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Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition

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Personality and Memory in Old Age

Beat Meier, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello & Walter Perrig

Available online: 09 Aug 2010

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Memory in Old Age, Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 9:2, 135-144

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Aging Neuropsychology and Cognition 1382-5585/02/0902-135$16.00
2002, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 135±144 # Swets & Zeitlinger

Personality and Memory in Old Age

Beat Meier, Pasqualina Perrig-Chiello, and Walter Perrig
University of Bern, Switzerland

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We examined the impact of personality on episodic memory performance in a sample of 287 healthy adults
aged 68±95 years. Extraversion and neuroticism were assessed with a standardized personality inventory.
Episodic memory was assessed with an everyday task. Results from regression analyses controlling for the
effects of age, gender, and education show that higher extraversion and lower neuroticism are associated with
higher episodic memory performance. In addition, the strength of the correlations between neuroticism and
episodic memory declined with increasing age in a male sub-sample, revealing an interaction between age
and neuroticism.

Episodic memory varies across individuals, and fewer have examined how it holds up in old age.
this variability increases with age while perfor- In order to ®ll this gap, the present study
mance decreases (Christensen et al., 1994; Morse, investigates the impact of two personality charac-
1993; Salthouse, 1991; Verhaeghen & Salthouse, teristics ± extraversion and neuroticism ± on inter-
1997). Much work has been invested in under- individual differences in age-related declines in
standing the mechanisms underlying inter- episodic memory.
individual differences and age-related changes in Extraversion ± related to sociability and
these differences. In one approach, focussing on impulsivity ± describes individuals who orient
basic processing components, cognitive resources their behavior and experience towards the outer
such as speed or working memory capacity were world. Research in younger adults has identi®ed
identi®ed as mediators of the relationship be- behavioral differences between extraverts and
tween aging and remembering (Graf & Uttl, 1995; introverts and found an advantage for extraverts
Salthouse, 1991). In another approach, inspired on verbal learning and memory tasks, and an
by a life span perspective on human development, advantage for introverts on vigilance tasks
contextual factors such as health, education and (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985; Matthews & Deary,
lifestyle have been identi®ed as mediators of 1998). In older age, individuals typically experi-
individual differences in age-related memory ence less social stimulation (e.g., because of the
decline (Baltes, 1987; Schaie, 1996). In a similar loss of work-related social interactions). An extra-
way, personality factors might contribute to the verted orientation could compensate for this loss
increasing variability of episodic memory by providing for new stimulation (cf. selective
performance in later adulthood. The relationship optimization, Baltes & Graf, 1997). Therefore, it
between memory and personality remains rela- seems possible that extraversion is instrumental in
tively obscure. Only a few prior investigations preserving episodic memory performance in old
have focused on this relationship, and even age.

Address correspondence to: Beat Meier, Department of Psychology, University of British Columbia, 2136 West
Mall, Vancouver B.C., V6T 1Z4, Canada. Fax: ‡1-604-822-6923. E-mail:
Accepted for publication: February 28, 2002.

Age is also associated with a decline in sensory problems. As a result, old old individuals would
functions (Lindenberger & Baltes, 1994). An score higher on neuroticism because they worry
extraverted orientation could compensate for more about realistic threats. If true, neuroticism is
this decline by providing sensory stimulation not measured properly and, as a result, a reduction
through an outgoing, stimulation-seeking attitude. of the negative correlation between neuroticism
If extraversion serves as a buffer in the trajectory and episodic memory would be expected.
of age-related decline in episodic memory in a Only a few prior studies have focused on the
similar way as an active lifestyle (Schaie, 1996), relation between these personality factors and
we expect a stronger relationship between mem- episodic memory in old age. Arbuckle, Gold,
ory performance and extraversion in old old Andres, Schwartzman, and Chaikelson (1992)
adults (e.g., > 80 years of age) than in young studied 326 male World War II veterans aged
old adults (e.g., 60±70 years of age). 57±81 years. Personality was measured with the
Downloaded by [Universitätsbibliothek Bern] at 12:24 21 November 2011

