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I will be in high school in may. I want to enter the high school that my sister entered. Her
high school is one of the best high schools in Pekanbaru. To get into the high school i want, i
have to pass the test. Which is where there are about 800+ people who signed up.

I’m one of those who are lazy to study, so I’m not sure i can get into a good high school.
Before the test i studied so i could answer the questions. And it turns out i passed the test.
My mother was very happy when she found out that I went to the same school as my sister. I
feel proud to see mom who is happy with my achievements. 1-2 weeks after i entered
school, i took the olympiad class test, because i wanted to be like my sister who used to be
in the chemistry olympiad class.
There are 100 people who take the olympiad test. Before the first test i studied math which
will be tested tomorrow. When the test i was able to answer all the questions, so i passed
the first test. And there are 50 people who will take the second test, in which our system will
be taught within a week before taking the test.
After 1 week i attended teaching, tomorrow i will take the test, i take math, physics,
chemistry tests. And it turns out i didn’t pass the test. I feel sad because i disappointed my

But i have an understanding sister, she always makes me better. She convinced me that i
didn’t have to be in the olympiad class to get to university i wanted and that everyone has
their own path to be successful. And now i'm in 11th grade and i’m still disappointed with

Nama : Alwi Novriansyah

Kelas : XI. 1
Tugas : Narrative text

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