MAJor Events of J&K

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1846 : Jammu and Kashmir (J&K)

State is created under the Treaty of

Amritsar between the East India
Company and Raja Gulab Singh of
Jammu who buys Kashmir Valley from
the East India Company for Rs.75,
00,000 and adds it to Jammu and
Ladakh already under his rule.
Kashmir Valley is a Muslim majority
region speaking the Kashmiri
language and a composite cultural
identity called 'kashmiriyat'
transcending religious barriers; the
people are hospitable and engage in
Sufi tradition.

1931: The movement against the

Maharaja Hari Singh begins; it is
brutally suppressed by the State
1932: Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah
sets up the All Jammu and Kashmir
Muslim Conference to fight for
Kashmiri freedom from the Maharaja's
rule, which would eventually become
the National Conference in 1939.
The Glancy Commission appointed by
the Maharaja publishes a report in
April 1932, confirming the existence
of the grievances of the State's
subjects and suggests
recommendations providing for
equitable representation of all
subjects in the State's services;
Maharaja accepts these
recommendations but delays
implementation, leading to another
agitation in 1934; Maharaja grants a
Constitution providing a Legislative
Assembly for the people, but the
Assembly turns out to be powerless.
1946: National Conference launches
Quit Kashmir movement demanding
abrogation of the Treaty of Amritsar
and restoration of sovereignty to the
people of Kashmir. Abdullah is

1947: On 15 August, the Indian

subcontinent becomes independent.
Kashmir signs Standstill Agreement
with Pakistan. Rulers of Princely
States are encouraged to accede their
States to either Dominion - India or
Pakistan, taking into account factors
such as geographical contiguity and
the wishes of their people. The
Maharaja of Kashmir delays his
decision in an effort to remain
In theory, rulers were allowed to
accede their States to either
Dominion, irrespective of the wishes
of their people; but as a practical
matter, they were encouraged to
accede to the geographically
contiguous Dominion, taking into
account the wishes of their people
and in cases where a dispute arose, it
was decided to settle the question of
accession by a plebiscite, a scheme
proposed and accepted by India.
Being a Muslim majority State and
contiguous to Pakistan, Kashmir was
expected to accede to Pakistan; since
the Hindu Ruler acceded instead to
India, a dispute arose in the case of

In 1948, India imposed and won a

plebiscite in the case of Junagadh,
which had a Hindu majority ruled by a
Muslim Ruler who acceded to
Pakistan; However, in the case of
Kashmir, the mirror image of
Junagadh, India did not hold a
plebiscite; Pakistan applied its own
share of double standards by having
divergent positions on Kashmir and
Junagadh, insisting it get both.
Barring National Conference, other
political parties including the Muslim
Conference and the Chiefs of Gilgit
region, advise the Maharaja against
acceding to the Indian Union. While in
prison, Sheikh Abdullah writes a letter
to a friend in Jammu, which is
published in the Congress press, in
favour of accession of Kashmir to
India. Abdullah is released from
prison on 29 September, in response
to pressure from India.
On 22 October, thousands of Pathan
tribesmen from Pakistan invade
Kashmir. The tribesmen engage in
looting and killing along the way. The
tribesmen and the Poonch rebels are
unofficially supported by various
individuals and high ranking officials
in Pakistan including Prime Minister
Liaquat Ali Khan and Chief Minister of
North West Frontier Province. India
accuses Pakistan of violating the
Standstill Agreement with Kashmir by
disrupting the supply links and of
engaging in aggression by sending in
the tribesmen. Pakistan refutes the

