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Study Assist and Guide for Academics
CHAPT. 3 LESSON 1 - EM Waves and Light

Electromagnetic Waves (EM Waves)

- transverse oscillating waves
- composed of electric & magnetic fields
- travel in a vacuum at the speed of 3.0 X 10 m/s

- can travel without a medium (i.e. vacuum)

- electric field is perpendicular to magnetic field
EM Spectrum
- shows the different types of EM waves
- EM waves are classified according to their frequencies
-- Frequencies increase from left to right
-- Wavelengths decrease from left to right

Types of EM Waves
Radio Waves
- region in the EM spectrum with the longest wavelength & lowest frequencies
- wavelengths range from 1 cm to 1 km
- frequencies range from 30 gigahertz (GHz) to 300 kilohertz (kHz)
Types (or Bands) of Radio Waves
- Extremely low frequency (ELF) waves
---- naturally generated in the atmosphere

- Very low frequency (VLF) waves (aka myriameter band)

---- used for military communications with submarines (these are able to penetrate through saltwater
up to certain depths)

- Low-frequency (LF) waves

---- used in long-distance communications

- Medium-frequency (MF) waves

---- commonly used for amplitude modulation (AM) broadcasting & air traffic control

- High-frequency (HF) waves

---- used in international broadcasting stations
- Very high frequency (VHF) waves
---- used in digital audio broadcasting & mobile radio systems

- Ultra-high frequency (UHF) waves

---- used in TV broadcasting, global positioning systems (GPS), wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi), & Bluetooth

Geometric optics – study of light using light-ray model

Ole romer: says light has a finite speed, 3x10 meters per second
Christian huygens: says light is a wave
Pierre de ferma: says light seeks the fastest way
James maxwell: says light is an em wave with a frequency of 4.3x10^14 to 7.5x10^14
Albert einstein: says light is a particle
Mechanical – does not need medium
Seismic – ground as medium
Sound – SLG, solid liquid gas as medium
Surface – water as medium
Em – empty space
Wavelength – crest is highest point, trough is lowest point, amplitude is distance between C and T,
longer wavelength is weaker, shorter is stronger.


Wavelength λ Meter/m =c/f
Frequency f Hertz/Hz =c/ λ
Energy E Joule/m/s =h/f

C= speed of light = 3.0x10^8 m/sec or 300 million


- frequencies are higher than those of radio waves
- frequencies range from 300MHz to 300GHz
Sub-bands of Microwaves
---- used for active remote sensing and RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) systems
Infrared (IR waves)
- found between microwaves and visible light
- frequencies range from 3 x 10 to 4 x 10 - grouped into near, mid--, and far infrared regions
11 14

Ultraviolet (UV) Waves

Ultraviolet waves or UV is from the Sun

- first observed and documented by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen in 1895
- between uv and gamma ray regions
- can pass through human body
Two Classifications
- Soft x-rays
---- carry smaller amounts of energy
- Hard x-rays
Gamma rays
- found at the end of EM spectrum
- contain the highest energy of all
Two Classifications
Effect of EM Waves
Non-ionizing Radiation
- includes microwaves, radio waves, UR, visible light, and UV
- cannot penetrate the cells of organisms
Ionizing Radiation
- includes x-rays and gamma rays
- can cause biological damage

LESSON 2 - Reflection and Mirrors

Transparent – light passes through
Transluscent – light passes through slightly
Opaque – light does not pass through

Reflect – reflects light

Refract – reflects light accurately
Scattering – scatters light
Absorption – absorbs light

Types of Reflection
The bouncing of light rays is called reflection
Regular Reflection
- happens when light strikes a smooth surface
Diffused Reflection
- happens when light strikes a rough surface, reflecting in many directions

- reflective surfaces made up of glass
Two-way – mirrors apart
One-way – mirrors together
Virtual Images
-images formed behind the mirror
Plane Mirrors
- flat surfaces
- form an image of an object brought in front of it
- virtual images formed by these mirrors have the same size as the real object
- the images they produce are laterally inverted (referring to left-to-right reversal in mirrors)
Curved Mirrors
- are not plane mirrors; are curved mirrors
- can be concave or convex

Convex Mirrors
- have their reflective surfaces bent outward
- not entirely spherical; are spherical caps
Concave Mirrors
- have their reflective surfaces bent inward
Incident ray – ray hitting mirror
Reflected ray – bounces off the surface
Normal line – called rays strike
Law of reflection - angle of incidence equal to the angle of reflection
Law of refraction – angle of incidence greater than angle of refraction

Aoi is same as aor


Electric motor – turns electric energy to mechanical energy
Generator – turns mechanical energy to electric energy
Magnet shapes – bar, horse shoe, disc


EMF= change in flux/change in time

- produce magnetic field
- come in different shapes and sizes
- produced by the electric current flowing through a wire
Magnetic Field
- region of space where magnetic force is felt
Magnetic field lines
- lines used to indicate the magnetic field
- always originate form the magnetic north pole
- the field lines don’t cross each other
- the closer the magnetic field lines are to one another, the stronger the magnetic field
- happens when opposite poles of two magnets are close to each other
- happens when same poles of two magnets are close to each other
Electric Fields
- produced by positive and negative charges
- attraction happens between opposite charges
- repulsion happens between like charges
Discovery of Electromagnetism
Hans Christian Ørsted (1777-1851)
- accidentally discovered electromagnetism
- Danish Scientist
- confirmed that electricity can cause magnetism
- flowing charges produce current
- when a potential difference is set along a conductor, the particles in the conductor will flow,
producing a current
- magnitude of the force can be determined using
Principles of Electromagnetic Induction
Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
- formulated Faraday’s law of Electromagnetic Induction
---- denoted by:
is the result of the magnetic field B being perpendicular to magnetic field A
- if the magnetic flux changes, then electromagnetic induction occurs
successfully observed electromagnetic induction by introducing a magnet into a coil of copper wire
- a magnetic field is produced once the electric current flows through the coil
---- this magnetizes the core, which further strengthens the magnetic field by a thousand-fold
- when the electric current is turned off, the magnetic field around the metal core is lost\

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