Lesson 11

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Coverage: Final

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Advocate the values Rizal’s life encapsulates (CLO 3)

LESSON 11: Jose Rizal and Philippine Nationalism - National Symbol

Duration: 3 hours
Instructional Process

Image source: https://bit.ly/3A99Pl5

Ask the students to answer the question:

1. What did you see on the pictures?
2. What do you remember of it?
3. What the pictures stand for?

Overview Prior to Jose Rizal and Philippine Nationalism

Republic Act No. 8491 otherwise known as the Flag and Heraldic
Code of the Philippines state that reverence and respect shall at all times
be accorded the flag, the national anthem, and other national symbols
which embody the national ideals and which express the principles of
sovereignty and national solidarity.
Conduct a round-robin discussion on the topic. Teacher presents PPT.

Criteria for national heroes determined by the National Heroes Committee
created by Executive Order No. 75 series of 1993
Presentation  https://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture-and-arts/culture-profile/selection-
 https://bit.ly/3hoWPAD

Watch the video, “Liberating Ourselves from the Past” by Ambeth Ocampo,
Practice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvNpNOi5eqs . Write a reflection paper
after watching.

Performance Administer performance tasks below.

Task 1:

Name: ______________ Program / Year / Section: ___________ Date: __________

Instructions: Create an infographic on the values highlighted by the various representations of

Rizal as a national symbol.

Criteria Points
Design – layout is organized, uses consistent style, color scheme 20 pts.
has visual appeal.
Content – uses appropriate term, more than enough data to 20 pts.
make claims.
Clarity – claim, main idea is obvious and easy to understand, no 10 pts.
unnecessary graphics or visuals.
Comments/remarks: Total 50 pts.
Assessment Task:

Instruction: A quiz will be administered using google form.

Learning Resources:

 https://ncca.gov.ph/about-culture-and-arts/culture-profile/selection-and-proclamation-
 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvNpNOi5eqs

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