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Ethics Lecture 6

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Ethics of Bhagavad Geeta and its role in administration

(भगवद्‌गीता का नीतिशास्त्र एवं प्रशासन में इसकी भूमिका)

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यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत ।

अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥
Few Requests
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Course structure
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Importance of Geeta
सात समंद की मसि करौं, लेखनि सब बनराइ।
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A philosophy emerged out of a crisis is helping to fight the daily crisis in a
man’s life
To whom - Jo Gaandiv utha skta hai...Buddho ko nhi [Vivekananda]

Western world’s 3 most

influential philosopher -
Eastern world’s 3 most
influential philosophers -
Importance of Geeta
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Interpretation of Geeta
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Interpretation of Geeta
Join Telegram for daily updates Nivrati Pravrti

Bhakti Yog Karm Yog

Social Service Service to God

Dharma Shastra Moksha Shastra

Leftist - Marx Rightist - Bradley

Hegel (A German Philosopher)- It is the essence of indian wisdom

One among Prasthantrayi
Brahma Sutra
Join Telegram for daily updates Upanishads
Isa - Isavasayam Idam Sarvam
Isa - ma gridhah kasyasvidhanam
Mundaka - satyameva jayate
Brihadaranyaka - Aham brahmāsmi
Bhagavad Gita
Yogakshemam Vahmyaham (Motto of LIC)
There are total 18 Parva in Mahabharta [Ex - Karna Parva, Shaanti Parv, Bhishma parva, Swargarohan
Geeta is part of Bhishma Parv. Contains 18 chapters and 700 Slokas
First chapter - अर्जुन विषाद योग [Arjuna’s Dilemma]
Second chapter - सांख्य-योग
4th Chapter - Introduction of 4 Varna [According to qualities]
Third chapter - कर्म योग
Fifth and sixth Chapter - Gyaan Yog
8th Chapter - Bhakti Yog
11th Chapter - विश्वरूप दर्शन योग
14th Chapter - गुण त्रय विभाग योग
Raj, Sat and tam gun
18th Chapter - Elaboration of 4 Varnas
Inspired many philosophers -
Sanakar (Gyaan) , Ramanuja (Bhakti) , Tilak (Karm Yoga) , Karl Marx, Henry David Thoreau, Gandhi,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Swami Vivekananda (Kept only 2 books with him), J. Robert
Oppenheimer, Sunita Williams, A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, Will Smith (Pursuit of happiness - 90%),
Radhakrishanan, Aurobindo
Arjuna’s Ethical Dilemma - Chapter 1
Situation when there is conflict between two or more moral principles and moral agent need to
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pick one at the cost of other. Moral agent need to optimize the benefit
स्थिति जब दो या दो से अधिक नैतिक सिद्धांतों के बीच संघर्ष होता है और नैतिक एजेंट को दूसरे की कीमत पर एक को चुनने
की आवश्यकता होती है। नैतिक एजेंट को लाभ का अनुकू लन करने की आवश्यकता है


Ethical Dilemma
Ethical dilemmas in Administration
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Dilemma Example in administration

Principle Vs preservation IES satyendra dubey exposed corruption in

(सिद्धांत बनाम संरक्षण/रक्षा) highway development - Was killed

Professional life Vs personal lif IPS officer 24*7 Duty - Less time to family
(व्यावसायिक जीवन बनाम निजी जीवन) members

Profit vs Social responsibility (लाभ बनाम सामाजिक

An IAS officer heading DISCOM - Dilemma to
bring it out of loss vs govts commitment to give
Social ethics vs Economic ethics (सामाजिक नैतिकता
free electricity
बनाम आर्थिक नैतिकता)

Ex - Jharkhand tribal girl death from hunger due

Preferential treatment vs non discrimination
to denial of PDS (Biometric didn’t work) - Such a
(विशेषाधिकार बनाम गैर-भेदभाव)
case demand preferential treatment

Offering of flowers to those violating traffic rules

Punishment vs Reward (दण्ड बनाम पारितोषिक)
= Change of heart

End - To make a bridge for better traffic

End vs Means (साध्य बनाम साधन)
Means - Need to break a temple = Religious
sentiments might get hurt
Ethical Dilemma
Ethical dilemmas in Administration
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Dilemma Example in administration

Autonomy to take CL (Casual leave), PL (privilege leave) and

other leaves
Autonomy vs Accountability - of Incharge of office to get the work done on
Accountability time
(स्वायत्तता बनाम जवाबदेही) Ex - Shri Satish dhawan gave autonomy to APJ Abdul kalam for
Rohini Satellite launch but when the launch failed, he made
himself accountable for the failure

