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Unit number/Topic: Unit 11 Sources of Energy Level: 11 Lesson Length: 45 minutes

Type of lesson: Language focus Teaching Date:21/02/2023 Teacher Trainee: Huỳnh Trang Thuận Huy

Main aim (s): By the end of the lesson students will be able to distinguish three consonant cluster /ʃr/ /spl/ /spr/, pronounce the words
containing these sounds correctly and reduce relative clauses (use participles and to infinitive).
Subsidiary aim(s): For students to review relative clauses.
Personal aim(s): Improve the ability to use high-tech visual aids and public speaking.
Materials (including sources): textbook, pictures, PowerPoint…
Anticipated learners’ difficulties/problems with tasks: Suggested Solutions:

➢ Students may not understand teacher’s instructions before ➢ Teacher repeats instructions, gives examples and models.
each activity.
➢ Students do not know some new vocabularies. ➢ Teacher introduces those new words on the slides and elicits
the meaning of words with students.

➢ Students do not know how to reduce relative clauses. ➢ Teacher introduces types of reduced relative clauses.
Language Analysis
Form Meaning Phonology


Shred /ʃred/
Shrill /ʃrɪl/
Shrimp /ʃrɪmp/
Shrine /ʃraɪn/

Splash /splæʃ/
Split /splɪt/
Spleen /spliːn/
Splutter /ˈsplʌt.ər/

Spring /sprɪŋ
Spray /spreɪ/
Spread /spred/
sprightly /ˈspraɪ

➢ Present participle
used to replace
relative clauses
➢ Past participle
used to replace
relative clauses
➢ To-infinitive used
to replace relative

Stage/Time Stage aim Procedure Interaction Aids

Teacher’s & Learners’ activities
Lead-in Introduce the topic ➢ Teacher writes these words down the board. T↔W/C PowerPoint
(5 minutes) ➢ Teacher divides class into 4 groups and choose one of each
group to participate
➢ Teacher tells the rules of game.
➢ Students listen to teacher’s instructions carefully.
➢ Teacher and students play game.
Game: Slap the board
Shred, splash, spring, shrill, split, spray, shrimp, spleen.

Pre-tasks Help student T↔W/C PowerPoint

(10 minutes) pronounce three ➢ Teacher models each of these sounds /ʃr/ /spl/ /spr/ for a white board
consonant cluster few times.
and reduce relative ➢ Teacher reminds students to how to pronounce sounds
clauses (pronounce the first sound and then move to the second
sound quickly).
➢ Students pay attention to the teacher’s pronunciation.
➢ Teacher gets students repeat in chorus.
➢ Teacher shows words 2-3 times (using native audio),
then repeat slowly with image➔technique: drama
➢ Teacher pronounces the words in each column out loud
in chorus and calls on some students ro read the words
in each column out loud➔repeat and shadow.
➢ Students listen and repeat after the teacher.
➢ Teacher listens and corrects their pronunciation.
/ʃr/ /spl/ /spr/

Shred splash Spring

Shrill Split Spray
Shrimp Spleen Spread
shrine Splutter sprightly


1. They were all shrieking with laughter.
2. He shrugged (his shoulders), saying he didn’t know and didn’t
3. My dad hates shrimp paste.
4. What a splendid spring day!
5. The stream splits into three smaller streams at this point.
6. The house has a narrow front, but it splays out at the back.

➢ Teacher asks students to read the sentences and provide

corrective feedback.
➢ Students read the sentences and ask teacher explain
anything unclear.



1. The girl is Nhung’s sister. She is playing with the dog.

2. The boy is my brother. He spoke to John.

Answers keys:

1.The girl who is playing with the dog is Nhung’s sister.

➔The girl playing with the dog is Nhung’s sister

2.The boy who spoke to John is my brother.

➔The boy speaking to John is my brother.


Verbs in relative clauses have active meanings, we can

completely use present participle phrases (Ving) to alternate
relative clauses.

➢ Teacher shows the two sentences on the slide.

➢ Students look at these.
➢ Teacher asks students to combine these sentences, using
relative pronoun.
➢ Students combine the sentences.
➢ Teacher shows the sentences using a present participle
➢ Teacher elicits the rules:

_Where is the relative clause?

_Is it a noun or verb?

_It has active or passive meaning?

➢ Students follow teacher’s eliciting questions.


1.The woman got the job. She was interviewed last week.

2.They live in a house. It was built in 1890.

Answer keys:

1.The woman who was interviewed last week got the job.
➔ The woman interviewed last week got the job.

