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ISBN 978- 0-85777-849-9

Authors' Acknowledgements
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing
this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Alex Newton (Editor in Chief);
Sean Todd (senior editor); Steve Miller (editorial assistant); Richard White (senior production controller);
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Col/in has fifteen

and C%rist. is now th perlence as hairdresser
Proud OWner of Sa/on.
. receptionist and . .
tlme student She stud' ass/stant IS a/so part-
. . . les massage th
to JOln us as fu//-time . and p/ans
masseuse March.

Get ready! Lynn is expert

bUdding beauticians at S
. She a/so teaches
eauty co//ege.
Before you read the passage,
talk about these questions. .
Frederlco is new
1 What different jobs do makeup artist with trainin . n team. is
specia/-effects makeup g/ specla/-occasion and
you find at beauty salon? O
Frederico comes to us : St works as hair styJist.
2 What skills should beauty treated /ike sa/on Los Ange/es.
salon employees have? OVle star, and see Frederico!

@ Read the information from page.
Then, choose the correct answers.
1 What is the main topic of the text?
giving information about team of
hairdressers Vocabulary
8 elcom ing the new members of th e staff @) Fillin the bIanks with the correct words
in roducing the staff of beauty salon and phrases from the word bank.
D giving information finding makeup artist

2 According to the web page, _ is also

colorist masseur
makeup artist
Michelle Collin
8 Frederico D Lynn 1 Collin's thinks that the woman
should change her hair from bIack to dark brown.
3 Frederico _ .
2 Janet is good and knows
is makeup artist in the movie industry
how to make your face look young and fresh.
applies makeup and does hair
3 Brad wants appointment with his _ _ __ _
trains people in special-occasion makeup to relieve his tense neck muscles.
D uses special-effects techniques when 4 The young made mistake and
styling hair cut her client's hair too short.
Choose the sentence that fj " Listen again and complete the conversation.
uses the underlined part
1 receptionist answers the
Receptionist: Welcome to Bella Salon. I'm Michelle, the
1_ _ _ r
phone and makes Client: Good 2 _ __ I'm Patty
appointments at the salon. Receptionist: Is this your 3 time here?
The nail technician gave Mrs. Client: Yes, it is.
Williams new hairstyle. Receptionist: Well, let tell you something about us. We're
small 4 with friendly professional staff.
2 hair stylist's job is to apply
makeup clients before Client: Is there 5 here?
special events. Receptionist: Yes, our team includes two hairdressers. There's also
Sadie is studying to nail technician and 6 artist.
beautician at local college. Client: There's masseur the 7 ?
Receptionist: Not yet. But in March, I plan to join the team as
3 Mrs. Baca's assistant' helps
masseur when I've finished training.
her the treatments.
As the owner of the
business, Cecilia's main job is
to assist the hairstylist.
(3 With partner, act out the roles below based Task 7.
o " Listen and read the web
page again. What kind 01
Then, switch roles.
students does Lynn teach at
Welcome to Bella Salon.
the beauty college?
Is there ... here?
Listening There's ... the staff?

o " Listen to conversation

between receptionist and Student You client at the Bella Salon. Greet
client. Choose the correct Student then ask about:
• the staff at the salon
1 What is the conversation mainly
Student You receptionist at Bella Salon. Welcome
how staff employed
Student to the salon, then:
what month the receptionist
• introduce yourself • answer his her questions
started work
the need to find new talent
D plans to hire new hairdresser
2 What job will the receptionist
have in the future? o Imagine that you are receptionist. Use the passage
and the conversation 1rom Task 8 to write note
makeup artist
about the number 01 staff in the salon and their
hairdresser duties/skills (100-120 words). Make sure to mention
masseur the 10110wing:
D nail technician
• who is the team at the salon
• who is planning to join the staff soon


@) Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the bIanks.
1 conditioning I bIowout
Janelle's hair felt very soft after the _ __
avoid leaving with wet hair, clients often
Whether you want hair permed, colored, ask for after cut.
straightened, hairdressing team knows best. 2 perm I color
Just need quick cut trim? Bella Salon is the
Clients like to _ _ _ their hair, when they
place for you. Treatments include shampoo and
start to see it is turning gray.
cond ition ing massage. session always finishes
. bIowout and styling. Kent gave the woman soft curls with gentle
high quality services don't stop with just hair _ _ _ to change her whole look.
treatments. How about professional manicures and 3 manicure I styling
pedicures qualified nail technician? try
Ursula goes regularly for _ _ _ so her
relaxing massage and skin treatment.
nails look pretty.
At Bella Salon, we believe you deserve the best in
Mrs. Wilson is coming into the salon at 3:00 for
beauty treatments. Call today to make appointment
her weekly _ __
have free consultation.
4 trim I shampoo
Jason has .regular _ _ _ to get all the
dandruff out of his hair.
Get ready!
Susan's hair is too long, so she will ask the
Before you read the passage, talk about stylist for _ __
these questions.
1 What kind of services do beauty salons offer? o Match the words (1-5) with the definitions
2 Why do salons typically offer than
service? 1 _ straighten 4 _cut
2 _ pedicure 5 _ full service beauty salon
Reading 3 _massage
@ Read the advertisement from magazine. treatment for toenails and feet
Then, mark the following statements as
service that involves applying pressure to
true or false (F).
the body
1 _ Shampoos the only hair treatments place that offers several types of beauty
offered at the salon. treatments
2 _ Clients get nail treatments at the salon. D to make the hair shorter
3 _ Styling is included in the trim service. to remove the curls from one's hair
o With partner, act out the roles below
based Task 7. Then, switch roles.
I'd like ...
00 want other services while here?
How about ...? get ... afterwards.

o " Listen and read the advertisement from

magazine again. What does the salon offer Student You receptionist at the Bella
at cost? Salon. Welcome Student to the salon, then
talk about:
Listening • the salon worker that is availabI e to help

o " Listen to conversation between

receptionist and client. Choose the •
him her
whether he she wants other
correct answers. (suggest at least two

1 What is the conversation mainly about?

selling shampoo and other products Student You client at the salon.
describing the services that offered Student what service you want and respond
to his her questions. Student what
booking future appointment
other services you want (if
D finding out what services client wants

2 What will the woman do next?

get shampoo return later Writing
have haircut D get pedicure o Imagine that you are receptionist at
salon. Use the conversation from Task 8
" Listen again and complete the to fill out the client information sheet.
r /"\.
Receptionist: Good morning, How
11 you? i;

Client: I'd like 2 . Is there

who see now? Client Information Sheet

Receptionist: Yes, Lynn is 3 ___ at the moment. 1 Name: Hannah Bell Time: 10:30
Client: Great! manicure
Receptionist: you want other 4 _ __
while you're here?
Notes: Client had pedicure followed
Client: What is there?
Receptionist: 5 manicure? 2 Name: Time: 11:30
you get massage afterwards. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __
Client: Okay, 1 think 1'11 have manicure.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Receptionist: Fine. Your 6 _ _ _ please? !
Notes: ____________ ___
Client: Hannah Bell. I