1947: The Maharaja of the State of

Jammu and Kashmir signs the
Instrument of Accession (IOA) on 26
October, acceding the 75% majority
Muslim region to the Indian Union,
following invasion by the tribesmen
from Pakistan, according to the 1948
Indian White Paper; India accepts the
accession, regarding it provisional
until such time as the will of the
people can be ascertained by a
plebiscite, since Kashmir was
recognized as a disputed territory. [A
plebiscite is the direct vote of all
members of an electorate on an
important public question being
referred to them, in this case
accession of Kashmir to India or
Pakistan.] It should be noted that the
IOA itself does not specify any
provisionally or conditionality of
accession, while the White Paper
specifies it clearly, thus creating a
conflict between strict legal
interpretation and repeated official
promise made to the people of
The Indian army enters the state on
27 October to repel the invaders. On
27-28 October, Pathan tribesmen
engage in looting and killing a large
number of people in Baramula, which
results in the exodus of over 10,000
residents. Sheikh Abdullah endorses
the accession as ad-hoc which would
be ultimately decided by a plebiscite
and is appointed head of the
emergency administration. Pakistan
disputes that the accession is illegal
given the Maharaja acted under
duress and that he had no right to sign
an agreement with India when the
standstill agreement with Pakistan is
still in force.
In November 1947, India proposes
that Pakistan withdraw all its troops
first, as a precondition for a plebiscite,
which Pakistan rejects. Pakistan
proposes simultaneous withdrawal of
all troops followed by a plebiscite
under international auspices, which
India rejects. Pakistan sends regular
forces to Kashmir and the first war
over Kashmir breaks out.

1948: India takes the Kashmir

problem to the United Nations (UN)
Security Council on 1 January.

1949: On 1 January, a ceasefire

between Indian and Pakistani forces
leaves India in control of most of the
valley, as well as Jammu and Ladakh,
while Pakistan gains control of part of
Kashmir including what Pakistan calls
"Azad" Kashmir and Northern
territories. Pakistan claims it is merely
supporting an indigenous rebellion in
"Azad" Kashmir and Northern
Territories against repression, while
India terms that territory as POK
(Pakistan Occupied Kashmir).

1949: On 5 January 1949, UNCIP

(United Nations Commission for India
and Pakistan) resolution states that
the question of the accession of the
State of Jammu and Kashmir to India
or Pakistan will be decided through a
free and impartial plebiscite. As per
the 1948 and 1949 UNCIP resolutions,
both countries accept the principle,
that Pakistan secures the withdrawal
of Pakistani intruders followed by
withdrawal of Pakistani and Indian
forces, as a basis for the formulation
of a Truce agreement whose details
are to be arrived in future, followed by
a plebiscite; However, both countries
fail to arrive at a Truce agreement due
to differences in interpretation of the
procedure for and extent of
demilitarization one of them being
whether the Azad Kashmiri army is to
be disbanded during the truce stage
or the plebiscite stage.

1949: On 17 October, the Indian

Constituent Assembly adopts Article
370 of the Constitution, ensuring a
special status and internal autonomy
for Jammu and Kashmir with Indian
jurisdiction in Kashmir limited to the
three areas agreed in the IOA, namely,
defense, foreign affairs and

1951: First post-independence

elections. The UN passes a resolution
to the effect that such elections do
not substitute a plebiscite, because a
plebiscite offers the option of
choosing between India and Pakistan.
Sheikh Abdullah wins, mostly
unopposed. There are widespread
charges of election rigging which
continue to plague all the subsequent

1947-1952: Sheikh Abdullah signs

Delhi Agreement with the Central
government on Centre-State
relationships, providing for autonomy
of the State within India and of
regions within the State; Article 370 is
confirmed and the State is allowed to
have its own flag.

1952: Jawaharlal Nehru in the Lok

Sabha on August 7 - "...Ultimately - I
say this with all deference to this
Parliament - the decision will be made
in the hearts and minds of the men
and women of Kashmir; neither in this
Parliament, nor in the United Nations
nor by anybody else"

1953-54: The governments of India

and Pakistan agree to appoint a
Plebiscite Administrator by the end of
April 1954. In August 1953, Govt. is
dismissed. Bakshi Ghulam
Mohammed is installed in power,
which then gets the accession
formally ratified in 1954.

1956-1959: On 30 October 1956, the

state Constituent Assembly adopts a
constitution for the state declaring it
an integral part of the Indian Union
In April 1959, permit system for entry
to the State is abolished. In October,
the State Constition is amended to
extend jurisdiction of Union Election
Commission to the State and bring its
High Court at par with those in the
rest of India.

1962: India and China go to war on

account of a border dispute in the
Ladakh region; at the end of war,
China occupies 37,555 sq. kms from
Indian held Kashmir at Aksai-chin and
Demochok in Ladakh. In December,
5180 sq. kms are conditionally taken
over by China at Shaksgam in
Northern Areas of Kashmir under
Pakistan control.

