NCM 106 Week 8

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Week 8 Topic: walls of the uterus are important for

expelling the developed fetus through

Reproductive System the vagina at delivery.

Reproductive System: External genitalia

Ovaries - the female sexual glands —clitoris, labia, and v a g i n a
Testes - male sexual glands-respond to —aresitesoferogenous
follicle stimulation and entry way for sperm to
reach the uterus to allow conception and
- stimulating hormone (FSH) and the exit path for the developed fetus at
luteinizing hormone birth.

(LH) - released from the anterior pituitary Breast tissue

in response to stimulation from - a s e c o n d a r y s e x characteristic, is
gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) controlled by the female sex hormones
released from the hypothalamus. and is necessary for producing milk for
the nourishment of the baby
Female Reproductive System
- consists of two ovaries Hormones
- two fallopian tubes
uterus Estrogen
- accessory structures, including the - produced by the ovaries include
vagina, clitoris, labia, and breast tissue. estradiol, estrone, and estriol.
-enter cells and bind to receptors w i t h i
Hormones - estrogen and progesterone n t h e cy t o p l a s m t o p r o m o t e
Ovaries messenger RNA (mRNA) activity, which
- almond-shaped organs located results in specific proteins for cell activity
on each side of the pelvic cavity or Structure
- store the ova, or eggs (ovum = egg).
Effects of Estrogen
Ovum • Growth of genitalia (in preparation for
contained in a storage site called a childbirth)
follicle • Growth of breast tissue (in preparation
- act as endocrine glands producing the for pregnancy and
hormones estrogen and lactation)
progesterone • Characteristic female pubic hair
- prepare the body for pregnancy and to distribution (a triangle)
maintain the pregnancy until delivery. • Stimulation of protein building
Very near to each ovary is a fallopian (important for the developing
tube. fetus)
fallopian tube • Increased total blood cholesterol (for
- muscular tube with a ciliated lining that energy for the mother as well as the
is constantly moving developing fetus) with an increase in
- propels the ovum released into the highdensity lipoprotein levels (“good”
abdomen down the fallopian tube and cholesterol, which serves to protect the
into the uterus, or womb, for the female blood vessels against
developing embryo and fetus.uterus atherosclerosis)
- muscular organ, develop a b l o o d • Retention of sodium and water (to
-filledinnerlining,or provide cooling for the heat
generated by the developing fetus and to
Endometrium increase diffusion of
- allows for implantation of the fertilized sodium and water to the fetus through
egg and supports the development of the the placenta)
placenta, that provides nourishment for
the developing fetus and acts as an Inhibition of calcium resorption from the
endocrine gland producing the hormones bones (helps to deposit calcium in the
needed to maintain the active metabolic fetal bone structure; when this property
state of the pregnancy.The muscular is lost at menopause, osteoporosis, or
loss of calcium from the bone, is rich blood supply for the developing
common) placenta and embryo)
• Alteration of pelvic bone structure to a • Thickened cervical mucus (to protect
wider and flaring pelvis (to promote the developing embryo and keep out
easier delivery) bacteria and other pathogens; this is lost
• Closure of the epiphyses (to conserve at the beginning of labor as
energy for the fetus by halting growth of the mucous plug)
the mother) • Breast growth (to prepare for lactation)
• Increased thyroid hormone globulin • Increased body temperature (a direct
(metabolism needs to be increased hypothalamic response to
greatly during pregnancy, and the progesterone, which stimulates
increase in thyroid hormone facilitates metabolism and promotes activities for
this) the developing embryo; this increase in
• Increased elastic tissue of the skin (to temperature is monitored in the
allow for the tremendous stretch of the “rhythm method” of birth control to
abdominal skin during pregnancy) indicate that ovulation has
• Increased vascularity of the skin (to occurred)
allow for radiation loss of heat generated • Increased appetite (this is a direct effect
by the developing fetus) on the satiety centers of the
• Increased uterine motility (estrogen is hypothalamus and results in increased
high when the ovum first leaves the nutrients for the developing
ovary, and increased uterine motility embryo)
helps to move the ovum toward the • Depressed T-cell function (again, this
uterus and to protects the non–self cells of
propel the sperm toward the ovum) the developing embryo from the immune
• Thin, clear cervical mucus (allows easy system)
penetration of the sperm into the uterus • Anti-insulin effect (to generate a higher
as ovulation occurs; used in fertility blood glucose concentration to
programs as an indication that ovulation allow rapid diffusion of glucose to the
will developing embryo)Interaction of the
soon occur) hypothalamic, pituitary, and ovarian
• Proliferative endometrium (to prepare hormones that underlies the
the lining of the uterus for implantation menstrual cycle. Dotted lines indicate
with the fertilized egg) negative feedback
• Anti-insulin effect with increased surge. CNS, central nervous system; FSH,
glucose levels (to allow increased follicle-stimulating hormone; GnRH,
diffusion of glucose to the developing gonadotropin-releasing hormone; LH,
fetus) luteinizing hormone.
• T-cell inhibition (to protect the non–self
cells of the embryo from the immune Sex Hormones
surveillance of the mother)
estrogens and the progestins
Progesterone - the endogenous female hormone
- released into circulation progesterone and its various derivatives.
after ovulation
- many effects that support the early Estrogens that are available for use
development of the fetus include estradiol (Estrace, Climara, and
- effects on body temperature are others),
monitored in the “rhythm method” of Conjugated estrogens (Premarin),
birth control to indicate that ovulation Esterified estrogen (Menest), and
has just occurred estropipate (Ortho-
Est, Ogen).
Effects of Progesterone Progestins include drospirenone (Yasmin,
• Decreased uterine motility (to provide Yaz), etonogestrel
increased chance that implantation (Implanon), levonorgestrel (Mirena),
can occur) medroxyprogesterone
• Development of a secretory (Provera), norethindrone (Aygestin),
endometrium (to provide glucose and a norgestrel (Ovrette),
progesterone (Progestasert and others), -severe symptoms of menopause
and desogestrel (found -certain neoplasms.
in many contraceptive combinations).


