear points are known than we can easily find the constants f, g and c
which are present in general equation of circle.

Example 3: Find equation of circle which passes through the points A(-
7,7), B(5, -1) , C (10,0).

Solution: Given A (-7 , 7), B (5, -1), C (10, 0)

Let required equation of circle is

x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 -------------(*)

putting A( -7, 7) in (*)

(-7)2 + 72 + 2g(-7) -2f(7) + c = 0

49 + 49 -14g + 14f + c = 0

-14g + 14 + c + 98 = 0-------------(1)

Putting B(5, -1) in (*)

52 + (-1)2 + 2g(5) + 2f(-1) + c = 0

25 + 1 + 10g – 2f + c = 0
10g -2f + c + 26 = 0 ----------------(2)

Putting C(10, 0) in (*)

102 + (0)2 + 2g(10) + 2f(0) + c = 0

100 + 0 + 20g + 0 + c = 0

20g + c + 100 = 0 ----------------(3)

By Eq (1) – Eq(2) we have

-14g + 14f + c + 98 – 10 g +2f – c – 26 = 0

-24g + 16f + 72 = 0

-3g + 2f + 9 = 0---------------(4)

By Eq (3) – Eq(2) we have

20g + c + 100 – 10 g +2f – c – 26 = 0

10g + 3f + 74 = 0---------------(5)

By Eq (4) – Eq(5) we have

-3g + 2f + 9 – 3g – 2f – 74 = 0

-13g - 65 = 0

-13g = 65

g = -5

Put g = -5 in eq (5)

10(-5) + 2f + 74 = 0

-50 + 2f + 74 = 0

2f + 24 = 0

f = -12

put g = -5 in eq (3)

20(-5) + c + 100 = 0

No eq(*) becomes

x2 + y2 + 2(-5)x + 2(-12)y + 0 = 0

x2 + y2 -10x -24y = 0.

Condition 2: A circle passing through two points and having its center
on a given line.

Let AB is diameter of circle and midpoint of AB is the center of circle.

Radius of this circle is known and we can easily write the standard form of an
equation of circle.

Let P(x , y) is any point on the circle and m< APB=¿ 90o

So AP and BP are perpendicular to each other Fig.8.4

y− y 1 y− y 2
Slope of AP = , slope of BP =
x−x 1 x−x 2

As AP ⊥ BP

So, (Slope of AB) ⊥ (Slope of BP) = -1

y− y 1 y− y 2
× = -1
x−x 1 x−x 2

(x−x 1)( x−x 2)+( y− y 1)( y− y 2)=0

This is required equation of circle.

Condition 03:
A circle passing through two points and equation of tangent at
one of these points is known.

We will show it by example.

Example 4: Find an equation of circle through the points

(−2 ,−5) and (4 , 5) and touching the line

3 x+ 4 y – 24=0 at point (4 , 3)
Solution: General form of equation of circle is
2 2
x + y + 2 gx +2 fy+ c=0 -------------(1)

Thus the points (−2 ,−5) and (4 , 3) satisfies eq (i) because these points lies in eq (1) so

−4 g−10 f + c +29=0 -------------------(2)

8 g+6 f +c +25=0--------------------(3)

Given line of line 3 x+ 4 y – 24=0--------------------(4)

Touches the circle through (4,3) and perpendicular to eq (4) is

y-y1 = m (x-x1)


4 x – 3 y – 7=0

This line being a normal through (4 , 3) passes through center (−g ,−f ) of circle of equation (1).

Condition 4: A circle passing through two points and touching

a given line.
Example 5: Find an equation of the circle through the points A(1 , 2)
and B(1 ,−2) and touching the line
x +2 y+5=0.
Solution: Let O(h , k ) be the centre of the required circle. Then
OA=OB radius of the circle. Fig. 8.6
i .e., (h−1)2 + ( k−2 )2=( h−1 )2 + ( k +2 )2
or 8 k =0 i. e ., k =0
Hence ( OA )2= (OB )2= ( h−1 )2 +4

Now length of perpendicular from (h , k ) i.e., (h , 0)to the line x +2 y+5=0 equals the radius of the
circle and is given by
( )
h+5 2 (
= OA ) =(h−1)2+ 4

( h+5 )
or =( h−1 )2+ 4∨4 h2−20 h =0 i.e., h=0 , 5
Thus centers of the two circles are at (0, 0) and (5, 0).

Radius of the first circle = √ 5 ; Radius of the second circle = √ 20

Equations of the circles are
2 2 2 2
x + y =5∧ ( x −5 ) + y =20
2 2 2 2
i.e., x + y =5 and x + y −10 x+5=0

Exercise 8.1
Q1. Find an equation of circle that has center C (-2,3) and contain the point D (4,5).