It is also possible, however, that older adults Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI; Eysenck &
experience fewer challenges due to withdrawal Eysenck, 1968), and episodic memory was mea-
from major roles, and thus the impact of introver- sured with a story recognition task, word list free-
sion for maintaining cognitive performance could and cued recall tests. The pattern of correlations
increase in old age (Gold & Arbuckle, 1990). between episodic memory and personality was
Introverts are less dependent on social stimulation different for extraversion and neuroticism. Free
and are therefore less affected by a decrease in recall and cued recall performance correlated
social stimulation. Consequently, a change in the positively with extraversion, with correlations
direction of the relationship between extraversion between r ˆ :04 and r ˆ :12, while story recog-
and episodic memory would be expected. nition correlated negatively, r ˆ ÿ:10. By con-
Neuroticism ± which is highly correlated with trast, all measures of episodic memory were
anxiety ± describes individuals who are easily negatively correlated with neuroticism, with cor-
worried and who are more likely to experience relations between r ˆ ÿ:18 and r ˆ ÿ:05.
negative affect and somatic complaints. In young Hultsch, Hertzog, Small, and Dixon (1999)
adults, a higher level of neuroticism tends to found a similar pattern in a sample of 236 men
improve performance on easy tasks, but it has a and women aged 55±86 years. They used the
detrimental effect on performance when the task NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI; Costa &
is more demanding (Eysenck & Eysenck, 1985; McCrae, 1985) to assess personality, and the
Mueller, 1992). Negative affect and the greater episodic memory tests consisted of word recall
self-preoccupation of neurotic individuals (who and story recall. They found a positive correlation
may use attentional capacity for worry-related between extraversion and word recall, r ˆ :03,
instead of task-related thoughts) may have a and a negative correlation between extraversion
distracting in¯uence on episodic memory (Gold and story recall, r ˆ ÿ:07. The correlations be-
& Arbuckle, 1990). In older adults, higher neuro- tween neuroticism and the memory measures were
ticism might be even more detrimental, because a consistently negative, r ˆ ÿ:13 and r ˆ ÿ:05,
neuroticism-related reduction in processing respectively.
resources is combined with an age-related decline Additionally, in a meta-analysis including sub-
in processing resources. This would result in an jects across the whole adult age span, Ackerman
interaction between neuroticism and age on epi- and Heggestad (1997) found small but consistent
sodic memory performance. On the other hand, it positive relationships between extraversion and a
might well be that the expression of neuroticism variety of intelligence factors, one of them labeled
changes in old age. While in young old persons as learning and memory, r ˆ :05. They also found
worry-related thoughts are unnecessary and might consistent negative relationships between two
take away capacity, worries become more appro- factors related to neuroticism ± test anxiety and
priate (e.g., about health issues, consequences of a stress reaction ± and intelligence factors, and a
misstep, etc.) in old old persons and somatic com- correlation of r ˆ ÿ:22 and r ˆ ÿ:06, respec-
plaints become strongly related to actual health tively, with the learning and memory factor.

In summary, correlations between personality might also reduce their sensitivity to individual
and episodic memory were low and some were differences in personality. To enhance validity we
not even signi®cant. However, overall the pattern chose an everyday task as a study task in which
is consistent. Neuroticism was negatively corre- subjects had to ®nd differences between two
lated with all the episodic memory tasks. Extra- scenes, which at ®rst glance looked identical.
version was consistently positively correlated with This kind of task can be found on entertainment
tests requiring the recall of word lists. Because the pages of journals and newspapers and has an
correlations between personality and memory are intrinsic appeal, which challenges curiosity. To
small, it will be dif®cult to determine a change in summarize, we hypothesized that an interactive
the relationship between episodic memory and test situation with an appealing study task and
personality as a function of age, even if there was multifaceted test materials would create an environ-
one. ment that ampli®es the expression of personality
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However, the effects of individual differences differences on episodic memory.