Rules vs Discretion Rules - Don’t provide PDS to anyone without proper documents
(नियम बनाम स्वविवेक) Discretion - Someone dying from hunger must be provided relief

Loyalty vs Honesty Loyalty - Towards govt in power

(वफादारी बनाम ईमानदारी) Honesty - Expose wrongdoing if required

Automation vs Ex - Govt to promote AI, ML, Robotics and other cutting edge
Employment technology, on the other hand 69% jobs are at threat due to
(ऑटोमेशन बनाम रोजगार) automation
Ethical Dilemma
Dilemma Example in administration
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National interest vs Humanity
Officer investing Ajmal Kasab
(राष्ट्रहित बनाम मानवता)

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MMRCL) to cut

Development vs sustainability
trees in Aarey forest Mumbai
(विकास बनाम संधारणीयता/निरंतरता)
SC allowed to cut 177 trees [Penalty above than that]

Letter of law vs Spirit of law A traffic police challaned a car carrying critical patient
(कानून बनाम कानून की भावना) for overspeeding

External accountability vs inner A juvenile thief get caught for pitty crimes
responsibility (बाहरी जवाबदेही External accountability - trial and Jail
बनाम आंतरिक जिम्मेदारी) Inner responsibility - Rehabilitate him/her

Attempting RAS paper

Speed vs accuracy (गति बनाम In administration - CM need to inaugurate a bridge in 2
सटीकता) months..Speed must not compromise the safety

National security vs Privacy

Taking someone’s fingerprint or Narco test
(राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा बनाम गोपनीयता)

Equality vs Equity
Reservation in administrative jobs
(समानता बनाम न्याय संगतता)
Geeta to solve Ethical Dilemma
Join Telegram for daily updates Ethical dilemma Geeta Principle

For an administrator, not following his/her duty would bring infamy

Principle Vs to her. Hence it is better to die while serving the country
preservation (सिद्धांत अकीर्तिः मरणात् अतिरिच्यते -
बनाम संरक्षण/रक्षा) For a respectable person, infamy is worse than death.
एक सम्माननीय व्यक्ति के लिए अपयश मृत्यु से बढ़कर है।

Hence to respect the spirit of law, Many a times discretion is

Letter of Law vs Spirit यथेच्छसि तथा कु रु - Ponder over it deeply, and then do as you wish
of law Hence an administrator must have deep knowledge of laws and
books, but in special circumstances, he/she must use his/her
discretion to respect the spirit of Law

समत्वं योग उच्यते - Yoga is a balanced state

Professional life vs युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु - Balance in work
personal life युक्ताहारविहारस्य - Temperate in eating and recreation
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य - regulated in sleep [RPS Officer Night duty]

Accuracy (Quality) in administration should never lead to

Inaction [Red tapism] (मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि -अकर्मण्यता के प्रति आसक्त न
Speed vs accuracy (गति
होना )
बनाम सटीकता)
कर्म ज्यायो ह्यकर्मण: - Action is superior than inaction
क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः - Giving up the unmanliness
Geeta to solve Ethical Dilemma
Join Telegram for daily updates Ethical dilemma Geeta Principle

समोऽहं सर्वभूतेषु न मे द्वेष्योऽस्ति न प्रियः -

I am equally disposed to all living beings; I am neither inimical nor
Preferential treatment partial to anyone
vs non discrimination समभाव से सभी जीवों के साथ व्यवहार करता हूँ न तो मैं किसी के साथ द्वेष करता हूँ
(विशेषाधिकार बनाम गैर- और न ही पक्षपात करता हूँ
भेदभाव) चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः - Preferential treatment only should
be based on Qualities and activities
Equal should be treated equally, Unequal unequally [Aristotle]

Development vs
sustainability (विकास Geeta Advised to have a balance between Kala (Time), Jiva (Living
बनाम संधारणीयता/ entity) and Prakriti (Nature)

धूमेनाग्निरिवावृता - All endeavors are veiled by some evil, as fire is by

End vs Means (साध्य
smoke, One should not abandon duties (Means) to achieve
बनाम साधन)
Moksha (End)

