The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time

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Juniors Advanced – Seniors 1 A – Seniors 1 B

Novel: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon

Possible Questions

1. What is the setting of the story?

The story takes place in Swindon, England, in the 1990s.
2. Who are the main characters in the story?
They are Christopher, Father, Mother, Siobhan, Mrs Shears, Mr Shears, Mrs Alexander,
Wellington and Toby.
3. Who is the protagonist? What behavioral problems does he have?
The main character is Christopher Boone. He is 15 years old and is neurodivergent. He really likes
maths and thinks that telling the truth is very important. Lies make him feel like things are
unstable. He has a pet rat called Toby.
Christopher notices and remembers lots of details which means that new places can be very
overwhelming for him. He has trouble understanding facial expressions and body language.
When he is in a situation that he finds overwhelming, Christopher tries to distract himself with
difficult maths problems. He finds the logic of maths very calming when things around him don’t
make sense.
4. Why does Christopher like dogs?
Christopher likes dogs because they are smart, trustworthy, and easier to interact with than
people. When Christopher finds Wellington’s dead body, he writes: “You always know what a
dog is thinking. It has four moods. Happy, sad, cross and concentrating. Also, dogs are faithful
and they do not tell lies because they cannot talk.”
5. How does Christopher define love?
To Christopher, love is helping someone when they get into trouble, and telling them the truth.
6. What is Siobhan’s role in Christopher’s life?
Out of all the adults in Christopher’s life, Siobhan is the most understanding of Christopher’s
particular needs and strengths. Siobhan explains appropriate social behavior in a way that helps
Christopher and respects his intelligence. Siobhan also gives Christopher detailed instructions
about his behavior, which Christopher appreciates, and her specificity explains why Christopher
seems to trust Siobhan and behave better with her than any other characters.
7. Why are the chapters numbered in an unusual way in this novel?
Because Christopher likes prime numbers. He appreciates the way prime numbers are
simultaneously simple and complicated.
8. What is Christopher investigating? Who opposes to this investigation? Why?
Christopher is investigating the murder of his neighbour’s dog, Wellington. The person who
opposes to this is his father because he was the one that killed the dog.
9. Why does Christopher’s father kill Wellington?
After he and Mrs Shears argued, she asked him to leave and he was very angry. He imagined
Wellington might attack him, so he killed the dog.
10. How well do you think Christopher’s father copes with his son’s condition?
Christopher’s father cares for Christopher, but he also struggles with the frustration he feels as a
result of not always being able to understand Christopher’s behavior. He carefully prepares all of
Christopher’s meals according to Christopher’s rigid list of likes and dislikes, but he also becomes
angry with Christopher when he misunderstands him. He is extremely protective of Christopher.
11. What does Mrs Alexander tell Christopher about his mother?
Mrs Alexander tells Christopher about her mother’s affair with Mr Shears.
12. What is Christopher’s favorite book? Why?
His favorite book is The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. He likes the book
because it is a detective story with many clues and red herrings, and also because he likes
Sherlock Holmes.
13. Why does Christopher like Sherlock Holmes so much?
Christopher believes that if he were a real detective, he would be like Sherlock Holmes.
Christopher copies Sherlock Holmes's style as he attempts to solve Wellington's murder mystery.
He feels an affinity for Sherlock Holmes because they are both intelligent, observant, and
obsessive about their interests.
14. Is it easier for you to forgive his father or his mother? Why do you think it is so much easier for
Christopher to trust his mother than his father?
To me, it is easier to forgive his mother/father (your own choice). I think it was easier for
Christopher to forgive his mother because, in his mind, a person who kills a dog and lies is a bad
15. What is the main theme in this novel to you? (Your own answer)
16. Why is Christopher hopeful for the future at the end of the novel?
Christopher's book ends with him optimistic about his future, with plans to go to a university and
become a scientist. Christopher is given the opportunity to pursue his dreams and to have a
normal life. Having solved the mystery of the murdered dog, gone to London on his own, found
his mother, received an A in his A-level Maths Exam, and written a book about his adventures,
Christopher believes he is capable of anything.
17. Were you satisfied with the ending? Why/Why not? (Your own answer)

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