on experimental memory tests might be under- In this study ± situated within a large long-
estimated for several reasons. First, the laboratory itudinal interdisciplinary project on autonomy,
setting might suppress the expression of person- health and well-being in the elderly (Perrig-
ality differences. In order to minimize error var- Chiello, Perrig, StaÈhelin, Krebs, & Ehrsam,
iance, the test situation is kept as constant as 1996) ± we focused on the relationship between
possible. However, personality differences might personality factors and episodic memory with the
be expressed only when the situation allows some goal to demonstrate reliable relationships be-
degrees of freedom, for example, the opportunity tween personality and episodic memory. While
for interactions. Therefore, we chose a social test previous studies reported data about these rela-
situation, which involved the interaction between tionships in older adults, we investigated whether
the participant and the experimenter. Each partic- these relationships change across old age. Our
ipant was tested individually and responded sample consisting of 287 participants aged 68±95
verbally to the experimenter. We hypothesized years was suitable for this purpose.
that such an interactive face-to-face test situation
would enhance ecological validity by providing a
context that allows personality to in¯uence beha-
vior. More precisely, we expected a bene®cial
effect for extraverts, and an adverse effect for
neurotics on memory performance. Participants were originally recruited among employ-
Second, to assess memory the materials are ees of three major chemical companies in Basle,
standardized in order to minimize inter-individual Switzerland, for a biomedical longitudinal study
differences in the preference of such materials. (Widmer, StaÈhelin, Nissen, & da Silva, 1981). More
Usually, in an episodic memory test, participants than 6,400 healthy volunteers participated in this study,
are presented with unrelated wordlists. However, the Basle Prospective Study, over a period of more than
20 years. The current project, the interdisciplinary
this might also obscure the relationship between
study on aging (IDA), is a follow-up study for which
personality and memory because individual dif- subjects from the original sample were recruited if they
ferences might be expressed stronger when there conformed to two criteria. First, they had to be at least
is a possibility for preferences. For this study, we 65 years old and second, they had to live independently
therefore chose different types of materials, that (i.e., not in an institution) in the area of Basle. From
is, pictures, words, numbers, patterns, etc., to 2,959 men and 809 women who con®rmed to this
allow for individual differences in the preference restriction, 848 persons were randomly selected and
invited to participate in the study. They were informed
of materials. However, these materials were cho-
that they would be required to travel to the test site, the
sen in a way to balance the expression of individ- Geriatric University Clinic of Basle, independently.
ual differences and scorer reliability. A total of 442 persons aged 65±94 years agreed to
Further, many tasks that are used in laboratory participate in the initial wave of the IDA-study. Three
studies of memory lack ecological validity. This hundred and thirty ®ve persons were re-tested 2 years

Table 1. Demographic Characteristics: Age, Educa- et al., 1994). This 30-min procedure contains different
tion, Marital Status and Subjective Health. memory tests that were used before in different quasi-
experimental studies to investigate memory perfor-
N (men) N (women) mance over the life span (Perrig & Perrig-Chiello,
Age 68±72 61 42 1993), in biopsychological research (Perrig, Perrig-
73±78 69 32 Chiello, & StaÈhelin, 1997), and in research on re-
79±85 68 15 liability of memory measures (Meier & Perrig, 2000).
In the present study, we concentrate on episodic
Education Non-skilled 20% 42% memory, measured by a free recall test and a re-
Skilled 53% 49% cognition test.
Academic 27% 9% For the study task 15 objects from the material of
Marital status Single 2% 51% Snodgrass and Vanderwart (1980) were selected and
Married 78% 19% additional elements (words, numbers, patterns, frag-
Downloaded by [Universitätsbibliothek Bern] at 12:24 21 November 2011

