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Module No.

Module 4
and Title
Types, Development, Uses and Influences of Communication Media

Lesson No. Lesson 1

And Title Traditional Media Vs. New Media

Learning 1. Describe traditional media and new media.

Outcomes 2. Identify the different forms of traditional and new media.
3. Point out the differences between traditional media and new media.

Time Frame 1 hour

We already arrive this far of our study of communication media, but only now we
discuss in detail traditional media and new media, their forms, characteristics,
and differences. Guess, you may no longer be subscribing some of the traditional
media, thus it's good to know many of their features so you may appreciate how
they also contribute to answer the information needs of the people especially in
the past.

Activity A. Try to travel back in time when your grandparents were at your age now, the
time when internet use was still new in our place. Then, try to compare their use
and your use of communication media in various communication-related
activities by completing the table below. Give at least three (3) answers per
activity, or 3 answers per box.

Communication-related Activities Communication Communication

Media Media

1. Old
1. To have updates of the happenings 1. Social Media
not only in the immediate locality but 2. Radio
2. Flat screen tv
3. internet
around the globe. 3. Newspaper
2. To watch your favorite film.

3. To interact with love ones and


4. To research for assignments given

in a class.

5. To be informed of the courses being

offered and the admission
requirements in a university.

Analysis 1. From your answers in A, pick three (3) communication media that you
think your grandparents popularly used when they were of your age.
Describe them in terms of the following : a) interactivity, feedback, and
number of channels.

Communication Interactivity Feedbac Number of Channels

Media k

2. From your answers in A, pick five (5) communication media, you

know in your time now, are capable of doing communication-related
activities but which the communication media that your grandparents used
before are not capable of doing. Indicate what are these things these new
media are capable of doing.

Communication Media Communication- Related Activity

3. Do you think the communication media popularly used by your

grandparents before are still very useful sources of information and/or
channels of communication in our present time? ______ Support your
answer by providing concrete example.
4. Do you think your grandparents who used to subscribe the old media
must likewise learn to use the communication media that people of your
age are popularly using? ______ Support your answer by providing
concrete example.

Abstraction Let’s now explore more about the traditional media and the new media.

What is traditional media ?

It refers to the mass media institutions that predominated prior to the Information
Age. The types of media that have been used since before the Internet and
mobile phone technology were developed. Also, it is any form of mass
communication available before the advent of digital media.

Types of traditional media

Print (books, newsletters, magazines, journals, mail , outdoor messages,

pamphlets, posters, charts and other printed materials )

Broadcast (radio, television, and film)

It also includes offline media such as letters, phone calls for a landline, in-cell
TV, and face-to-face visits.

What is new media?

Refers to content available on-demand through the Internet, accessible on any
digital device, usually containing interactive user feedback and creative

New media represents digital platforms that are equal to magazines, newspaper,
radio and television. They are consumed on cell phones, laptops, desktops and
tablets, and they often contain the same information as the traditional media,
although it may be delivered in different style.

Types of new media:

Websites such as online newspapers, blogs, wikis, video games and social

Social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

The streaming of video and audio files, including both commercial film and
music and user-generated media content (such as the videos on Youtube).

Digital/satellite and “smart” television (especially those that facilitate some


Apps for mobile telephones and tablets.

Characteristics of Traditional Media Vs. New Media

Traditional Media New Media

Broadcasting: mass audience Narrowcasting: segmented audience

Single or few channels of flow Multiple channels of flow

Zero or little feedback More feedback

Mostly analog and not compressible Mostly digital

Not networked Networked

Separate Integrated

Active gatekeeping Less gatekeeping

Passive receiver Active receiver

Less interactive More interactive

Assume that you are an information officer of the Local Government Unit (LGU)
of your locality and you are to support the Mayor's program on Food Always In
the Home (FAITH) which aims among others for every family to engage in
vegetable gardening and/or livestock and poultry raising in this time of pandemic.
You were asked to engage in information drive on this program. What
communication media or combination of media will you use? What would be the
information you need to disseminate? Answer by filling in the matrix with the
necessary information.


1. Housewives
2. Youth
3. Farmers
4. Community leaders
5. General public

Closure Congratulations. You have just explored about the traditional and the new
media. Moving on to the next lessons. Different types of traditional media, their
features, uses, and influences will be tackled.

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