Hypothalamus, Pituitary Gland, and Negative feedback control of the

Ovary female reproductive hormones
Regulation of the female reproductive
system is achieved by hormones. Facts in Female Reproduction
Hypothalamus > secretes GnRH Pituitary
> stimulate the secretion of FSH and LH ■ There is a wide range of ages at which
day 14 of the ovarian cycle - surge of LH women reach menopause: 8 of 100
secretion causes one follicle to expel its women will stop menstruating before age
oocyte, a process called ovulation 40, and 5 of 100 women will continue to
age 60 and beyond.
Hormonal changes during the ■ About 90% of dysfunctional uterine
ovarian and uterine cycles bleeding occurs due to lack of ovulation.
■ It is estimated that approximately 10%
Ovarian follicles mature > secrete the to 15% of all sexually active women use
female sex hormones no birth control, contributing to the
estrogen and progesterone. almost 50% unintended pregnancy rate.
■ Over 10% of sexually experienced
Estrogen : women aged 15 to 44 have used
estradiol, estrone, and estriol emergency contraception (Plan B).
-responsible for the maturation of the
female reproductive organs ■ Oral contraceptives confer benefits
-appearance of secondary sex besides contraception, including the
characteristics following:
- metabolic effects on nonreproductive Reduced risk for colorectal, ovarian, and
tissues, including the brain, kidneys, endometrial cancer
blood vessels, and skin. Decreased risk for benign breast disease,
- estrogen decreases the levels of LDL ; ovarian cysts, primary dysmenorrheal
increases the amount of HDL and iron-deficiency anemia
- help lower the risk of myocardial Improvement in acne and bone mineral
infarction (MI) in premenopausal density
-causes bones to grow longer and ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES
stronger in younger womencorpus - drugs used in low doses to prevent
luteum > secretes a progestins, most pregnancy.
abundant of is progesterone. - “the pill”
- combination of estrogen, progesterone - prevent fertilization by inhibiting
promotes breast development ovulation.
- regulates the monthly changes of the
uterine cycle Estrogens and Progestins as Oral
- uterine endometrium becomes vascular Contraceptives:
and thickens in preparation for - common estrogen used for
receiving a fertilized egg contraception is ethinyl estradiol
- final third of the uterine cycle provide - most common progestin is
negative feedback to shut off GnRH, norethindrone
FSH, and LH secretion - hormonal contraception is nearly 100%
- Without stimulation from FSH and LH, effective
estrogen and progesterone levels - administration of an OC begins on day 5
fall sharply, the endometrium is shed, and of the menstrual cycle and continues for
menstrual bleeding begins. 21 days. During the other 7 days of the
- pharmacologic use of the female sex month, the woman takes a placebo.
hormones is to prevent pregnancy placebos contain iron, which replaces iron
- treat dysfunctional uterine bleeding lost due to menstrual bleeding
- reason for treatment failure - have no effect on breast cancer.
(pregnancy), is forgetting to take the -pregnancy category X.

Long-Term Hormonal Formulations:

ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES - extended-duration formulations are
equally effective in preventing
Estrogen–Progestin OCs: pregnancy and have the same basic
safety profile as OCs.
monophasic -advantage for women who are likely to
- delivers a constant dose of estrogen forget their daily pill
and progestin throughout the 21-day - prefer a greater ease of use
treatment cycle.
● Depot injections
biphasic agents - deep IM injection of
- amount of estrogen in each pill remains medroxyprogesterone that provides 3
constant, but the amount of progestin is months of contraceptive protection. Also
increased toward the providing 3 months of contraception is
end of the treatment cycle to better Depo-SubQ-Provera, the same drug
nourish the uterine lining. administered by the subcutaneous route.

triphasic formulations ● Implants

- amounts of both estrogen and progestin - a single rod containing the progestin
vary in three distinct phases during the etonogestrel that is inserted under the
treatment cycle. skin of the upper arm that provides 3
years of
four-phase OC contraceptive protection.
– first, Natazia contains estradiol valerate,
a synthetic estrogen, and dienogest, a Long-Term Hormonal Formulations:
progestin this is the first drug containing
this specific combination. ● Transdermal patches
- Ortho-Evra is a transdermal patch
Natazia containing ethinyl estradiol and
- estradiol valerate, a synthetic estrogen norelgestromin; changed every 7 days for
- first OC to be approved to treat heavy the first 3 weeks, followed by a patch-free
menstrual bleeding week 4.