Divorced 4% 13% mented objects) were used to construct a complex

Widowed 16% 17% scene. This scene was copied on the same screen, one
on the left side and one on the right side. In the left side
Subjective health Good 82% 86% scene 18 small parts were removed. For the recognition
Moderate 15% 11% test the 15 objects from the study task and an additional
Poor 3% 2% 15 objects from the same material were required. These
objects were used to create a matrix of 56 objects in
which the objects were randomly positioned. Free
later. The data reported in this paper originate from this recall was measured as proportion of correctly recalled
second wave. A telephone inquiry revealed that the objects. The discrimination score Pr, derived from the
main reasons for attrition were illness (44%), death two-high threshold model (Snodgrass & Corwin, 1988),
(21%), and absence from home/travel in the scheduled was calculated as a measure of performance in the
test period (16%). For 287 participants (198 men and 89 recognition test.
women) aged 68±95 years, complete data sets were
available for the purpose of this study. Personality
Demographic data are presented in Table 1. It is Personality was assessed with the two main sub-scales
evident that men are over-represented in this study, extraversion and neuroticism from the Freiburger
which re¯ects the fact that more men than women were Personality-Inventory (FPI; Fahrenberg & Selg, 1970)
employed in the chemical industry. Three educational which is one of the most used personality tests in
levels were recorded (1 ˆ non-skilled blue-collar work- German speaking countries. The scales can be con-
ers, 2 ˆ skilled blue- and white-collar workers, and sidered equivalent to the corresponding scales from
3 ˆ college and university graduates). Thirty nine men the MPI or EPI and their psychometric properties are
and 37 women belonged to the ®rst category, 105 men well established (Fahrenberg, Bruegner, Foerster, &
and 44 women to the second category, and 54 men and Kaeppler, 1999; Fahrenberg, Hampel, & Selg, 1989;
8 women to the third category (see Table 1). These data Fahrenberg & Selg, 1970).
re¯ect a higher education level in the male than in the
female sub-sample. From the data about marital status
presented in Table 1, it can be seen that the sample Procedure
consisted of a high proportion of single women and of The memory performance of all participants was tested
married men. As further indicated in Table 1, most of individually. In the study phase, the experimenter
the participants (83%) rated their health as good and showed the participants a picture on the computer
only 3% indicated a poor health. Overall there was an screen, which contained two nearly identical scenes.
age-related decrease in subjective health ratings The scene on the left side differed from the one on the
(r ˆ :18, p < :05). More socio-demographic informa- right side on 18 details. The participants were asked to
tion about the sample can be found in Perrig-Chiello, ®nd as many of these differences as possible and to
StaÈhelin, and Perrig (1999). show them to the experimenter. They were also
instructed to study the scene in such a way that they
could recall it later. After 3 min the picture disappeared.
Materials and Measures After a ®lled retention interval of about 25 min memory
was tested. In the free recall test, participants were asked
Episodic Memory to tell the experimenter every detail they remembered
Memory performance was assessed with a computer- from the initial scene. Immediately afterwards a
ized test, which was developed in our laboratory (Perrig recognition test was administered. Fifteen objects from

the initial scene as well as 15 similar items were test occasion and 5.22 for the latter test occasion,
presented together on the computer screen. Participants respectively. However, there was a signi®cant
were asked to identify those objects that had been decrease in neuroticism, t 87† ˆ 4:49, p < :01,
presented in the initial study scene. Since performance
of all participants had been tested already 2 years
with mean scores of 5.48 for the ®rst and 4.27 for
earlier with the same instrument, it was possible to the latter test occasion, respectively.
calculate the stability of memory performance. In Table 3, the correlations of all variables are
At the end of the test session, participants received presented. As expected, the episodic memory
an envelope including the personality questionnaire. measures were signi®cantly inter-correlated,
They were asked to complete the questionnaire at home r ˆ :57, and highly correlated with age, with
and send it back in the addressed and stamped envelope. r ˆ ÿ:44 for free recall and r ˆ ÿ:36 for recog-
The return rate was 87%.1 From these persons, 88
participants had completed the personality question-
nition. Neither extraversion nor neuroticism was
correlated with age. There was a signi®cant rela-
Downloaded by [Universitätsbibliothek Bern] at 12:24 21 November 2011

