Demonstration Science 6 Q 4 Day 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VI- Western Visayas
Division of Negros Occidental
District of Hinigaran II
2018 - 2019

Lesson Plan in Science 6

Content Standard:
Characteristics of planets in the solar system
Performance Standard:
Design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit.
Learning Competency:
Compare the planets of the solar system.

I. Learning Objective/ Daily Task:

Compare the planets of the solar system (S6ES-IVg-h -6).
A. Identify the planets of the solar system

II. Content:
A. Topic: Identify the planets of the solar system
B. Materials: (Multi- media presentation) projector, laptop,
tarp-papel and chart
C. References: Real Life Science 6, pp. 484-499
Cyber Science, Worktext in Science and
Technology,p. 320
Science Health and Environment 5, pp. 251-254
A. Skills: Identifying, describing, observing, explaining and inferring
B. Value: Taking care of planet Earth.

III. Learning Tasks:

A. Engagement
1. Drill
Arrange the jumbled letters to form a word.
2. Review
How does earth rotate?
3. Motivation
What does the chart show?

B. Exploration
(Film viewing about Solar System)
Grouping of pupils into four.
Watching the video.

The groups will discuss what they learned from the video.
The groups will answer the questions given to them.

Group I
Task: Draw and describe the center of the solar system.

Group II
Task: Name the first three planets mentioned in the
What is the planet nearest to the sun?

Group III
Task: Name the 4th, 5th and 6th planets mentioned in
the video?
What is the planet that is called Red Planet?

Group IV
Task: What are the two last recognized planets in the
In the present, how many recognized planets do
we have in our solar system?

The groups will present their work.

C. Explanation
Let representatives from each group present/report their works.
Teacher will asks question after the reporting.
What made up our solar system? What is the center of our solar system?
How many recognized planets are there in our solar system?
What are they?
What is the largest planet? (Jupiter)
What is the smallest planet? (Mercury)
What is the nearest planet from the sun? (Mercury)
What is the planet farthest from the sun? (Neptune)

D. Elaboration
Teacher adds additional information.
 Scientist realized that pluto is smaller than many other planets and many
other moons. There are many rocky planets near pluto and some were
bigger than pluto. After 76 years, year 2006, pluto was declared as dwarf
planet, the reason why do we have only eight recognized planets.
 Astronomers or the scientists are the one study the heavenly bodies or our
solar system
 Mercury can be seen in the early-morning or early-evening sky, so it is
sometimes called the morning star.
 Venus is called Earth’s sister planet because it is almost as big as the
 Planets can be grouped into two: the Terrestrial planets also known as
inner planets which is composed of Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars; and
the other one is Jovian planets also known as inner planets which is
composed of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

 Terrestrial planets are planets made up of solid rocks and they are closest
to the sun among all the planets. Jovian planets are huge planets made of
gas for they do not have solid surfaces and they are far from the sun.

After pluto was declared as dwarf planet, how many recognized planets do we have in
our solar system?

What are the recognized eight planets?

In our lesson in EPP – Agriculture, we learned that we should plant more tress and
vegetables not only to earn an income but also to protect us from air pollution, recall
and give other ways so we can protect our planet earth?

E. Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter with the correct answer.

1. How many planets are there in the solar system?

A.8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 4

2. The planet nearest to the sun.

A. Neptune B. Mercury C. Uranus D. Earth

3. Which of these does not fit into either major category of planets.
A. Mercury B. Jupiter C. Pluto D. Earth

4. What planet seems to be the largest?

A. Neptune B. Jupiter C. Uranus D. Mercury

5. What is the center of the solar system?

A. Asteroid B. Pluto C. Neptune D. Sun

IV. Assignment:

Draw the solar system and the eight (8) planets.

Prepared and demonstrated by:



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