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Language in Education Policies in

Southeast Asia
-presented by Group 3
At the end of this lesson the students will be able to:
a. determine the different countries in Southeast Asia;
b. emphasized the respective official and national
languages of the countries under the Southeast Asia;
c. identify Southeast Asia’s main languages.
Language In Education Policy
-What language will be used when it comes to medium of
instruction in school.

Southeast Asia is mainly composed of religiously,

culturally, and historical diverse countries.
Southeast Asia’s Countries
Brunei Malaysia
Burma Philippines
Cambodia Singapore
Timor-Leste Thailand
Indonesia Vietnam
Language in Education Policy
One of the most economically dynamic area of the world
which accounts for so much in ex-growing international
As a result, language policy and language education
practices vary greatly across the regions.
Language in Education Policy
Language policy and education system in Southeast Asia
have traditionally emphasized the respective official and
national languages.
In contrast, aside from English which has been taught as
a foreign language or in some countries use it as a
language of instruction.
Language in Education Policy
Little attention has been taken to other languages,
prioritizing different languages in education represent a
conflict in terms of national identity, globalization, and
economic development and of course cultural heritage.
Cultural Heritage-local languages
Language in Education Policy
The Philippine is attending to include all languages in
education through its policy of Mother Tongue Based
Multilingual Education (MTB MLE).
As a language of instruction, Brunei, Malaysia,
Singapore, and Timor-Leste used a variety of dominant
Language in Education Policy
In other Southeast Asian countries, the national
language is almost entirely used for instruction.
MTB MLE- their vernacular or their local languages +
Languages in Southeast Asia are a good source of study
for regions diversity, revealing their historical influences
and localization that makes these regions awe and
Southeast Asia’s Main Languages are:
Lao Filipino/Tagalog
Thai Malay
Burmese Indonesian
Khmer and a few Chinese dialects
Each of these languages derives from different sources and
has distinct cultural characteristics.
Southeast Asian Countries together with their Language
Thailand – Thai
Indonesia – Indonesian
Formal Setting – different grammar particles and structure
Malaysia – Bahasa Melayu
Philippines – Tagalog/Filipino
Myanmar – Myanmar Official Language
Laos – Laotian = one of the Tai languages
Southeast Asian Countries together with their Language
It belongs to the same linguistic family as Thai and other
Laotian, Burmese, Southern Chineses and Northern
Vietnamese Languages
The grammar and tone structure are similar in both
Vientiane Variant – variation utilized in a media
Southeast Asian Countries together with their Language
Speaking Lao in a Vientiane Accent is considered as a
sign of social prestige.
Cambodia – Khmer
Timor Leste – Tetum
Language in Education Policy
These countries only have clues but not a total
knowledge about their original languages because just
like the Philippines, Southeast Asian countries struggle
also when it comes to their literature and languages.
“The noblest pleasure is the joy
of understanding.”
-Leonardo Da Vinci
Thank you!

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