accountability vs inner
Virtues like शौचम्-मन और शरीर की पवित्रता; स्थैर्यम्-दृढ़ता; आत्म-विनिग्रहः-
responsibility (बाहरी
आत्म संयम help resolving this dilemma
जवाबदेही बनाम आंतरिक
योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् - Yoga is an Art of working skillfully
Join Telegram for daily updates कु शलतापूर्वक कर्म करने की कला = योग
समत्वं योग उच्यते - Yoga is a balanced state (balanced state of the body and mind)
यतचित्तात्मा (Controlled mind and body)
Effort to unite the individual self with the Supreme Being
The summum bomum of the Gita's ethics is union with the supreme Self or God.
दुःखसंयोगवियोगं योगसज्ञितम् - That state of severance from union with misery is known
as Yog
दख के संयोग से वियोग की अवस्था को योग के रूप में जाना जाता है।
Major 3 Yogas - Everyone has different aptitude, Attitude and Interest and hence
different path to solvation
Gyaan Yog
Bhakti Yog
Karm Yog
Ideally all three must have a coherence (Vivekananda)
These are complementary to each other -
Bhakti without knowledge is superstition/hypocrisy/imposture/Propaganda
Karm without gyaan is vikarma [Karm, Akarm, Vikarm]
Brownian motion
Donkey carrying vedas
If we don’t get desired results, It is this gyaan that saves us from anger and
eyes - what they see or not see
They are check and balance on each other (Just like our 3 organs)
Gyaan Yog - Chapter 4
Commentators - Shankaracharya
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Jnana yoga, is a path of wisdom and knowledge or path of self realization
संहरते कू र्मोऽङ्गानीव - Wisdom helps one to withdraw the senses from their objects,
just as a tortoise withdraws its limbs into its shell, is established in divine
जो मनुष्य अपनी इन्द्रियों को उनके विषय भोगों से खींच लेने के लिए उसी प्रकार से योग्य होता है, जैसे एक
कछु आ अपने अंगो को संकु चित करके उन्हें खोल के भीतर कर लेता है, वह दिव्य ज्ञान में स्थिर हो जाता है।
Try to establish Attma’s relationship with Permatma
Questions like - Who Am I ? what am I?
Intellectually oriented people tend to follow this Yog / Path
ज्ञान पंथ कृ पान कै धारा - Means Gyaan yoga is a double edged sword. May result
in pride/ego
God meets those who thinks they know nothing - Dhanna bhagat, karma,
Sukrat - The more I know, The more the area of my ignorance widens
Vidhya dadati Vinyam
Helps in Getting rid of doubts
Gyaan yoga is necessary to achieve the state of Sthith pragyta
Gyaan Yog
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Absense of wisdom Attachment

