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Outside of joy and brilliant (bờ riu ly ần) glory (gờ lâu rỳ), there will always be a

secret, dark corner (ko nờ) where no one cares to look. Step forward (pho wơrd )
and look inside, you will be surrounded ( sờ rao địc) by darkness ( dark nịc sờ)
heinous (hey nợt sờ), and cruelty ( cờ ru ầu đì ) beyond ( bì an đờ ) human
understanding. The world inside evil - welcome to the abyss (ờ bít sờ) . As soon as I
finished reading this introduction, I sat down and immediately ( ầm mi đi ợt lỳ ) read
this book because it attracted me - The World Inside Evil.

This book is suitable for those who are passionate ( pass sần nịt ) about studying
criminal psychology and like the investigation genre ( john rờ ) based on real cases.
Let's talk about the author ( o thờ ) first. Truong Uy (Zhāng wěi) - Bachelor ( bat sờ lờ
) of Law (lo), master of criminology ( cờ ruy mì no lo rỳ ) and criminal justice (just tịt
sờ ), currently (kơ rợt lỳ) is a level national psychological consultant ( cần sou tần ) in
China and has a lot of experience investigating crime (cờ rai ầm) scenes (sin sờ). Each
chapter in this book begins with extremely curious (kiu ri ợt sờ ) questions such as:
What makes a 10-year-old child become a devil? What happens to girls who perverts
(pơ vợt ) have followed? You are walking, if you see a panicked (pe nick kờ) crowd
running towards (toorrd) you, followed by a murderer (mơ đờ), which direction
should you run to increase your chances of preserving ( pờ rùy sơ vìn) your life? To
answer these questions, the author will take as evidence a real case and
delve (đeo vờ) into analyzing (en nơ lai zìn) the psychological
characteristics (care red đờ ít sờ tịt) of the perpetrator (ˈpərpəˌtrādər ) to answer
readers. There were many interesting chapters that I found fascinating (fas sờ nây
đìn ), for example, the chapter on borderline (boa đờ lai) personality disorder ( dis
order) - the most common (car ment) mental illness of violent criminals. In addition,
the book also mentions other syndromes ( ˈsinˌdrōm) such as Stockholm (stock
home) - a hostage ( hot sờ stick sờ ) falling in love with the kidnapper or the art of
emotional deception PUA - a technique (take ni kờ )that bad guys often use to
deceive and brainwash their opponents ( ờ pâu nần sờ ). According to the author,
criminal psychology is not something too advanced (ạt ven sờ ) like we often see in
movies, it is very practical knowledge that everyone should know a little to protect

The World Inside Evil not only shares fascinating cases from an expert's (egg sờ pợt
sờ) perspective (per sờ péc ti vờ) with rigorous (ruy gờ rợt), scientific (sai ần ti phịc
sờ ) reasoning but also provides a lot of valuable psychological and criminal
psychology knowledge. They can even save your life in emergencies. This is a book
that you should read once, I highly recommend it. That’s all, bye.

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