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선덕고등학교 2024학년도 신입생 진단평가

영어 예시문항

1. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? ( 정답 ③)

If we are planning on reducing congestion on a busy roadway, the best possible thing to
do is to simply widen the road. Surprisingly, though, the more one widens the road, the
more congested the road becomes. This is because wider roads reduce barriers to
driving. This, in turn, increases the demand for cars. Increased demand for cars tends to
increase competition among carmakers and drive down prices, leading to still more cars
on the road. Without regulations, carmakers are unlikely to invest in reducing emissions,
even if their profits rise and technology advances. Wider roads and cheaper cars also
allow people to move to cheaper places farther from major downtown economic areas.
This increases driving time and puts more cars on the road still. People become more
and more dependent on the car until it is strange not to own one. So, more infrastructure
still is devoted to the car and more cars end up on the road. *congest 정체시키다

① need for more transportation infrastructure

② practical policies for reducing traffic accidents
③ adverse effects of widening roads to reduce congestion
④ relationship between land use policies and house prices
⑤ ways of improving traffic conditions and their implementation

2. 이 글의 요지로 적절한 것은? (정답 ④)

In 1879 Thomas Edison announced that he would publicly display the electric lightbulb by
December 31, even though all his experiments had, to that point, failed. He threw his
knapsack over the brick wall―the numerous challenges that he still faced―and on the
last day of that year, there was light. In 1962, when John F. Kennedy declared to the
world that the United States was going to land a man on the moon by the end of the
decade, some of the metals necessary for the journey had not yet been invented, and the
technology required for completing the journey was not available. But he threw his―and
NASA’s―knapsack over the brick wall. Though making a verbal commitment, no matter
how bold and how inspiring, does not ensure that we reach our destination, it does
enhance the likelihood of success. *knapsack 배낭

① 성공하는 사람들은 말보다 행동이 앞선다.

② 과학기술의 발전은 끊임없는 재도전의 결과이다.
③ 허황된 꿈을 버리고 실현 가능한 목표를 세워야 한다.
④ 목표를 내세우고 이를 공언하는 것이 성공에 도움이 된다.
⑤ 위대한 발명은 종종 터무니없어 보이는 아이디어에서 비롯된다.

3. 다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? (정답 ④)

In all honesty, teachers would not enjoy their work environment quite as much with
someone constantly looking over their shoulder, and ➀ neither do the students. Likewise,
though group or committee work often ➁ Leads to positive results, some tasks are
better dealt with by only one person. In ➂ both cases, the same is true for the creative
process of art making in school. Elementary- and middle-school art rooms should
provide adequate space for students ➃ work in small groups, while accommodating
individual work space as well. Sometimes, students want and/or need to work alone. This
should ➄ be honored.

4. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? (정답 ④)

Even if you have cast-iron willpower, the mere fact that the Internet is lying in wait on
your computer causes damage to your work performance. The very act of
_________________ eats up concentration and leaves you mentally exhausted. Psychologists
demonstrated this in a 2011 study. Participants at the University of Copenhagen were
told to perform a computer task. Afterward, some of them were allowed to watch a
funny video, while the others were faced with a play button for the video, but had to
resist pressing it. When confronted with an additional task afterward, those who had to
resist the video performed worse than those who were allowed to watch it.

➀ increasing noises
➁ starting new tasks
➂ using computer
➃ resisting temptations
➄ repeating the same thing

※ 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오. ( 5~6번)

Istanbul is the biggest city in Turkey and lies in both Asia and Europe, divided
into two by the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the Black Sea and the Mediterranean
Sea. Throughout history, this location has been very important because all trade between
these seas had to pass through Istanbul. In fact, nearly all trade be­tween Asia and
Europe took this route. It is due to this location that Istanbul has been at the center of
three of history’s most important empires.
Istanbul is the only city to have been the heart of both a great Christian empire
and a great Islamic empire. Istanbul started out as Byzantium, a Greek colony, in 667
BC, and was the largest city in Europe for many years. About 900 years later, the
Romans took over the city and renamed it Constantinople. In 1453, the Turks put an end
to the Eastern Ro­man Empire and Istanbul became the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Today, there are still many reminders of the city’s splendid past.
Istanbul is a beauti­ful city with (A) , making it a favorite place for
tourists. Most visitors head for Istanbul’s Old Town, where the Bosphorus Strait meets
the Marmara Sea. An impressive site there is the large dome of Hagia Sophia, a church
built under Roman emperor Justin­ian over 1,400 years ago. In 1453, it was converted
into a mosque, and today it is a museum. Equally impressive is the Blue Mosque, with
thousands of blue tiles inside. Finally, visitors shouldn’t miss the Grand Bazaar, a huge
covered area of small stores, particularly famous for its Turkish rugs.
Modern Istanbul continues to be at the crossroads of religion, culture, and
politics. If you would like to experience a cosmopolitan mix of culture unlike anywhere
else on Earth, this is the place you should visit.

5. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ( 정답 ④)

➀ 이스탄불은 거대한 기독교 제국의 수도였다.
➁ 이스탄불은 그리스와 로마에 의해 지배당해왔다.
➂ 이스탄불은 기원전 667년에 그리스의 식민지로 시작했다.
➃ 로마인들에 의해 Byzantium으로 불려졌다.
➄ Hagia Sophia는 현재 박물관으로 사용되고 있다.

6. 위 글 빈 칸 (A)에 들어가기에 가장 알맞은 말은? (정답 ②)

➀ a lot of wonderful museums
➁ many attractive historical sites
➂ a wide range of entertainment
➃ spectacular landscapes and views
➄ various people from other countries

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