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18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Jose Ignacio ANDRADE PARRELLA Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: U
11 Dec '23 [15:56] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Jose Ignacio is a quiet student who, when called upon, offers good insight into the application of the
theory learned in business. He is polite and appears interested in the subject's content.
Target: Jose Ignacio has significant work to do over the Christmas period in order to improve his grade. I would
advise spending significant time studying the content, its costs/causes/consequences when applied to a
business and practicing questions using the advised structure.

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: D
17 Dec '23 [20:16] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Jose Ignacio unfortunately has not improved upon his initial assessment this year, achieving a D in
his most recent assessment as well. In the assessment Jose Ignacio's answers were very brief. Despite not
impacting his official grades, Jose Ignacio should approach end of topic assessments with greater seriousness,
as they serve as valuable indicators of his comprehension and knowledge. Jose Ignacio's engagement in class
varies, while some days he is proactive and willing to work, other days he is less motivated, and reluctant to
work. Developing a more consistent work ethic would greatly enhance his overall academic performance.
Target: Jose Ignacio should ensure that he is dedicating the necessary time outside the classroom to
independent study in order to consolidate his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: E
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:51] Comment: José Ignacio se incorporó tarde a la asignatura, le ha costado un poco la adaptación. Le ha faltado
seguridad en el momento del examen, decide con miedo la respuesta adecuada. Teniendo en cuenta que esta
parte de Historia de España son exámenes tipo test, tiene que estudiar con este enfoque de momento. Confío
en él y sé que puede mejorar.
Target: Mis objetivos con José Ignacio son:
- Estudiar atendiendo a posibles preguntas tipo test
- Retener vocabulario, nombres propios, fechas.
- Confiar en lo que aprende para ganar seguridad

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: C
13 Dec '23 [16:01] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Jose has shown improvement since the start of the term. He is much more consistently completing
his homework to a higher standard now. His recent retake of his knowledge test showed that he is capable of
learning the key facts. Jose is still struggling with his essay technique: he is not putting in enough detailed
knowledge and explanation, everything is too general. Jose has been given a model essay and others will be
placed on Google Classroom. Jose needs to use these to develop his technique.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 3
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Jose Ignacio no ha conseguido superar los niveles exigidos para este trimestre. Creo que le falta
motivación y atención en clase. Es un niño muy educado y rara vez pide ayuda. Recomiendo que mejore en
12 Dec '23 [15:53] estos dos aspectos y que vaya comprendiendo todos los conceptos estudiados, preguntando por aquellos que
no comprenda. Estoy seguro de que va a intentarlo y que poco a poco mejorará. Tengo confianza en ello. Su
evolución durante este trimestre ha sido positiva aun sin llegar a los niveles exigidos. Ya nos queda menos.
Target: Su meta pasa por mejorar mucho su atención en clase y en el trabajo metódico y ordenado en casa. Es
muy importante en esta materia que vaya trabajando poco a poco y que no deje que se le acumule la materia.
Espero que consiga esta motivación poco a poco y que vaya mejorando en los resultados.Os deseo una Feliz
Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.… 1/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B
11 Dec '23 [16:03] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Ines is an excellent student with very high potential in business. She is a hard worker and has done
an excellent job in applying herself and in approaching exams and practice exam questions.
Target: With continued study, Ines can achieve a good grade in her exam in January. I would recommend
continuing with revision and practicing exam questions under exam conditions, in particular in the
recommended time.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: C+
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:04] Comment: Ines has had a positive start to this new academic year. She has been participating actively during
the lessons and has completed her homework on time. However, as I mentioned during Parents Evening, Ines
can get easily distracted which prevents her from completing taks effectively during the lessons.
Target: I would encourage her to apply the grammar rules we see in class into her spoken and written work and
do extra research about the topics we have been studying to gather a strong database she can reuse in her

Attitude to Learning: 2
GEOG) Attainment: E+
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:49] Comment: Trabaja y muestra interés. Le cuesta expresarse en los exámenes porque escribe sin concretar las
ideas y sin dejarlas claras. Le ha faltado dominar el vocabulario de la asignatura.Un examen no es mejor por
escribir mucho, un examen es bueno cuando hay contenido y rigor científico. En Geografía hay un porcentaje
alto de práctica que Inés aún no domina. Pero sé que según avance el curso va a ir mejorando, porque tiene
inquietud y ganas de aprender. Confío en ella.
Target: Mis objetivos con Inés son:
- Estudiar razonando, destacando la ideas y el vocabulario
- Mejorar la expresión mediante frases cortas, párrafos que le permitan hacer una exposición ordenada y lógica.
- Cuidar la ortografía, buscar sinónimos
- Hacer un esquema de ideas principales y secundarias antes de responder

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C
17 Dec '23 [19:55] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Inés has made some progress in geography this term. Despite an initial setback with a D in her first
assessment, she demonstrated significant progress in her latest evaluation focused on the topic of population,
earning a commendable C. To further enhance her academic performance, I encourage Inés to concentrate on
refining her longer answer responses. Emphasising the importance of constructing well-structured and coherent
arguments, she can benefit from implementing a small plan before translating her thoughts onto paper.
Target: Inés should ensure that she is dedicating the necessary time to independent study outside of the
classroom to consolidate her learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: C+
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:51] Comment: Inés ha trabajado bien la asignatura, ha dedicado tiempo, tiene buena actitud en clase. Genera buen
ambiente en el grupo. Le gusta aprender y disfruta con ello. Teniendo en cuenta que en esta parte de la Historia
de España el examen es tipo test, tiene que ajustar su estudio a ello. Sé que irá mejorando y confío en ella.
Target: Mis objetivos con Inés son:
- Estudiar atendiendo a posibles preguntas tipo test
- Retener vocabulario, nombres propios, fechas.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Inés ha estado trabajando durante este trimestre, pero no ha llegado al nivel exigido para la
evaluación. Sé que se ha esforzado y conozco el trabajo que ha realizado pero aún hay camino por delante.
12 Dec '23 [16:00] Recomiendo una mejor organización de su trabajo y, sobre todo que este sea metódico y constante. Estoy
seguro de que va a mejorar porque su actitud es muy buena y ella tiene mucha capacidad de esfuerzo.… 2/38
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Target: Su meta es mejorar y afianzar su autoestima. Que vaya ganando autoconfianza. En cuanto llegue cerca
del nivel , conseguirá que todo le resulte más sencillo y se sentirá mucho más motivada. Espero una gran
evolución en un futuro cercano.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este
Año que nos viene.… 3/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Sol ARAMBURU MUGUIRO Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
13 Dec '23 [15:53] Teacher Expectations: E

Comment: Sol has made a brilliant and conscientious start to her A level History studies. Her essays show a
developing maturity and an ability to build a thoughtful and evaluative argument throughout and this has
ensured that she is securing an A grade. Her participation in class shows a strong understanding of the material
and her homework is always exemplary. If she keeps working hard then I have no doubt that she will do well in
her first external exam in January.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 1
MATES) Attainment: D+
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [09:28] Comment: Sol ha completado un buen trimestre, mostrando interés por la asignatura y una buena actitutd en
clase. Sin embargo, sus resultados están muy por debajo de lo que ella puede conseguir. Durante este trimestre
hemos hecho un repaso de conceptos básicos de cursos anteriores, por lo que es muy importante que domine
los conceptos y las operaciones.
Target: Sol debe repasar todo lo estudiado este trimestre para conseguir una buena base que le permita
abordar los próximos temas con garantías. Son conceptos básicos que va a estudiar tambien en la asignatura
de Maths. Confío en que reaccione y obtenga mejores resultados el próximo trimestre.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-FMA) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: E
17 Dec '23 [16:40] Comment: Sol has had a great start to Further Maths and has shown the level of intellectual and academic
maturity necessary to deal with the more complex theory-based nature of the course. She knows how to study
effectively and I am sure she will prepare well for the January exams!
Target: Keep up the good work and make sure that she budgets time in her revision sechedule to revisit
Parametric equations, as it was among the more difficult topics we saw this term.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: E
17 Dec '23 [16:50] Comment: As with Further Maths, Sol has had a great start to regular maths. She seems to be enjoying it and
has certainly noticed how much of an advantage the Further Maths course has given her. Important for January
is that Sol makes sure she has time at the end of her exam to go back and check her work somewhat
thoroughly to iron out any silly mistakes.
Target: Keep up the good work and make sure to keep your "common sense check" alert in January. Make sure
you can check your work and the end and more importantly, try not to overcomplicate anything!