1963: Violence and demonstrations

across the Valley occur on 27
December when the holy relic is found
missing from the Hazratbal shrine.

1963: Violence and demonstrations

across the Valley occur on 27
December when the holy relic is found
missing from the Hazratbal shrine.

1963: Violence and demonstrations

across the Valley occur on 27
December when the holy relic is found
missing from the Hazratbal shrine.

1964: The holy relic is recovered on 4

January. Talks take place on 29 April
between Sheikh Abdullah and the
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.
Sheikh Abdullah goes to Pakistan on
25 May, at Nehru's instance, for talks
with Field Marshal Ayub Khan. Nehru
passes away on 27 May and the talks
get stranded.

1965-1966: In early 1965, India and

Pakistan engage in a series of clashes
in the Rann of Kutch which ends in a
ceasefire on 30 June under British
In Aug 1965, Pakistan undertakes
Operation Gibraltar and sends in a few
thousand armed infiltrators across the
cease-fire line, and incidents of
violence increase in Kashmir valley. A
full Indo-Pakistani war breaks out
which ends in a ceasefire on 23
September. In January 1966, Tashkent
Declaration is signed by both
countries agreeing to revert to
pre-1965 position, under Russian
mediation. Pakistan supported
guerrilla groups in Kashmir increase
their activities after the ceasefire.
Amanullah Khan and Maqbool Butt
form another Plebiscite Front with an
armed wing called the Jammu and
Kashmir National Liberation Front
(NLF) in Azad Kashmir, with the
objective of freeing Kashmir from
Indian occupation. Butt crosses into
the Valley in June 1966 and engages
in clashes with the Indian army. He is
arrested and sentenced to death in
1968 but escapes to Azad Kashmir
with help from the local people.

1967-1968: In April 1967, Jammu

Autonomy Forum is formed with the
objective of regional autonomy. In
November 1968, Gajendragadkar
Commission recommends statutory
regional development boards.

1971: Pakistan resorts to genocide in

the erstwhile East Pakistan to
suppress the large scale uprising by
the people against West Pakistan
authoritarianism. To divert public
opinion all over the world Pakistan
resorts to air strikes against India.
Indo-Pakistan war begins on 03
December. Pakistani forces surrender
in two weeks and East Pakistan is
liberated to give birth to Bangladesh.
Status quo is maintained on the
western front between India and

1971: An Indian Airlines plane,

'Ganga', en route from Srinagar to New
Delhi, is hijacked in January and
diverted to Lahore and later blown up
after allowing passengers to leave.
Maqbool Butt claims responsibility.
India backs send troops to East
Pakistan to defend its secessionist
movement against the repressive
Pakistani army. Pakistan launches an
attack from the West including
Kashmir. India defeats Pakistan and
East Pakistan become independent
Bangladesh. The cease-fire line in
Kashmir becomes the 'Line of
Control'(LOC). Pakistan holds India
responsible for the dismemberment
of their country.

1972: India and Pakistan sign the

Simla Agreement in July, which has a
clause that the final settlement of
Kashmir will be decided bilaterally in
the future and that both the sides
shall respect the LOC.

1974: In November, Kashmir Accord is

signed by G.Parthasarathy for Indira
Gandhi and Mirza Afzal Beg for
Sheikh Abdullah, who is out of power
at that time. The Accord retains
Kashmir's special status, but the state
is termed as a 'constituent unit of the
Union of India'.

1975: Sheikh Abdullah is sworn is as

chief minister on 25 February with the
support of the Congress Legislature

1976: Maqbool Butt is arrested on his

return to the Valley; Amanullah Khan
moves to England and NLF becomes
Jammu and Kashmir liberation Front

1977: Sheikh Abdullah resigns after

the Congress party withdraws support
on 27 March. The Assembly is
dissolved. On 30 June, the state goes
to elections. The elections give the
National Conference a convincing
victory in assembly elections in June.

1979: The Sikri Commission is

appointed to inquire into regional
grievances in J&K.

1982: Sheikh Abdullah dies on 8

September and Farooq becomes Chief

1983: Farooq Abdullah leads the

National Conference to a convincing
victory in assembly elections in June.