.Bella Beauty Sa/on
Sk/ncare Questionnaire
Get ready! Please fill out the questionnaire . .
o Before you read the passage, talk about regimen designed J'ust for
Name: Jenny Willi:2
In order to get a skmcare
Phone: 515-637-8089. Age: 32
these questions.
Please place a check next to al/ the conditions that apply to yo...
1 What are some common skin problems?
Blackheads 0
2 How do people care for skin? Oily Skin 0
0 Sun spots 0
Dry or flaky skin 0 Capillaries 0
Enlarged pores 0 Wrinkles 0
Yes No
Do you use sunscreen?
0 0
Do you smoke?
0 0
Have you had a bad reaction to
products you applied to your skin? 0 0

It yes, please list the Prod t d d .

had uc an escribe the reaction that you

. Every time J U:2e 6un6creen J develo a ra6

oescnbe your regular skincare routine ' p h..
J v fa ce every mornrn(3
. and'e . .
applymoi:2turizer in the mornin f t Iwr of soap
o . <,J a er Wa:2bln<,J, but not in ib!'1
escnbe your specific skin problems or concerns.
My :2kln 1:2 dry in :2ome parts but J h '.
ave a r eally oily t-zone.,

e Choose the word that is closest in
meaning to the underlined part.

1 Isabel puts powder on her forehead and nose

(sunscreen) area that tends to get oily.
Reading A acne B t-zone e blackhead

f} Read the questionnaire about skincare. 2 James wears a substance that protects skin
Then, choose the correct answers. from the sun's rays.

How does the salon use the questionnaire? A sun spots B wrinkles e sunscreen

A to learn how people use products 3 Kayla has a group of red bumps on her leg.
B to create special routines A rash B pore e capillary
e to design better sunscreen lotions
D to find out the clients' skincare routines o Check (I") the sentence that uses the
underlined part correctly.
2 Which is NOT true of the client's skin?
1 _ A Wally's exercise regimen includes a
A She has some facial oiliness.
daily jog.
B She washes it twice a day.
_ B Maxine buys shampoo and other
e She gets rashes. skin care products.
D She wears lotion to protect it from the sun.
2 _A Josie has clear skin that is free of acne.
3 What is true about Miss Willis? _B Abby developed enlarged pores
A She gave up smoking recently. because she smokes cigarettes.
B She has dry skin in the evening.
3 _A Harry sat in a sun spot and read a book.
e She uses moisturizer twice a day.
_B Lloyd cleanses his face with a special
D She gets rashes from skin products.
o " Listen and read the questionnaire about skincare Speaking
again. Why doesn't Jenny Willis protect her skin when
she's in the sun?
e With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
Then, switch roles.
o " Listen to the conversation between a skincare I understand you have some
consultant and a client. Choose the correct answers. concerns ...
1 What is the conversation mainly about? The biggest problem is that ...
A why the woman doesn't use lotion Can I do anything to fix it?
B how to treat the woman's skin problems
C why it is important to wear sunscreen
Student A: You are a skincare
o the causes of the woman's problems consultant. Talk to Student 8 about:
2 What is the woman's main skin problem? • his or her biggest skincare
A She has acne along her t-zone.
• your suggestions for fixing
B She often develops rashes.
that problem
C She has both dry and oily skin.
• a habit that may be harmful
o She has many wrinkles on her face. to Student 8's skin

o " Listen again and complete the conversation. Student B: You are a client. Talk
to Student A about:
Consultant: Hello, Mrs Willis. I understand you have some
concerns about your skin. Can you tell me more? • your biggest skincare problem
Client: Sure. The biggest problem is that I have mostly • a harmful habit that you have
1 except for my t-zone. That part
is always shiny!
Consultant: I see, that's a very common problem.
Client: Can I do anything to fix it?
Consultant: I can recommend a 2 _ _ _ specially formulated o You are a skincare consultant.
Use the questionnaire and the
for your 3 _ _ _ _ __
conversation from Task 8 to
Client: Marvelous!
write about your client's skin
Consultant: There's something else I want to bring up. You said problems. Write about:
in your questionnaire that you don't use 4 _ __
• your client's biggest skincare
Client: No, it brings me out in a 5 _ __
Consultant: I'm sorry to hear that, but you need to protect your
skin from the sun. • solution
• his or her bad skincare habit
Client: I know, but I can't take the risk.
Consultant: Sunscreen also prevents the formation of • solution
6 and sun spots.
Client's Problem: _ _ _ _ _ __
Client: Well, I'd love you to find one that works for me.

Solution: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Your skin deserves the best, and at Bella Salon
we know exactly how to keep your skin looking
fresh and beautiful. We offer several facia l
treatments for you to pick from.

. 8ella Express Facial

For with little time to spare, get a quick skin
boost with the Bella Express Facia/. We begin with
which is followed by a mask. We
light astringent and moisturizer. This
light IS perfect for those with sensitive skin
30 minutes $45 .
Bella Clear
Complexion Facial
The Bella Clear Complexion Facial focuses on
pore cleansing to help stop breakouts and you the complexion you dream of. We start
Get ready! with a s.crub that exfoliates by sloughing off

o Before you read the passage, talk about

these questions.
dead skin.

60 minutes
apply a peel that cleans
pores before finishing with an oil-zapping toner
$90 .
Bella Signature Facial
1 What are some services offered at spas?
yourself with the Bella Signature Facial
2 Why do some people get facials at a spa? We begin by steaming your face to open up
pores. Next, we apply a mask that is specially
f?r your. skin type. After patting dry your
Reading skin, we finish with a relaxing head and shoulder
f) Read the poster about salon facial 60 minutes $120
treatments. Then, choose the correct
1 What is the main topic of the poster?
A how to prevent break outs
8 different types of skin treatments e Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the blanks.
C ways of treating different skin types
D the process of a typical facial 1 complexion I facial
Valerie went to the spa and had a _ __ _
2 How is the Bella Signature Facial different
from the other facials offered at the salon? Sally's improved after she
started a new skincare regime.
A It lasts longer than the other facials.
8 It includes treatments that are made 2 scrub I astringent
especially for the client. Max used a _ _ __ _ to get rid of the
C It involves the application of a facial mask. dead skin on his face.
D Its price is determined by the products Ben uses a(n) _ _ _ _ _ to help his skin
used during the facial. feel firmer.

3 What is the exfoliating scrub used for? 3 mask I breakouts

A to take off dead skin Larry had fewer when he
8 to pat skin dry started washing his face every night.
C to relax the client Mindy let the dry for ten
minutes, then washed it off.
D to open up the pores
o Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F). Speaking
_ steam 3 _ peel 5 _ toner o With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
2 _ exfoliate 4 _ slough 6 _ sensitive skin
Then, switch roles.
A a substance used to tighten pores and make skin firm
B to rub a layer off
Have you decided on which
C a facial treatment that removes dead skin by pulling it off
facial you'd like?
D skin that reacts easily to products and conditions
What other options are there?
E to expose something to hot water vapor
What does that involve?
F to remove the top layer of skin in order to improve the
appearance of the surface
Student A: You are an esthetician
o " Listen and read the poster about salon facial at Bella Salon. Talk to Student B
treatments again. Which treatment would someone about:
choose if they had acne? • which facial he or she is
interested in
Listening • some drawbacks to his or
o " Listen to a conversation between an esthetician
and a client. Mark the following statements as true (T) •
her choice
description of another type
or false (F). of facial
• suggestion for Student B's
1 _ The client does not have a lot of time for the facial.
best facial
2 _ The man suggests the woman tries only the Clear
Complexion Facial.
3 _ The woman wants a facial that helps her relax.
Student B: You are a client who
wants a facial. Respond to Student

o " Listen again and complete the conversation.

