U2 - Thief

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A: So, my aunt just went through a bad situation

B: Oh, that sounds terrible. What happened to your aunt?

A: Well, 2 weeks ago, my aunt received a message from a close friend of
hers on Facebook.
B: Uh-huh
A: The content of the message was: "Hey, my husband just had an
accident and is in the emergency. I need some money right now, can you
lend me some?" And after that was a bank account number whose
account holder was someone my aunt did not know.
B: Yes. Go on.
A: My aunt realized it was a stranger name so she asked again to confirm.
The friend said that her bank account was in error so she asked someone
else to receive it for her.
B: And?
A: Because she has been close to my aunt for a long time, and saw that
she was in a difficult situation and needed help, she did not hesitate to
lend her money.
B: And then what?
A: After transferring the money, my aunt thought again and saw that
something was not quite right, My aunt called her friend, and her friend
was shocked and did not understand what was happening, Then she went
to check her Facebook account and found it had been hacked!
B: That's horrible news.
A: Yeah, not only did my aunt become a victim of this scam, but the thief
thif also texted many other people with similar message content.
B: Online fraud criminals today are truly scary. They can steal anyone's
personal information to impersonate them and commit fraud against the
victim's close people. We should be more careful and protect our personal
information more carefully and be wary of asking to borrow money or
provide information from someone. Above all, do not make high-value
transactions over the Internet.
A: Right.

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