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Name: caras Rubelyn & Mara C Pongcol

Submitted To: Ms Mae ann Dela cruz


Week 3: Market Integration

The Market integration is a term that is used to identify a phenomenon in which markets of goods and
services that are somehow related to one another being to experience similar patterns of increase or
decrease in terms of the prices of those products.


1.Market integration is a term that is used to identify a phenomenon in which markets of goods and
services that are somehow related to one another being to experience similar patterns of increase or
decrease in terms of the prices of those products. The term can also refer to a situation in which the
prices of related goods and services sold in a defined geographical location also begin to move in some
sort of similar pattern to one another. At times, the integration may be intentional, with a government
implementing certain strategies as a way to control the direction of the economy. At other times, the
integrating of the markets may be due to factor such as shifts in supply and demand that have a spillover
effect on several markets.

Integrated global markets do not just happen quickly, there is a growing evolution that is the result of the
formation of a global economy involving the unification of business and trade. Prior to the globalization
trend of the 20th century, the exchange of goods and services and international trade were already

anagement companies, corporate ownership, equity, subsidiaries, and headquarters that supply and
distribute goods and services were founded through colonialism. For example, the Spanish government
in the 1960s used its colonies such as Mexico and the Philippines as a supplier of resources.

Global market integration began when large American companies began to emerge after the second
world war. International telegraph buy avis car rental, hotel sheraton, continental banking and more.
Then, Japan and Europe followed suit. Japan's global automotive company took off after the giant
American company developed. These companies prospered as major

3.Types of increasing market integration

Horizontal integration
•This occurs when a firm or agency gains control of other firm’s or agencies performing similar
marketing functions
at the same level in the marketing sequence.

Vertical integration
•Happens when one company owns the operations and
product from one stage to the other along the supply chain.

4.International financial institution

International Financial Institutions or IFIs are institution that provides support through loans or grants
and technical advices to promote a country economic and social development.

5.Global Corporation

•Are private institution that produce or manufacture goods , products

and services for a more expanded market usually at the reach of

•The modern Global Corporations are commonly referred to as regions or the world.

multinational corporation and Transnational Corporations.

•Transnational Corporations have a more complex setting where each

foreign subsidy is given some freedom to develop its own product

lines and marketing compared to multinational corporation (MNCs)

which have more of a home or country base taking care of it’s

marketing and focus more on exporting their products and services.

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