1984: Jag Mohan is appointed

Governor in April and State Govt. is
dismissing on 02 July. G. M. Shah is
sworn in as Chief Minister.

1984: Indian and Pakistani armies

engage in clashes in Siachen Glacier,
a no-man's land at an altitude of
20,000ft with extreme weather
conditions, where the cease-fire line
had been left undefined by 1972 Simla
Agreement; Siachen is perceived to be
of strategic importance for access to
the Northern Areas and the
spasmodic clashes would continue
through later years, costing thousands
of lives and billions of dollars.

1986: The Shah government is

dismissed on 7 March.

1986: The Shah government is

dismissed on 7 March.
1987: Farooq Abdullah wins the
elections. The Muslim United Front
(MUF) accuses that the elections have
been rigged. The MUF candidate
Mohammad Yousuf Shah is
imprisoned and he would later
become Syed Salahuddin, chief of
militant outfit Hizb-ul-Mujahedin. His
election aides (known as the HAJY
group) - Abdul Hamid Shaikh, Ashfaq
Majid Wani, Javed Ahmed Mir and
Mohammed Yasin Malik - would join
the JKLF.
Amanullah Khan takes refuge in
Pakistan, after being deported from
England and begins to direct
operations across the LoC. Young
disaffected Kashmiris in the valley are
recruited by JKLF.
1988: Era of violence starts in valley.

1989: Militancy increases with bomb

blasts. On 8 December, Rubaiya
Sayeed, daughter of the Home
Minister Mufti Mohammed Sayeed is
kidnapped by the JKLF. She is
released safely on 13 December in
exchange for the release of five JKLF
leaders. Kashmiri Pandits Jia Lal
Taploo and Neel Kanth Ganjoo are
killed by militants, the latter for
sentencing Maqbool Butt to death in
Soviet occupation of Afghanistan
comes to an end. A large numbers of
militant and weapons enter Kashmir
through Pakistan, further fueling the
discontent. The JKLF tries to explain
that the killings of Pandits were not
communal. In July, General K.V.
Krishna Rao becomes governor.
Jag Mohan is appointed Governor for
a second time on 19 January; Farooq
resigns in an exodus of Kashmiri
Pundits takes places. The rise of new
militant groups, some warnings in
anonymous posters and some
unexplained killings of innocent
members of the community
contribute to an atmosphere of
insecurity for the Kashmiri Pandits.
Most of the estimated 162,500 Hindus
in the Valley, including the entire
Kashmiri Pandit community, flee in

1990: On 21 May, Jag Mohan resigns

as Governor and Girish Chandra
Saxena, is appointed Governor.

1990-2001: An officially estimated

10,000 Kashmiri youth cross-over to
Pakistan for training and procurement
of arms. The Hizb which is backed by
Pakistan increases its strength
dramatically. The JKLF faction led by
Yasin Malik announces unilateral
ceasefire in 1994 and pursues
political agenda under the All Parties
Hurriyat (Freedom) Conference
(APHC) umbrella, followed by
Amanulla Khan's JKLF faction's
ceasefire in 1997. Since 1995, foreign
militant outfits with Islamic agenda
such as Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) and
Harkat-ul-Mujahedin have dominated
the militancy in Kashmir, besides the
indigenous Hizb, all of them under the
umbrella United Jehadi Council(UJC).
Other indigenous and foreign militant
organizations proliferate.
1993: In March, General K. V. Krishna
Rao becomes Governor again.
1994: Prime Minister Narasimha Rao
tries to start a political process in the
valley by releasing militant leaders
like Yasin Malik and Shabir Shah.

1995: Jammu and Kashmir declared

backward state under the new
industrial policy, entrepreneurs
exempted from income tax by 05
years. In May Chrar-e-Sharief town is
set ablaze along with the 14th century
Chrar-e-Sharief shrine by militants led
by a foreign mercenary Mast Gul. In
July, 05 foreign tourists are abducted
from Pehalgam by a militant group (Al

1996: In March during an encounter

with security forces at Hazratbal, 33
top militants are killed, virtually
annihilating JKLF (Aman) Group. In
April elections for 06 parliamentary
seats are held successfully. In
September election to the state
Assembly are conducted successfully.
In November 1995, a BBC
documentary programme showed
evidence of camps in Azad Kashmir
and Pakistan, supported by the
Jamaat-i-Islami (political wing of the
Hizb), where fighters were trained and
openly professed their intention of
fighting in Kashmir.