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
12 Dec '23 [16:06] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Sol is an excellent physicist in the making and seems to be really enjoying her start to A level. She
participates well in class in terms of getting tasks completed and clearly has had no problems adapting to the
increased level of difficulty at A level. She is an excellent leader during practicals and her group consistently
does the experiments well. However to truly reach her potential in physics she needs to engage better with the
material being taught - ask questions, be inquisitive and curious about content being discussed. Attained a
grade in heer recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A*
12 Dec '23 [12:17] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Sol ha hecho un trimestre fantástico, tiene muy buena actitud en clase y ha trabajado bien en casa,
por lo que ha obtenido unos magníficos resultados. ¡Enhorabuena!
Target: Sol debe seguir con esta excelente línea de trabajo para mantener sus resultados.… 4/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B+
17 Dec '23 [14:01] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Alejandro continues to progress in geography, after an impressive start to the year with a B in his
initial geography assessment, he has since elevated his performance to an A in his most recent assessment
focused on the topic of population. Alejandro showcases a proficiency in articulating well-structured and
coherent arguments, particularly in response to longer answer questions. His commendable work ethic is
evident, positioning him favourably on the path toward attaining a notable grade in May.
Target: Alejandro should continue to dedicate the necessary time to independent study outside the classroom
to consolidate his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(12-HE) Attainment: A
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: A
13 Dec '23 [08:51] Comment: ¡Fenomenal! Un placer tenerlo como alumno. Disfruta aprendiendo, tiene un espíritu crítico, pregunta
dudas. Muestra mucho interés y se deja enseñar. Su actitud en clase es muy colaboradora. Hay que tener en
cuenta que en esta parte de Historia de España, el examen es tipo test y el estudio se ajusta a este modelo.
Target: Seguir así durante todo el curso

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
13 Dec '23 [15:57] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Alex has made a brilliant and conscientious start to his A level History studies. His essays show a
developing maturity and his knowledge is exemplary. Alex shows an ability to build an argument through his
writing, although at times his explanation and evaluation can be slightly underdeveloped. If Alex can ensure that
he fully explores his points and argument then I have no doubt that he can consistently achieve an A grade. His
participation in class is consistent and frequent and his homework is always completed to a high standard. If
Alex keeps working hard then I have no doubt that he will do well in his first external exam in January.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 1
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: A
By: JGO Comment: Alejandro ha tenido una evolución muy positiva durante este trimestre. Su nivel en la asignatura es
bueno y además ha demostrado un trabajo serio y organizado. Por ello sus resultados han sido muy
13 Dec '23 [18:19] sobresalientes. Debe de continuar por este camino.
Target: Que no se confíe y prosiga por el camino que ya ha comenzado. El único secreto que tienen las
matemáticas es practicar de manera programada y constante. Los contenidos de la próxima evaluación serán
más exigentes y requerirán un mayor esfuerzo.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se
cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: B
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:05] Comment: Alex has had a good start to A level maths. He is genuinely engaged and participative in class (both
pure and stats) and is showing a lot of maturty in his approach to independent study. He has prepared well for
each of our unit tests and scored a respectable B in the mock. He will need to make sure he reviews some of the
earlier parts of the course for January, as this is mostly where he dropped marks on the mock.
Target: Thoroughly review all of unit 1 (algebra, quadratics, transformations, quadratic simultaneous equations)
in preparation for January… 5/38
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Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: C
11 Dec '23 [16:12] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Alejandro is a very clever student capable of a good grade in his business A Level. He has shown his
ability and knowledge of how businesses operate, both in relation to the theory and in the real world.
Target: Alejandro can significantly improve his grade if he takes lessons more seriously and applies himself.
With some applied study over the Christmas period Alejandro can achieve a good grade in business. Alejandro
is often talkative and distracted in class, which I hope improves next term.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-LIT) Attainment: B
By: RFW Teacher Expectations: WT
04 Dec '23 [15:11] Comment: Alejandro has been a pleasure to teach so far in Year 12 and we are both delighted he has chosen to
study Literature. He is obviously capable of thinking for himself and writing well. His contributions in lessons
could be more regular but demonstrate a strong knowledge of the texts being studied. In future, we ask that he
relies on his own intellect when writing essays rather than online sources.
Target: Alejandro should start to think about organising his essays through the use of a strong introduction
which contains a core argument and beginning his paragraphs with topic sentences which will guide the focus
of his essay.

Attitude to Learning: 2
GEOG) Attainment: D+
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:49] Comment: Alejandro tiene capacidad de razonar y expresar lo que sabe. Es muy práctico en lo que estudia y eso
le da resultado de momento. Su dificultad está ante un tema que requiera mucho vocabulario nuevo y
desconocido o tener que memorizar, lo que le supone esfuerzo lo abandona. Confío en él y espero que a partir
de ahora haya su capacidad vaya respaldada también por su esfuerzo y estudio, esto le permitirá llegar a muy
buenos resultados.
Target: Mis objetivos con Alejandro son:
- Estudiar semanalmente lo explicado en clase
- Distinguir el vocabulario y utilizarlo en sus exámenes
- Realizar ejercicios prácticos
- Superar la pereza que le supone lo que no le gusta

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C+
13 Dec '23 [15:58] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Alejandro works well in lessons and shows a desire to do well. However, the level of effort he has
applied outside of lessons has been more mixed recently. He always completes homework, but his recent
performance in his knowledge test and his most recent essay suggests that Alejandro needs to put more effort
into his revision. He is a capable young man, but without plenty of revision going into his exam in January then
he will struggle to achieve his full potential. I haven spoken to Alejandro about this recently and he did convey a
desire to work harder and show more commitment and I very much hope that it is this attitude that he carries
into his first external exam.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Alejandro ha tenido este trimestre un rendimiento muy desigual. Comenzó con unos resultados muy
deficientes, pero enseguida mejoró en su esfuerzo y llegó a los niveles exigidos. Esperaba que se mantuviera
13 Dec '23 [18:13] ahí pero un exceso de confianza quizá ha hecho que vuelva a bajar mucho en su rendimiento. Por ello su
calificación, sin ser desfavorable, es muy muy justita.
Target: Espero que, a partir de ahora se "ponga las pilas" y comience su recuperación. Creo que está
perfectamente capacitado pero necesita trabajar más y, sobre todo, mejor. La organización de su estudio y la
constancia serán sus mejores aliadas. Confío plenamente en su mejoría.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que
vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A… 6/38
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17 Dec '23 [17:10] Comment: Alejandro has had an inconsistent term when it comes to testing. Among our various unit tests he
has scored from an A to a U. More worryingly, in our mock he scored his second U. This indicates that there is
some severe lack of confidence when it comes to bringing everything together in one paper as compared to
individual topic tests. He will need to make sure he is budgeting time into his revision schedule for full past
paper practice, making sure to address any weakness that occur.
Target: Thoroughly review unit 1 (algebra, quadratics, simultaneous equations, transformations). Make sure to
do whole past papers without stopping to check. It is even more important to address any problem topics that
come up in a past paper by doing a deep dive on those topics before starting the next past paper.… 7/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Rafael CHAO ORTÍN Tutor: TMA

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B
04 Dec '23 [11:07] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Rafa has worked hard this term and his understanding of chemistry has gradually increased. It is
important that he checks his work thoroughly to ensure that he doesn't introduce any silly errors due to the time
pressures of the exam. He must ensure that he reads the questions carefully and ensures that his answer
addresses the question being asked. He should use the number of marks available for the question as a guide
to the number of points he should be making. Rafa's practical work has been of a high quality throughout the
term and he is developing the knowledge and the skills for the Unit 3 exam in June.
Target: Use past papers and mark schemes, revision guides, textbook, notes and revision cards to revise for the
exam in January.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-COM) Attainment: C+
By: LBU Teacher Expectations: E
13 Dec '23 [01:39] Comment: Exam Result: Showing Improvement
Current Progress: Rafael is a hardworking student with a keen interest in the subject, reflecting in his overall
Rafael has demonstrated a strong work ethic, but there is room for improvement in his latest exam. Notably, he
missed some of the easier questions.
Target: Rafael acknowledges his weaknesses and is determined to show his deserved results in future tests.
With his dedication, there's no doubt he will continue to make significant progress.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
15 Dec '23 [09:42] Teacher Expectations: A

Comment: Rafa ha realizado un fantástico trimestre en esta asignatura. Muestra mucho interés por la misma,
aprovecha al máximo las clases y trabaja muy bien en casa. ¡Enhorabuena!
Target: Rafa debe continuar con su magnífica línea de trabajo para mantener o incluso mejorar sus resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 1
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [09:33] Comment: Rafa ha mostrado interés por la asignatura y su actitud en clase es buena, pero, a pesar de que
estamos repasando conceptos básicos de cursos anteriores, ha obtenido unos resultados por debajo de lo
Target: Es muy importante que Rafa repase bien durante estas Navidades los conceptos estudiados en este
trimestre para poder continuar el estudio de la asignatura con una buena base. Estoy convencido de que
manteniendo su buena actitud en clase y trabajando bien en casa lo conseguirá.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:16] Comment: Rafa has had an inconsistent term if nothing else. In our various unit tests (which are comprised only
of official past paper questions), Rafa has scored B,C,A,C,B. This makes his U in the mock all the more
surprising. His mastery of the individual topics was fine throughout the term, so clearly his issue is bringing
everything together in one paper. Therefore it is crucial that Rafa budget time into his revision schedule to
pratice full past papers in conditions close to real exam conditions where possible.
Target: Thoroughly review unit 1 (algebra, transformations, quadratics, simultaneous equations). Do full past
papers without stopping to check. After checking each paper make sure to do a deep dive into any problem
topics before starting the next past paper.