A's questions.

Esthetician: Good morning, ma'am. Have you decided on

which facial you'd like today? 0 ') Writing
Client: still not sure. I was thinking about having the
o You are an esthetic ian at a
salon. Use the conversation in
Esthetician: Are you short on time?
Task 8 to describe one of the
Client: Not really. Why do you ask? facials at your salon. Write
Esthetician: Well, the Express facial takes only about half an hour. about:
Client: Oh, that's not very long. What other options are there?
• what is included in the facial
Esthetician: You can try our Clear Complexion or Bella Signature
• how long it takes
Facials. Each one is about an hour long.
Client: The Clear Complexion Facial, what does that involve?
Esthetician: It includes a deep pore 2 , a scrub and a
3 . It helps clients achieve beautiful, clear
4 _ __ ---- ---------
Client: That's nice, but I don't really need that. I really just ---- - ----
want to 5 _ __
Esthetician: May I make a 6 ?
Client: By all means!
Esthetician: If you want to relax, you might enjoy our Bella
Signature Facial.
tMant bhiill • i i
Hair 10day Gone 1omorrow
Your Summer Guide to Hair
Threading and Plucking
How it Works: A salon worker twists a thread and
moves it across the skin, catching unwanted hairs
between it. As the string untwists, it pulls out the
hair. Any remaining hair is plucked out with
Pros: Excellent for brow-shaping because it
creates straight lines
Cons: Can lead to ingrown hairs
How it Works: An esthetician applies hot wax to
the skin and places a cloth or paper strip over
the wax. Then, the worker quickly pulls off the
strip, taking the hair along with it.
Pros: Lasts up to eight weeks because the hair
is pulled out from the root
Cons: Painful and can leave skin red and irritated
Depilatory Creams
How it Works: The cream is applied directly to the
skin and allowed to soak in, during which time the
chemicals in the cream break down hair. Then, the
hair can easily be washed off.
Pros: Painless and inexpensive
Cons: Can cause chemical burns and lasts
for a few days

e Read the sentence and choose the correct word.
1 Greg pulled out the hair with a pair of tweezers I strips.
Get ready! 2 The directions say to wash off the depilatory cream I
o Before you read the passage, chemical burn after ten minutes.
talk about these questions. 3 Jane prefers waxing I threading because it doesn't involve
1 What parts of the body do people the use of hot substances or chemicals.
usually remove hair from? 4 Damien plucked I twisted a stray hair from his eyebrow.
2 What are some ways that people
remove hair from their bodies? o Match the words (1-7) with the definitions (A-G).
1 _ chemical burn 5 _ ingrown hair
Reading 2 _ irritated 6 _ esthetician
8 Read the magazine article 3 _ hair removal 7 _ pluck
about hair removal. Then, 4 _ strip
mark the following statements
as true (T) or false (F). A a beauty salon worker

1 _ Threading achieves total hair B to pull out

removal. C damage to the skin because of exposure to chemicals
2 _ Waxing involves pulling the D a long and narrow piece
hairs out from the root. E the elimination of hair
3 _ Depilatory creams last the F red and inflamed
longest of the hair removal G a hair that grows into the skin
methods mentioned.

o " Listen and read the magazine article Speaking
about hair removal again. Which hair
removal method would be more suitable e With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
for someone with bushy eyebrows?
Listening There are other methods that are better for ...
What I do is ...
@ " Listen to a conversation between an
esthetician and a client. Choose the And that gets rid of the hair?
correct answers.
1 Why does the woman visit the salon? Student A: You are an esthetician at Bella
A to ask for information about a new service Salon. Talk to Student B about:
B to have her eyebrows shaped • what hair removal service he or she is
C to get her legs waxed interested in

D to try a new hair removal method • a suggested hair removal method for
Student B
2 What hair removal method does the woman • how the new method works
A waxing C shaving
Student B: You are a client at the Bella Salon.
B depilatory cream D threading Respond to Student A's questions then decide
on a hair removal method based on the
() " Listen again and complete the information Student A gives you.

Esthetician: Good afternoon, Miss Jensen.

So, you're just here to have your Writing
1 waxed, correct?
Client: That's right.
o You are an esthetician. Use the magazine
article and the conversation from Task 8
Esthetician: Waxing is great for removing hair to write a note to your client about a
from the legs. But you know, there recommended hair removal method.
are other methods that are better for Write about:
2 _ __
• how the method works
Client: Like what?
• what some advantages of the method are
Esthetician: Well, 3 is our newest service.
• what some disadvantages of the method are
Client: I've never heard of it. Is it like shaving
or using 4 ?
Esthetician: Not quite. What I do is run a piece of
twisted string along your skin. As the
string untwists, it pulls the hair out.
Client: And that gets all of the hair out?
Esthetician: Most of it. Anything that the string
misses, I pluck out with 5 _ __
Client: So what's so great about this technique?
Esthetician: It creates 6 _ __ _ _ _ _ __
so it's perfect for brow-shaping. Would
you like to try it out?
Cl ient: I don't see why not.

_ -'K. Read the sentence pair. Choose where the
words best fit the blanks.
o Before you read the passage, talk about blemishes / scar
these questions. Elizabeth washes her face every night to
Why do wome Ii e 0 tear ar<e p? prevent _ _ _ __

2 a r<1 ds 0' ""a .... e D co DeODle .' ear? Helga has a on her cheek from
an accident on her bike.

Readi 2 eye shadow / lip-liner

Read the website announcement about a Before applying her lipstick, Kelly used a
_ _ _ _ _ to emphasize the edges of her
company's new product line. Then, mark
the following statements as true (T) or mouth.
false (F). Sue applied a bright green _ _ _ _ _ to
her eyelids.
_ A person with skin imperfections should
use a concealer. 3 lipstick / mascara
2 _ The new items are only available for That new makes Audrey's
purchase online. eyelashes look very long.
3 _ An eye-liner adds length to a person's eye Sara always leaves thick _ _ _ __
lashes. around the edge of her glass.
Write a word that is similar in meaning to the Speaking
underlined part.
(3 With a partner, act out the
Kate always has a difficult time finding a skin colored liquid roles below based on Task 7.
cream that matches her skin tone. Then, switch roles.
f __ n __ t __ _
2 The sales assistant at the cosmetics store recommends
I hear that ...
using a type of makeup that covers the flaws on a person's
face to hide skin imperfections. __ n _ e __ e _ Which product is your favorite?
3 The makeup artist carefully outlined the client's eyes with My favorite is ...
a special kind of pencil used on the edges of eyelids.
e _ _ -I_n __
4 That cosmetics store sells a strawberry flavored substance Student A: You are a makeup
used on the lips to make them shine. I_ _ _ __ s _ artist. Ask Student 8 questions
to find out:

Listen and read the website announcement about a • which orod ct is s 0' "e r

company's new product line again. What would be the favor:e

best way to hide unsightly spots? • why this produc IS is 0
her favorite

Student B: You are also a
Listen to a conversation between two makeup
makeup artist. Answer Student
artists. Then, choose the correct answers.
A's questions.
According to the dialogue, what is one of the benefits of
using a Contessa's lipstick?
A It defines lips. C It does not need re-applying.
B It tastes nice. 0 It looks glossy.
2 Which of the following products is NOT mentioned in the
o Use the website and the
conversation in Task 8 and
dialogue? the passage to fill out the
A lip gloss C lipstick advertisement.
B concealer o foundation
Contessa Cosmetics
fj Listen again and complete the conversation.

lIakeup Artist 1: Hi, Alex. I 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __

New Items on Sale!
Contessa Cosmetic's fall line is now available. Visit your local cosmetics store and
'li akeup Artist 2: Really? I love Contessa's products. They're so buy one of these great new items!
Item: Use:
Makeup Artist 1: Me, too. Which product is your 2 _ _ _ _ ? Satin Foundation Enhances your
lI akeup Artist 2: Hmm... It's so hard to 3 _ _ __ . My complexion
clients love their smooth 4 and Liquid Eye-Liner Emphasizes your eyes
fru ity lip glosses.
Makeup Artist 1: My favorite is their bright 5 _ __ _
\"1akeup Artist 2: What do you like about them?
Makeup Artist 1: They 6 all day.
Makeup Artist 2: Really? I'll take a look when I'm next in town.

Dear Mrs. johnson.
Lip Brush - For precise
Thank you for
application of lipstick.
shOpping with
Hermosa's Beauty Shader Brush - For
Company and for your blending eye shadow.
continued loyalty. Based
Blush Brush - Great for
on your previous order
applying blush or bronzer
we think YOU might to cheeks.
the following products
( foundation brush ) from Hermosa's high Sharpener - A sturdy
quality range: steel sharpener.
Mascara Wand - This Cosmetic
wand is all yOU need to WedgeS/Cotton Q-tips _
apply liquid mascara. Disposable tools for
Eyelash Curler - For applying or removing
shaping and curling makeup.
eyelashes and to make To order, please call:
eyes look wider and (1-800-232-8898)
Brow and Eyelash Brush DaVina Shaw
- This brush shapes Hermosa's
unruly lashes and brows. Company
Foundation Brush - For
Get ready! a smooth, even

o Before you read the passage,

Coverage with liquid or
cream foundations.
talk about these questions.
1 What kinds of tools do people use to put on
2 How important is it to use makeup brushes?

8 Read the letter from a beauty supply store to
a client. Then, choose the correct answers.
1 What is the purpose of the letter?
A to describe a problem with the previous order
@) Choose the word that is closest in
meaning to the underlined part.
B :0 I"s: ' e ·.e s t a ece sae
C : a c em Alice used a small tool to apply a product that
colors your cheeks to cover her cheeks with a
golden bronzer.
2 - :- :; --e '"'9 s es is used to shape A cotton Q-tip B blush brush
'::--0&' :)& C foundation brush
C shader brush
2 The makeup artist carefully applied the
B Dlush brush D brow eyelash brush
woman's eye shadow using a brush that is
3 What can you infer about Mrs. Johnson? used to apply makeup to a person's eyelids.

A She is a frequent client of Hermosa's Beauty A shader brush B foundation brush

Company. C blush brush
B She always uses a lip brush to apply lipstick.
3 Jennifer used a small. disposable sponge to
C She has visited Hermosa's Beauty Salon. remove her makeup before going to bed.
D She has never purchased a makeup tool A sharpener B cosmetic wedge
C cotton Q-tip
o Read the sentence and choose the Speaking
correct word.
Our local pharmacy sells lip brushes I
o With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
cosmetic wedges for applying shiny gloss.
2 Karen used a sharpener I eyelash brush to
make her eye pencils more pointed. Do you need to order any supplies?

3 Tammy always uses a brow brush I eyelash I could use ...

curler to emphasize her large eyes. Is there anything else?

o supply
" Listen and read the letter from a beauty
store to a client again. Which Student A: You are a makeup artist. Ask
Student B questions to find out:
makeup tool would someone use to tidy
up and smooth their eyebrows? • what items need to be re-ordered

Listening Student B: You are a makeup artist. Answer

Student A's questions.
o" Listen to a conversation between two
makeup artists. Mark the following
statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 _ The woman had looked in the cabinet for
supplies. (0 Use the conversation in Task 8 to fill out
2 _ The man tells the woman where to find the the order form.
cosmetic wedges.
3 _ The woman needs a new sharpener.
fI Listen again and complete the
conversation. ORDER FORM
Makeup Artist 1: Hey, Jenny. Do you need to Employee's Name: - - - - - - - - -
order any 1 ? Item(s) Ordered: Quantity:
Makeup Artist 2: Yes, I do need 2 _ _ __

Makeup Artist 1: 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
Makeup Artist 2: I could use a new 4 _ __

Makeup Artist 1: Okay. Is there anyt/:1ing else?

Makeup Artist 2: I also need some 5 _ _ __
_ _ _ _ , too.
Makeup Artist 1: We have some of those. They're
in the cabinet.
Makeup Artist 2: Okay. Order me a new eyelash
curler, so I have a
6 one.

- Your clients trust you to make them look grea-

Follow these tips to give them the makeovers
they want!

Always Start with For light coverage,

Cleansed a'ld use a tinted
t moisturizer.
This helps prime the
skin for makeup. Use mascaras that
)E '" '1,n", ( ,0' reduce clumping.
For full coverage Blot the first layer of
(best for clients with lipstick, so the secona
problem skin), use a layer lasts longer.
Get ready! liquid or cream Only apply blush to
o Before you read the passage, talk foundation. Use
medium coverage
the apples of the
cheek to avoid a
about these questions.
formulas for clients clownish look.
1 Why does someone have a makeover?
with slight blemishes.
2 What are some tips for a good makeover?

Reading Vocabulary
@ Read the excerpt from an article in a @ Fill in the blanks with the correct words
cosmetology magazine. Then, read the and phrases from the Word Bank.
paraphrase of the excerpt. Fill in the
blanks with the correct words from the
word bank.
tinted moisturizer primes blush
BANK medium coverage makeover
determine layer cleansed 1 Lucinda uses a foundation
U I full mascara to cover a few spots on her face.
Start with a skin that is 1 and 2 Polly's cheeks look bright because she uses
2 . Use a gentle facial cleanser and
the correct cream for your skin type before a 3 _______ moisturizer is perfect for
makeover. It is important to 3 the light coverage.
coverage to apply the correct foundation. 4 Sheila looked completely different after her
Coverage can range from light to 4 _ _ _ __
Other tips for a good makeover include using a
5 Maxine _______ her skin by washing
5 that reduces clumping and blotting
and cleansing it.
the first layer of lipstick to make the second
6 last longer.
the sentence and choose the correct word. Speaking
• Samantha finds it difficult to apply her blush across the o With a partner, act out the
makeover I apples of her cheek. roles below based on Task 7.
2 aggie doesn't use mascara because it always blots I Then, switch roles.
ack cleared up his primed skin I problem skin by using
Let's start by putting .. .
ihis face wash.
Are you going to use .. .

