Checkpoint Science 9

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Lower Secondary Science 9

1.1 Photosynthesis
Word equation for photosynthesis: water + carbon dioxide  glucose + oxygen
Generally, the more intense the light is, the faster the rate of photosynthesis is
Why is photosynthesis important: Provide energy for all other organisms, provide
oxygen for the Earth’s atmosphere
About 20% of the air around us is oxygen

1.2 More about Photosynthesis

Chlorophyll captures energy from sunlight. The energy helps water and carbon
dioxide to react together. Chlorophyll is kept inside chloroplast, inside plant cells
In most plants, the cells in the leaves have the most chloroplasts.
Plants store excessive carbohydrates as starch inside the chloroplasts.
Testing a leaf for starch using iodine: Boiling the leaf  the cell membranes break
apart  iodine solution can get through cell membrane. Using ethanol to dissolve the
green colour out of the leaf  do not mix up with color of iodine solution. If the leaf
contains any starch, iodine solution color will change to blue-black.
Inside a leaf: palisade layer, spongy layer, vein, stoma, epidermis
Two important minerals for plants: magnesium and nitrate

1.3 The Carbon Cycle

Carbon (C) is a non-metal element. It occurs naturally in different forms: diamond,
Organisms cannot use carbon in the form of an element. They can only use it when it
is part of a compound: carbohydrates, proteins, fats
Respiration equation: glucose + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water
Plants respire all the time. In the light, plants photosynthesise faster than they respire.
At night, when there is no light, they respire instead of photosynthesising.
decomposition, how fossil fuels formed, combustion
fossil != fossil fuels

Carbon cycle: carbon dioxide in the air  get in to plants in the form of carbohydrate
due to photosynthesis  carbon gets in to animals and decomposers  carbon is
released in the air due to respiration
rubber bung, perforate, woodlice
hydrogencarbonate indicator solution is a liquid that changes color depending on the
concentration of carbon dioxide: purple when there is no carbon dioxide, red when
there is a low concentration of carbon dioxide, yellow when there is higher
concentration of carbon dioxide.

1.4 Climate Change

2.1 Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
2.2 Trends in Groups within the Periodic Table
2.3 Why Elements React to Form Compounds
2.4 Simple and Giant Structures
3.1 Density
3.2 Heat and Temperature
3.3 Conservation of Energy
3.4 Moving from Hot to Cold
3.5 Ways of Transferring Thermal Energy
3.6 Cooling by Evaporation
4.1 Plants and Water
4.2 Transpiration
4.3 Excretion in Humans
4.4 Keeping a Fetus Healthy
5.1 Reactivity and Displacement Reactions
5.2 Using the Reactivity Series and Displacement Reactions
5.3 Salts
5.4 Other Ways of Making Salts
5.5 Rearranging Atoms
6.1 Loudness and Pitch of Sound
6.2 Interference of Sound
6.3 Formation of the Moon
6.4 Nebulae
6.5 Tectonics
7.1 Chromosomes, Genes and DNA
7.2 Gametes and Inheritance
7.3 Variation
7.4 Natural Selection
8.1 Measuring the Rate of Reaction
8.2 Surface Area and the Rate of Reaction
8.3 Temperature and the Rate of Reaction
8.4 Concentration and the Rate of Reaction
9.1 Parallel Circuits
9.2 Current and Voltage in Parallel Circuits
9.3 Resistance
9.4 Practical Circuits

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