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: D
12 Dec '23 [16:18] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Rafa has participated well in class and certainly has the ability to handle the increased difficulty level
at A-Level physics, however presently he is not revising or practising exam papers frequently enough at home to
achieve better grades. He attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 8/38
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Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-ART) Attainment: B+
By: SSY Teacher Expectations: A
13 Dec '23 [10:59] Comment: Carlos has made strong progress this term, demonstrating solid skills particularly in his use of
drawing media. He has worked from direct observation using a range of media, including ink, pencil, graphite
and acrylic and showed a growing confidence. As we go into term two, he must consider how he manages his
time; how can he get straight into a task without distraction or what can he leave out? I would also encourage
him to keep up to date with his extra reading and black book work.
Target: Perhaps he could think about giving himself short time limits for smaller tasks to help him feel a sense
of achievement and progress. To visit exhibitions and look for inspiration for his personal project.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: C+
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:04] Comment: Carlos has had a good start for this new academic year and has been participating actively during
the lessons and has completed his homework on time. However, as I mentioned during parents evening, he can
get easly distracted which prevents him from working effectively sometimes during the lessons.
Target: I would encourage him to apply the grammar rules we see in class into his spoken and written work and
do extra research about the topics we have been studying to gather a strong database he can reuse in his

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: B
17 Dec '23 [19:18] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Carlos has had an impressive start to the year in geography. He secured a solid B+ in his initial
assessment and maintained his proficiency with a B in the recent assessment that centred on the topic of
population. Carlos's diligence and strong work ethic are clearly reflected in his notable grades. However, it's
worth noting that there are occasional instances of distraction during independent work in class.
Target: Continue to dedicate the necessary time for independent work outside of the classroom to consolidate
his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HA) Attainment: U
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
12 Dec '23 [10:14] Comment: Carlos no ha llegado a los contenidos porque le ha faltado estudio. La Historia del Arte requiere
mucho vocabulario y exige un orden de exposición que aún no ha retenido. Le ha faltado estudio, dedicación y
trabajo de comentarios de obras de arte, que le hubieran permitido coger el trámite de la asignatura. Se ha
confiado, ha creído que era algo simple y lo es, pero requiere esfuerzo. Confío en él, pero necesita empezar a
Target: Recomiendo:
- Estudiar con paciencia, aprendiendo el vocabulario específico, autores, nombre de las obras...
- Hacer un comentario semanal de Arte.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Carlos en esta evaluación ha demostrado que no hay que rendirse nunca. Ha estado trabajando
durante el comienzo sin éxito pero, al final, ha conseguido su objetivo con un muy buen rendimiento final. Estoy
13 Dec '23 [18:13] seguro de que va a continuar en su línea ascendente y va a conseguir mejores resultados. Todo lo que se
consigue con esfuerzo, queda más en nuestra mente y se valora mucho más.
Target: Su meta es creer en él mismo y estar seguro de lo que es capaz con trabajo continuado. Las
matemáticas son siempre una carrera de fondo y hay que practicar y hacer ejercicios de manera continuada y
con constancia. Si lo sigue haciendo así, se sentirá muy satisfecho con él mismo y su rendimiento será cada
vez mejor. Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 2
PSY) Attainment: C
By: GSC Teacher Expectations: A
15 Dec '23 [12:54] Comment: Carlos is gradually getting used to the level of revision and study time needed to be successful in
psychology. His writing is good and he can express his ideas in an organised way to get his point across. He
needs to spend more time learning the key terms and basic concepts and topics to improve his grade before the… 9/38
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real exams. He has been working very hard to develop his mathematical skills recently and has made good
progress in this area.
Target: Carlos should try to develop his writing skills on longer response questions, organising his ideas in a
logical way so he can clearly express his ideas to maximise marks on the exams.… 10/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: U
11 Dec '23 [16:17] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Eduardo is a good student who has made a good effort so far this term in business. He is polite and
attentive in class and appears to have a genuine interest in business.
Target: Eduardo needs to improve the length and detail in his answers to see his grade improve. I'm aware he
has worked very hard this term and needs to continue this over the Christmas period. Practicing exam questions
is advised.

Attitude to Learning: 3
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: E+
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:05] Comment: Even though Eduardo has improved his attitude significantly since last year and participates more
actively during the lessons, he usually gets easily distracted which prevents him from working effectively. I
strongly believe Eduardo could do much better in the lesson and I would encourage him to challenge himself
more in and outside of the classroom.
Target: It is important that Eduardo tries to ignore any external distraction and focuses more while completing
individual tasks. I would also encourage him to focus on his writing and grammar skills which will represent
more than fifty pencent of the total grade. I have given him past papers therefore he should find some time to
complete them.

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: C
17 Dec '23 [19:29] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Eduardo has made some progress in geography this term. Despite an initial setback with a D in his
first assessment, he demonstrated significant progress in his latest evaluation focused on the topic of
population, earning a commendable C+. However, Eduardo's engagement in class varies, while some days he is
proactive and willing to work, other days he is less motivated, reluctant to work and distracting. Developing a
more consistent work ethic would greatly enhance his overall academic performance.
Target: Eduardo should ensure that he is dedicating the necessary time outside the classroom to independent
study in order to consolidate his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Eduardo ha comenzado la evaluación de manera solvente, aprovechando todo lo aprendido el año
pasado durante el IGCSE. Desgraciadamente se ha confiado al final y ha hecho un examen de Álgebra (el más
13 Dec '23 [18:13] fácil de todos) de manera muy deficiente. Espero que tome nota de lo ocurrido y practique de manera constante
y cotidiana. Es el único secreto para conseguir sus objetivos en esta asignatura.
Target: Su meta es conseguir un trabajo organizado y constante con una programación adecuada. Además
debe de darse cuenta que vivir de las rentas es un objetivo muy limitado. Debe de ser más ambicioso y mejorar
en sus resultados.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos

Attitude to Learning: 3
PSY) Attainment: D
By: GSC Teacher Expectations: WT
15 Dec '23 [12:53] Comment: Eduardo has been a very passive learner so far this year and he will need to greatly improve his level
of interest and effort in psychology going into the upcoming exams. He has shown improved effort in the Maths
topics recently but he will need to revise over the winter break in preparation for the January modules to
improve his knowledge and understanding in the social and cognitive units.
Target: Eduardo should be using the exam preparation workbooks and past exam papers to improve his writing
technique to maximise his scores in January.… 11/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: E
11 Dec '23 [16:20] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Macarena is a good student who has made a very good effort in business this term. She is attentive
and polite throughout lessons and asks a lot of questions.
Target: Macarena will benefit greatly from increased revision and practicing exam questions over the Christmas
period. She is capable of a better grade in her exam in January.

Attitude to Learning: 2
GEOG) Attainment: E+
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:49] Comment: Macarena ha trabajado y pone interés, pero tiene que adaptarse a un nivel de bachillerato en el que
se exige un rigor científico y capacidad de razonar. Un examen no es mejor por escribir mucho, sino por un buen
contenido. Estudia y ha hecho el esfuerzo, pero le ha faltado madurar la asignatura. Confío en ella y sé que irá
Target: Macarena tiene que:
- Estudiar razonando y comprendiendo
- Utilizar el vocabulario propio de la asignatura
- Expresarse con frases cortas, párrafos, signos de puntuación...
- Mejorar la ortografía, fijarse en las reglas ortográficas y en caso de duda buscar sinónimos

