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Cancellaria (Cancellaria) coltrorum, a new species of Cancellariidae

(Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) from Brazil

Article in Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington · September 2014

DOI: 10.2988/0006-324X-127.2.400


10 875

2 authors, including:

M. G. Harasewych
Smithsonian Institution


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127(2):400–405. 2014.

Cancellaria (Cancellaria) coltrorum, a new species of Cancellariidae

(Gastropoda: Neogastropoda) from Brazil
M. G. Harasewych* and Richard E. Petit†
(MGH) Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
Institution, P.O. Box 7012, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012, U.S.A., e-mail:;
(REP) 806 St. Charles Road, North Myrtle Beach, South Carolina 29582-2846, U.S.A.

Abstract.—Cancellaria (Cancellaria) coltrorum, new species, is described

from shallow waters of the southern Brazilian Province, ranging from the
Abrolhos Archipelago to Vitória. This new species co-occurs with C. petuchi
Harasewych, Petit & Verhecken, 1992 but may be distinguished from it by
having a broader shell with a shorter, wider spire; a proportionally larger
aperture that is widest along its adapical half and has fewer, weaker lirae on
the outer lip; and, most conspicuously, by having reticulate sculpture that
becomes more irregular and dominated by axial ribs in latter whorls, and by
being white or faintly mottled in very light tan rather than having dark brown
spiral bands. The broad-ranging Cancellaria reticulata (Linnaeus, 1767)
differs from both C. petuchi and C. coltrorum in having a shell with finer and
more regular spiral and axial sculpture that is equal in prominence and
produces a regular, reticulated pattern, as well as in having a thick, bifid
posteriormost columellar fold and in lacking a thick callus that obscures the
sculpture along the parietal region. Similarities in shell morphology suggest
that C. mixta Landau, Petit & Silva, 2012, from the late Miocene of Panama,
was a progenitor of C. coltrorum and C. petuchi, as well as the Panamic C.
urceolata Hinds, 1843.

Keywords: Brazilian Province, Cancellaria petuchi, Cancellaria reticulata,

Cancellaria urceolata, biogeography

Members of the family Cancellariidae coastal Central America (Keen 1971, Petit
occur in nearly all marine soft bottom & Harasewych 2013). Of the six species
habitats, ranging from pole to pole and reported to inhabit the western Atlantic
from the intertidal zone to hadal depths. (Rosenberg 2009), one deep-water species
However, the nominotypical subgenus, (Cancellaria rosewateri Petit, 1983) was
Cancellaria sensu stricto, has a far nar-
transferred to the genus Admete based on
rower distribution, being limited to later
Tertiary and Recent faunas of the New molecular data (Modica et al. 2011). The
World tropics (Jung & Petit 1990:93). In remaining five species range from North
the eastern Pacific, Cancellaria s.s. is Carolina (358N) to southern Brazil (208S),
represented by nine Recent species, rang- and occur at intertidal to continental shelf
ing from Baja California (308N) to Ecua- depths. Two species (Cancellaria adelae
dor (38S), at depths that extend from the Pilsbry, 1940 and C. richardpetiti Petuch,
intertidal zone to the outer continental 1987) occur only in the Carolinean
shelf, with the greatest diversity along Province, one (C. mediamericana Petuch,
* Corresponding author.
1998) is confined to the Caribbean Prov-
† Deceased. ince, and one (C. petuchi Harasewych,
VOLUME 127, NUMBER 2 401

Petit &Verhecken, 1992) to the Brazilian Cancellaria (Cancellaria) coltrorum, new