अज्ञान आसक्ति

Intellectual decline Vicious Cycle Kaam

बौद्धिक क्षीणता दुष्चक्र काम

Poor decision making Anger

गलत निर्णय क्रोध
Sthith Pragyta - Chapter 2
समदुःखसुखं धीरं - The person who does not get disturbed in happiness and sorrow and
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सुखदुःखे समे कृ त्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ। - To perform your duties, consider happiness and
sorrow, profit and loss, victory and defeat equally.
कर्तव्यों पालन हेतु सुख-दुख, लाभ-हानि, विजय तथा पराजयः को समान समझो
सिद्ध्यसिद्ध्यो: समो - Being equal in success and failure
When a person gives up selfish desires and desires related to sense gratification that
pollute the mind and becomes satisfied after experiencing enlightenment, then such a
person can be said to be situated in divine consciousness.
जब कोई मनुष्य स्वार्थयुक्त कामनाओं और मन को दूषित करने वाली इन्द्रिय तृप्ति से संबंधित कामनाओं का
परित्याग कर देता है और आत्मज्ञान को अनुभव कर संतुष्ट हो जाता है तब ऐसे मानव को दिव्य चेतना में स्थित
कहा जा सकता है।
Anudvigna-manāḥ - one whose mind is undisturbed
वीतरागभयक्रोधः - A man who does not get upset due to any kind of sorrow, who does not
crave for happiness and who remains free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a
wise man with a stable mind.
जो मनुष्य किसी प्रकार के दुखों में क्षुब्ध नहीं होता जो सुख की लालसा नहीं करता और जो आसक्ति, भय और
क्रोध से मुक्त रहता है, वह स्थिर बुद्धि वाला मनीषी कहलाता है।
नाभिनन्दति न द्वेष्टि - Neither is he happy at the attainment of auspicious results nor is he
distressed to adversity.
न ही शुभ फल की प्राप्ति से हर्षित होता है और न ही विपत्ति से उदासीन होता है
Poet Rudyard Kipling has written his popular poem 'If' related to Sthithaprajna.
कवि रुडयार्ड किपलिंग ने इस श्लोक में उल्लिखित स्थित प्रज्ञस्य (ज्ञान में स्थित योगी) से संबंधित सार अपनी
लोकप्रिय कविता 'इफ'
A Person must be a Sthith pragya to be a Nishkaam karmi
Nishkaam Karma - Chapter 2
कर्मण्येवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन -You have the right to perform your prescribed duty but you
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are not entitled to receive the fruits of your actions.
समभाव योग (समत्वं योग) - Give up attachment to success and failure and perform your duty
firmly [हर्षामर्षभयोद्वेगैर्मुक्तो]
This helps one achieving freedom (Liberation) -
Freedom from distractions / Attachment
Freedom from inefficiency
Freedom from Anger (Even If desired result in not achieved)
Freedom from Ahm Bhaav - While doing work, do not be proud of being the doer (यस्य
नाहंकृ तो भावो)
मा ते सङ्गोऽस्त्वकर्मणि Freedom from Akramnyta (अकर्मण्यता के प्रति आसक्त न होना) -
Attachment to inaction can never solve any problem and Lord Krishna clearly
condemns it. We should never consider work as difficult and burdensome
क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः - Give up impotence and weakness of heart
कर्म ज्यायो ह्यकर्मण: - Action is superior to inaction
Freedom from कार्पण्यदोष - Freedom from cowardice
Duty is defined as Svadharma
Gandhiji called it Anaskti (non-attachment)
Dedicating the result to god (परमात्मा के लिए यज्ञ के रूप में कर्मों का निष्पादन करना चाहिए)
How to achieve -
Regular Practice
If not followed -
Fear, Greed, Lust, Dukha (Suffering), Frustration
Modern concept - NATO [Not Attached to Outcome]
मम् धर्मः - What is my duty?
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Swdhram according to gita is - Doing one’s duty diligently
स्वधर्मे निधनं श्रेयः परधर्मो भयावहः - In fact, it is preferable to die in the
discharge of one’s duty, than to follow the path of another, which is
fraught with danger
स्वधर्म - वेदों के अनुसार निर्धारित कर्त्तव्य
पराधर्म यानी आध्यात्मिक कर्तव्य
अपरा धर्म यानी लौकिक कर्तव्य
If one does not follow Swadha
कीर्तिं च हित्वा पापमवाप्स्यसि - You will incur the sin of neglecting social
duties and you will lose your reputation
सामाजिक कर्तव्यों की उपेक्षा करने का पाप लगेगा और तुम अपनी प्रतिष्ठा खो दोगे।
Serving the society in accordance with Varnashrm system -
चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागश: - Position in society one must work
according to his/her Varna [Concept of Social immortality]
Loksangrha is a svadharma of every human being living in social setup
Varna Vyvstha
Join Telegram for daily updates चातुर्वर्ण्यं मया सृष्टं गुणकर्मविभागशः - The four categories of occupations were
created by Me (Krishna) according to people’s qualities and activities
स्वभावप्रभावैर्गुणै - Based on their Nature and gunas
18:42 शमो दमस्तप: शौचं क्षान्तिरार्जवमेव च | ज्ञानं विज्ञानमास्तिक्यं ब्रह्मकर्म स्वभावजम्
Tranquility, restraint, austerity, purity, patience, integrity, knowledge,
wisdom, and belief in a hereafter—these are the intrinsic qualities of
work for Brahmins
18:43 शौर्यं तेजो धृतिर्दाक्ष्यं युद्धे चाप्यपलायनम् | दानमीश्वरभावश्च क्षात्रं कर्म स्वभावजम्
Valor, strength, fortitude, skill in weaponry, resolve never to retreat
from battle, large-heartedness in charity, and leadership abilities,
these are the natural qualities of work for Kshatriyas.
18:44 कृ षिगौरक्ष्यवाणिज्यं वैश्यकर्म स्वभावजम्
Agriculture, dairy farming, and commerce are the natural works for
those with the qualities of Vaishyas
18:44 परिचर्यात्मकं कर्म शूद्रस्यापि स्वभावजम्
Serving through work is the natural duty for those with the qualities of
Three Gunas
सत्त्वं रजस्तम इति गुणा: प्रकृ तिसम्भवा: - The material energy consists of three guṇas (modes)—
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sattva (goodness), rajas (passion), and tamas (ignorance)
तत्र सत्त्वं निर्मलत्वात्प्रकाशकमनामयम् | सुखसङ्गे न बध्नाति ज्ञानसङ्गे न चानघ -
Sattva guṇa, the mode of goodness, being purer than the others, is illuminating and full
of well-being. O sinless one, it binds the soul by creating attachment for a sense of
happiness and knowledge
सत्त्वं सुखे सञ्जयति - Sattva binds one to material happiness
रजो रागात्मकं विद्धि तृष्णासङ्गसमुद्भवम् -
Rajo guṇa is of the nature of passion. It arises from worldly desires and affections
रज: कर्मणि भारत - Rajas conditions the soul toward actions
तमस्त्वज्ञानजं विद्धि मोहनं सर्वदेहिनाम् | प्रमादालस्यनिद्राभिस्तन्निबध्नाति भारत -
Tamo guṇa, which is born of ignorance, is the cause of illusion for the embodied souls. It