2.They live in a house that was built in 1890.

➔They live in a house built in 1980

Verbs in relative clauses have passive meanings, we can
completely use past participle phrases (V-ED/V3) to alternate
relative clauses.

➢ Teacher shows the two sentences on the slide.

➢ Students look at these.
➢ Teacher asks students to combine these sentences, using
relative pronoun.
➢ Students combine the sentences.
➢ Teacher shows the sentences using a past participle
➢ Teacher elicits the rules:

_Where is the relative clause?

_Is it a noun or verb?

_It has active or passive meaning?

➢ Students follow teacher’s eliciting questions.


1.Neil Armstrong was the first man. He walked in the moon.

2.John was the last man. He left the party.

Answer keys:

1.Neil Armstrong was the first man who walked in the moon.
➔ Neil Armstrong was the first man to walk in the moon.

2.John was the last man who left the party.

➔ John was the last man to leave the party.


There are some words such as first, second, last, next, after, only,
after superlative before nouns in relative clauses, we can complete
use (To Infinitive) to alternate relative clauses.

➢ Teacher shows the two sentences on the slide.

➢ Students look at these.
➢ Teacher asks students to combine these sentences, using
relative pronoun.
➢ Students combine the sentences.
➢ Teacher shows the sentences using a infinitive phrase.
➢ Teacher elicits the rules:

_Where is the relative clause?

_Is it a noun or verb?

_It has active or passive meaning?

➢ Students follow teacher’s eliciting questions.

Task 1 Help students Exercise 1. Rewrite the following sentences, using present T↔W/C PowerPoint
(10 minutes) reduce relative white board
clauses using participial phrase.
present participle
phrase. 1. The boy who is playing the piano is Ben.

2. Do you know the man who is coming towards us?

3. The people who are waiting for the bus in the rain are getting

4. The scientists who research the causes of cancer are making


5. The fence which surrounds our house is made of wood.

6. We have an apartment which overlooks the park.

➢ Teacher elicits the task

➢ Students follow teacher’s eliciting instructions.

➢ Teacher asks student to do these exercises.

Feedback Answers:
1. The boy playing the piano is Ben.
2. Do you know the man coming towards us?
3. The people waiting for the bus in the rain are getting wet.
4. The scientists researching the causes of cancer are making
5. The fence surrounding our house is made of wood.
6. We have an apartment overlooking the park.

Task 2 Help students Exercise 2. Rewrite the following sentences, using a past T-W/C PowerPoint
(10 minutes) reduce relative participial phrase. white board
clauses using past 1. The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting.
participle phrase. 2. I come from a city that is located in the southern part of the
3. They live in a house that was built in 1890.
4. The photographs which were published in the newspaper were
5. The experiment which was conducted at the University of
Chicago was successful.
6. They work in a hospital which was sponsored by the

➢ Teacher elicits the task

➢ Students follow teacher’s eliciting instructions.

➢ Teacher asks student to do these exercises.

Feedback Answers:
1. The ideas presented in that book are interesting.
2. I come from a city located in the southern part of the country
3. They live in a house built in 1890.
4. The photographs published in the newspaper were
5. The experiment conducted at the University of Chicago was
6. They work in a hospital sponsored by the government.

Task 3 Help students Exercise 3. Rewrite the following sentences, using an infinitive T-W/C PowerPoint
(10 minutes) reduce relative white board
clauses using phrase.
infinitive phrase.
1. John was the last man who reached the top of the mountain.

2. The last person who leaves the room must turn oil the light.

3. The first person that we must see is Mr. Smith.

4. This is the second person who was killed in that way.

5. The first person who catches the ball will be the winner.

➢ Teacher elicits the task

➢ Students follow teacher’s eliciting instructions.

➢ Teacher asks student to do these exercises.

Feedback Answers:
1. John was the last man to reach the top of the mountain.
2. The last person to leave the room must turn off the light.
3. The first person for us to see is Mr. Smith.
4. This is the second person to be killed in that way.
5. The first person to catch the ball will be the winner.

(*) The teacher trainee can choose other techniques (such as open predictions, true/false statements for prediction, ordering statements/pictures
and network) to motivate learners to read the text.
(**) The teacher trainee can choose other subskills such as, deducing meaning from context, reading for inferring speakers’ attitudes/feelings,
reading for understanding text structure for learners to practice in task 1. The subskill that the teacher trainee chooses depends on the length,
structure and complexity of the reading text.

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