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Kethine 40 Now Rad we hove erlablidhed , work ene Qe a general, -ayptem, awe Sd dU = 5 Haare eee Vw, Gan we wrtle Age ~ i Me +6 Avtilat 0 aw7 Tt we can, uid, 7 ut? Wal, aire’ we ate dadirg , en nt “ r ebanitd eager, “bree in r abbroum, Ve a wih FUN age if aney ane iw equallbou Jonge hy “The questions Hot we ea _ tk thew exuiblorium, . rele, it mgt orter in He quaton he Anne vou ty thio and Aud the general : yo ‘ ve al congugctel to Rey cep oe men Heat yas snirolueed the Th ure previous Wiel lecurer we neelal to inarare ‘he Br, we eon do vdwone and cows v= (gs) and (y= (#) TE) - ee) “(Ba bas| “Bye b), “(Dy | -.g-(aa) +682) t= (a8 Galen _exgawion experiment. Consider the ided qe AYersion af the Lelong T | Tivhdly rose ileal I oH KeR im the left dumler avd a vale un noah hing it to but only | PY a Qadon cf miblieaion of them— (aimee bv at) | Se del digg U7 UUW = UL) - u(r) Now, GW BY) «bey - a) Sme oly depends on Pa sn T and not individually omy ad y we condude, @d,= “LG St), Pol agin, ince py NKeT, ab canoer premne VexT Ne Mey and —-A0, G4, - wv \sar> me Gh. G-G = sh | G-GeR | \_—_] Aico in true Qi ide i qe loa in the setond canbe The wil ane adialaje, 20 hee can We 10 hot exchange . - A= 0 fd amee no exbrrd sso san dove, AW= 0 ~. A=O Tt con ound Heah, the enpordune, Lelone after ane CApanision in 4ame. aTeyet Nous, infernal energy Ub aurely U(by), Aince Here leurs omen wt AW and hence add. of he Narialter with and Buk we eon exchorge one Jenperalue “T, 2mee, Aye Head gan, Pant V ye one abled do T . PY= NYT U= Ul) Bh im Hin preter. Value obviously Changed and the — witial Gnd ard odennal evertgien vie Ke some. So, U amt be « rte a V Lo} it +n lo Ve a Lenion of. T only More explicitely iho a $indhon of Pond v 7 ‘nbative ar naa tig fon « ete en on im Pyerexah a Avnckion & “Lempenahuce Seine: “Us uGyy oe dv = & dt 4 [av Trem Mat &: ee d) =dQ+iw ; > We Ta-HV “. aQ= aU + dV *. &Q= (Bars (fag )av = 6 = (Bh by ,-@, = [r+ @) | ey Qpeatie hes capacities ase defred a ppecite lal par uit may We oul 4 Cue oy and ge & Rabo of and Cy ia allel ae adiabele ind, v- & Th ydune, there ane perterge, Yor am Le toby Run Laewwards Ludh —precener are adled reverricle Pesce. Nowever, Here ate proces that cceum Orly im one digedion— Ine inneverside pracones, Fox exangle, an ety might roll down from a palle and hen ta to We Ghoon. The potential enegy in \being coneded ity kinelo SRY and then an the Coy Amador on tho leon, i shaljors iba pieces, ar the kinelie every io When conveelef fet den gaan dy od the Now, eonreavedion a energy bea net tielid te gyeaie pacers to roe a w beat Craengizn ence f Aralered ea Per to Reamenble it, wing “he Kirelia energy and Kral lrg it he Hebe, cowering the ¥ineliq enemy ta ster nergy Bub, Hag Proven Thever fapren, mer. wig, Yo an inreversible Procery | “Pex about amcther one. You fave Ad ¢m in a box, 4 and you prepreed them all feciyy tread, vp. Now, sf s Ye exe he Vox foe log time you will fee that the coving ane rrandonly oriental 3 now — some facing up, Ame Facing down. Hhwever, if invtilly all of she wore Seeing down on Up, rabher were reatnclonly orierdal, Whe effect of Aaning ual not rave al ct tron Sco up m down: Se, the effet of Ahoxirg awry came the orartation Jo Le ‘m diaon— dene) Ade and hoe an ifneveniile darge, mechani and The theomodnanier, ory