Province. species
In contrast, Cancellaria reticulata (Lin- Figs. 1K–O, 2A, B
naeus, 1767) is reported to have a broad Cancellaria reticulata: Costa, 1994:27, Fig.
range, extending from North Carolina to 11 (left image).
Brazil (e.g., Rios 1970, 1985; Abbott 1974,
Abbott & Dance 1982, Rosenberg 2009, Description.—Shell (Fig. 1K–O) large (to
Rosenberg et al. 2009, Tunnell et al. 2010). 31.5 mm), heavy, with moderately broad,
Some more recent publications (e.g., Rios conical spire (spire angle 72–808) compris-
2009, Petuch 2013) restrict C. reticulata to ing about one-third of total shell length.
the Carolinean and Caribbean Provinces, Protoconch (Fig. 2A, B) increasing in
recognizing the Brazilian records as C. diameter from 152 lm to 1.35 mm in two
petuchi. Costa (1994:27) reported a white and three-quarters smooth, glassy, rounded
specimen of Cancellaria from Espı́rito whorls, deviated from teleoconch axis by ~
Santo, Brazil that he identified as an albino 88. Transition to teleoconch (Fig. 2A, B
Cancellaria reticulata, regarding C. petuchi arrows) abrupt, demarcated by onset of
to be a synonym of this species. We have weakly shouldered axial ribs and 3 broad
recently been able to examine a larger spiral cords. Teleoconch with up to five and
series of these white specimens through the one-half roundly shouldered whorls. Suture
courtesy of Marcus and José Coltro. These impressed. Spiral sculpture of 17–18 major
specimens differ substantially both from cords on last whorl, 5–7 on siphonal canal,
Brazilian specimens of C. reticulata [a and 5 on penultimate whorl. Second major
species that does not extend south of the adapical cord runs along shoulder, suture
Cearaian Subprovince of the Brazilian joins fifth major adapical cord. Major cords
Province (Petuch 2013:Fig. 10.1)] and from broader than intercordal spaces. Single
C. petuchi [a species that occurs through- minor cords may appear between adjacent
out the Brazilian Province (Petuch major cords by fourth teleoconch whorl,
2013:Fig. 10.1)], and represent a new particularly near the suture and siphonal
species [apparently limited to the Bahian canal. Axial sculpture of strong, prosocline
and Paulinian Subprovinces of the Brazil- ribs (18–19 on first teleoconch whorl, 27–30
ian Province (Petuch 2013:Fig. 10.1)] that in intermediate whorls, 21–24 on last whorl
is described herein. of adult specimens). Ribs initially broader
Abbreviations used in text: ANSP – than the spaces between them, becoming
Academy of Natural Sciences of Drexel more widely spaced by fourth teleoconch
University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, whorl, and broader and more irregularly
RPC – Richard E. Petit Collection, USNM spaced after four and one-half teleoconch
– National Museum of Natural History, whorls. Spiral and axial sculpture (axial
Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. always dominant) intersect to form reticu-
lated pattern with nodes at intersections of
ribs and major cords. Nodes decrease in
prominence after fourth teleoconch whorl,
Systematics ribs may appear almost smooth after fifth
teleoconch whorl. Aperture large, broad,
Family Cancellariidae Forbes & Hanley,
hemi-elliptical, deflected from coiling axis
by 21–248. Outer lip with shallow indenta-
Subfamily Cancellariinae tion posterior to junction with siphonal
Genus Cancellaria Lamarck, 1799 canal, its inner surface with 8–10 slightly
Type species.—Voluta reticulata Lin- recessed, weak to moderately strong denti-
naeus, 1767, by monotypy. cles/lirae that extend ~ one-eighth whorl

Fig. 1. A–E, Cancellaria reticulata (Linnaeus, 1767). USNM 811466, 85 mi N of Carutapera, Maranhão
State, Brazil, trawled at 55 m, M/V Oregon, sta. 4220. F–J, Cancellaria petuchi Harasewych, Petit
&Verhecken, 1992. Paratype, USNM 859409, off Vitória, Espı́rito Santo State, Brazil, trawled on sand
bottom at 40 m. K–O, Cancellaria coltrorum. Holotype, ANSP 455138, off Vitória, Espı́rito Santo State,
Brazil, trawled by local fisherman at 40–50 m. P–T, Cancellaria urceolata Hinds, 1843. USNM 684694, Palo
Seco, Canal Zone, Panama, at low tide. Scale bar ¼ 1 cm.
VOLUME 127, NUMBER 2 403

