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Favor hiring and promoting people with a well-grounded sense of personal

Explanation: When hiring or promoting employees, choose those who have a
strong sense of what's right and wrong. This means looking for people who
naturally want to do good and make fair decisions.
2. Build an organizational culture that places a high value on ethical behavior:
Explanation: Create an environment at work where everyone thinks it's really
important to do things the right way. Make sure everyone knows that being
honest and fair is highly valued.
3. Put decision-making processes in place that require people to consider the
ethical dimension of business decisions:
Explanation: When making important choices in the company, make sure there's a
way to think about what's right or wrong. This helps to make sure that ethical
concerns are always part of the decision-making process.
4. Institute ethical officers in the organization:
Explanation: Have special people in the company whose job is to make sure
everyone is acting ethically. They help keep an eye on things and make sure
everyone is following the rules.
5. Develop moral courage:
Explanation: Encourage people to have the bravery to stand up for what they
believe is right, even if it's hard. This means doing the right thing, even when it's
not easy.
6. Make corporate social responsibility a cornerstone of the enterprise policy:
Explanation: Make sure that the company's policies and plans include doing good
things for the community and the environment. It's about being a responsible and
caring member of society.
7. Pursue strategies that are sustainable: Explanation: Choose plans and actions
that can be kept up for a long time without causing harm. This means making
choices that are good for the environment and society in the long run.
These actions are like a guide for managers to make sure that doing what's right is
always a big part of how the company works. It's about making sure that honesty,
fairness, and responsibility are at the heart of everything the company does.

Is Sustainability Bad for Profits?

No, sustainability is not necessarily bad for profits. In fact, many customers like it
when companies focus on sustainable practices. They believe that businesses
should try to do well in their work while also trying to make the world a better
However, big companies that operate in many places can find it really hard to
meet all the different needs of the people they work with. Also, there's a group
that sets out guidelines for reporting on sustainability, but it has a lot of different
things to report on. This can make it confusing for companies to know what to
focus on.
Also, the people in charge of sustainability in companies may not always have as
much influence as other top managers.

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