naire already in a previous wave 24 years ago, which

allowed assessing long-term stability of personality. tionship between gender and episodic memory,
r ˆ :16 for free recall and r ˆ :26 for recognition,
Analyses indicating that women performed better in the
First, we analyzed the stability of the memory measures memory tests than men, but no gender relations
(across 2 years) and the personality scales (across 24 were found with both personality factors. Addi-
years). Second, a correlational approach was used to
determine the relationships between memory, person-
tionally, higher education was associated with
ality, age, gender, and education. Third, stepwise higher performance in free recall, r ˆ :21, but
regression analyses were conducted with memory not in recognition, r ˆ :08. Higher education was
performance as the criterion variable. In a ®rst step, also associated with higher extraversion and with
age, education, and gender were entered as predictors. lower neuroticism, r ˆ :21 and r ˆ ÿ:14, respec-
In a second step, neuroticism and extraversion were tively.2 Finally, there were positive correlations
added. Finally, the interaction terms, age  neuroticism between episodic memory and extraversion,
and age  extraversion, were entered into the regression
models. For all statistical analyses an alpha level of
r ˆ :22 for free recall and r ˆ :14 for recognition,
0.05 was used. negative correlations between episodic memory
and neuroticism, r ˆ ÿ:16 for free recall and
r ˆ ÿ:23 for recognition, but there was no sig-
RESULTS ni®cant correlation between extraversion and neu-
Table 2 provides a description of the memory and Given the inter-correlations between these
personality measures. The stability scores indi- variables hierarchical multiple regression anal-
cate considerable consistency of individual differ- yses were computed to investigate the contribu-
ences for episodic memory measures over 2 years, tion of neuroticism and extraversion to episodic
r ˆ :61 for free recall and r ˆ :48 for recognition, and semantic memory after controlling the effects
and for personality factors over 24 years, r ˆ :60 of age, gender and education.
for extraversion and r ˆ :60 for neuroticism. Table 4 shows the unstandardized and standard-
Moreover, for those participants who completed ized beta-coef®cients for the hierarchic regression
the personality questionnaire already 24 years ago analyses of age, gender, education, neuroticism,
extraversion scores were highly stable, t 87† ˆ and extraversion on free recall and recognition,
:18, p > :05, with mean scores of 5.04 for the ®rst respectively. Within blocks of predictors, vari-

It might be argued that an academic achievement
There were signi®cant differences in age, free recall measure ± as a surrogate of intelligence ± might be
and episodic memory performance between the group stronger related to personality. However, the WAIS
of participants who returned the personality inventory vocabulary test which was also included in our test-
and the group who did not return the personality battery, yielded similar correlations with the person-
inventory. The composition of the two groups did not ality variables (i.e., r ˆ :10 for extraversion and
differ with respect to gender and education. r ˆ ÿ:18 for neuroticism).

Table 2. Means, Standard Deviations, Minima (Min) and Maxima (Max) for Memory and Personality Measures.
Measure M SD Min Max Stability
Free recall 0.29 0.14 0 0.78 .61a
Recognition 7.42 3.92 ÿ3 15 .48a
FPI extraversion 5.14 2.45 0 12 .60b
FPI neuroticism 4.33 2.81 0 12 .60b
Note. Free recall is measured as proportion of correctly recalled items. Recognition is measured as Pr according to
the two-high threshold model.
Stability coef®cient over 2 years (N ˆ 287).
Stability coef®cients over 24 years (N ˆ 88).
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Table 3. Correlations and Inter-correlations Between Predictor and Criterion Variables.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Age 1
Gendery ÿ0.21** 1
Education ÿ0.13* ÿ0.27** 1
Free recall ÿ0.44** 0.16* 0.21** 1
Recognition ÿ0.36** 0.26** 0.08 0.57** 1
FPI extraversion ÿ0.05 ÿ0.01 0.21** 0.22** 0.14* 1
FPI neuroticism 0.07 ÿ0.05 ÿ0.14* ÿ0.16* ÿ0.23** ÿ0.04
Note. y Coding: 1 = male, 2 = female.
*p < .05, **p < .01.

Table 4. Summary of Hierarchical Regression Analyses for Variables Predicting Episodic Memory Performance.
Free recall Recognition
Predictors B SE B B SE B
Step 1
Age ÿ.01 .00 ÿ.39** ÿ.20 .04 ÿ.30**
Gender .04 .02 .13* 1.89 .49 .22**
Education .04 .01 .20* .59 .32 .10
Step 2
Age ÿ.01 .00 ÿ.39** ÿ.19 .04 ÿ.29**
Gender .04 .02 .12* 1.71 .48 .20**
Education .03 .01 .15* 2.9 .33 .05
Extraversion .01 .00 .16** .18 .09 .11*
Neuroticism .00 .00 ÿ.10y ÿ.26 .07 ÿ.18**
Note. Free recall: R2 ˆ :24 for Step 1; R2 ˆ :03 (F 2; 281† ˆ 6:7, p < :01) for Step 2.
Recognition: R2 ˆ :17 for Step 1; R2 ˆ :05 (F 2; 281† ˆ 8:03, p < :01) for Step 2.
p ˆ :06, *p < :05, **p < :01.

