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MOAC Reference No.: IR.145.


Maintenance Experience Logbook

CAA.IRI. App. No
Maintenance Experience Logbook

Records of Changes

Issue No Revision No. Revision Date Row Revision Date Description

01 00 22-May-2023 - - First Issue

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CAA.IRI. App. No
Maintenance Experience Logbook

1. Contents.

1. Contents ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........ 2

2. Scope and applicability ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………......... 3

3. Purpose ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………................................. 3

4. Personnel data ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....................... 3

5. Logbook data ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........................ 5

5.1. Logbook filing instructions …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 5

5.2. Logbook records ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………........... 6

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CAA.IRI. App. No
Maintenance Experience Logbook

2. Scope and applicability

This Logbook is applicable to Part-145 organization and shall be used by maintenance personnel.

3. Purpose.
This logbook is intended to:

- be used by AMO to fulfill the 6/24 months maintenance experience requirement as per 145.A.35.(c), before the issue/re-issue of an individual certification
- be applicable to aircraft component and/or engine and/or specialized services certifying staff;
- be applicable to aircraft component and/or engine qualified mechanic and/or inspector;
- be completed by the candidate C/S.

4. Personnel data.
4.1 Certyfing Staff, Mechanics,…


Date of birth:
Place of birth:

Certification Authorization No.: (if already hold):

Certifying staff Privileges hold (or intended to be granted):


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CAA.IRI. App. No
Maintenance Experience Logbook

4.2 NDT Personnel

NDT Personnel

Date of birth:

Place of birth:
Certification Authorization No.: (if already hold):
Certifying staff Privileges hold (or intended to be granted):


Current Certification Status 1. Trainee 2. Level I 3. Level II 4. Level III

Certification Data

Method Initial Certificate No. Expire Date Certificate No. Expire Date Current Certification Status








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CAA.IRI. App. No

Maintenance Experience Logbook


5. Logbook data.
5.1 Logbook filling instructions.
ID Option Description/ Remarks
1. Date - Date when the maintenance activity was carried out.
2. Location - Location where the maintenance activity was carried out.
3. Engine/Comp. name - Engine or component name; refer to IPC
4. P/N - Engine or component part number; refer to Cap List
5. Engine S/N - Engine Serial Number; for components with more than one serial number, refer to job card number or form 1 tracking number.
6. Rating - Class rating (e.g. B1 C7…)
7. Privilege used - When the person holds different privileges this block is intended to identify the certifying staff or Mechanic or Inspector.
Identify the task type using the following term as being the more applicable to the task carried out. More than one term may be selected (i.e. TS and R/I,)
FOT Functional/Operational Test.
R/I Removal/Installation.
8. Task type TS Trouble Shooting.
MOD Modification
REP Repair
INSP Inspection
Identify the type of activity using the following term as being the more applicable to the activity carried out. More than one term may be selected.
Training The person recording the task in this logbook is under training.
9. Type of activity Perform The maintenance activity recorded in the row was performed by the logbook owner.
Supervise The maintenance activity recorded in the row was supervised by the logbook owner.
CRS The maintenance activity recorded in the row was released to service by the logbook owner.
Enter the ATA chapter which better describes the majority of the activity carried out. More than one ATA chapters may be entered when necessary/applicable to the activity carried
10. ATA -
out. (e.g. 72-00-00)
11. Operation performed - This field is used to provide detailed reference to the task carried out.
12. Duration - Enter the total time (in hours) spent to accomplish the activity recorded in the row.
13. Maintenance record ref. - Enter the precise reference of the maintenance records where the activity mentioned in this logbook was recorded (i.e. work card/job card No. 12345, etc.).

14. Sign. Or Remarks - This field is intended to be used for any additional comment/not which was not possible to enter in the other fields or workshop manager signature.

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Maintenance Experience Logbook

5.2 Logbook records.

This logbook is intended to be hand written by the certifying staff and/or Mechanic and/or inspector. Add rows/pages as necessary.

8.Task type 9.Type of activity

5. 7. 11. 13. 14.
1. 2. Engine/ 4. 6. 10. 12.


Engine Privilege Operation Maintenance Sign. Or



Date Location Comp. P/N Rating ATA Duration


S/N used performed Record Ref. Remarks

Logbook owner`s signature: Workshop Manager: Quality Manager:

I declare that the entries in this Logbook are complete.

Date: Date: Date:

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