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The Novel

Oliver Twist

Prep O ne

Prepared by
Miss : Dalia Abd El-Rahman
Miss : Dalia

The Novel

Oliver Twist

(A)Answer the following questions :

1-Who did Nancy pretend to be?

She pretended to be Oliver’s sister and he ran from his father and
mother and got in with a gang of thieves.

2-Wo looked after Oliver while he was ill?

Mrs Bedwin who was kind elderly lady.

3-What was Oliver most worried about once he had captured?

He was distraught the kindly people who had taken him and cared for
him would now think he was a thief.

4-What did Mr Brownlow do to show Mr Grimwig how much he

trusted Oliver?

He gave Oliver a bundle of books and a five pound note and instructed
him to take everything to the bookseller and come straight back.

5-Why did Bill Sikes need “a small thin boy”?

To get into the window of a house in Chertsey which he wanted to rob.

6-What did Old Sally confess to Mrs Bumble?

She confessed that she stole a gold locket for the baby who his mother
asked her to give it to him to prove that he is her child.

7-Who had shot Oliver?

The butler (the chief of the servants) had short Oliver.

8-What was Oliver’s greatest regret?

Oliver’s greatest regret was the suddenness with which he had left Mr

Miss : Dalia

9-What was Oliver’s wish?

He wished earnestly to see Mr Brownlow again and Mrs Bedwin and

even the irritable Mr Grimwig.

10-What happened to Oliver after he had been shot?

He lay unconscious for some time and staggered to a nearby house and
tapped weakly on the door then he collapsed.

11-Who took care of OIliver when he had been shot?

Mrs Maylie and her companion Miss Rose.

12-Who adopted Oliver?

Mr Brownlow adopted Oliver and devoted himself to teaching the boy

and imparting all of his wisdom and learning to him.

13-What did Oliver see on the wall at Mr Brownlow’s house? What did
it make Oliver feel?

He saw a portrait of a beautiful young lady with sad eyes hanging on

the wall. It made something flutter in Oliver’s heart.

14-What did Oliver decide he would do once he got inside the house?

He decided to alert the family once he got inside the house.

15-What happened to Fagin’s gang?

Fagin’s gang were arrested after Oliver’s departure from London

.Fagin, Bill and Toby were locked up and Dodger was sent to the
colonies. Of them all ,Charley was the only one who turned his back on
a life of crime and moved to the countryside, he worked hard as a farm
labourer ,he found work as grazier and lived happily and honestly for
the rest of his days.

16-What did Oliver dream about? Was it just a dream?

He dreamt a frightening dream that Fagin was pointing at him and

saying to another dark shadowy figure "That's him." No, it wasn't

Miss : Dalia

because when he woke up he saw Fagin and the stranger were both
watching him through the window then they disappeared.

16-In your opinion, What is the aim of this novel "Oliver Twist"?



1-“Oliver,this man is your brother, you have been tricked out of your

These words were said by Mr Brownlow to Oliver when Mr Brownlow

and Mr Grimwig brought Monks to tell Oliver the whole story that
Monks is his brother and he didn’t want him to inherit from his father.

2-“Drat these paupers ,They’re always dying when I’m trying to have
my tea.”

These words were said by Mrs Bunble to the maid when she told her
that old Sally is dying and she wanted to speak to her.

3-"Please,Don't let me steal, let me go, let me run. Don't make me a


These words were said by Oliver to Bill Sikes when he wanted Oliver to
get into the window of the house to rob it.

4-"Why, He's just a little boy! I beg you please do not let the policeman
take him away."

These words were said by were said by Mrs Maylie to the doctor when
she saw Oliver and was astonished that he is a little boy and can't be a

5-"When I was a younger man ,my best friend married and had a son
who calls himself Monks."