Q2. Determine the equation of circle having center C (2 ,−3) and radius 5.

Q3. Find an equation of circle that has center C (−4 , 6) and passing through P(1 , 2).

Q4. Determine an equation of circle which is tangent to both axes, center in the second quadrant, and
radius 4.

Q5. Find an equation of circle with end points of diameter are A (4,-3) and B (-2,7).

Q6. If points (1,2), (3,-4) and (5,-6) lie on a circle, then using these points form the equation of circle.

Q7. Calcualte an equation of circle passing through the points (2 , 3), (−1 , 1) and whose center is on the

x−3 y−11=0 .

Q8. Find an equation of circle which is tangent to the x-axis at (3,0) and tangent to y-axis at (0,3).

Q9. Find an equation of a circle whose center is at (0,4) and diameter 6.

Q10. What is the equation of the circle having radius 12, centered at the intersection of the two lines
y=4 x +3 and y=5 x +44.

Q11. What is the equation for a circle of radius 8, centered at the intersection of the two lines:
y + x−3=0 and 2 y−x=9.

Q12. Find the equation of the circle passing through the point (2, -1) and touching the line 2x + y - 4 = 0
at the point (-1, 2).

Q13. Find equation of a circle passing through the point (1,2) and (3,4) and touching the line


Q14. Find the equation of the circle with centre on the x-axis and touching the line 3x+4y−11=0

at the point (1,2).

8.3 Tangents and Normal

8.3.1 Condition when line intersects the circle.

Let us consider the equation of the circle be x 2+ y 2=a2 . And that of the line be y=mx+c .

First, if we want to solve the two equations in two unknowns, we need to frame a quadratic
equation in x.
Substitute the linear equation in the circle’s equation. Linear equations are often defined in
terms of y. We’ll replace the y-values of the circle equation with the y value of the linear
equation. So, we get
2 2 2
x + ( mx+c ) =a (2)

Now, simplify the equation to get a quadratic equation. And factorise the quadratic equation by
using the algebraic identity

x 2+ m2 x 2+ c 2+ 2mcx=a 2 x 2 ( 1+ m2 ) + 2mcx +c 2−a 2=0

−2 mc ± √ 4 m c −4 ( 1+m ) (c −a )
2 2 2 2 2
2 ( 1+ m2 )

−2 mc ± D
2 ( 1+m2 )

Where D= √ 4 m2 c2−4 ( 1+m2 ) ( c2 −a2 )

Substitute the values of x in the linear equation to get the corresponding values of y.

If D>0, then there are two points of intersection

If D=0, then there is one point of intersection.
If D<0, then there is no point of intersection.

8.3.2 Condition when line touches the circle.

The straight line in (1) is tangent to a circle in equation (2) if

4 m2 c 2−4 ( 1+m2 ) ( c 2−a 2) =0
2 2 2
or c =a (1+m )
8.3.3 Equation of tangent to a circle in slope form:
From above article we see that if line is tangent to circle then D=0, we
have c 2=a2 ( 1+ m2 ) or c=± a √ 1+m2
Thus equation of tangent to circle in slope form is y=mx ± a √ 1+m2

8.3.4 Equation of tangent and normal to a circle at a point

The given equation of a circle is
2 2
x + y + 2 gx +2 fy+ c=0 – – – (i)

Since the point ( x 1 , y 1) lies on the circle, it must satisfy (i). We

2 2
x 1+ y 1+ 2 g x 1+ 2 f y 1+ c=0– – – (ii)

Differentiating both sides of (i) of circle with respect to x, we have

Fig. 8.8
dy dy dy
2 x+ 2 y +2 g+2 f + 0=0 ( y+ f ) =−( x +g)
dx dx dx

dy −(x + g)
dx ( y + f )

Slope of tangent through point ( x 1 , y 1) = m =

dx |
(x 1 , y1)
−(x 1+ g)
( y1 + f )

Equation of tangent through point ( x 1 , y 1)

−( x 1 + g )
y− y 1= ¿)
( y 1+ f )
x x 1 + y y 1+ g ( x + x 1 ) + f ( y+ y 1) + c=0 is required equation of tangent.

Now for equation of normal through point ( x 1 , y 1)

( y 1+ f )
y− y 1= ¿)
( x1 + g)
( y− y 1) ( x 1+ g ) =¿)( y 1 + f ) is the equation of normal.
8.3.5 Length of the tangent from the external point to the circle
Length of the tangent from the point ( x 1 , y 1) to the circle x 2+ y 2+ 2 gx +2 fy+ c=0 is
√ x 21+ y21 +2 g x1 +2 f y 1 +c
Example: Find the length of the tangent to the circle x 2+ y 2=12, drawn from the point (5, 6).
The equation of the circle is
2 2
x + y – 12=0

The required length of the tangent will be

√ 52 +62 – 12=7.
8.3.6 The lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.
Theorem: Prove that the lengths of tangents drawn from an external point to a circle are equal.