preceors ively Lriekon will eventually ard 4p an inneversible pracen, inco it wil cowed — aome nergy ilo heat Uhide at totally be pulled bax. To fave a Tevenille frocen ™ Jrerrmodynarnicn, (pe tove to yorker q proce quai didiadly TH the equitilniun io wnairainel Apnoughout a frocen, it an be copied at Laan world, to, Teduatically dt wil tyo mn infualo amour of twe > conplele ouch % proce, 20 m readily jhe rrevyeraidle Procenes ane reilly yaeude never: able. FP iw tt ip not clone in quti-slko ra MNT, “You do vot Really know hod the Hrennedynance | vatiablen in beluee th ~fwo quililtium points. Bo, yu don't really have any der how he reve proceed ” ging to ko He some if t hart be a Pevenible — prosers. Tdhernd eirion Pon ide gm TToethornal. mews at corte Jonperathuce. Tn a Reve ble irathourol, epanrion of m ida qu, we wank ‘to aalulole the thet charge. Far inothermal Proce, AT=0. Fae ideal a memal enegy only depends on nape and 00, A= 0 Sine, du = a6 +dwW SS) ie aw Bo, ay we inet het —b the ayston, the (” Caper fal while expancdipg tt dom rqme ork ont the aurcoundiy, “thao why, ever the ga be gett desma jak Jenjorlue remain) constant . Now, aW= RIV a pot aur debt &, the pete tone ned abamnbed in the iota: imcthemal expander df He qe ton aohne Yb % ot tn wile (a given ‘by, Vo Jas = - Jaw = | Pav Ag = \, y v4 = Jae av : ME V = RT bv hy \ + AG= nk Y Q= ner bv Pre work done ig Hen, YY al 80 G70 and Axa. ingernal energy io she Aane, buf the Volume thar dese ineranal, the rogy dently ig deerandl pe Zu, where Ub reg AW = = 4. YRT In ¥ Since the Bul, prownuste per unit —-yolume- Qo, mr tha aago, pressure will ah derene . Aiclolio expansion of + ideal aa uitted he Yow ol ay fed. few “loc Yea GA pRacer iil le ail if h potinmel atthe Reversible. Xo, here, any heat ing al 0 49 = 0 deed 7. dU dW Olas For ida, oe du = GdT and We -Fe Qdt=—}dv =~ EY o a --t Ws T V = . ne de = ME WM TH me wome +b sak ot qa, “hen x wit wale ext Ned, ad we Gan word capacitin (Cy in mle) Oy = Qik =@ R= 47 od y= & = 4 & me \ . In = (4-¥) dn ¥ ws a da (Y me 7% = 4 ay 1-y i {eo = %-&) yd = = Tye" ety! Since, ocr gow you a can dho how [pe 7 cond | ont LpyT= eed | J For an inothermal — provers, fempoxahine -< aonolarh [PV = couse} (ane P _— iacthenm _— atiabata Toothoom ane lined of cowstant Jomperatwie 04 Lllowed ™ inohownal arian’) adiabae ane \ines fillrwal nm on ee hed cant ene exter adidbaty shor sleeper expandion and ahiabdie exrmsion on lave. At eh pit, qrasionte than i other Miakdie _cbnowfer Cowsider a Jee of ge ehween Areight 2 arel zZriz. Bown i nurnber Fl malewles pe unit volume, rem then ndiz in te number of) moleute pec unit area ™ up layer - So, the exetled preaume wo, dp = -Ndemg where exch moleale ha a may of m. a eal deny S= nm, then, _ dp = - Sgdz \ ubidh io adel the hyphontslic equation ; Now, Pe WGgY and S=nm - © J= UE ae _ mba Zz _ dp 2 - az —O Xe dinexjhexe “ve cclialodta Hed Th we aaune he peak ushile The expand, b hey do vot eadhang e jon, pee = core = 4 Le) - 4 -y ge 7 ee a Yd RT - Ue) eve = - T. (He =- Bde dT . ~/x%! ia A (4) a ; Od which 4) §¥ Up the we & a : exprenion ndling the ecreme of Jom Ee ahi / md high in linear. We le with height, yO =O aT - Nam g a ) «. aT. Mar ® | dt G | “Te party Men in yrown atlialedie lapse Cp | rade, Na day ain (nilecgen moa) it 1 97 Hn

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