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That’s all Ana xolos

That’s all I want Men xohlagan narsa shumi?

That’s my son Bu mening o'g'limmi?

That’s what I wanted to say Men aytmoqchi bo'lgan narsa shumi?

That’s a good idea Bu yaxshi fikr

What’s going on? Nima gaplar?

What’s that? Nima u?

What’s going to happened? Nima bo'ladi?

What has been happening? Nima bo'ldi?

What has been going on? Nima bo'ldi?

It is a man It is a man

It’s a woman Bu ayol

It’s a boy Bu o'g'il bola

It’s a girl Bu qiz

It’s a good thing Bu yaxshi narsa

It’s not a good thing Bu yaxshi narsa emas

It’s time to go Ketish vaqti keldi

It’s a good speech Yaxshi nutq ekan

It’s hot, winter, cold, summer Bu issiq, qish, sovuq, yoz

It has been a good day Bu yaxshi kun bo'ldi

It has been one of those days Shunday kunlardan biri bo'ldi

It has been good Yaxshi bo'ldi

It has been fun Qiziqarli bo'ldi

It has been a wonderful life Bu ajoyib hayot bo'ldi

It has been a trying time Bu qiyin vaqt bo'ldi

There’s one Bittasi bor

There’s another Boshqasi bor

There’s a red balloon Qizil shar bor

There’s gold in those hills Bu tepaliklarda oltin bor

Where there’s water there’s life Suv bor joyda hayot bor

There’s a lot of water in the river Daryoda juda ko'p suv bor

There’s not a lot I can do about it Bu haqda men qila oladigan ko'p narsa yo'q

I don’t want to do is, so I won’t do it Men buni qilishni xohlamayman, shuning uchun
men buni qilmayman

I won’t do in unless you make me do it. Meni majburlamaguningizcha, men kirmayman.

I won’t promise you anything Men sizga hech narsa va'da qilmayman

I won’t do anything. Men hech narsa qilmayman.

Why won’t you help me? Nega menga yordam bermaysiz?

It / he/she/they/we won’t work U / u / ular / biz ishlamaymiz

He hasn’t been here in a long time. U uzoq vaqtdan beri bu erga kelmadi.

He isn’t here now U hozir bu yerda emas

I don’t know when he will be here. U qachon bu yerda bo'lishini bilmayman.

He doesn’t know when he will get here. U bu erga qachon kelishini bilmaydi.

I won’t know until he gets here. U bu erga kelmaguncha bilmayman.

I haven’t been told. Menga aytilmagan.

I can’t find out. Men topa olmayapman.

I wouldn’t tell you if I knew. Agar bilganimda aytmasdim.

I shouldn’t tell you. Men sizga aytmasligim kerak.

I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. Xohlasam, ayta olmadim.

I mustn’t tell anyone. Men hech kimga aytmasligim kerak.

He’s somewhere else U boshqa joyda

He’s not in his room U o'z xonasida emas

He’s not answering the phone. U telefonga javob bermayapti.

He’s from France U Fransiyadan

He’s not my brother U mening akam emas

He’s not awake U uyg'onmagan

He’s asleep U uxlab yotibdi

What’s the matter? Nima farqi bor?

What’s for breakfast? Nonushta uchun nima bor?

Who’s there? Kim bor?

Who’s calling? Kim qo'ng'iroq qilmoqda?

I don’t know who’s driving the bus Avtobusni kim boshqarayotganini bilmayman

There’s a freckle on your face Yuzingizda sepkil bor

There’s a woman in the race Poygada bir ayol bor

There’s a girl whose name is Grace Bir qiz bor, uning ismi Greys

I’ll be right back Men darhol qaytaman

We’ll be there in a little while Birozdan keyin u yerda bo'lamiz

She'll be riding a white horse U oq otga minadi

He’ll see you now U hozir ko'rishadi

You’ll be sorry for that Buning uchun afsuslanasiz

I’m twenty years old Men yigirma yoshdaman

I’m looking forward to it Men buni intiqlik bilan kutyapman

I’m not looking forward to it Men buni intiqlik bilan kutmayman

I’m a man. Men erkakman.