Fig. 2. Scanning electron micrographs of apical and lateral views of protoconchs. A, B, Cancellaria
coltrorum, holotype. Specimen in Fig. 1K–O. C, D, Cancellaria petuchi Harasewych, Petit &Verhecken, 1992,
paratype. Specimen in Fig. 1F–J. E, F. Cancellaria urceolata Hinds, 1843. Specimen in Fig. 1P–T. Scale bar ¼
1 mm.

into the aperture. Parietal callus thick in coltrorum has a shorter, wider spire, a
adult specimens. Inner lip with 2 columellar proportionally larger aperture that is
and 1 siphonal fold. Adapical fold largest, broadest along its adapical half, a reticulate
overlaying siphonal fasciole. All folds with sculpture that becomes more irregular and
single, sharp keel. Siphonal canal short, dominated by axial ribs in latter whorls,
broad, deflected dorsally and abaxially, and is white or, faintly and irregularly
forming pronounced siphonal fasciole and mottled with a very pale tan. Cancellaria
narrow pseudoumbilicus. Shell color white. coltrorum also has a slightly smaller proto-
Occasional specimens irregularly mottled conch (both initial and final diameters)
with very faint light tan blotches. Aperture more strongly shouldered early whorls, and
white. fewer and far weaker striae within the outer
Type locality.—Off Vitória, Espı́rito lip. Both C. petuchi and C. coltrorum can be
Santo State, Brazil, trawled at 40–50 m. differentiated from C. reticulata, which has
Material examined.—Holotype, ANSP a shell with finer, more regularly reticulated
455138, (29.7 mm shell length); Paratype 1, surface of co-dominant axial and spiral
RPC 2624, from the type locality, trawled sculpture, as well as an adapical columellar
at 40–45 m; Paratypes 2–5, USNM fold that is thick and bifid rather than
1236596, from the type locality, trawled narrowly keeled (Fig. 1A–E). Unlike C.
at 30–40 m; Paratype 6, RPC 2676, 20 petuchi and C. coltrorum, C. reticulata does
miles NW Abrolhos Archipelago, Bahı́a not produce a thick callus that obscures the
State, Brazil, by diver. sculpture along the parietal region.
Distribution.—This species occurs along Cancellaria coltrorum is similar to C.
the coast of central Brazil, ranging from urceolata Hinds, 1843 (Figs. 1P–T, 2E, F),
the Abrolhos Archipelago (Bahı́a), to a variable and wide ranging species from
Vitória (Espı́rito Santo) from subtidal comparable depths of the tropical eastern
depths to 50 m. Pacific, in its coloration and prominent axial
Etymology.—This species is named in sculpture but can be separated from this
honor of Marcus and José Coltro, found- species by its shorter, broader spire, propor-
ers of FEMORALE, in recognition of their tionally larger aperture, more evenly reticu-
long interest in shell collecting, and espe- lated sculpture on its early whorls, and far
cially in the molluscan fauna of Brazil. weaker and shorter lirae within the outer lip.
Over the years, they have made many
specimens available to researchers for
study and significantly advanced the Discussion
knowledge of Brazilian mollusks.
Comparative remarks.—Although the The family Cancellariidae has been an
geographic and bathymetric ranges of important component of the tropical Amer-
Cancellaria coltrorum largely overlap with ican marine faunas since the Neogene, with
those of C. petuchi, these two species are a high level of endemicity and a rapid
easily distinguished by the morphology of turnover of species (Landau et al.
their shells. Cancellaria petuchi (Figs. 1F–J, 2012:194). These authors catalogued 154
2C, D) has a larger, narrower shell with a species of Cancellariinae from the Neogene
proportionally taller spire, a shorter aper- to Recent fauna of the region, including 39
ture that is widest along its anterior half, a species of Cancellaria sensu stricto (Landau
finely reticulate surface sculpture in which et al. 2012:Tables 8a, b). Cancellaria s.s. is
the spiral cords are co-dominant or domi- among the oldest of the cancellariid groups
nant, especially in latter whorls, and a represented in this region, with four early
distinctive color pattern of dark brown Miocene species, and reached its greatest
spiral bands. In contrast, the shell of C. diversity (16 species) during the late Mio-
VOLUME 127, NUMBER 2 405

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