ables were entered simultaneously. For the free Therefore, 13.3% of the explained variance can
recall test, 24% of the variance could be explained be attributed to the in¯uence of the personality
by age, education and gender. Considering extra- factors. However, while extraversion made a
version and neuroticism in Step 2 lead to an highly signi®cant contribution to the prediction
additional increase of 3.2% of explained variance. of free recall performance ( p < :01), the in¯u-

ence of neuroticism was only marginally signif- and r ˆ ÿ:14 in the old old group. The correla-
icant ( p ˆ :06). tion between neuroticism and recognition showed
For the recognition test, 17% of the variance a similar pattern with r ˆ ÿ:29, r ˆ ÿ:12, and
could be explained by age, education, and gender. r ˆ :03. A directed comparison of the correla-
Considering the personality factors in Step 2 lead tions between neuroticism and free recall in the
to an additional increase of 5% of explained young old group and the old old group almost
variance. Therefore, 22.7% of the explained var- reached signi®cance ( p ˆ :09), and the same
iance in recognition can be attributed to the in¯u- comparison of the correlations between neurotic-
ence of the personality factors. Extraversion as well ism and recognition was signi®cant ( p < :05).
as neuroticism made signi®cant contributions to the This pattern of lower correlations between neu-
prediction of recognition memory. roticism and episodic memory performance with
In an additional step, we also included the older age indicates an interaction between age and
Downloaded by [Universitätsbibliothek Bern] at 12:24 21 November 2011

age  personality interactions into the regression neuroticism in episodic memory performance.
models. However, none of these interaction terms
lead to a substantial increase in explained var-
iance. Therefore, the regression models presented DISCUSSION
in Table 4 can be considered as the most parsi-
monious solutions. However, it might be possible The purpose of this study was (a) to examine the
that an interaction did not show up in the regres- contribution of extraversion and neuroticism to
sion analyses due to lack of statistical power. In a the explanation of episodic memory variability
further analysis, we used a different approach to in old age, and (b) to determine whether this
investigate the question whether the in¯uence of contribution changes across old age. In general,
extraversion and neuroticism on episodic memory we expected higher extraversion and lower
performance changes in old age. neuroticism to be related to higher memory
performance. Consistent with our expectation
Follow-up Analysis extraversion was associated with higher and
In a follow-up analysis, we compared the correla- neuroticism was associated with lower episodic
tions between personality and episodic memory in memory performance. Our results replicate pre-
different age groups. In order to increase the vious research (Arbuckle et al., 1992; Hultsch,
homogeneity of the sample we selected only the Hertzog, Small, & Dixon, 1999) and extend its
male participants for this analysis. The male generality to old age. The effect-size of the
sample was split into three different age groups all memory-personality relationships was larger in
consisting approximately of the same number of our study than in prior work, and we assume that
subjects (cf. Table 1). The young old group the use of multifaceted test materials, an everyday
consisted of 61 participants in the age of 68±72 study task and a social testing situation was
years, the intermediate old group consisted of 69 responsible for this boost.
participants in the age of 73±78 years, and the To address the question whether the relation-
old old group consisted of 68 participants in the ship between personality and episodic memory
age of 79±95 years. The results showed consistent increases in old age, the age  personality inter-
correlations between extraversion and free recall action was entered into the regression analyses.
with r ˆ :21, r ˆ :25, and r ˆ :26. Statistically, These analyses revealed no increase in explained
these correlations did not differ across age groups. variability in memory performance, suggesting no
The correlations between extraversion and recog- change in the contribution of personality to indi-
nition showed a similar pattern with r ˆ :21, vidual differences in episodic memory in old age.
r ˆ :10, and r ˆ :16. Again, these correlations However, in a follow-up analysis with the male
were not statistically different. sub-sample we found a decrease of the correla-
Neuroticism was correlated with free recall tions between episodic memory and neuroticism
performance with r ˆ ÿ:36 in the young old across age, revealing an interaction between age
group, r ˆ ÿ:21 in the intermediate old group, and neuroticism.