I’m nearly forty Men qirqqa yaqinman

I’m your friend Men sizning do'stingizman

I’m an American Men amerikalikman

I’m going to come back Men qaytib kelaman

I’m blessed with a wonderful family Men ajoyib oilaga egaman

I’m behind him 100 percent Men uning 100 foiz orqasidaman

You’re supposed to be there at eight Siz u yerda sakkizda bo'lishingiz kerak

We’re meeting them at nine Biz ular bilan soat to'qqizda uchrashamiz

They’re supposed to meet us the station Ular bizni stantsiyada kutib olishlari kerak edi

I would like to meet her Men u bilan uchrashishni xohlayman

I had been doing well until I got hit by a car Meni mashina urib ketguniga qadar yaxshi ishlagan
If you lived here you would be home by now Agar shu yerda yashagan bo'lsangiz, hozirgacha
uyda bo'lardingiz
You had better watch out! Ehtiyot bo'lganingiz ma'qul!

We had better be getting back Biz qaytib kelganimiz yaxshiroq edi

We would like to do it again some time Biz buni bir muncha vaqt takrorlashni xohlaymiz

She had better listen if she knows what’s good for Agar u o'zi uchun nima yaxshi ekanini bilsa,
her tinglagani ma'qul

She’d (would) like to go to the concert U kontsertga borishni xohlaydi

He’d like to go to college U kollejga borishni xohlaydi

He’d be better off not going U bormasa yaxshi bo'lardi

I’ve been waiting for an hour Men bir soat kutdim

I’ve got something to say Men aytadigan gapim bor

I’ve gotten a letter from my sister Men singlimdan xat oldim

I’ve been looking forward to hearing from her Men undan xabar olishni intiqlik bilan kutgandim

I’ve been wanting to talk to you Men siz bilan gaplashmoqchi edim

That’s what I’ve been thinking Bu men o'ylagan narsam

We’ve been there before Biz ilgari u erda bo'lganmiz

We’ve seen that movie already Biz bu filmni allaqachon ko'rganmiz

We’ve go to see that one Biz buni ko'rgani bordik

We’ve been waiting in line for an hour Biz bir soatdan beri navbatda turdik

You’ve been told not to do that Sizga bunday qilmaslikni aytishgan

You’ve been there before, haven’t you? Siz u erda oldin ham bo'lgansiz, shunday emasmi?

You’ve earned a reprimand Siz tanbeh oldingiz

You’ve been misbehaving Siz noto'g'ri harakat qildingiz

You’ve seen her before, haven’t you? Siz uni ilgari ko'rgansiz, shunday emasmi?

You’ve been quite helpful Siz juda foydali bo'ldingiz

I could’ve done it if I had wanted to do it Agar men buni xohlasam, buni qila olardim

I could’ve done it, but I didn’t do it Men buni qila olardim, lekin men buni qilmadim

I would’ve finished had I had the time Vaqtim bo'lganida tugatgan bo'lardim

I would’ve got there sooner, but the train was late Men u erga tezroq borardim, lekin poezd kechikdi

We would’ve had the picnic had it not rained Agar yomg'ir yog'maganida biz piknik qilgan

She should’ve introduced herself U o'zini tanishtirishi kerak edi

Perhaps I should’ve been politer Ehtimol, men xushmuomala bo'lishim kerak edi

We should’ve done a better job of it Biz buni yaxshiroq qilishimiz kerak edi

She should not have introduced herself U o'zini tanishtirmasligi kerak edi

What did he say? U nima dedi?

That’ll be all Hammasi bo'ladi

I could not hear her, so I did not respond Men uni eshitmadim, shuning uchun men javob

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