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Table of Contents

Introduction of the idea

Car auto cooling device operation: This process would be helpful for the car driving

process to protect the assets and the operational development. This will be effective for the better

learning perspective development which helps to incur the operational values (Alam, 2021). For

safety purposes, utilization of the effective pitch statement is to be applied.

 Value proposition: Connecting to the better operational possibility will require to keep

heightening the feasibility which through the operational risks can be managed.

 Quantitative market estimation: Overall analysis focuses on the exploration of the

marketing demand which helps to detain the market estimation. Herein, the primary

research process and the secondary research analysis are to be applied to overcome the


In this research, the application of the car temperature is to be analyzed by focusing on

effective operational development and making identification of the preferences. Through the use

of the value proposition, the operational risks can be effectively handled. Herein, the application

of the car cooling model is to be applied by focusing on the effective operational strategy

development process. In addition, the business model canvas can also be prepared which can be

effective for the operational valuation and strategy-making process.

Elevator pitch summary

 Value proposition: This would require to keep estimate the probable operational value

standard which helps to create value concept


 Freedom to operate: Based on the operational techniques, the possible freedom to

operate can be ensured.

 Application of the copyright issues: For the business development, the in-license IP

with the trademark can be applied to derive the potential value.

For better operational development, this needs to focus on the value proposition

development by keeping the value standard. With the help of affordable devices and social media

support, business-based development in the UAE context can also be assessed.

Technology, design concept, and novelty

Significant novel to other offerings: For the better operational process, the car auto

cooling process has been effectively implied. In addition, operational problems can also be

identified such as high car temperature in summer.

The time regarding issues are there: In the summertime, the temperature can be

heightened. This also affects the operational system of the car. Linking to this problem also has

been raised relating to the designing process of the car.

In this context, the use of technology also enables the process of development of the

designing system. Herein, the different operational offerings can also be detained which through

the protection of the car can be determined. The requirement of this technology can be marked as

the parking areas are not shaded properly.

Freedom to operate and IP rights

 Freedom to operate: This process helps to provide better operational freedom which

through the risk relating to the market process can be avoided. In this regard, the

different market segmentation can be applied by introducing customer pain and benefits

to the customer.

 Trademark registration: Through the procedure of trademark registration, possible

operational loopholes can be applied. This is beneficial for the better business model

process (Ahmed, Ozkaymak, Sözen, Menlik & Fahed, 2018). For this trademark

registration, the possible operational indication can be specified.

 In-license IP: The procedure of transaction revenue will also help to keep undertaking

the operational formulation with the help of the in-license IP application.

With the effective application of the freedom to operate, the management can make use

of the car cooling technology which reduces the pressure on the transaction revenue. Herein, the

use of the trademark registration would be helpful to derive the proper licensing process and

incur a better output.

Secondary market data

 Focus on market demand: Push and pull marketing technique has been implied in the

car cooling derive and operation. Herein, the requirement of social media support is also

connected which through the better framework can be developed.

 Quantitative market estimation: For the autocolling car device, this will require the

support of different technological particulars such as innovators, early adopters, late

majority, and laggards (Zhao, Wang, Li, Liu & Li, 2019).

In terms of developing the car cooling process selling aspects, the need is interconnected

by focusing on the market demand. In addition, the use of quantitative market estimation also

reflects the application of the collection of the survey results. In addition, the use of the Teece

model was also applied which through the probability of the business development can be


Market survey research

 Primary research development:

 Quantitative research questions:

1. How far do you agree that the use of the car auto cooling service enhances the quality

of the vehicle development?

1. How far do you agree that the use of the car auto cooling service enhances the quality of

the vehicle development?

Options Responses Total number of Percentage


Strongly agree 10 50 20%

Agree 7 50 14%

Neutral 6 50 12%

Disagree 4 50 8%

Strongly disagree 13 50 26%


2. How far do you agree that this car auto cooling service can be used as a price-related

affordable device?

2. How far do you agree that this car auto cooling service can be used as a price-related

affordable device?

Options Responses Total number of Percentage


Strongly agree 10 50 20%

Agree 10 50 20%

Neutral 5 50 10%

Disagree 5 50 10%

Strongly disagree 20 50 40%


3. How far do you agree that the transaction revenue can be implied for the process of

incurring the profit margin?

3. How far do you agree that the transaction revenue can be implied for the process of

incurring the profit margin?

Options Responses Total number Percentage

of respondents

Strongly agree 10 50 20%

Agree 10 50 20%

Neutral 5 50 10%

Disagree 10 50 20%

Strongly 15 50 30%


Using the surveys by distribution and analyze

34% of the respondents admit that the car cooling service enhances the quality of the

vehicle development and operational identification. In accordance with the demand of this

technology for the possibility of the car can also be determined. On the other hand, 34% of the

respondents also disagree with the fact.

From the second survey table, the 40% support of the responses is collected by focusing

on the price-related affordable device. Herein, the issue of affordability can be effectively

mitigated. On the other hand, 50% of the respondents think that the affordability issue of

technology can hamper the work process.