deludes all living beings through negligence, laziness, and sleep
ज्ञानमावृत्य तु तम: प्रमादे सञ्जयत्युत - Tamas clouds wisdom and binds one to delusion
In Brahmins - Satto gun dominates [Calm and Intelligent]
In Kshatriyas - Rajo gun dominates [Passionate, aggressive, fast and risk takers]
In Vaishyas - All 3 Guns in almost equal proportion
In Shudras - Tama gun dominates [ignorant, inertia, non-awareness and laziness]
गुणातीत (Rising above 3 Gunas) - Those who are alike in happiness and distress; who are
established in the self; who look upon a clod, a stone, and a piece of gold as of equal value;
who remain the same amidst pleasant and unpleasant events; who are intelligent; who
accept both blame and praise with equanimity; who remain the same in honor and
dishonor; who treat both friend and foe alike; and who have abandoned all enterprises –
they are said to have risen above the three guṇas
Lok Sangraha
Join Telegram for daily updates (Loka = The world) + (Samgraha = Holding together)
Means holding of all people with a unitary principle of service
loka-saṅ graham means Welfare and welbing of the world
This is broader concept than utilitarianism [Maximum good for maximum people] whereas
LokSangraha is about universal good
leading people on the right path
कर्मणैव हि संसिद्धिमास्थिता जनकादय - By performing their prescribed duties, King Janak and others
attained perfection.
लोकसंग्रहमेवापि सम्पश्यन्कर्तुमर्हसि - You should also perform your work to set an example for the
good of the world
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जन - Whatever actions great persons perform, common people follow
स यत्प्रमाणं कु रुते लोकस्तदनुवर्तते - Whatever standards they set, all the world pursues
सर्वभूतहिते रता: - सभी प्राणियों के कल्याणार्थ समर्पित हो जाते हैं
The concept of Lokasamgraha is found in the Vedic world view as “Vasudhaiva Kutumvakam”,
which means the whole world and its beings are related to each other
Swami Vivekandada = Working for the good of others
Sri Arobinda = Holding together of the people
Dr.S.Radhakrishnan = Lokasamgraha stands for the unity of the world, the interconnectedness
of the society, the Gitārequires us to lay stress on human brotherhood
Karm Yog - Chapter 3
Vivekandnad, Gandhi, Tilak (Shrimadbhavat gita Rahasay - 1915 Barma jail]
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Karm Yoga is path to achieve liberation through work (Union through action)
kri means to do and Yoga means Union
It is the path of selfless service performed for the benefit of others (LokSangrah)
कर्मणैव हि संसिद्धिमास्थिता - By performing their prescribed duties, one can attain
स्वे स्वे कर्मण्यभिरत: संसिद्धिं लभते नर: - By fulfilling their duties, born of their innate
qualities, human beings can attain perfection
each according to their ability and to each according to their need
यथेच्छसि तथा कु रु - Free to choose action
Must take responsibility
control on senses
Verse 3.4 - One cannot achieve moksha by merely abstaining from work, or by mere
physical renunciation
Verse 3.5 - all beings are compelled to act in accordance to their material nature
नियतं कु रु कर्म त्वं कर्म ज्यायो ह्यकर्मण: - You should thus perform your prescribed duties,
since action is superior to inaction
Bhakti Yog - Chapter 12
Commentators - Ramanuja, Bhaktivedanta Prabhupad (Iscon)
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मां नित्ययुक्ता उपासते - Those who are always engaged in devotion of lord are following
Bhakti Yog
Total devotion to god (Unflinching trust - Bhakti maarg)
Draupadi Saaree
Basis of bhakti is Prem
Prem - Freedom, Sacrifice, Service
Possessiveness (Aaskti) can never lead to Bhakti
Chakori and Chanda - Possessiveness
Devotion does not require grand rituals but pure heart
पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो मे भक्त्या प्रयच्छति - यदि कोई मुझे श्रद्धा भक्ति के साथ पत्र, पुष्प, फल या जल ही अर्पित
करता है तब मैं प्रसन्नतापूर्वक अपने भक्त द्वारा प्रेमपूर्वक और शुद्ध मानसिक चेतना के साथ अर्पित वस्तु को स्वीकार
करता हूँ
If one offers to Me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit, or even water, I
delightfully partake of that item offered with love by My devotee in pure
Better than mechanical practice is knowledge; better than knowledge is meditation.
Better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of actions
Raj Yog - Mostly in Chapter 6
Union of individual self with supreme being using techniques like meditation,
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Pranayam (प्राणेऽपानं), Dhyaan and Samadahi
Apānam - The incoming breath
Prāṇam - The outgoing breath
Pravritti and Nivritti
Join Telegram for daily updates Pravritti and Nivritti are two fundamental spiritual paths that
lead to salvation
Pravritti dharma involves following the worldly path and seeking
Pravritti means Revolving towards
This is natural tendency of every human being [Power, Fame,
Manifestation of Maya
Being an active member on social setup
Following Ashram Dharmas
Path of Karm Yoga [A Karm yogi despite being surrounded by
all this maya keeps his focus on Lok Sangraha]
Nivritti dharma is based on renouncing worldly aims
Nivriiti means Revolving away
This is basis of religion and morality
Going away from Maya
For an individual pursuing spiritual goal
Nivritti is the path of renunciation and the jnana marga
Yog Khesm
Join Telegram for daily updates योगक्षेमं वहाम्यहम् = योग + क्षेमं + वहाम्यहम्
योग = अप्राप्त वस्तु की प्राप्ति करा देना (अप्राप्तस्य प्रापणम्)
क्षेमं = प्राप्त सामग्री की रक्षा करना (प्राप्तस्य रक्षणम्)
वहाम्यहम् = मैं वहन करता हूँ
This is motto of LIC means LIC as an organization says that it takes
responsibility for all human needs and security.
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Chapter 2: Verse 22 जिस प्रकार से मनुष्य अपने फटे पुराने वस्त्रों को त्याग कर नये वस्त्र धारण
करता है
वासांसि जीर्णानि यथा विहाय नवानि गृह्वाति As a person sheds worn-out garments and wears new
Administration - An officer must not be attached to a
particular department, place or posting. He/she should
be ready to serve any responsibility given
Ex - First women IPS Kiran Bedi [Equally good in
maintaining law and order as well as in reformation of
prisoners in Tihad Jail]