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C
17 Dec '23 [19:54] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Macarena has made some progress in geography this term. Despite an initial setback with a D in her
first assessment, she demonstrated significant progress in her latest evaluation focused on the topic of
population, earning a commendable C. To further enhance her academic performance, I encourage Macarena to
concentrate on refining her longer answer responses. Emphasising the importance of constructing well-
structured and coherent arguments, she can benefit from implementing a small plan before translating her
thoughts onto paper.
Target: MAcarena should ensure that she is dedicating the necessary time to independent study outside of the
classroom to consolidate her learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: C
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:52] Comment: Macarena está haciendo un esfuerzo en Historia. Esta parte del temario se pregunta tipo test y eso
facilita el estudio. Aprecio en ella interés y ganas de hacer las cosas bien. Su actitud en clase es activa,
pregunta dudas, busca entender. Confío en que poco a poco vaya mejorando aún maś y siga con este interés
Target: Recomiendo llevar la asignatura aprendida semanalmente, para poder repasar con frecuencia.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Macarena ha rendido en esta evaluación por debajo de sus posibilidades. Su base en matemáticas
es buena y se ha confiado en exceso. Por ello, su rendimiento ha estado muy justo. Debe de aprender de su
13 Dec '23 [18:13] error y organizarse un trabajo programado y, sobre todo, constante. Es el único secreto para conseguir sus
objetivos en esta asignatura.
Target: Su meta es conseguir mejores resultados y alcanzar sus objetivos. En cuanto empiece a trabajar de
manera continua y seria, lo logrará. Sólo necesita proponérselo, programarse y hacerlo. Estoy seguro de que
pronto conseguirá un rendimiento bueno.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se
cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: E
17 Dec '23 [17:18] Comment: Macarena has had a great start to A level maths. She has demonstrated real intellectual and
academic maturity, particularly when it comes to independent study. She prepares very well for tests andthough
she scored a solid B in our mock, her average for the term is an A. She should be very proud of her progress but
must also make sure to learn from the mistakes made in her mock and try not to get complacent.
Target: Keep up the good work and make sure to learn from any mistakes made after each past paper she
practices.… 12/38
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18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Iñigo DE CÁCERES ABÁSOLO Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 1
(12-LIT) Attainment: C+
By: RFW Teacher Expectations: WT
04 Dec '23 [15:15] Comment: Iñigo is a pleasure to teach and is extremely capable of independent and original thought outside of
the usual questions and debates we consider in class time. He contributes well in lessons and has a strong
understanding of the texts and their contexts which is a strong position to be in before we start to revise. He
should start to think about reading and listening to podcasts about the texts in his own time at home.
Target: In order to develop his writing, Iñigo must read academic essays and publications outside of lessons on
a regular basis to understand how to clearly structure his own essays to a high academic level. While his ideas
are good, clarity is at times lost.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: D
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:07] Comment: Iñigo has improved his attitude significantly since last year, he has been participating actively during
the lessons, completed ñost tasks and contributed to the dynamic of the lesson. However, Iñigo can sometimes
get easily distracted which prevent him from working effectively.
Target: I would encourage him to focus on his grammar and writing skills as it represents more than fifty
percent of the overall mark for his IAS level. i have given him some past papers a few weeks ago therefore I
think it would be a good opportunity for him to complete thise writing tasks so he can get some meaningful

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: B+
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:52] Comment: Íñigo ha hecho una buena evaluación, muestra gran interés por todas las etapas de la Historia y eso
se refleja tanto en su actitud en clase como en su estudio. Busca razonar y comprender los hechos, asocia
ideas y se aprecia su conocimiento. Esta parte del temario se pregunta con examen tipo test, por lo tanto es un
estudio más concreto pensando en las posibles preguntas. Expresa sus ideas con convicción, pero también es
reflexivo con lo que escucha. Es un placer tenerlo en clase.
Target: Mi objetivo con Íñigo es que siga disfrutando de la Historia.

Attitude to Learning: 1
MATES) Attainment: E+
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [09:37] Comment: Íñigo ha trabajado bien durante este trimestre, muestra interés por la asignatura y trabaja muy bien
en clase. Sin embargo, a pesar de que durante este trimestre hemos repasado conceptos básicos de cursos
anteriores, sus resultados están muy por debajo de lo que espero de él.
Target: Íñigo debe repasar todos los conceptos básicos estudiados durante este trimestre para afrontar la
asignatura con garantías de éxito el próximo trimestre. Si mantiene su buena actitud en clase y trabajando algo
más en casa seguro que mejorará sus resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:23] Comment: Íñigo has had a somewhat inconsistent start to A level maths when it comes to testing. Over the
course of the term he has managed to score anywhere from an A to an E in our topic tests. Importantly though,
he seems to be learning from his mistakes as he scored a very respectable B in the mock exam. Moving
forward, he must continue to learn from his mistakes and address any issues that come up while he is doing
past papers
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: D
12 Dec '23 [15:53] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Inigo has participated well in class and certainly has the ability to handle the increased difficulty level
at A-Level physics, however presently he is not revising or practising exam papers frequently enough at home to
achieve better grades. He attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 14/38
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18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Ana DE HEREDIA MUÑOZ-ROJAS Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
12 Dec '23 [15:39] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Ana ha trabajado mucho durante este trimestre en la asignatura. Para ella era algo muy nuevo pero
su motivación siempre firme y su gran trabajo ha hecho que sus resultados hayan sido magníficos. Sólo nos
queda esperar que no se confíe y que continúe con ese esfuerzo y esa motivación para mantener e incluso
superar este buen comienzo.
Target: Su meta es mantener la motivación y la intensidad de su trabajo. No confiarse y estar muy atenta
porque la materia se va complicando.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan
este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: A
12 Dec '23 [20:09] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Ana is a very good student with a good aptitude for business. She has shown good initiative in her
study throughout the term. With continued hard work over the Christmas period, Ana is capable of achieving a
high grade in her exam in January.
Target: Continued focus in class next term will help Ana to maintain her high grades. Revision and practicing
exam questions using the recommended format before the January exam is advised.

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: B
17 Dec '23 [14:18] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Ana has had an impressive start to the year in geography. She secured a solid B+ in her initial
assessment and maintained her proficiency with a B in the recent assessment that centred on the topic of
population. Ana's diligence and strong work ethic are clearly reflected in her notable grades. However, it's worth
noting that there are occasional instances of distraction during independent work in class.
Target: Continue to dedicate the necessary time for independent work outside of the classroom to consolidate
her learning.

Attitude to Learning: 1
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: A
By: JGO Comment: Ana ha realizado una evaluación muy buena. Comenzó un poco floja, pero enseguida se puso a
trabajar y ha conseguido una evolución muy positiva. Ha aprendido que cuando se trabaja de manera constante
13 Dec '23 [18:13] y programada, los resultados vienen por sí solos. Estoy muy satisfecho con su esfuerzo y su constancia.
Target: Que continúe en su evolución y no se confíe. De esta manera llegará a donde ella se proponga. Os
deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: B
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: E
17 Dec '23 [17:26] Comment: Ana has really impressed me with how much she has improved over the course of the term. Her work
ethic is great and she has shown great maturity in her approach to independent study/test revision. She scored
a very respectable B in our mock and I'm sure if she studies hard over the Christmas period then she can only
improve by the January exam.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C
12 Dec '23 [16:11] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Ana has participated well in class and has improved steadily as the term progressed. At times she
struggled to comprehend or adapt to the increased level of difficulty at A-Level physics but she is hard working
and has demonstrated that she is willing to put the time into this subject to achieve improvement. She attained
a in her recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 16/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Ignacio DE MIGUEL CARPINTERO (Nacho) Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: U
12 Dec '23 [20:14] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Ignacio has shown interest in business during the first term. He has ability when it comes to
answering exam questions in detail and applying business concepts to the real world. He is capable of a much
better grade.
Target: Remaining focused in class and taking accountability for study will be of great benefit to Ignacio going
forward. Focused revision over the Christmas period is needed to improve his grade. I recommend using mind
maps or flash cards as well as practicing answering exam questions using the format that has been

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: E
15 Dec '23 [09:45] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Nacho ha empezado tarde con esta asignatura, lo que le ha perjudicado en sus resultados. Sin
embargo, su actitud en clase es muy buena, mostrando interés por la asignatura.
Target: Nacho tiene que seguir con esta actitud y no tengo dudas de que poco a poco irá mejorando y obtendrá
unos buenos resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 2
MATES) Attainment: D
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: A
18 Dec '23 [09:41] Comment: Nacho se ha incorporado tarde a la asignatura, por lo que todavía no tengo suficientes datos para
evaluarle. A continuación os pongo el comentario de su profesor de Mates aplicadas: Ignacio ha estado por
debajo de sus posibilidades en esta evaluación. Su nivel de matemáticas es mayor del que él nos ha mostrado.
Cierto es que es su primer año en el colegio y hay que contar con el proceso de adaptación, que ha sido muy
positivo en mi opinión. En cuanto se ponga a realizar un trabajo metódico y constante, su rendimiento mejorará
de manera notable.
Target: También de su profesor de Mates aplicadas: En cuanto a sus metas, creo que debe organizar mejor su
trabajo. Una adecuada programación y practicar de manera regular los ejercicios vistos en clase, le harán sacar
mejor partido a sus conocimientos.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: B
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: E
17 Dec '23 [17:29] Comment: Nacho has had a resonably successful start to A level maths and has achieved a couple of great
results in our topic tests. He has built a solid foundation when it comes to Algebra.There is still a lot of room for
improvement though, most of which can be attributed to his work ethic. Hopefully he can schedule a solid
revision timetable over the Christmas period and prepare himself effectively for the January exam.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: E
12 Dec '23 [16:18] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Nacho has not had an ideal first term due to being absent and has not worked hard enough to
recover any missed lessons. He participates well in class but at times has struggled to comprehend or adapt to
the increased level of difficulty at A-Level physics. He certainly has the ability needed to be successful at
physics but he is not revising or practising exam papers frequently enough at home to achieve better grades. He
attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 17/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Eugenia DEL MONTE ALONSO Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: E
12 Dec '23 [20:16] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Eugenia is a good student with ability in business that is not reflected in her current grades. She has
shown an improvement in the second half of this term. Increased participation in class would be beneficial.
Target: Eugenia has ability beyond her current grades. With more focused study and practice adding more detail
to sample exam questions over the Christmas period, I believe she is capable of achieving a better grade in her
exam in January.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: C
13 Dec '23 [15:58] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Eugenia completes all her homework and her notes are detailed. She can sometimes get mixed up
with knowledge in class, but she diligently corrects her work and her most recent knowledge test showed a
secure memory of key knowledge. The biggest obstacle for Eugenia is her essay technique. At the minute she is
not saying enough within the essay. She needs a more concise style which is focused on specific evidence and
explanation linked to the question. I have given Eugenia models and she needs to practise as much as possible
ahead of the external exam in January.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: D
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:34] Comment: Eugenia realised early on this term just how demanding A level maths is. Since then she has adapted
well and show some real progress over the course of the term. She is well behaved and hard working. She
scored an E in our mock exam and must make sure she addresses the errors therein if she wants to succeed in
January. A well-structured revision schedule will be crucial.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past
paper. It is non-negotiable that you absolutely cannot write in pencil in the January exam!