For the better revenue generation process and the assurance of the profit margin, this will

require the support of 40% of respondents. On the contrary, 50% of the respondents would also

have to compromise with the transaction revenue and the profit assurance process.

With the help of the proper survey operation, the probable support of the technology

selection has been applied. In accordance, the price affordability of the products also has been

indicated through the specification of getting 50% support.

Preferred witness research

1. How does this car cooling service keep an effect on the vehicle performance?

Interviewee 1 This policy can develop vehicle performance by ensuring the

infrastructure development

Interviewee 2 This service keeps betterment of the strategy development

protection and ensures the longevity of the car service as well.

2. How does the car cooling service be developed by the implementation of the effective

market pull process?

Interviewer 1 The effective market pull enables the process of developing a

better strategy formation process and utilization. The procedure of

market pull strategy can be connected through this process for

developing sustainability.

Interviewer 2 In terms of determining the business goals, the possible market

pull process can be detained by focusing on the car cooling

infrastructure and development.


Revised business canvas

Key partners: The key partners of the model are the IT service provider, battery provider

which through better operational output can be ensured.

Key activities: For the business development, this would also require focusing on the

business model-based key activities such as product manufacturing, distribution transport,

advertising process and also the customer services. This process would help to develop the car

cooling device utilization to develop the operational infrastructure.

Key resources: For business development and productivity assurance, the application of

the human capital and the marketing finance management would be effectively utilized (Cruz,


Value propositions: For the safety assurance concern, the prevention of car loss is

required to determine. This would ensure the safety of the customer effectively.

Customer relationships: For customer relationship development, 24 hours call centers,

application of the loyalty program can be applied. This will derive the probable value regarding

the business security.

Channels: The social media channels and the channel press would help to make a

projection of the business development process.

Customer segmentation: Through the utilization of customer segmentation such as car

owners, car dealers; the probable risk of the selling process can be avoided. This would be

helpful for operational strategy development.

Cost structure: For the bulk buying and the integration process, cost optimization can also

be developed which can arrest the operational risk.


Revenue streams: The use of advertising through business application helps the process

of each unit sold

Capturing value

 Money

 Product

 Service

In terms of determining the probable operational output, this requires stress on the

specification of the money, product, and service. The assessment of these different operational

goods is also applied which through the possible infrastructure can be applied. This is also

beneficial to keep the operational decision making and the business development and projection.

For business development, the use of the car cooling system also reduces the risk relating to the

operational establishment.

The competitive context

 The threat of the new entrants

 Bargaining power of the buyers

 Bargaining power of the suppliers

 Threats of substitute

 Rivalry among the competitors

In relation to the development of the business competition and generating better results,

the different five forces applications have been used. In this concern, the threat of the new

entrants keeps adverse effects on the operational style and business development. In accordance,

the use of the bargaining power of the buyers is also required to assess which through the

operational profitability can be maintained. Through the bargaining power of the suppliers, the

possible operational risks can be overcome which keeps an impact on the development of the

operational strategy. In addition, the threat of the substitute of the product can be marked as low

as this is the innovative technology which through better output can be ascertained. On the other

hand, the threat of the substitute can also be specified which affects the operational smoothness

and decision making. For business development, the issues of rivalry among the competitors can

occur which is required to identify for the better operational strategy selection and development.

Business structure

 Need for capital by using the loans

 Focus on the protection of company assets

 Application of the sole proprietorship, limited liability company

In terms of focusing on the business capital, the use of the loans can provide the probable

illustration linking to the business decision making. In addition, the process of providing

business protection is also interrelated to the fact of determining the company assets. In addition,

the possible sole proprietorship would also be helpful which through the business process

development and the acceleration of the business development can be undertaken. For the

protection of the company asset, the utilization of strategic planning and development can be


SLE Assessment and next steps

The assumption of the business is the development of the consumption to ensure the car

usage linking to the Teece model application

The utilization of the blockchain strategy would also help to develop the better money-

making process development (Abderezzak & Randi, 2020)


Use of the technology and the process of transaction revenue can generate the possible

resource utilization development

With the help of the SLE assessment process, better operational security can be indicated.

The application of the blockchain strategy also provides probable operational smoothness which

enables the effective ,money making process utilization. Through the utilization of blockchain

technology, the process of the transaction revenue generation process can be delivered. This will

incur the operational value generation and reach the next step.


Alam, T. (2021). Blockchain-based big data integrity service framework for IoT devices

data processing in smart cities. Mindanao Journal of Science and Technology.

Ahmed, S. A., Ozkaymak, M., Sözen, A., Menlik, T., & Fahed, A. (2018). Improving car

radiator performance by using TiO2-water nanofluid. Engineering science and technology, an

international journal, 21(5), 996-1005.

Abderezzak, B., & Randi, S. (2020). Experimental investigation of waste heat recovery

potential from car radiator with thermoelectric generator. Thermal Science and Engineering

Progress, 20, 100686.

Zhao, L., Wang, J., Li, Y., Liu, Q., & Li, W. (2019). Experimental investigation of a

lithium battery cooling system. Sustainability, 11(18), 5020.

Cruz, S. M. (2020). Customer Segmentation and Distribution Network Optimization: A

case study in the Automotive Industry.

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