Ponder over it deeply, and then do as you wish

Chapter 18:Verse 63 इस पर गहराई से विचार करो और फिर जैसा चाहो वैसा करो
यथेच्छसि तथा कु रु - Discretion Hence an administrator must have deep knowledge of
laws and books, but in special circumstances, he must
use his/her discretion to respect the spirit of Law
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Free from malice toward all living beings, who are friendly, and
Chapter 12:Verse 13-14
compassionate. They are free from attachment to possessions and egotism,
अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां मैत्रः करुण एव च ।
equipoised in happiness and distress, and ever-forgiving
निर्ममो निरहङ् कारः समदुःखसुखः क्षमी ॥
किसी प्राणी से द्वेष नहीं करते, सबके मित्र हैं, दयालु हैं, ऐसे भक्त मुझे अति प्रिय हैं क्योंकि वे स्वामित्व
की भावना से अनासक्त और मिथ्या अहंकार से मुक्त रहते हैं, दुख और सुख में समभाव रहते हैं और
Remember - अद्वेष्टा सर्वभूतानां or
सदैव क्षमावान होते हैं।
निर्ममो निरहङ् कारः or समदुःखसुखः
Must have virtues of an administrator - Compassion, Forgiving, SthithPragya

Those, who are alike to friend and foe, equipoised in honor and dishonor,
cold and heat, joy and sorrow, and are free from all unfavorable
Chapter 12:Verse 18-19 association; those who take praise and reproach alike, who are given to
समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मानापमानयोः silent contemplation, content with what comes their way, without
। attachment to the place of residence, whose intellect is firmly fixed in
शीतोष्णसुखदुःखेषु समः सङ्गविवर्जितः Me, and who are full of devotion to Me, such persons are very dear to Me
॥ जो मित्रों और शत्रुओं के लिए एक समान है, मान और अपमान, शीत और ग्रीष्म, सुख तथा दुख,
तुल्यनिन्दास्तुतिमौनी सन्तुष्टो येन में समभाव रहते हैं, वे मुझे अति प्रिय हैं। जो सभी प्रकार के कु संग से मुक्त रहते हैं जो अपनी
के नचित् । प्रशंसा और निंदा को एक जैसा समझते हैं, जो सदैव मौन-चिन्तन में लीन रहते हैं, जो मिल जाए
अनिके तः स्थिरमतिर्भक्तिमान्मे प्रियो नरः उसमें संतुष्ट रहते हैं, घर-गृहस्थी में आसक्ति नहीं रखते, जिनकी बुद्धि दृढ़तापूर्वक मुझमें स्थिर
॥ रहती है और जो मेरे प्रति भक्तिभाव से परिपूर्ण रहते हैं, वे मुझे अत्यंत प्रिय है।
An administrator must do the duty for the sake of duty and ensure
welfare of it’s citizen