1997: In January, Govt. announced

setting up of a State Human Rights
commission. In February, Rs. 7200
crore (US $ 1714.28 million)
economic package is announced for
J&K. In March, elections of the
Legislative Council were held with
national Conference winning all but
one seat which went to BJP.

In June 1998 A Farooq Abdullah

instituted Regional Autonomy
Committee (RAC) proposes devolution
of political power at regional, district,
block and panchayats levels and
allocation of funds according to an
objective and equitable formula.
Measures are also suggested to
safeguard and promote cultures of
various ethnic communities. 6 months
after the recommendations, the State
Government substitutes the RAC
report with its own report
recommending the division of the
three regions (Ladakh, Kashmir and
Jammu) into eight autonomous units
on ethnic-religious lines without
proposing any devolution of political
and economic powers.

1999: Lahore agreement: In February,

Indian and Pakistan Prime Ministers
meet at Lahore and sign a Joint
declaration expressing resolve to
settle all contentious issues between
the two countries including Kashmir
problem, through bilateral dialogue. In
May Pakistan soldiers accompanied
with some Afghan / Pushto speaking
men infiltrate across the Indian side of
Line of Control in the Kargil sector and
precipitate a crisis with the aim of
internationalizing the Kashmir issue.
Indian troops commence flushing out

In May 1999, the Indian Army patrols

detect intruders from Pakistan on
Kargil ridges in Kashmir. India fights
to regain lost territory. The infiltrators
are withdrawn by Pakistan in mid-July,
following the Washington Agreement
with the US. War between India and
Pakistan becomes more frightening
given the nuclear weaponry
possessed by both countries and
Kashmir remains the underlying

In June 2000, the State Autonomy

Committee (SAC) Report is discussed
and an autonomy resolution is
adopted in the J&K Assembly. The
SAC Report recommends restoration
of Article 370 to pre-1953 status with
Indian jurisdiction limited to defence,
foreign affairs and communications.
The Indian Cabinet rejects the
autonomy recommendation in July.
In November 2000, India announces
an unilateral ceasefire in Kashmir
which continues through May 2001;
APHC welcomes the ceasefire but
states that the ceasefire will not be
effective unless it is supplemented
with unconditional dialogues to
resolve the Kashmir dispute and an
end to human right violations by the
Indian forces. The Hizb declares a
unilateral ceasefire in July which is
withdrawn only two weeks later,
following India's refusal to include
Pakistan in any trilateral talks over the
Kashmir dispute proposed by the

In July 2001, India and Pakistan fail to

arrive at a joint agreement at Agra
Summit. India accuses Pakistan for
engaging in cross-border terrorism.
Pakistan denies the accusations.

2001: In December 19, Indian Prime

Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee
addresses the Indian Parliament
stating, "We'll think through everything
before making any decision…
Decisions on war or peace are not
taken in haste". In December 26, The
US places the Lashkar-e-Taiba and the
Jaish-e-Mohammad on the State
Department's list of designated
foreign terrorist organizations.
Making the announcement, Secretary
of State Powell says that the two
groups are responsible for "numerous
terrorist attacks in India and
Pakistan". In December 31, US
Intelligence is reported to predict that
war between India and Pakistan will
start within days. India asks Pakistan
to hand over twenty wanted terrorists
based in Pakistan.

Dec 13, 2001: Terrorist attack the

Indian Parliament, India and Pakistan
build up massive troops along the

2002: In January 07, Vajpayee

suggests he would be amenable to
reopening dialogue with Pakistan at a
SAARC meeting in Katmandu, Nepal.
2003: In May 02, India and Pakistan
restore diplomatic ties. In July 11,
Delhi-Lahore bus service resumes.

May 14, 2002: At least 30 people are

killed in a terrorist attack on an Indian
army camp in Jammu.
May 21, 2002: Abdul Ghani Lone, a
leading and popular moderate
Hurriyat leader is assassinated by
unidentified gunmen.

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