Attitude to Learning: 2
PSY) Attainment: B
By: GSC Teacher Expectations: A
15 Dec '23 [12:53] Comment: Eugenia is a very enthusiastic student in psychology and enjoys the topics we cover. She can make
silly mistakes on the mock exams which when pointed out to her she immediately understands and makes
corrections. The material we will be covering will be increasingly more difficult so Eugenia should keep up with
the reading and notes to continue to improve before the exams.
Target: Eugenia should try to develop her writing skills on longer response questions, organising her ideas in a
logical way so she can clearly express her ideas to maximise marks on the exams.… 18/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: B
12 Dec '23 [20:22] Teacher Expectations: A

Comment: Ana is a good student who has shown strong ability in business. She has excellent ability in providing
detailed answers and giving information relevant to the question asked. This will be very beneficial to her when
it comes to her exams in January.
Target: Remaining focused during lessons and continuing to take accountability for her study will help Ana to
achieve the grade she is capable of. More participation in class next term would be excellent.

Attitude to Learning: 2
GEOG) Attainment: C
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:50] Comment: Ana tiene gran facilidad para aprender y expresar lo que sabe. Asume perfectamente el esfuerzo que
requiere la asignatura para enfrentarse con seguridad a un examen. Tiene capacidad de razonamiento,
asociación de ideas, utiliza con precisión el vocabulario y todo esto da un rigor científico a sus exámenes. Es un
placer tenerla en clase.
Target: Mi objetivo con Ana es que siga así.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
17 Dec '23 [14:10] Teacher Expectations: A

Comment: Ana continues to progress in geography, in her two assessments this term she has achieved two A's.
Notably, she exhibits a remarkable skill in crafting well-organised and coherent arguments in her longer answer
responses. Ana's commendable work ethic is evident, positioning her on a promising trajectory towards
attaining an impressive grade in May.
Target: Ana should continue to dedicate the necessary time to independent work outside of the classroom to
consolidate her learning.

Attitude to Learning: 1
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: A
By: JGO Comment: Ana ha trabajado muy bien durante la evaluación y ha evolucionado de manera muy positiva.
Comenzó un poco floja debido al proceso de adaptación pero rápidamente se "puso las pilas" y consiguió a
13 Dec '23 [18:13] base de trabajo los resultados que ella esperaba. Que prosiga en su evolución trabajando de manera constante
y organizada y logrará llegar a donde se proponga.
Target: Estoy muy satisfecho con su rendimiento. Que siga por esta vía y que no se confíe. Los contenidos de la
próxima evaluación son más exigentes y va a necesitar emplearse a fondo.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que
vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [17:36] Comment: Ana has had a great start to A level maths and has shown a lot of development over the course of
the term. As always, she has showna great level of academic maturity, particularly when it comes to
independent study. She will be somwhat disappointed with her score in the mock exam, but must make sure it
doesn't deter her too much!
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
12 Dec '23 [16:05] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Ana is an excellent physicist in the making and seems to be really enjoying her start to A level. She
participates well in class in terms of getting tasks completed and clearly has had no problems adapting to the
increased level of difficulty at A level. However to truly reach her potential in physics she needs to engage better
with the material being taught - ask questions, be inquisitive and curious about content being discussed.
Attained an in her recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 19/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C
04 Dec '23 [11:57] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Lucas has made consistent progress throughout the term and his knowledge is growing slowly but
surely. He must ensure that he is revising regularly and consistently. He should use his notes, textbook, revision
notes, revision cards and mind maps to revise the content of the course. He should then be using past paper
questions under timed conditions to check his knowledge and understanding of the material. He must ensure
that he reads the questions carefully and ensures that his answer addresses the question being asked. He
should be using the number of marks available for the question as a guide to how many points he should be
Target: Use past papers and mark schemes, revision guides, textbook, notes and revision cards to revise for the
exam in January.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B
13 Dec '23 [15:59] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Lucas works hard and generally completes homework on time and to a good standard. His essay
performance so far has been mixed. His most recent effort showed a lot of promise in terms of what he actually
wrote, it was an A grade quality. However, he had not written enough overall and therefore secured a C on the
essay. The crucial thing for Lucas moving forward is that he uses the past exam papers on Google Classroom to
practise his exam timing as this is crucial to his success in the external exam in January.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 1
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [09:44] Comment: Lucas ha mostrado interés por la asignatura y ha mantenido una buena actitud en clase, pero, a
pesar de que durante este trimestre hemos estudiado conceptos básicos de cursos anteriores, sus resultados
están muy por debajo de lo que espero de él.
Target: Lucas debe repasar estos conceptos básicos para adquirir una buena base que le permita estudiar los
temas del próximo trimestre con garantías. No dudo de que con su buena actitud y trabajando algo más en
casa logrará mejorar sus resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: B
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [17:38] Comment: Lucas has had a great term and shown real improvement as we've progressed through the course.
His hard work is paying off as he scored an very respectable A in our mock exam. Moving forward, he must
make sure not to get complacent with his revision over the Christmas holidays. Overall a great term!
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: D
12 Dec '23 [16:22] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Lucas is a bright and pleasant presence in class and certainly has the ability to handle the increased
difficulty level at A-Level physics. However presently he is not revising or practising exam papers frequently
enough at home to achieve better grades. He also has a habit of not following the teacher led solution to
problems, instead preferring his own shorthand method where he often skips vital step in the process, and thus
loses the opportunity for precious attempt marks. He attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B
12 Dec '23 [12:36] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Lucas ha trabajado bien a lo largo de todo el trimestre, con una buena actitud en clase y un trabajo
constante en casa, obteniendo unos buenos resultados.… 20/38
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Target: Lucas debe mantener su buena actitud en clase, preguntando lo que no entienda y debe esforzarse un
poco más en casa para mejorar sus resultados.… 21/38
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Carmina GUILLÉN ESCRIBANO Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: C
12 Dec '23 [20:25] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Carmina is a good student who is always polite and capable of achieving a good grade in business.
She has shown good subject knowledge and application of business concepts when called upon in class.
Target: Carmina's attention in class has room for improvement in recent weeks. She is often distracted and can
apply herself more in lessons. I feel this would stand to her when it comes to exams and would hope to see an
improvement next term. She is capable of achieving a high grade in business if she applies herself.

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: B
17 Dec '23 [14:22] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Carmina has had an impressive start to the year in geography. She secured a solid B in her initial
assessment and maintained her proficiency with a B in the recent assessment that centred on the topic of
population. Carmina's diligence and strong work ethic are clearly reflected in her notable grades. However, it's
worth noting that there are occasional instances of distraction during independent work in class.
Target: Continue to ensure that the necessary time is allocated to independent study outside to the classroom
to consolidate her learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: C
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [16:22] Comment: Carmina aún habiéndose incorporado tarde a la asignatura, ha conseguido ponerse al día y ha
trabajado bien el contenido. Hay que tener en cuenta que esta parte del temario se pregunta con un examen
tipo test, esto condiciona la forma de estudiar pero también facilita poder sacar nota. Ha puesto mucho interés
en las clases a las que ha asistido y su rendimiento ha sido alto dada la situación, así que confío en que siga
Target: Mi objetivo con Carmina es que mantenga este interés y exigencia de hacer las cosas bien.