,.., Listen and read the excerpt from an article in a Your skin is ...
magazine again. What does it mean to
::I ime the skin for makeup?
Student A: You are a makeup
artist at Bella Salon. Talk to
stening Student B about:
r- Listen to a conversation between a makeup artist • what type of coverage is
"'!1d a client. Choose the correct answers. best for his or her skin.
• what makeup you will be or
Vhat is the main topic of the conversation?
won't be using
A tips for makeup application
B how to choose the correct coverage
Student B: You are a cl ient.
C the woman's skin problems Respond to Student A's
D the advantages of full coverage foundations instructions.

2 What is true about the client?

A She usually wears eye-liner.
B She has problem skin. Writing
C She uses full coverage foundation at home. o Imagine that you are a makeup
D She doesn't need powder. artist. Use the passage and
the conversation from Task 8
isten again and complete the conversation. to write down a few
suggestions for your client
eup Artist: Hi, I'm Mario, your makeup artist today. about doing her makeup at
Client: Hi Mario. I'm Clara. I'm so excited about my home. Make sure to mention
makeover. the following:
eup Artist: Great! Let's start by putting on a 1 _ _ __ • Suggest a level of coverage
_ _ _ _ , it will hide the redness on your and makeup for your client
cheeks. • Why your suggestions are best
Client: Are you going to use a 2 too? for her?
eup Artist: No, and you won't need any powder either. Your
skin is clear and really 3 _ _ __
Client: Okay. I certainly won't need any 4 _ __ _
Now,S _ _ _ _ _ __ _ __ __
As it's summer, I'm going to apply light blue and
brown 6 today.


Eye Makeup 101

Eye makeup can create stunning effects when it-
properly applied. Use these tips for creating
( mascara) eye makeup every time!

Choose the Right Shades

Tio make your eyes st d
complement your eye bcollors that
gUideline: e ow as a

Eye color
Get ready! Complementary
o Before you read the passage, talk about Blue
peach, brown, rust
plum, copper, metaIJics
these questions. gold, blue, green
1 What are some different types of eye makeup? *Tip*
Many cosmetic compan' II'
2 How can someone know which eye makeup
suits them best? your eyes. s a ows that go well with
Use a Primer
Have you ever spent half an h .
Reading shadow only to find that it's our applYing your eye
always use a
f) Read the beauty website. Then, mark the
following statements as true (T) or false (F). M t Blend, Blend, Blend
at least three different shadows.
1 _ Wearing certain shades of eye shadow can erent eye shadows you use i th
make eyes more noticeable. look. Always start by :
brow bo Non e upper part of the lid and along the
2 _ Primer helps eye makeup last for a long time. s . ne. ext, a medium shade to the eyelid
3 _ The website recommends beginning eye weeping the applicator from the inSide corner of
the outer edge of the lid. At this point blend
makeup application with the darkest shade
along Finally, sweep the darkes't color
of eye shadow. dimension to YOU; to add contours and

e (A-F).
Match the words (1-6) with the definitions
o Fill in the blanks with the correct words
1 _ applicator 3 _metallic S _quad and phrases: dusted, eyelid crease, stand out,
brow bone, cosmetics, contours.
2 _hazel 4 _ primer 6 _ trio
1 Allison wore a bright lipstick to make her lips
A a color that is a combination of light brown
and green
2 Jennifer shaped her eyebrows by plucking the
B a product that is applied beneath makeup to hair that grew along her _ _ _ _ __
help makeup last longer
3 The woman ______ her face with a
C a package of eye shadow that includes four fine white powder.
different colors
4 James works for a store that
D a special brush or tool that is used for putting sells lipsticks and mascara.
a substance on a surface
S She applied blush along the _ _ _ __
E a package of eye shadow that includes three her cheeks to make her cheekbones more
different colors noticeable.
F color that is similar to metals like gold, silver or 6 The makeup artist advises using the darkest
bronze eye shadow along the _ _ _ __
o " Listen and read the information from the beauty Speaking
website again. How can someone make their eye
shadow last longer?
e With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
Then, switch roles.
o " Listen to a conversation between a client and a What colors of eye shadow
makeup artist. Answer the questions. do you usually use?
1 What is true about the woman? You should really stick to ...
A She looks best in blue eye shadow. Another problem I have is that ...
B She doesn't usually wear makeup.
C She has blue eyes.
Student A: You are a makeup
o She wears a primer. artist at Bella Salon. Ask Student
B about two of his or her biggest
2 The makeup artist gives the client a sample of _ _ .
eye makeup problems. Then, talk
A eye shadow about:
B primer • the causes of the problem
C mascara • how to fix the problem
o eye-liner

o " Listen again and complete the conversation. Student B: You are a client at
Bella Salon. Tell Student A about
your two biggest eye makeup.
Makeup Artist: Do you like how I used blue eye shadow Then, ask for suggestions about
with brown? fixing the problem.
Client: I can't ever make my eyes 1 _ _ _ _ __
like that!
Makeup Artist: What color eye shadow do you usually use?
Client: I really like using gray and purple shadows.
Makeup Artist: Those are nice colors, but they don't really o You are a makeup artist.
Use the website and the
complement blue eyes. You should really
2 brown or rust-colored conversation from Task 8 to
3 _ _ _ _ __ write a page in a textbook
Client: I didn't realize that made a difference. for student makeup artists.
Makeup Artist: Oh, it does. Try the colors I suggested and you'll
notice right away. • A common problem with using
Client: Another problem I have is that my eye makeup and applying eye makeup
always 4 after a few hours. • How to fi x this problem
Makeup Artist: Do you wear a primer?
Client: No, not usually.
Makeup Artist: That's your problem. Here's a 5 . Try
using it before you apply your eye shadow, eye
liner and 6 _ __
Client: Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Place a (.I) next to the response that answers the Speaking
o With a partner, act outhe
Are there any openings for Tuesday? roles below based on Task 7.
A _ No, there are none available. Then, switch roles.
B _ Our business hours have changed. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
I'd like to make an appointment
2 Did you schedule an appointment today?
for ...
A _ I arranged one for 3:00 pm.
Sounds good to me.
B _ The salon is open until 8:00 pm.
/'II set you up with ...
3 Did Miss Li call to book an appointment?
A _ She used to work as a stylist.
Student A: You are a receptionist
B _ Yes, she scheduled one for 10 am.
at Bella Salon. Talk to Student B
4 Do you know how to take appointments? about:

A _ Yes, I used to schedule them at myoid job. • what date he or she wants to
schedule an appointment for
B_1 checked the available time slots.
• what openings are available

Listen and read the note from Bella's salon again. • if he or she has a stylist request
When is it difficult to make an appointment at the salon?
Student B: You are a caller who
'stening is trying to make an appointment.