These words were said by Mr Brownlow to Miss Rose when he told her
that Monks is his best friend's son and also Oliver's brother.
Miss : Dalia

6-"I want the boy out of sight forever. But I cannot be blamed for his

These words were said by Monks to Fagin when Fagin told Monks that
Bill ran off and Oliver may be dead in a ditch while trying to burglary
the house.

7-"If you were my master, I'd have murdered you years ago!"

These words were said by Bill Sikes to Fagin when Fagin was beating
the boys because they have lost Oliver.

8-"My dear, I would not hurt a hair on his head."

These words were said by Mrs Maylie to Miss Rose when she decided
to send the policeman away and take care of Oliver.

9-"No one will ever find it now."

These words were said by Monks to himself when he took the locket
which Mrs Bumble had given him into the river.

10-"My dear brother sweet brother! You must come home to mother
and father immediately."

These words were said by Nancy to Oliver when she pretended that
she was his sister so that she could kidnap him.

11-"He'll turn out to be a scoundrel or I'll eat my head!"

These words were said by Mr Grimwig to Mr Brownlow when Mr

Grimwig was warning his friend from Oliver because he didn't know his
story or his background.

Miss : Dalia

Sir Spring-Rice
Stanza (1)
"I am busy," said the sea, (a)
"I am busy . Think of me ". (a)
Making continents to be , (a)
"I am busy , " said the sea. (a)
Vocabulary :
continents : big masses of land.
Paraphrase :
In the first stanza ,the poet talks about one of the
elements of nature, the sea and the work it does. it builds
up the continents on which we live.
Figures of speech :
a)Personification : The sea is personified talks
about itself. "I am busy , " said the sea.
B)alliteration : the letter "s" is repeated (said – sea).
Stanza (2)
"I am busy ", said the rain.
(b) "When I fall it's not in vain.
(b) Wait and you will see the grain.
(b) "I am busy ", said the rain.
Vocabulary :
Vain : without use – for nothing
grain : seeds of food plants such as wheat and rice.

Miss : Dalia

Paraphrase :
In the second stanza the poet talks about the rain and the
important work it does. the rain does not fall uselessly .It
falls to help our food grow in the fields.
Figures of speech:
Personification : Here again the rain is personified. It
talks about itself. "I am busy said the rain."
Stanza (3)
"I am busy " said the air.
(c) "Blowing here and blowing there.
(c ) Up and down and everywhere.
(c) "I am busy ," said the air.
Vocabulary :
Blowing : moving along.
Paraphrase :
In the stanza the poet moves to the work of air. The air
blows everywhere and in all directions cooling down the
weather and carrying clouds and helping us to breathe.
Figures of speech:
Personification : the air is personified .It talks about itself.
"I am busy said the air."
Contrast : here x there up x down
it makes the meaning clear.
Stanza (4)
"I am busy ", said the sun , (d)
All my planets , everyone, (d)
Know my work is never done. (d)
"I am busy ," said the sun. (d)

Miss : Dalia

Vocabulary :
Planets : heavenly bodies that move round the sun such
as the earth , the moon etc…….
The poet continues to describe the workers of nature.Here
he talks about the sun and its important work.The poet
says the work of the sun cannot be denied and that all the
other planets know the importance of that work .He also
says that the work of the sun is never finished otherwise
there would be no life on Earth.
Figures of speech:
Personification : The sun is personified and is talking
about itself. "I am busy ", said the sun ,
alliteration : in the words : said – sun
Stanza (5)
Sea and rain and air and sun, (e)
Here's a fellow toiler-one, (e)
Whose task will soon be done. (e)
Vocabulary :
Fellow : man or boy companion or friend.
Toiler : hard worker.
Paraphrase :
Then in the last stanza the poet describes himself as a hard fellow
worker and compares between his work and that of the sea, rain,
air and sun. The poet comes to the conclusion that man's work is
limited and can come to an end but the work of nature is endless.
Figures of speech:
Metaphor : the poet here is comparing his own work to
that of the elements of nature.

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