अहंकार, अहिंसा, अभिमान, कामनाओं, संपत्ति के स्वामित्व और स्वार्थ से मुक्त रहता है

Chapter 18: Verse 53 Free from egotism, violence, arrogance, desire, possessiveness of
अहङ् कारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं परिग्रहम् property, and selfishness
Ex - Disproportionate Assets and Income of Officials
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Whatever actions great persons perform, common people follow. Whatever
Chapter 3: Verse 21
standards they set, all the world pursues
यद्यदाचरति श्रेष्ठस्तत्तदेवेतरो जनः ।
महापुरुष जो भी कर्म करते हैं, सामान्य जन उनका पालन करते हैं, वे जो भी आदर्श स्थापित करते हैं,
सारा संसार उनका अनुसरण करता है।
Remember - लोकस्तदनुवर्तते ( lokaḥ tat
Ex - Great administrators like Sardar Patel, C. Rajagopalachari, M.
Visvesvaraya are role model for future officers

अपने कर्मों को सम्पन्न करते हुए मनुष्य सरलता से पूर्णता प्राप्त कर सकता है।
स्वकर्मणा तमभ्यर्च्य सिद्धिं विन्दति मानवः ॥
By performance of work, a person easily attains perfection
Ex - Field trainings, Mock drills, Academy trainings
Remember - स्वकर्मणा सिद्धिं
Ex - Current foreign minister - 40 year experience as IFS

Whenever there is a decline in righteousness and an increase in

unrighteousness, O Arjun, at that time I manifest Myself on earth
Chapter 4:Verse 7 जब जब धरती पर धर्म का पतन और अधर्म में वृद्धि होती है तब उस समय मैं पृथ्वी पर अवतार लेता
यदा यदा हि धर्मस्य ग्लानिर्भवति भारत । Being an instrument of lord, An administrator must ensure implementation
अभ्युत्थानमधर्मस्य तदात्मानं सृजाम्यहम् ॥ of laws like IPC, CrPC, GST and other rules and regulations
Ex - IPS Mridul Kachawa IPS, M N Dinesh, K Vijay Kumar IPS (Killed
Veerappan), Unknown man ki Pakistan kiling terrorists

Chapter 6:Verse 17 But those who are temperate in eating and recreation, balanced in work,
युक्ताहारविहारस्य युक्तचेष्टस्य कर्मसु | and regulated in sleep, can mitigate all sorrows by practicing Yog
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य योगो भवति दु:खहा लेकिन जो आहार और आमोद-प्रमोद को संयमित रखते हैं, कर्म को संतुलित रखते हैं और निद्रा पर
नियंत्रण रखते हैं, वे योग का अभ्यास कर अपने दुखों को कम कर सकते हैं।
Remember - युक्ताहारविहारस्य or This way an administrator can keep work-life balance
युक्तस्वप्नावबोधस्य Regulated sleep - RPS, IPS officers duty hours
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This world is transient and joyless
यह संसार अनित्य और आनन्द रहित है
Chapter 9:Verse 33
Hence an officer should keep himself away from material
अनित्यमसुखं लोकमिमं
possession, corruption etc
He/she must seek only conscious pleasure and should not
indulge in lavish life [Perks and postings]

Human being is only an means/instrument for greater purpose

निमित्तमात्रं भव you will only be an instrument of My work
Ex - This helped Oppenheimer overcome his guilt

The truly learned, with the eyes of divine knowledge, see with equal
Chapter 5:Verse 18
vision a Brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog, and a dog-eater
विद्याविनयसम्पन्ने ब्राह्मणे गवि हस्तिनि |
सच्चे ज्ञानी महापुरुष एक ब्राह्मण, गाय, हाथी, कु त्ते और चाण्डाल को अपने दिव्य ज्ञान के
शुनि चैव श्वपाके च पण्डिता: समदर्शिन
चक्षुओं द्वारा समदृष्टि से देखते हैं।
To Remeber - पण्डिताः समदर्शिनः
Ex - Away from nepotism, favouratism,

Serenity of thought, gentleness, silence, self-control, and purity of

purpose—all these are declared as austerity of the mind
मन: प्रसाद: सौम्यत्वं मौनमात्मविनिग्रह: विचारों की शुद्धता, विनम्रता, मौन, आत्म-नियन्त्रण तथा उद्देश्य की निर्मलता इन सबको
मन के तप के रूप में घोषित किया गया है।