o andListen to a conversation between a receptionist

a caller. Mark the following statements as true (T)
Respond to Student A's questions.
Make up a name and telephone
number for your appointment.
or false (F).
_ There are no open slots on Friday.
2 _ The caller requests a specific stylist.
3 _ The woman confirms the appointment.
(:) You are a salon owner. Use
o Listen again and complete the conversation. the note and the conversation
from Task 8 to write
eceptionist: Hi, 1 the Bella Salon. scheduling advice for
receptionists. Make sure to
Caller: Hello. I'd like to 2 _ _ _ _ ___ for a haircut.
Okay. When would you like to 3 _ _ _ the
appointment for? • What steps are involved
Caller: Um, 4 this Friday at two? • How one finds out which stylists
are available
:; eceptionist: Let me check the 5 book. Uh oh. I'm afraid
all our stylists are booked at that time. But I do have • What happens if a stylist is booked
an 6 at 3:15. Does that work?
Caller: Sounds good to me.
=: eceptionist: All right. Do you have a stylist request?
Salon Notes:
Caller: No, anyone's fine.
:; eceptionist: Okay then. I'll 7 with Alex.
Now, I just need your name and telephone number.
Caller: My name is Joshua McCloud. And my number is
:; eceptionist: Okay, Mr. McCloud. We'll see you at 3:15 this Friday!

o Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1 What are some words you use when you give directions?
2 Are you able to give directions and follow them?

f) Read the directions for the Bella Salon taken from the ir
website. Then, mark the following statements as true (T)
3278 W1shire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90076 or false (F).
The Bella Salon is located on the first 1 _ The Bella Salon is in the same building as a hotel.
floor of the Wilshire Building. Nearby 2 _ Clients can travel to the salon on the freeway.
landmarks include the Royal Point Hotel
3 _ The salon can only be accessed from the airport.
and the Hancock Park.

Directions: Vocabulary
From Los Angeles "e.,a 0 a A por
1 Go straight toward the Airport Exit
6) Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined
on World Way.
2 Head south on Sepulveda Boulevard Alexander arrived at his place that he was traveling to.
toward the Interstate 105 freeway d __ t_na_i __
entrance. 2 The store is located on the second level of the building.
3 Take the ramp onto Interstate 105. _I __ r
4 Merge onto the Interstate 110 exit 3 Cheryl needs to travel in a straight line to reach Stephanie's
toward Los Angeles. house. _ 0 s __ a _ g __
5 Take the 9th Street exit toward 4 The bus needs to change direction once it reaches Main Street
downtown. t __ n

6 Turn right onto Figueroa Street.

7 Turn left onto Wilshire Boulevard. o Choose the word that is closest in meaning to the
underlined part.
8 Arrive at 3278 Wilshire Boulevard.
Your destination is on the right side The fastest way to reach the salon is to take the large road
of the street. used for traveling fast across long distances.
A entrance B freeway C exit
From Interstate 5 South:
1 Take the California 110 South exit 2 Emma used the city's well-known and easily recognizable
toward Los Angeles. buildings to find the hotel.
2 Take the 6th Street exit onto Beaudry A landmarks B interstates Cramps
Avenue toward Wilshire Boulevard
3 Turn left onto Wilshire Boulevard. 3 Thomas traveled north along the freeway to reach his destination.
Your destination is on the right. A merged B arrived C headed
Listen and read the directions from a Speaking
salon's website again. If you take the
Cal ifornia 110 South exit, what must you
o With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
do when you reach Wilshire Boulevard?
_istening Can you give me directions?
Where are you coming from?
Listen to a conversation between a
receptionist and a caller. Choose the What do I do once I'm on the freeway?
correct answers.
What is the conversation mostly about? Student A: You are a receptionist at the Bella
A the city that the salon is located in Salon. Give Student B directions to the salon.
B which landmarks are near the salon Be sure to mention:

C what routes to take to reach the salon • what freeway to take

D how to avoid traffic on the freeway • what streets to turn onto

2 What can you infer about the caller?

• landmarks near the salon

A She has a hard time remembering directions.

Student B: You are a caller asking for
B She has never been to the salon before. directions to the Bella Salon. Respond to
C She gets her haircut once every two months. Student A's directions.
D She doesn't like driving on the freeway.

o Listen again and complete the Writing

o You are a salon receptionist. Use the
=eceptionist: Thank you for calling the Bella website and the conversation from Task 8
Salon. This is Ken. How can I to write directions for clients who want to
help you? visit your salon. Make sure to mention:
Caller: Hi. Can you 1
to the salon?
1 •

Which freeway the client should take
What street the client should turn onto
:: eceptionist: Sure. Where are you 2 _ _ _ _ ?
• What landmarks are near the salon
Caller: Burbank.
=eceptionist: All right. First, take the Interstate 5
freeway heading south.
Caller: Okay. What do I do once I'm on the
:: ec eptionist: 3 for about 5 miles.
Then, 4 onto the Interstate
110 exit heading toward Los Angeles.
Caller: Then, what?
:: eceptionist: Take the 9th Street 5 toward
Caller: What do I do once I reach downtown?
=eceptionist: Make a left onto Wilshire Boulevard.
The salon is on the 6 _ __
_ _ _ next to a hotel. You
7 _____ _ _ __
Caller: Thanks for your help.
,--_ _ _ _:J>- 7
I 1

o Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1 Do you think visiting a beauty salon is expensive?
2 What sort of promotions do beauty salons in your town offer?

( compli ...... 'rot"''''

e Read this flyer from a beauty salon. Then, mark the
following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 _ New clients are eligible for a twenty-five percent discount
on the Cherry Blossom package.
2 _ The salon is offering featured products at half price this
- 50 01., 3 _ The most affordable spa weekend package is $700.

o Read the sentence and choose the correct word.
1 The store manager ran a promotion I pricing to attract new
This spring, it doesn't have to cost you a clients.
fortune to look good. Take advantage of the 2 The Johnson family received a 25% discount I package
specials at Bella Salon for great deals on a when they took advantage of the salon's promotion.
number of our services.
3 The store's featured products I reduced rates are at the
front of the store to encourage clients to buy them.

For the entire month of March, get a trim, 4 The prices for the salon's nail services start at I range from
shampoo, & blow-dry for the price Of. just a $45 to $200.
trim (you must mention this promotion to
receive this special offer). o Fill in the blanks with the correct words and phrases
Get 25% off if you are a new client (reduced from the word bank.
rate does not apply to spa services).
50% discount off this week's
products from our salon shop, Include: p clal complimentary applies to
Shimmer and Glow Cosmetics seasonal pricing start at
Vita Shampoos and Conditioners
OMG Nail Polishes
1 Julian called the salon about their _ _ _ _ _ _ so he
Visit our website today, for a complete list of this
would know how much money to bring with him.
week's featured products and special offers.
2 The new client deal only clients who have
not visited the salon before.
Our spa packages start at $200 and include 3 The salon offers a(n) promotion in which
a complimentary robe for your day at the spa. clients can enjoy treatments with fresh herbs found only at
Receive 10% off immediately when you treat that time of year.
yourself to our special seasonal spa package,
the Cherry Blossom. This package Includes a 4 The salon advertises its weekly _ _ _ _ _ _ in the local
facial, body scrub and body oil massage. newspaper every Tuesday.
S The salon's prices $200, but there are many
Looking for springtime relaxation and
services that are much more expensive.
rejuvenation? Then, arrange a spa weekend
with Bella Salon today. Spa weekends 6 Regina didn't pay for the massage because it was
from $700 to $1500 per person. VISit our
website or call today for pricing.
" " Listen and read the flyer from a beauty Speaking
salon again. Why is it a good idea to have
a haircut at Bella Salon in March? o With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.