Fig. 8.9

Proof: Consider a circle, as shown in figure. PT and TQ are two tangents drawn from an
external point T to the circle C.

To prove PT=TQ

We know that a tangent to the circle is ⊥ to the radius through the point of contact. So, ¿OPT=¿

OT=OT (common)

¿OPT=¿OQT=90° (Tangent and radius are perpendicular at point of contact)

OP=OQ= radius

∴ΔOPT≅ ΔOQT (RHS congruence)


So, length of the tangents drawn from an external point to circle is equal.
8.4 Properties of Circle
Theorem: Prove that perpendicular from the Centre of a circle on a chord bisects the chord.

Fig. 8.10

Proof: Consider a circle with centre at O and AB is a chord such that OX perpendicular to AB
To prove that AX=BX


∠OXA=∠OXB [both are 90° ]

OA=OB (Both are radius of circle )

OX=OX (common side )


AX=BX (by property of congruent triangles )

Hence proved.

Theorem: Prove that perpendicular bisector of any chord of a circle passes through the Centre
of the circle.

Proof: Let us assume that ‘S’ is a circle in which AB is chord, CD is perpendicular bisector of
chord AB at D

We will first assume that C is not the centre of the circle. Now, in ΔADC and ΔBDC we have
CD=CD (common side)
AD=BD (CD is perpendicular bisector of AB) and
From the above three equations, we can say that
ΔADC≅ΔBDC by SAS congruence condition.
We know that in congruent triangles sides and angles have equal measurements, thus we can say
that side AC of triangle ADC is equal to side BC of triangle BDC, that is

then this contradicts our assumption that C is not the centre of the circle. We are saying this
because the centre of the circle is the only point within the circle that has the point on the
circumference equal distance from it.
Here, point C has two points A and B having equal distance, thus from this, we can say that ‘C’
is the centre of the circle. Thus, it is proved that the perpendicular bisector of the chord passes
through the centre of the circle.
Hence proved.

Theorem: The line joining the centre of a circle to the midpoint of a chord is perpendicular to the

Fig. 8.11

Proof: Let the centre of a circle be O.

OA and OB are radii
AB is any chord with X as the midpoint.
OA = OB (radius)
AX = BX (X is mid point of AB)
OX = OX (Common)
But they are linear pair.

Theorem: Congruent chords of a circle are equidistance from its centre and its converse.
Fig. 8.12

Proof: Given a circle has two equal chords AB and CD.

AB¿CD and OM perpendicular to AB, ON perpendicular to CD

To Prove OM¿ON

Now AB¿CD (Given)

∵ the perpendicular drawn from the centre of a circle to bisect the chord

1 1
∴ AB¿ CD
2 2


In △OMB and △OND

∠OMB¿∠OND=90° [Given]

OB¿OD [Radii of same circle]

BM¿ DN [Proved above]

∴ △OMB ≅ △OND [By R.H.S.]

∴ OM¿ON.

Theorem: Measure of the central angle of a minor arc is double the measure of the angle
subtended by the corresponding major arc.
Fig. 8.13

Proof: Consider a triangle APO,

Here, OA = OP (Radii)

Since, the angles opposite to the equal sides are equal,

∠OPA = ∠OAP …(1)

Also, by using the exterior angle property (exterior angle is the sum of interior opposite angles),

We can write,

∠BOP = ∠OAP + ∠OPA

By using (1),

∠BOP = ∠OAP + ∠OAP

∠BOP = 2∠OAP… (2)

Similarly, consider another triangle AQO,

OA = OQ (Radii)

As the angles opposite to the equal sides are equal,

∠OQA = ∠OAQ … (3)

Similarly, by using the exterior angle property, we get

∠BOQ = ∠OAQ + ∠OQA

∠BOQ = ∠OAQ + ∠OAQ (using (3))

∠BOQ = 2∠OAQ …(4)

Adding (2) and (4) we get,

∠BOP + ∠BOQ = 2∠OAP + 2∠OAQ

∠POQ = 2(∠OAP + ∠OAQ)

∠POQ = 2∠PAQ. Hence proved.

Theorem: An angle in a semi-circle is a right angle.

Fig. 8.14

Proof: Now POQ is a straight line passing through center O.