A possible explanation for the decrease in the be related to neuroticism. However, this relation-
strength of the relationship between neuroticism ship might change in old age. For old old men, the
and episodic memory is that the expression of ongoing memory decline might have led to an
neuroticism changes in very old age. Neuroticism adaptation of the aspiration level or they have
scales are intended to measure the experience of found another coping strategy (Perrig-Chiello,
worries and complaints. In younger age, individ- Perrig, & StaÈhelin, 2000). Future research is
uals who score high on this dimension are necessary to determine whether this interpretation
worrying and suffering more than they realisti- holds.
cally need to. In very old age, this might not be the The follow-up analysis with the male sub-
case anymore, that is, old adults scoring high on sample revealed no differences in the pattern of
neuroticism might be more worried for good correlations between extraversion and episodic
reasons.3 Therefore, an increase in worries memory across age. Therefore, our results pro-
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could be functional to an adequate evaluation of vide no support for the hypothesis that extraver-
the situation. However, if higher neuroticism sion compensates for age-related memory
scores arise as a consequence of an increase in decline. In contrast, the underlying mechanisms
worries about real threats, it is likely that the seem to be stable across the adult life span.
relationship between neuroticism and episodic Overall ± and in line with previous research ±
memory performance decreases. Such an inter- our results indicate that the relationships between
pretation has important implications for the memory and personality are small, but consistent.
assessment of personality in old age. In fact, the These relationships are characterized by a high
personality scales and inventories are standard- stability that holds across the adult life span and
ized in younger adults and norms are usually persists into old age. Nevertheless, it is possible
available only up to the age of 60±65 years. It that changes in the functionality of speci®c per-
seems necessary to extend the existing norms to sonality traits are associated with changes in the
older age groups. Probably, it will be even neces- personality-memory relationship. This is indi-
sary to adjust the items within the scales. cated by our ®ndings of a decrease in correlations
We can only speculate whether these changes between neuroticism and episodic memory. It is
in the functionality of neuroticism might be also possible that critical life-events have a stron-
gender-related, because in our study the sample ger in¯uence on measures of personality in old
size of females was too small to consider sepa- age. Future research is necessary to determine the
rately. However, it might be that socialization of impact of such events on the relationship between
men is characterized by a special emphasis on memory and personality.
performance in general and on cognitive ef®- In general, considering the contribution of
ciency in particular. For young old men higher individual differences in personality is a valuable
memory performance might be more crucial for approach for the explanation of inter-individual
mastery of life than for old old men because they differences in episodic memory. Integrating per-
are ef®ciency-oriented and have high demands on sonality, contextual variables, and basic proces-
their cognitive functioning resulting in high per- sing components might be a promising avenue to
sonal commitment. The deteriorating memory understand more about inter-individual differ-
performance might be experienced as a central ences in remembering in old age. It will be
threat of their personal integrity and cognitive interesting to see whether the variance that can
competence. Therefore, success and failure might be explained by personality factors is unique or
whether it is shared with other variables. So far, in
separate studies, processing speed, processing
It is noteworthy that, although there was a signi®cant
capacity, health, lifestyle, education, gender,
decrease in neuroticism across 24 years (within
subjects), neuroticism slightly increased across old depression, extraversion, and neuroticism have
age (between cohorts). Therefore, the lower correla- been demonstrated to be signi®cant contributors
tions cannot be due to restricted range (i.e., ¯oor to the explanation of higher episodic memory
effects) in the personality scale. performance (Graf & Uttl, 1995; Hultsch et al.,

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study the interdependence of these predictors and differences and interindividual variation in cogni-
tion in community-dwelling elderly. Psychology
to test more complex models. and Aging, 9, 381±390.
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This research is based on the Basle Interdisciplinary Gold, D.P., & Arbuckle, T.Y. (1990). Interactions
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Science Foundation (Grant 4032-035642). Preparation cations for theories of aging. In E.A. Lovelace (Ed.),
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fellowship from Swiss National Science Foundation ness and interventions (pp. 351±378). Amsterdam:
(Grant 8210-056614) to B. Meier. The ®rst author is Elsevier.
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earlier drafts of this article. memory: Changes across the adult lifespan. Swiss
Journal of Psychology, 6, 113±129.
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