Attitude to Learning: 1
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [13:39] Comment: Carmina ha mantenido una buena actitud durante todo el trimestre, pero, a pesar de que durante
este trimestre hemos estado repasando cosas básicas de cursos anteriores, sus resultados están por debajo
de lo esperado.
Target: Carmina debe repasar todo lo estudiado durante este trimestre para conseguir una buena base que le
permita afrontar el próximo trimestre con garantías de éxito. Confío en que si sigue con esta actitud y
trabajando algo más en casa mejore sus resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [18:14] Comment: After some hiccups early on this term, Carmina has show a lot of improvement as we've progressed
through the course. I still feel she is off her full potential, most of which comes down to her engagement and
slowness to get started in class. She scored a C in our mock exam and must make sure she works hard over
Christmas if she wants to improve on that in January.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: D
12 Dec '23 [15:54] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Carmina is a bright and pleasant presence in class and certainly has the ability to handle the
increased difficulty level at A-Level physics. At times she lacks the requisite interest in the material to truly
succeed as often during class discussions she tends to tune out and lose focus. She has the potential to be a
good physicist but will need to adapt her study and revision techniques to achieve better grades. Attained a in
her recent mock exams.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.

Attitude to Learning: 1… 22/38
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QUÍMICA (12-QUIM) Attainment: C

By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT

12 Dec '23 [12:24] Comment: Carmina ha hecho un buen trimestre en general, mostrando buena actitud en clase y trabajando de
forma constante en casa, obteniendo unos buenos resultados que creo están por debajo de lo que ella puede
Target: Carmina tiene que continuar con su buena línea de trabajo, preguntando en clase lo que no entienda y
trabajando un poco más en casa para mejorar sus resultados.… 23/38
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Lucas HALVERSON DE LACALLE Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B+
13 Dec '23 [16:00] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Lucas is a conscientious student who is showing increasing maturity and skills in his essay writing.
His most recent effort showed an improved ability to develop an argument throughout the essay and to make
links between different factors, which ensured he achieved an A grade. If Lucas continues to develop these
skills and maintains his level of focus, I have no doubt that he will do well in his first external History exam in
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-FMA) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [16:44] Comment: Lucas has had a great start to Further Maths and has impressed me with his academic maturity,
particularly when it comes to preparing for tests. The course is much more complex and theory-based than the
regular maths A level and Lucas has thus far risen to the challenge. With effective revision over the Christmas
period, I'm sure Lucas will succeed in January.
Target: Make sure to review parametric equations and proof by induction comprehensively as they were among
the more difficult of the topics we covered this term

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [18:15] Comment: As in Further Maths, Lucas has impressed me this term. He is engaged, hard working, and prepares
well for exams. His string of As in our topic tests is testament to his work ethic. Great start!
Target: Keep up the good work and try not to neglect regular maths too much while preparing for Further Maths!

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B
12 Dec '23 [15:55] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Lucas has had a great term and has the potential to be an excellent physicist. He participates well in
class and asks some excellent questions which demonstrate the depth of his understanding and lead to some
great class discussions. He has adapted seamlessly to the increased difficulty level and study demands of A
level physics. Attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 24/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: B
12 Dec '23 [20:30] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Ignacio is a very clever student with very high potential in studying business. He has shown excellent
ability to recall subject matter and applying it to business situations. His work is done to a high standard and I
hope this continues next term.
Target: Ignacio is regularly distracted during lessons and has a tendency be talkative. He is capable of a high
grade in business but I worry he is not taking accountability for his study. I hope Ignacio can improve on his
focus and maturity in class to ensure he reaches his potential.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-LIT) Attainment: B
By: RFW Teacher Expectations: WT
04 Dec '23 [15:26] Comment: Ignacio is an excellent student and it is a pleasure to teach him Literature at A level. He contributes
regularly in lessons and always demonstrates excellent knowledge of the texts. Furthermore, he asks plenty of
questions about the content, the context and any other thoughts he has had on the text to check the accuracy of
his ideas. His essays are developing well and he should only create a habit of reading around the subject in his
spare time.
Target: Ignacio should investigate independently around the subject - whether it be articles, reviews or listening
to podcasts - in order to develop his own critical thinking skills and involve himself more in the debates around
the texts we are studying.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
13 Dec '23 [16:01] Teacher Expectations: E
Comment: Ignacio has made a brilliant and conscientious start to his A level History studies. His essays show a
developing maturity and an ability to build a thoughtful and evaluative argument throughout and this has
ensured that he is securing an A grade. His participation in class is consistent and frequent and if he keeps up
with his current approach then I have no doubt that he will do well in his first external exam in January.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 2
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [13:43] Comment: Ignacio no muestra excesivo interés por la asignatura, se distrae con frecuencia en clase y no trabaja
lo suficiente en casa, por lo que sus resultados no han sido buenos. Durante este trimestre, hemos repasado
conceptos básicos de cursos anteriores y es importante que los domine.
Target: Ignacio tiene que cambiar de actitud, atender en clase, tomar notas adecuadamente y practicar los
ejercicios propuestos para mejorar sus resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: B
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:15] Comment: Ignacio has shown a lot of improvement over the course of this term, scoring two solid As in the
topic tests leading up to the mock. With that in mind, I'm sure he will be somewhat disappointed in his mock
result being a D. It's crucial that he take this on the chin and make sure to learn from his mistakes. The January
exam is far enough away that a solid revision schedule over the Christmas period will fix any issues from the
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: U
12 Dec '23 [12:36] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Ignacio no ha completado un buen trimestre. Muestra muy poco interés por la asignatura y se
distrae con frecuencia en clase. Además, su trabajo en casa ha sido insuficiente.
Target: Ignacio debe tomarse en serio la asignatura, ya que es una asignatura que le puede ayudar a completar
su nota de acceso a la universidad pública española. Debe mejorar su actitud en clase y trabajar más en casa
para mejorar sus resultados.… 25/38
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Nicolás MANCHADO LLAMAS Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: E
12 Dec '23 [20:37] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Nicolas has shown interest in business and its applications in the real world during this term. Having
missed time with Illness Nicolas will need to work hard over the Christmas period to achieve a good grade in his
January exam.
Target: Nicolas would benefit massively from practicing exam style questions using the recommended structure
during the Christmas period. His answers need to have more detail than he has shown this term. He is capable
of improving his grade and could do so with more participation and focus during lessons.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: A
By: JGO Comment: Nicolás ha realizado una buena evaluación con buenos resultados. Su base en matemáticas es
bastante adecuada. Es cierto que su enfermedad le ha hecho disminuir su rendimiento, pero ha sabido
13 Dec '23 [18:13] recuperar el tiempo perdido y su aprovechamiento ha sido el adecuado. Con un trabajo serio , bien programado
y constante, podrá continuar en su evolución positiva.
Target: Su reto es que no se confíe y trabaje de manera seria y constante. Los contenidos de esta próxima
evaluación son más exigentes y van a requerir mayor esfuerzo.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros
mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: E
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:15] Comment: Nico has had an understadably difficult term. It's great to see him back in school and we all
understand just how much of an effort he is having to put in to stay motivated. He has built a solid foundation of
algebra, but will need a consistent, solid approach to revision over Christmas if he wants to succeed in January.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 2
PSY) Attainment: D
By: GSC Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [11:20] Comment: Nicolás has had some obvious health concerns this year and needs to improve his level of effort in
psychology going into the upcoming exams. He has shown improved effort in the Maths topics recently but he
will need to revise over the winter break in preparation for the January modules to improve his knowledge and
understanding in the social and cognitive units.
Target: Nicolás should be using the exam preparation workbooks and past exam papers to improve his writing
technique to maximise his scores in January.… 27/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: E
12 Dec '23 [20:46] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Lucas has shown good interest in business this term and participates well in class. He has good
ability to apply business concepts to the real world.
Target: Lucas is often distracted in lessons and unorganised in his work. He has the potential to achieve a much
higher grade in business. Increased focus and maturity in his learning will be very beneficial to Lucas and is
something I hope he can improve on next term. Focused and detailed revision, including practicing exam
questions with the recommended format, over the Christmas period is advised.