∴ Angle subtended by arc PQ at O is
The angle subtended by an arc at the center is double
the angle subtended by it any point on the remaining part of the circle.
∴ ∠POQ¿2∠PAQ
∠ POQ 180
¿∠PAQ ⇒ ¿∠PAQ ⇒∠PAQ=90 Hence proved.
2 2

Theorem: The perpendicular at the outer end of a radial segment is tangent to circle.
Fig. 8.15

Proof: Consider a circle x 2+ y 2=a2 .

Let PT be the perpendicular to the outer edge of a radial segment OP.

To prove PT is a tangent to the circle at point P.

Suppose coordinates of P are ( x 1 , y 1).

As PT is perpendicular to radius OP,

−1 −x1
Therefore, slope of PT= = y1 ¿
slope of OP y1

−x 1
Equation of tangent PT is y− y 1= ¿)
y y 1+ x x 1−a =0

|(0) y 1 +(0)x 1−a2| a

Now distance of PT from O = = =a .
√x 1
+ y1

Thus PT is tangent to circle at the point P( x 1 , y 1).

Theorem: The tangent to a circle at any point of the

circle is perpendicular to the radial segment at that point.

Proof: Consider a circle x 2+ y 2=a2 . Let PT be the tangent

to the circle at point P ¿).
To prove PT ⊥ OT .

dy −x
Differentiating x 2+ y 2=a2 we get =
dx y

Slope of tangent through point ( x 1 , y 1) =

dx |
(x 1 , y1)
−x 1

y 1−0 y 1
Slope of OP= =
x 1−0 x 1

Now, Product of slopes = ( )( )

−x 1
= -1

Which shows that PT ⊥ OT .

Example: Find the length of a chord which is at a distance of 5 cm from the center of a circle of
radius 10 cm.

Fig. 8.16

Solution: Let AB be a chord of a circle with radius 10 cm.

∴ OA=10 cm
OC=5 cm
∵ OC divides AB into two equal parts. (Perpendicular from the center bisects the chord)
i.e., AC=CB
Now in right ΔOAC, we have
2 2 2
(OA ) =( OC) +(AC ) (Pythagoras Theorem)

⇒ (10)2=(5)2 +( AC)2

⇒100=25+( AC )2
⇒( AC )2=100−25=75

∴ AC=√ 75=√ 25 ×3=5×1.732 [∵√ 3=1.732]

∴ AB=2×AC=2×5×1.732
=10×1.732=17.32 cm
Hence, the length of the chord is 17.32 cm

Exercise 8.2
Q1. Prove that normal lines of a circle passes through the center of the circle.

Q2. Prove that midpoint of the hypotenuse of a right triangle is the circum centre of the

Q3. Prove that the straight line drawn from the centre of the circle perpendicular to a
tangent passes through the point of tangency.

Q4. Prove that perpendicular dropped from a point of a circle on a diameter is a mean
proportional between the segments into which it divides the diameter.

Q5. Find the equations of tangents from

i. (5 , 1) to the circle x 2+ y 2=25.

ii. (2 , 3) to the circle x 2+ y 2+5 x +6 y−3=0

 A conic section, conic or a quadratic curve is a curve obtained from a cone's
surface intersecting a plane
 Equation of circle: The set of all points in the plane that are equally distant from a
fixed point is called circle.
 General form of an equation of circle
 The equation x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 Shows a circle, In this equation f, g and c are
 Equation of tangent to a circle in slope form:From above article we see that
if line is tangent to circle then D=0, we have c 2=a2 ( 1+ m2 ) or c=± a √ 1+m2
 Thus equation of tangent to circle in slope form is y=mx ± a √ 1+m2
 General form of equation of parabola: x 2+ y 2+ 2 gx +2 fy+ c=0

Review Exercise
Q1. Choose the correct option.

1. If a cone cut by a plane perpendicular to its axis then section is

a) Parabola b) Hyperbola c) Ellipse d) Circle
2. If radius of a circle is zero then circle is called
a) Point circle b) Real circle c) Imaginary circle d) None
3. The radius of the circle x 2+ y 2−2 x+2 y−12=0 is
a) 2 √5 b) 3 √5 c) 5 √5 d) 2
4. The centre of the circle is x 2+ y 2−2 x+2 y−23=0 is
a) (−2 ,−2) b) (2 ,−2) c) (−2 , 2) d) (2 , 2)
5. __________ Tangents can be drawn at a point P(x 1 , y 1 ) of a circle.
a) 2 b) 3 c) Infinite d) None
Q2. Show that the point of intersection of line 3 x+ y=5 and circle x 2+ y 2+ 2 x−9=0 are

(4 13
5 5 )
and (2 ,−1).

Q3. Find the length of the chord of a circle with points on boundary (2 , 1) and ( 85 , 95 ).
Q4. Calculate the length of the tangent from point (3 , 2) to a circle x 2+ y 2+ 2 x−3 y +5=0.

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