o " Listen to a conversation between a Hello, could you tell me about this month's
caller and a receptionist. Choose the
correct answers. Do you have any other specials?
How do I take advantage of these great offers?
1 The woman calls the salon in order to _ _ .
A cancel her hair appointment
B learn the cost of services at the salon Student A: You are a receptionist at the Bella
C ask for a discount on a haircut Salon. Talk to Student B about:

o make an appointment for a massage • the price of services

• what discounts or specials are available to
2 What can be inferred about the caller? him or her
A she is a regular at the salon • how he or she can receive the discounts
B she has never had a massage before
C her friends are clients at the salon Student B: You are a caller interested in
o her schedule is full until next week services at the Bella Salon. Tell Student A
what service you are interested in. Then, ask
&" Listen again and complete the questions to find out about:
conversation. • the prices for that service
• any promotions
Caller: Hello, could you tell me about
• how to get the special prices
this month's promotions?
Receptionist: Well, you can get a trim, 1 _ __
_ _ _ _ all
for $45. It's part of our springtime Writing
Caller: Now that's a good price. Do you
o You are a salon owner. Use the flyer and the
conversation from Task 8 to create a flyer
have any other 2 ?
for a promotion at your salon. Include:
Receptionist: Yes. Let me ask you. Have you ever
visited Bella Salon before? • The details of the promotion
Caller: No, I haven't. But my friends have and • The conditions of the promotion
they told me good things about it.
Receptionist: Since that's the case, you can also
get an additional 25% 3 _ __
your first visit.
Caller: That's a huge 4 . Maybe ( pricing \
I'll sign up for a massage while I'm
at it.
Receptionist: Unfortunately, the new client discount
doesn't include 5 _ _ _ _ _ _
Caller: That's too bad. Anyway, how do I
&,\OW \\t1 $1'1.00..$15.00
6 of these
great offers? It\m CO\ot $15.00-45.00
"a\t lteatme"ts
Receptionist: When you come in, mention the
promotions I just told you about.
.!7della Salonl ttl1
Many clients who visit us are unfamiliar with salon payment
procedures. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions.
What methods of How much should I tip?
payment are accepted? The standard salon tip is between
The Bella Salon accepts most 15% and 20% of your treatment
'-'-_ _ _ _ _/ methods of payment, including cost (before tax). Please give any
all major credit cards, debit tips in cash directly to your stylist,
cards, personal checks and nail technician or makeup artist.
Where can I find
How do I use a gift Bella Salon coupons?
certificate? Discount coupons for the Bella
When you arrive, please notify the Salon are available in the
receptionist that you intend to pay Sunday newspaper and are
( gift certificate ) by gift certificate. Unfortunately, valid for between one week and
we cannot accept or refund one month, depending on the
expired gift certificates. Gift promotion.
Get ready! certificates are good for up to
Please note that nail technicians
o Before you read the passage, talk one year after purchase and any
charges that exceed the total
listed on the gift certificate will
will ask for payment before
starting your manicure. This is to
about these questions. appear on a separate bill. avoid ruining your nails.

1 How do people normally pay for services and

products nowadays?
2 Would you prefer to receive a gift certificate
instead of a gift? Why/Why not? e Read the sentences and choose the correct
meaning of the underl ined word.
Reading 1 Henry charged the airline ticket to his credit card.
f) Read the web page. Then, choose the right A a plastic card that customers use to buy
answers. goods or services and pay for them later
B a plastic card that allows someone to take
1 What is the main topic of the web page?
cash from his/her bank account to pay for
A to train employees how to accept different
methods of payment
C a plastic card that lets a person pay less for
B to give information about different forms of
something or receive something for free
payment used in the salon
C to encourage clients to buy gift certificates 2 Meghan used the gift certificate she received
D to inform clients about the typical cost of a for her birthday to buy clothes in the store.
salon visit A money that the government charges in
order to pay for services and projects for
2 What is true about gift certificates? the public
A They are valid for a limited amount of time. B a small amount of extra money that
B Old certificates can be exchanged for cash. customers give to a person who has
C All salon costs must be covered by the provided a service
certificate. C a document issued from a business that is
D The stylist needs to know that a client worth a certain sum of money at that business
plans to use a gift certificate. 3 Andrea collected coupons in order to save
money on her grocery bill.
3 What can be inferred about Bella Salon?
A pieces of paper which are filled out by
A It does not honor gift certificates. users and that direct banks to take money
B It charges an extra fee to people who pay from the user's account
by check. B pieces of paper issued by a store that
C It limits how many coupons clients can use gives customers a reduced price on
per visit. specific items
D It does not include the tip in the total bill. C pieces of paper that look like receipts.
e Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined Speaking
1 Crystal did not have enough money that is made up of bills
e With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
and coins to cover her tab and had to borrow from her Then, switch roles.
friend. _ a _ h
2 The manager taught the new employee about the 1YQiQgl
How would you like to pay?
and correct ways of paying at the company.
p_y __ n _ _ r_c __ ur __ I'm hoping you ...

3 Don't forget to redeem your gift certificate before it is no How much do most people usually
longer valid at the end of the year. __ p i _ e _ tip?
4 The store does not give an amount of money back if thirty
days or more have passed after the purchase date.
a r __ u_d Student A: You are a cashier at
Bella Salon. Confirm which services

o Listen and read the web page again. What happens

Student B had. Then, talk about:
• the total
when a client spends more than the gift certificate is
worth? • how he or she will pay the bill
• the tipping policy at the salon

o Listen to a conversation between a client and a
Student B: You are a client at
the Bella Salon. Confirm the
cashier at Bella Salon. Mark the following statements
services you used with Student
as true (T) or false (F).
A, then, respond to his or her
1 _ The woman uses a debit card to pay for her salon bill. questions.
2 _ The final total includes the tip for the salon worker.
3 _ The woman can leave as much as she wants for the tip.

G" Listen again and complete the conversation.
Client: Hello, Can I pay here?
Cashier: Of course. I'll ring you up. I have you down for a
C I You are a salon manager. Use
the web page and the
conversation from Task 8 to
write an employee memo about
pedicure with a twenty minute leg and foot massage. ,
payment methods. Include:
Is that correct? r
Client: That's right. • The payment methods
accepted at the salon
Cashier: Okay. The total is $50. How would you like to
1 ? • How to deal with coupons and
Client: I forgot my debit 2 _ _ _ at home, so I'm hoping gift certificates
you 3 _ _ _ _ __ • How to handle tips
Cashier: Yes. Just write it out to Bella Salon.
Client: Should I include the tip in the 4 ?
Cashier: Actually, you should give the tip 5 to the
Client: Okay. How much do most people usually 6 ?
Cashier: Between 15% and 20% of the 7 _ _ _ before tax.
But it's entirely at your discretion .