Ananya Bhakti Always without deviation of the mind

अनन्यचेता: सततं सदैव बिना विचलित मन से
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Chapter 13:Verse 8-12 amānitvam—humbleness; adambhitvam—freedom from hypocrisy;
ahinsā—non-violence; kṣhāntiḥ—forgiveness; ārjavam—simplicity;
Values of a āchārya-upāsanam—service of the Guru; śhaucham—cleanliness of
Knowledgeable persom body and mind; sthairyam—steadfastness; ātma-vinigrahaḥ—self-
control; vairāgyam—dispassion; anahankāraḥ—absence of egotism;
anabhiṣhvaṅ gaḥ—absence of craving; sama-chittatvam—even-

अमानित्वम्-विनम्रता; अदम्भित्वम्-आडम्बर से मुक्ति; अहिंसा-अहिंसा; क्षान्ति:-क्षमाशील;

आर्जवम्-सरलता; आचार्य-उपासनम्-गुरु की सेवा; शौचम्-मन और शरीर की पवित्रता;
स्थैर्यम्-दृढ़ता; आत्म-विनिग्रहः-आत्म संयम; अनहंकार:-अभिमान से रहित; अनभिष्वङ्गः-
लालसा रहित; सम-चित्तवम्-समभाव;

जीवात्मा देह के मिथ्या ज्ञान के कारण स्वयं को अपने सभी कर्मों का कर्ता समझती है
अहङ् कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति
In ignorance, the soul, deluded by false identification with the
body, thinks of itself as the doer
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Abhayam—fearlessness; sattva-sanśhuddhiḥ—purity of mind; jñāna—
Chapter 16:Verse 1-3 knowledge; vyavasthitiḥ—steadfastness; dānam—charity; damaḥ—control
of the senses; yajñaḥ—sacrifice; svādhyāyaḥ—study of sacred books;
saintly virtues tapaḥ—austerity; ārjavam—straightforwardness; ahinsā—non-violence;
satyam—truthfulness; akrodhaḥ—absence of anger; tyāgaḥ—renunciation;
अभयं śhāntiḥ—peacefulness; apaiśhunam—restraint from fault-finding; dayā—
सत्त्वसंशुद्धिर्ज्ञानयोगव्यवस्थिति: | compassion; aloluptvam—absence of covetousness; mārdavam—
दानं दमश्च यज्ञश्च स्वाध्यायस्तप gentleness; hrīḥ—modesty; achāpalam—lack of fickleness; tejaḥ—vigor;
आर्जवम् | kṣhamā—forgiveness; dhṛitiḥ—fortitude; śhaucham—cleanliness; adrohaḥ
अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्याग: —bearing enmity toward none;
शान्तिरपैशुनम् | ati-mānitā—absence of vanity
दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं
ह्रीरचापलम् | अभयम्-निडर; सत्त्व-संशुद्धिः-मन की शुद्धि ज्ञान-सत्य ज्ञान; योग–अध्यात्मिक; व्यवस्थिति:-दृढ़ता;
तेज: क्षमा धृति: दानम्-दान; दमः-इन्द्रियों पर नियंत्रण; स्वाध्यायः-धार्मिक ग्रन्थों का अध्ययन; तपः-तपस्या;
शौचमद्रोहोनातिमानिता | आर्जवम्-स्पष्टवादिता; अहिंसा-अहिंसा; सत्यम्-सत्यता; अक्रोधः-क्रोध से मुक्ति; त्यागः-त्याग;
भवन्ति सम्पदं दैवीमभिजातस्य शन्तिः शान्तिप्रियता; अपैशुनम्-दोषारोपण से दूर; दया करुणा; अलोलुप्त्वम्-लोभ से मुक्ति; मार्दवम्-
भारत | भद्रता; ह्री:-लज्जा; अचापलम्-अस्थिरहीनता; तेजः-शक्ति; क्षमा क्षमाः धृतिः-धैर्य; शौचम्-पवित्रता;
अद्रोहः-दूसरों के प्रति ईर्ष्याभाव से मुक्ति; अतिमानिता–प्रतिष्ठा की इच्छा से मुक्त

नरक की ओर जाने वाले तीन द्वार हैं- वासना, क्रोध और लालच

काम: क्रोधस्तथा लोभ - त्रिविधं
three gates leading to the hell of self-destruction for the soul—lust,
नरकस्येदं द्वारं
anger, and greed
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Apaddharma -
A practice only permissible in time of calamity, distress, or misfortune;
The dharma of emergencies.
Previous year questions

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Time to practice

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Q. 1 [5 M]

Q. 2 [5 M]

Q. 3 [10 M]
My Appeal 🙏
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Respect Every human being Exercise at least 4 times a week

Be in touch with family members,

Eat healthy - Once a week cheat meal
Kar bhala to ho bhala
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A good deed always comes around

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