AS and A-Level Further Maths: Topic Test Mark Scheme

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AS and A-level
Confidence intervals and errors in hypothesis testing
Mark scheme

Specification content coverage: SC1, SH1, SH2, SH3

Question Solutions Mark

1 2 1
Total 1
2 (a) x = 1014 (CAO) 1
z = 2.575 (AWFW 2.57 to 2.58) PI 1
1014 ± 2.575 × structure correct, must use 10 1

(1002, 1026) need to be rounded to the nearest integer 1

Total 4
2 (b) Comparison of LCL/CI/1002 > 1000 so the claim is justified 1
Total 1
3 (a) z-value = 1.645 (AWFW 1.64 to 1.65) 1
2 ×1.644... ×σ
= 4.6 [67.2 – 62.6] 1
σ =5.59 (AWFW 5.58 – 5.61 using 1.65 and 1.64) 1
Total 3
3 (b) 2 ×1.644 …×σ
<1 1
n > 2 ×σ×1.644 …
n > 18.4 (rearranges to get n > or n >) 1
n > 338.56
n = 339 1
Total 3
4 (a) Type II error is to accept that the proportion of over 65 year
olds that own a PC is 65% when it is in fact greater than
65% (or equivalent) 1
Total 1
4 (b) P(X ≥ 16) = 1 – P(X ≤ 15)
=1– 0.8818 = 0.1182 > 0.1 accept H0
P(X ≥ 17) = 1 – P(X ≤ 16)
=1– 0.9556 = 0.0444 < 0.1 reject H0
Attempts rejection region either 0.1182 or 0.0444 seen 1
Compares either to 0.1 and makes the correct conclusion 1
Both correct seen 1
So P(Type I error) = 0.0444 (AWRT 0.044 1
Total 4
5 (a)(i) ∑t
t = 16.2 1
30  789526 
s2 = − 162.22  =8.9931…
29  30  1

s = 2.99885... = 3.00 ( AWRT ) 1

Total 3
5 (a)(ii) n = 30 is a large sample (idea of large sample expressed) 1
So s can be used as an unbiased estimate for σ 1
Total 2
5 (b)(i) z = 1.95996 (AWRT 1.96) 1
1.95996 ×3.00...
162.2 ± correct structure of CI must be
Condone use of 1.645 for z 1
= (161.1, 163.3) 1
Total 3
5 (b)(ii) 160 < LCL or CI or 161.1 so evidence to suggest that Dev’s
claim is correct. 1
Total 1
6 (a)(i) x (before) = 83
x (after) = 78.2 1
Total 1
6 (a)(ii) As n and the confidence level were the same for both
intervals then as the first interval is wider, the standard 1
deviation for before lessons sample is larger
Total 2

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 2 of 3
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.
6 (b)(i) 80 lies inside the confidence interval so evidence supports
claim 1 (need both statements) 1
Total 1
6 (b)(ii) As the two confidence intervals overlap, no claim can be
supported about one mean compared to the other. 1
Claim 2 is not supported. 1
Total 2

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee registered in 3 of 3
England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street, Manchester M15 6EX.

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