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: C
17 Dec '23 [19:57] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Lucas has made some progress in geography this term. Despite an initial setback with a D in his first
assessment, he demonstrated significant progress in his latest evaluation focused on the topic of population,
earning a C. However, Lucas's engagement in class varies, while some days he is proactive and willing to work,
other days he is less motivated, reluctant to work and distracting. Developing a more consistent work ethic
would greatly enhance his overall academic performance.
Target: Lucas should ensure that he is dedicating the necessary time to independent study outside of the
classroom to consolidate his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 3
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [13:47] Comment: Lucas no ha hecho un buen trimestre, se distrae mucho en clase, no toma notas adecuadamente y
trabaja poco en casa. Por todo ello, a pesar de que durante este trimestre hemos estudiado cosas básicas de
cursos anteriores, sus resultados están muy por debajo de lo que el podría conseguir si trabajara en serio.
Target: Lucas necesita un cambio radical de actitud, para conseguir una buena base que le permita mejorar sus
resultados. Debe prestar atención en clase, tomar notas y practicar los ejercicios propuestos.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:15] Comment: Lucas had impressed me this term with his desire to improve. He has realised just how difficult A
level is and he is working hard to rise to the challenge. He is growing in confidence so he must not let his mock
result (a D) deter him too much. It's important that he learn from his mistakes and take on feedback. More
important still is that he commit to a structured and serious revision programme over the Christmas holidays.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: E
12 Dec '23 [16:11] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Lucas has participated well in class and certainly has the ability to handle the increased difficulty
level at A-Level physics, however presently he is not revising or practising exam papers frequently enough at
home to achieve better grades. He attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: U
12 Dec '23 [12:32] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Lucas no ha completado un buen trimestre, le falta madurez para afrontar la asignatura. Se distrae
con frecuencia en clase, no toma notas adecuadamente y no trabaja en casa, de ahí sus malos resultados.
Target: Lucas necesita un cambio radical de actitud si quiere mejorar sus resultados. Debe cambiar su actitud
en clase, atendiendo, preguntando lo que no entienda y tomando notas de forma seria. Además, tiene que
trabajar la asignatura en casa.… 28/38
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Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C
13 Dec '23 [16:48] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Carlos made a good start to A Level biology this year, securing good marks in his first topic tests.
However, he generally takes quite a passive approach to his studies and his assessment grades have dropped
somewhat since the start of term. He must ensure that he is working effectively in his independent study time
and completing questions to develop his knowledge of new concepts. Being the only student in the class means
that we have the time to delve deeper into topics and work together to ensure his full understanding, and he
should take full advantage of this.
Target: Make full use of all revision resources available to you, especially past exam papers. You must work on
being more detailed and specific in your written answers, using appropriate keywords and terminology. Ensure
that you work on some past papers under timed conditions too.

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C+
17 Dec '23 [20:04] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Carlos has made some progress in geography this term. After a C in his initial assessment he
achieved a C+ in his most recent assessment on the topic of population. However, Carlos's engagement in class
varies, while some days he is proactive and willing to work, other days he is less motivated, and reluctant to
work. Developing a more consistent work ethic would greatly enhance his overall academic performance.
Target: Carlos should ensure that he is dedicating the necessary time outside the classroom to independent
study in order to consolidate his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: N/A
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [16:23] Comment: Carlos se ha incorporado tarde a la asignatura, por ese motivo no puedo evaluar. Pero refleja interés
en la asignatura, curiosidad y ganas de aprender. Conociéndole, sé que en breve se pondrá al día y hará las
cosas bien. Confío en él
Target: ¡Feliz Navidad!

Attitude to Learning: 1
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [13:51] Comment: Carlos ha tenido una muy buena actitud en clase, muestra interés por la asignatura y toma notas
adecuadamente. Sin embargo, a pesar de que durante este trimestre hemos estado estudiando conceptos
básicos de cursos anteriores, sus resultados están por debajo de lo que espero de él. Pienso que su trabajo en
casa ha sido insuficiente.
Target: Carlos debe repasar todos los conceptos aprendidos en este trimestre, ya que son fundamentales para
el posterior estudio de la asignatura y también porque los va a necesitar en Maths. Confío en que poniendo algo
más de su parte, consiga obtener unos resultados acordes con su capaciodad.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:16] Comment: Carlos is working hard and has shown some development this term. He scores consistent and solid
Cs in almost every test we do, which shows that he has a good foundation of knowledge in every topic covered
this term. He needs to make sure not to settle for just this and to push himself further if he wants to truly
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past
paper. Do not abandon a question just becuase the first part is difficult, oftentimes you can attempt later parts
of the question anyway.

Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: D
12 Dec '23 [12:36] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Carlos tiene una buena actitud en clase, pero no muestra mucho interés por la asignatura y su
trabajo en casa no ha sido suficiente, obteniendo unos resultados por debajo de lo que espero de él.
Target: Carlos debe mantener su buena actitud en clase, preguntando lo que no entienda, pero debe trabajar de
forma constante y seria en casa si quiere mejorar sus resultados.… 29/38
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Genoveva MUGUIRO GOETSCH (Veva) Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 1
(12-ART) Attainment: B+
By: SSY Teacher Expectations: A
13 Dec '23 [11:00] Comment: Veva has made fantastic progress this term. She has worked with determination and focus on
improving her drawing and painting skills and the results are outstanding. Her confidence has grown as a result
and this has encouraged her to put in time and effort. She must feel really proud of herself. Her has
demonstrated a real delicacy with her approach to acrylic paint and the application of colour.
Target: To continue to practice and keep up the momentum as we go into term two. To strengthen her
annotation so it is focused and concise. To look out for artists whose ideas (not just aesthetic) interest her.

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B
12 Dec '23 [15:44] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Veva se ha sentido muy motivada durante todo el trimestre. Además ha trabajado con entusiasmo y
dedicación. El fruto pronto se ha dejado ver y su rendimiento ha sido muy positivo, con una calificación más que
notable. Enhorabuena por ese trabajo y esa motivación.
Target: Su meta es no conformarse y superarse a sí misma. Eso le hará ganar mucha autoconfianza y
autoestima. Ya ha podido observar que es muy capaz de lograr aprender conceptos complicados a base de
esfuerzo y de ilusión. Estoy seguro de que va a continuar en esta línea.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que
vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: C
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:07] Comment: Genoveva has been a delight to teach so far. She always gets on with the task the moment I ask her
to, she has been completing her homework on time, she is not afraid to ask for help and she has improved her
participation since last year. This is the right attitude and I am confident to say that it will pay off in the future. If
you would like the details of her grade for this term, do not hesitate to send me an email.
Target: I would encourage her to spend more time speaking French so she feels more confident about
expression her point of view and defending her opinion. I would also recommend her to listen to podcast, read
articles about the topics we have seen so far to build a strong database she can reuse in her speaking and
writing work.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HA) Attainment: D+
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
12 Dec '23 [10:21] Comment: Veva ha trabajado muy bien la asignatura, la lleva al día. Muestra mucho interés, busca entender en
clase todos los conceptos. Además le gusta aprender y tiene curiosidad por el Arte. Es importante que
mantenga un ritmo de comentario de obra de arte semanal para retener vocabulario y dominar el trámite que
Target: Mi objetivo con Veva es que siga así, con este ritmo de trabajo.
Debe repasar los exámenes corregidos para ver en qué falla.
Es necesario paciencia para retener todos los nombres y vocabulario, que según pase el curso se irán
convirtiendo en un lenguaje propio de la asignatura.

Attitude to Learning: 1
PSY) Attainment: B
By: GSC Teacher Expectations: E
13 Dec '23 [12:52] Comment: Veva is a very enthusiastic student in psychology and enjoys the topics we cover. She is a very
mature student for her age who has shown that she is not only attentive in lessons but does a lot of work
outside of school. In preparation for the upcoming exams in January Veva should use the past exam papers and
mark schemes to familiarise herself with the topics in greater detail.
Target: Veva should try to develop her writing skills on longer response questions, organising her ideas in a
logical way so she can clearly express her ideas to maximise marks on the exams.… 31/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A

Alexandra Caitlin PETHERICK Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: N/A
13 Dec '23 [12:15] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Alexandra has made the best of the opportunity she finds herself in and her desire to learn and
compete on an equal footing with her classmates is creditable. She has a very good base from lower secondary
science and she should be able make this into a valuable learning experience. It will provide her with a distinct
advantage when she returns to NZ to begin her upper secondary studies.
Target: N/A… 32/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: B
12 Dec '23 [21:05] Teacher Expectations: A

Comment: Mateo is very clever and has a lot of ability in business. He has shown excellent understanding of
business concepts and their application to case studies which is very important for the exam in January.
Target: Mateo is talkative in class and I worry he lacks focus. I worry that he has become complacent and he
will not achieve the grade he is capable of as a result. Next term I would like to see more maturity and focus
from Mateo in business class.

Attitude to Learning: 2
GEOG) Attainment: E
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [08:50] Comment: Mateo tiene capacidad para retener la explicación, razona y sabe argumentar, pero le falta estudio y
dedicación. Con un poco de esfuerzo más podría perfectamente obtener unos resultados casi brillantes. Confío
en él y espero que según avance el curso mejore
Target: Mis objetivos con Mateo son:
- Estudiar semanalmente
- Hacer ejercicios de Geografía para dominar la parte práctica
- Esforzarse en aprender y utilizar el vocabulario propio de la asignatura

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B+
13 Dec '23 [16:01] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Mateo has had a really positive start to his A level History studies. His essay technique is growing in
maturity and in his most recent effort he showed an ability to develop an insightful argument throughout the
essay with the necessary explanation, knowledge and evaluation to support it, ensuring that he achieved an A
grade. If Mateo continues to work hard and stays focused as we approach the first external exam in January,
then I have no doubt that he will do well.
Target: As we approach the January exam it is crucial to revise the material we have covered. There is a lot of
content and activities that test recall of knowledge, such as knowledge tests, flash cards and essay planning
will greatly help in ensuring the fundamental knowledge is confidently embedded ahead of the exam.

