Detective Dog

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STORY TELLER : Chris, Daniel

MRS. TAYLOR–(Amanda and Monica’s mother): Taylor and Eirbow

AMANDA and MONICA: Pinky, Avery, Ku Ku

THIEF 1: Aung Kyaw Htwe

THIEF 2: Charlie, Dream

POLICE 1: Kelvin, Leon

POLICE 2: Keegan, Austin

Chris: Hello everyone, this is group and we are going to do a story roleplay. I am
Chris and I am the story teller of this story.


Chris: In the living room, the lamp, some papers and toys are on the floor. Mrs.
Taylor, Amanda, and Monica enter the house.

Kuu Kuu: The movie was great!.

Taylor: I didn’t like it.

Avery: You don’t like anything, mom.

Chris: Mrs. Taylor is looking around the house.

Taylor: Oh my goodness!. What happened?.

Kuu Kuu: Oh no, someone broke into our house!.

Avery: It can’t be!. Look at all this mess!.

Chris: Mrs. Taylor picks up the lamp

Kuu Kuu: No!. Leave everything as it is. I’ll call the polices.

Chris: She takes the phone, call a number, and talks in a low voice

Avery: I’ll go to my bedroom. I hope they didn’t take anything!.

Kuu Kuu: The polices are coming.

Avery: They took my watch!.

Pinky: Poor sister…it cost you a lot of money. I told you many times not to buy it!.

Avery: I know!. Next time I’ll buy a fake one.

Chris: Mrs. Taylor told Amanda

Taylor: Go to your room and mine and check if there’s something missing. I’ll go to
the kitchen.

Kuu Kuu: Yes mother.

Chris: They leave the room. A few minutes later they come back

Kuu Kuu: They didn’t take anything!.

Taylor: Thank God!. There are some things missing in the kitchen. They took the
blender and the coffee maker.

Pinky: Where’s Niki?. I haven’t heard him barking.

Avery: That’s true.

Chris: Mrs. Taylor is calling Niki

Taylor: Niki!. Niki!.

Kuu Kuu: I’ll look for him.

Avery: He didn’t come to the door when we got home.

Kuu Kuu: Niki is not here!.

Taylor: They took Niki!.

Kuu Kuu: They took our dear dog!.

Avery: What am I going to do without him?.

Taylor: Calm down girls.

Daniel: There’s a knock at the door.

Kuu Kuu: That must be the police. I’ll open the door.

Kelvin: We got a call about a robbery.

Eirbow: That’s right officer, please come in.

Keegan: Good afternoon, mam. At what time did you find out about the robbery, and
what did they take?.

Eirbow: We came back from the movies about twenty minutes ago. When we came
in, there was a mess in the living room. The thieves took my daughter’s watch, and
they also took the blender and the coffee maker.
Kelvin: Is that all?.

Pinky: No!. They also took our dog!.

Keegan: Well, that’s not good.

Kelvin: That’s fine, but we need to know about your dog so we can find him. How is
your dog?

Pinky: He’s beautiful. He likes to play. He sleeps all afternoon. He shakes his tail
when we come home from work, and …

Keegan: I mean his shape!.

Pinky: He’s white with black spots. He has a lot of hair, and he’s wearing a blue
collar with his name on it…Niki.

Kelvin: Very good. I hope we can find him soon, as well as the other objects they
took from you.

Daniel: There’s a noise at the door

Eirbow: Did you hear that noise?. I’ll see who it is.

Daniel: she opens the door

Eirbow: It’s Niki!.

Avery: Niki, where have you been?. We missed you a lot!.

Daniel: Nikki runs toward the police and bites and pulls his pants

Kuu Kuu: I know Niki. He wants you to follow him.

Keegan: Let’s see what he wants, then.

Daniel: They all leave the house and they all enter the street following Niki

Eirbow: He’s going to our neighbor’s house.

Daniel: Niki stops in front of the door

Kelvin: I’ll knock, and please, stay away from the door. It can be dangerous!.

Eirbow: I know my neighbors really well. They have always been so kind to me!.

Pinky: Mom, there a saying that goes: “We can see the faces, but we do not know
the hearts”. They never say hi to me!.
Daniel: Police knocks at the door. Thief opens the door and Niki starts barking

Aung Kyaw Htwe: Take that dog out of here!. He bit me, look at my hand!.

Austin: You had this dog here with you?.

Aung Kyaw Htwe: Oh, I’m sorry…that’s not what I meant. I made a mistake.

Daniel: The thief come near to his friend and he is holding the coffee maker

Dream: Stop talking to these people, we have a lot of work to do.

Aung Kyaw Htwe: It’s the police!.

Dream: What?.

Eirbow: That’s my coffee maker!.

Dream: We’ve been caught!.

Eirbow: So you were also taking things from our neighbor’s house!.

Leon: You are under arrest!.

Dream: Take your coffee maker, mam.

Daniel: He gives the coffee maker to Mrs. Taylor. One police caught the thives and
one police enters the house and comes back with the blender and he asks to Mrs.

Leon: Are these yours?.

Eirbow: Yes, that’s my blender!.

Leon: Take them, but tomorrow you need to go to the police station to give a report.

Eirbow: We will, officer.

Avery: What about my watch?.

Austin: Where’s the watch you took from her house?

Charlie: I have it on.

Daniel: Police takes the watch from the thief and gives the watch to Monica

Austin: Here’s your watch.

Avery: Thank you so much!.

Charlie: The watch wasn’t working, so I had to buy a new battery. You should give
me five dollars lady!.

Avery: You should be ashamed of yourself!.

Daniel: Mrs.Taylor tell the polices

Eirbow: Thank you very much for helping us.

Austin: Your dog was the one who call us to the thieves.

Charlie: Have a nice day.

Eirbow: Today has been a long day. Let’s go home and get some rest!.

Avery: Let’s go Niki!.

Daniel: This is the end of the story. Hope you enjoy it and have a nice day!

------------------------------------------------------THE END-------------------------------------------------------

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