Dienogest ● Vaginal route

- a progestin this is the first drug - NuvaRing is a 2-inch-diameter ring
containing this specific combination containing estrogen and progestin that
progestin-only Ocs - called minipills is inserted into the vagina to provide 3
-prevent pregnancy primarily by weeks of contraceptive protection. The
producing thick, viscous mucus at the ring is removed during week 4, and a new
entrance to the uterus that discourages ring is inserted during the first week of
penetration by sperm. the next
-inhibit implantation of a fertilized egg. menstrual cycle.
-less effective than estrogen progestin
combinations, having a failure rate of 1% ● Intrauterine route
to 4%. - Mirena is a polyethylene cylinder that is
- a higher incidence of menstrual placed in the uterus and releases
irregularities such as amenorrhea, levonorgestrel; size of a quarter and
prolonged menstrual bleeding, or shaped like the letter T, Mirena acts
breakthrough spotting. locally to
- reserved for patients who are at high prevent conception for 5 years.
risk for estrogen-related side effects
- not associated with a higher risk of ● Extended-regimen Ocs
thromboembolic events
- Seasonale consists of tablets containing lipid, and thyroid function levels, Pap
levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol that test).
are taken for 84 consecutive days, ■ Obtain baseline height, weight, and
followed by 7 inert tablets (without vital signs.
hormones); allows for continuous
contraceptive protection while extending NURSING PROCESS: PATIENTS RECEIVING
the time between menses; only four ORAL CONTRACEPTIVES
menstrual periods are experienced per
year. Assessment throughout administration:
-Seasonique is similar, but instead of
inert tablets for 7 days, the patient takes ■ Assess for desired therapeutic effects
low-dose estrogen tablets.; has a lower depending on the reason
incidence of bloating and breakthrough the drug is given (e.g., pregnancy
bleeding. prevention).
■ Continue periodic monitoring of CBC,
Assessing for Adverse Effects of Oral platelets, and glucose.
Contraceptives: ■ Monitor vital signs and weight at each
“ACHES” is a mnemonic developed to health care visit.
assist health care providers, ■ Assess for adverse effects: nausea,
nurses, and women on OCs to remember vomiting, headache, weight gain, breast
the possible adverse effects tenderness, skin rash, acne, fluid
of OCs in order to ensure they are retention, changes in mood, and
promptly reported and assessed breakthrough bleeding. Immediately
(FHI360, 1996, 2012): report tachycardia, palpitations, and HTN,
especially associated with angina; severe
A - abdominal pain; headache; cramping in calves; positive
C – chest pain; Homans’ sign; chest pain; or dyspnea.
H – headache;
E – eye problems, blurred or loss of POTENTIAL NURSING DIAGNOSES:
S – swelling. ■ Decisional Conflict
■ Disturbed Body Image
If any of these occur or are severe while a ■ Deficient Knowledge (drug therapy)
woman is on OCs, she should report them ■ Risk for Excess Fluid Volume, related to
promptly to her health care provider. adverse drug effects
■ Risk for Ineffective Peripheral Tissue
ASSESSMENT: Perfusion, related to adverse drug effects
■ Risk for Ineffective Cerebral Tissue
Baseline assessment prior to Perfusion, related to adverse drug effects
administration: ■ Risk for Ineffective Cardiac Tissue
■ Obtain a complete health history Perfusion, related to adverse drug effects
including cardiovascular, peripheral PLANNING: PATIENT GOALS AND
vascular, thyroid, hepatic, or renal EXPECTED OUTCOMES
disease; migraine headaches; diabetes;
pregnancy; or breast-feeding. Note The patient will:
personal or family history of ■ Experience therapeutic effects (e.g.,
thromboembolic disorders (e.g., MI, effective birth control).
stroke, PVD) and of reproductive cancers ■ Be free from, or experience minimal,
(e.g.,breast, uterine, or ovarian cancer). adverse effects.
■ Obtain a drug history including ■ Verbalize an understanding of the
allergies, current prescription and OTC drug’s use, adverse effects, and required
drugs, precautions.
herbal preparations, alcohol use, and ■ Demonstrate proper self-administration
smoking. Be alert to possible drug of the medication (e.g., dose, timing,
interactions. when to notify provider).
■ Evaluate appropriate laboratory
findings (e.g., complete blood count PLANNING: PATIENT GOALS AND
[CBC], platelets, electrolytes, glucose, EXPECTED OUTCOMES
The patient will:
■ Experience therapeutic effects (e.g.,
effective birth
■ Be free from, or experience minimal,
adverse effects.
■ Verbalize an understanding of the
drug’s use, adverse
effects, and required precautions.
■ Demonstrate proper self-administration
of the
medication (e.g., dose, timing, when to
notify provider).

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