Attitude to Learning: 2
MATES) Attainment: E
By: PMO Teacher Expectations: WT
18 Dec '23 [13:59] Comment: Mateo no ha mostrado mucho interés por la asignatura, su actitud en clase es correcta, pero creo
que su trabajo en casa ha sido insuficiente. Durante este trimestre, hemos estudiado conceptos básicos de
cursos anteriores y, a pesar de esto, sus resultados están por debajo de lo que espero de él.
Target: Mateo tiene que repasar todos los conceptos básicos estudiados en este trimestre, ya que le van a
permitir seguir avanzando en esta asignatura y en Maths. Confío en que en el segundo trimestre trabaje con
seriedad para mejorar sus resultados.

Attitude to Learning: 2
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Creo que Mateo está rindiendo por debajo de sus posibilidades en esta asignatura. Su trabajo en
clase es bueno. Atiende y pregunta lo que no entiende, pero creo que debe de ser más constante en su estudio.
13 Dec '23 [18:13] Las matemáticas tienen un único secreto y es practicar de manera regular y continua.
Target: Programar su estudio y trabajar de manera continua. Los contenidos de la próxima evaluación serán
más exigentes y necesitará trabajar con más intensidad.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que vuestros mejores
deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: C
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:16] Comment: Mateo has had some really good moments this term and he has shown genuine determination to
improve. He will be somewhat disappointed with his mock result (a D), but he must not let it deter him too
much, making sure to learn from his mistakes and grow. His behaviour and overall attitude have been great for
me this term.
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past
paper.… 33/38
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Carlos RIVA DOMÍNGUEZ Tutor: Unknown User

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: D
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:08] Comment: Carlos has been working effectively and participating well during the lessons. With his personal
background he has been able to understand articles and conversations about the topics we have been studying
but he has not been doing as well as he should have been in grammar and writing.
Target: It is important that Carlos reads the instructions carefully especially during his grammar assessments
so he does not lose points because of a misunderstanding. He also needs to reuse the arguments we have seen
in class in his writing exams and add data so he can aim to an A.

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: D
17 Dec '23 [20:17] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Carlos unfortunately has not improved upon his initial assessment this year, achieving a D in his
most recent assessment as well. In the assessment Carlos's answers were very brief. Despite not impacting his
official grades, Carlos should approach end of topic assessments with greater seriousness, as they serve as
valuable indicators of his comprehension and knowledge. Carlos's engagement in class varies, while some days
he is proactive and willing to work, other days he is less motivated, and reluctant to work. Developing a more
consistent work ethic would greatly enhance his overall academic performance.
Target: Carlos should ensure that he is dedicating the necessary time outside the classroom to independent
study in order to consolidate his learning.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: D
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:16] Comment: Carlos has had a great redemption arc this term, bouncing back from a very weak start to a very
admirable string of topic tests to finish the term. He might be somewhat disappointed with his D in the mock,
but he must take it on the chin and keep up his hard work. Everything is pointing in the right direction now, he
just needs to commit to a serious structured revision timetable over the Christmas period if he wants to
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past

Attitude to Learning: 3
Attainment: E
12 Dec '23 [16:13] Teacher Expectations: WT
Comment: Carlos has participated well in class but has struggled to comprehend or adapt to the increased level
of difficulty at A-Level physics. He is also not revising or practising exam papers frequently enough at home to
achieve better grades. He attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 35/38
18/12/23, 22:25 Print Preview - Y12A


Attitude to Learning: 2
Attainment: C
12 Dec '23 [21:11] Teacher Expectations: WT

Comment: Sonsoles has been a very good student and has shown good aptitude for business studies. She can
achieve a good grade in her exam in January and has worked hard this term.
Target: Focused study over the Christmas period should help Sonsoles to reach her potential in the January
exams. Continuing in revising and practicing exam questions is advised.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(12-LIT) Attainment: C+
By: RFW Teacher Expectations: WT
04 Dec '23 [15:29] Comment: Sonsoles has come a long way in confidence and writing ability since the start of the year and she
should be very proud of herself. Her essays show a determination to demonstrate knowledge and work on prior
feedback. She writes very well and clearly already, and in time and with revision her ideas should become
clearer and more developed.
Target: Sonsoles should develop a habit of reading around the subject in her own spare time and use both the
content that we study in lessons and also any original thoughts of her own she wishes to develop in her essays.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(SECONDARY) (12-FRE) Attainment: D
By: ALA Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [17:08] Comment: Sonsoles is a motivated and organised student who always completes her work on time and to a
good standard. She also participates well in class but she could work more effectively sometimes as I
mentioned during parents evening. After our conversation the other day, I have already noticed some positive
change and I am confident to say it will have a beneficial impact on her learning.
Target: I would encourage her to work more effectively and get on with the individual tasks quicker so she gets
more time to reflect on her work. I would also encourage her to focus on her grammar and writing skills as it
represents more than fifty percent of the final grade for her IAS exam in June.

Attitude to Learning: 2
(12-HE) Attainment: B
By: MFE Teacher Expectations: WT
13 Dec '23 [16:17] Comment: Sonsoles ha hecho un buen trimestre, ha trabajado bien la asignatura y no le ha resultado
complicada. Hay que tener en cuenta que esta parte del temario solo se pregunta tipo test y esto implica un
estudio concreto en el que hay que aprender fechas, nombres propios, batallas... propias de posibles preguntas.
Seguro que según avance el curso, irá mejorando porque hay actitud y predisposición.
Target: Mis objetivos con Sonsoles son:
- Estudiar semanalmente y repasar siempre que pueda
- Estudiar atendiendo a posibles preguntas tipo test
- Retener vocabulario, nombres propios, fechas...
- Confiar en lo que aprende para ganar seguridad

Attitude to Learning: 1
CIENCIAS SOCIALES (12- Teacher Expectations: WT
By: JGO Comment: Sonsoles ha destacado en esta evaluación por su gran trabajo y sus ganas de mejorar. Ha trabajado
muy bien en clase. Su nivel de atención es bueno y pregunta lo que no entiende. Su evolución está siendo muy
13 Dec '23 [18:13] positiva y esa actitud de "no rendirse" y mejorar en su esfuerzo ya ha dado sus frutos.
Target: Su reto es continuar por esta línea e intensificar su regularidad en el trabajo. Los contenidos de la
próxima evaluación son más exigentes y requerirán de un mayor esfuerzo, Vista la motivación de este trimestre
pasado, creo que tienen muchas posibilidades de lograr sus objetivos.Os deseo una Feliz Navidad y que
vuestros mejores deseos se cumplan este Año que nos viene.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: E
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: WT
17 Dec '23 [18:16] Comment: Sonsoles is finding the step to A level difficult, but her hard work and overal attitude are admirable.
Her U in the mock exam will come as a disappointment, but she must try not to let it deflate her confidence too
much. She has done some good work this term and she can find success in January if she works hard over the
Target: Budget time into your revision for full past papers (without stopping to check every question). Make sure
you learn from any mistakes that arise by doing thorough revision on those topics before starting the next past… 36/38
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paper.… 37/38
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Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: B+
04 Dec '23 [11:14] Teacher Expectations: A
Comment: Eduardo has a very good grasp of chemical concepts and his answers to questions in class and in
exams evidence this. His abilities in mathematics are considerable and this is enabling him to make lightwork of
the calculations portion of the course. He must ensure that he takes the time to learn the organic reactions,
including the conditions. If he applies himself diligently between now and the exam in January he should be
able to increase his grade to the maximum possibe. During practicals, he applies himself diligently and he is
developing the skills and experience for the Unit 3 exam in the summer.
Target: Use past papers and mark schemes, revision guides, textbook, notes and revision cards to revise for the
exam in January.

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-FMA) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [16:46] Comment: Edu continues to shine in Further Maths, showcasing impressive academic maturity, particularly in
his quick comprehension and insightful contributions during class discussions. His quick insights and active
participation contribute significantly to the overall dynamism of our small class. Overall a great start!
Target: Keep up the good work and make sure not to get complacent in any way for the January exam. Make
sure to budget time in your revision for even those topics you found "easy", such as Numerical Methods!

Attitude to Learning: 1
(SECONDARY) (12-MAT) Attainment: A
By: LPO Teacher Expectations: A
17 Dec '23 [18:10] Comment: Edu has had a lot of success in regular maths this term and is reaping the benefits that Further
Maths brings. He consitently scores among the highest in topic tests and was 10% clear of second place in our
mock exam. Even more so than with Further Maths, it is crucial that Edu doesn't allow himself to get
complacent going towards January. Overall a perfect start!
Target: Keep up the stellar work and try not to neglect regular maths too much when revising over Christmas!

Attitude to Learning: 1
Attainment: A
12 Dec '23 [15:52] Teacher Expectations: A

Comment: Edu is an excellent physicist in the making and seems to be really enjoying his start to A level. He
participates well in class and asks some excellent questions which demonstrate the depth of his understanding
and lead to some great class discussions. He has adapted seamlessly to the increased difficulty level and study
demands of A level physics. Attained a in his recent mock exam.
Target: Revisit content covered over the term and practice as many unit 1 past exam papers as possible over
the Christmas break.… 38/38

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