First, trim your nails to the desired length with the

nail clippers. Use an emery board to file your
nails. Be sure to move the file in one direction to
avoid rough edg es.
Second. fill a finger bowl with warm soapy water
and soak hands. Use a nail brush to c lean under
and around the nails.
Third, rub cuticle oil on your cuticl es to make
them soft. Then, use an orange stick (not a
metal cuticle pusher as these may damage
fingernails) to push your cuticles back gently. 8 Read the sentences and choose the correct
Next, trim cuticles with a cuticle trimmer. meaning of the underlined word(s).
Finally, shine your nails with a buffer and
1 Julissa used the buffer to polish her nails.
massage hands with a moisturizing cream.
A a container to soak your hands in
Get ready! B a device that cuts the skin around the nails

o Before you read the passage, talk r - - - ' - - - - -......

C an object that makes nails shiny

about these questions. 2 The nail technician was careful not to cut too
much of the cuticle.
1 What different types of manicures do
you know about? A a device that cuts around fingernails
2 What happens during a basic manicure? B skin around the nail
C an object that makes the edges of nails
Reading smooth

@ Read the instructions from a manicure 3 Max cleaned the dirt from his nails with a nail
guide. Then, choose the correct answers. brush.
A an object with stiff pieces of plastic used
1 What is the purpose of the guide?
to clean nails
A to give nail technicians advice on buying
B a small piece of wood with pointy ends
C a thin piece of cardboard used to shape nails
B to describe what tools are in a manicure set
C to suggest different filing techniques
D to explain the steps of a manicure
o Fil l in the blanks with the correct words
and phrases from the word bank.
2 What advice does t e g ide g' . e " r a, WOrd BANK
rough nail edges? - --.--'

files cuticle trimmer

A se "'a ... ::;::;-&"5 :: ::;_: -::,. :::
soaks orange stick
B :::-::,.- -c:-:s - ::..- :=':5' :'"5:
_ -....... =- _- ................. 1 Kate put her hands in the _ _ _ _ _ __
C --------
= - =:::.. - .... , .... .-

- -- -- - .... - ---.....
- ----- -::- :=. :::_: c e nmmer
which was full of soapy water.
2 A manicurist trims dead skin from around a
client's nails with a(n) _ _ _ _ _ __
-g s OT a step
:=-::-:-2: - :-5 e? 3 After a long day at work, Max _ _ _ _ __
" :_: -::"-:3 ... " arm water his tired feet in warm water.

3 : 5:::' :-e ails with a nailbrush 4 Penny often the rough edges
of her nails to keep them smooth.
C -1e nails with a cuticle trimmer
S Wendy showed her sister how to push back her
D '-' e nails to add shine
cuticles with a(n) _ _ _ _ _ __
o Listen and read the instructions from a Speaking
manicure guide again. What should you
do to make sure your nails are smooth o With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.
around the edges?
Listening Do you have a question?
Yes. It's about ...
@ Listen to a conversation between a
student and a cosmetology teacher. Oh, I understand now. Thanks!
Choose the correct answers.
What is the main topic of the conversation? Student A: You are a student at SoHo Beauty I
College. Ask Student B two questions about
A discussing various tools for a manicure
having a manicure. Then, tell Student B if you
B giving advice about the best way to deal
understand his or her explanation.
with cuticles
C explaining the different uses of finger bowls
Student B You are a eac er a So 0 Bea ry
D answering questions about something
College. Listen to Stud ent As ques ions aoo
needed for a manicure
having a manicure. Then, respond to is or er
2 What will the teacher probably talk about next? questions.
A all the tools used in a manicure
B additional manicure procedures Writing
C why cuticle care is important
D techniques used by professional pedicurists
o Imagine that you are a cosmetology
instructor. Use the instructions and the
conversation from Task 8 to write yourself
fI " Listen again and complete the a note about a question a student asked
conversation. during class. Make sure to mention the
Student: 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Miss Wilson? • what the conversation was about
Teacher: Yes, Tina. Do you have a question? • what the student's questions were
Student: Yes. It's about using the 2 _ __ _
_ __ _ . Do you ever add anything
to the water in the finger bowl?
Teacher: I usually add a 3 _ _ __

Student: There's one more thing. How long are

you supposed to 4 the
fingers in the finger bowl?
Teacher: 5 question. You should
only soak them for three to five
minutes. Remember, you just want
the cuticles to soften.
Student: Oh, I 6 _ _ _ _ . Thanks!
Teacher: No problem. If there aren't any more
questions, let's talk about other
manicure techniques.
Get ready! Remove the Old Nail Polish
Prepare for Enamel
Soak the nails and carefully remove overgrown
o Before you read the Put some nail polish remover on a cotton
ball and press the cotton ball against the nail
cuticles. Use a buffer to eliminate ridges
from the nail. You may follow this procedure
passage, talk about plate. To prevent damage, be sure to only with a paraffin wax treatment to moisturize
these questions. use non-acetone remover on natural nails. the hands and cuticles.
1 Why is it important Shape the Nails Apply Nail Polish
to have a For a natural look, file the nail into an oval Using 3-4 even strokes per nail, apply a thir
shape. Square tips, however, are very trendy. layer of the enamel. Then, ask the client tc
Another popular nail shape is squoval, which place their hands inside the nail dryer.
is a primarily square shape with rounded
2 What are some sides. The squoval shape is often used in
items that French manicures.
professionals use
during a manicure?

( French manicure)

Reading Vocabulary
f) the excerpt from a cosmetology
extbook. Then, choose the correct answers.
e Match
(A-H). the words (1 -8) with
. the definitions

1 What is the main topic of the excerpt? 1 _ cotton ball

A popular nail shapes 2 _ square
B different types of manicures 3 _ oval
C steps to giving a manicure 4 _ non-acetone
D recommended nail products 5 _ squoval
2 Afccording .to the excerpt, what is the function 6 _ nail polish remover
o a paraffin wax treatment? 7 _ paraffin wax treatment
A to remove overgrown cuticles 8 _ nail plate
B to relieve dry skin on hands
A a shape with four corners
C to prevent damage to the nail polish
B a service that moisturizes dry skin with a soft
o to moisturize the ridges on the nail bed and warm substance

3 What can be inferred about nail polish C part of the nail that can be painted
remover that contains acetone? D a liquid that takes off nail color
A It is an older type of enamel remover. E a round or curved shape
B It does not remove nail polish effectively F a pad made from a soft, absorbent material
C It is harmful to natural nails. . G a shape with four rounded corners
o It is typically found in salons. H not having a chemical that .
to remove paint IS commonly used

o Write a word that is similar in meaning to the underlined Speaking
Jane usually has a nail treatment that involves painting the
e With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
tip of the nails white because it looks very elegant. Then, switch roles.
_r e _ __ m ______ _
2 The manicurist used a buffer to get rid of the raised parts on
Do you have a specific kind
Jake's nails. __ d g __
of manicure in mind?
3 At the end of their manicure, clients put their hands in a
Do you have a preference about
device that dries nail polish. _ ai_ d __ e _
the nail shape?
4 Sara likes to apply a thin coat of nail color to her nails.
_n_m __ What are the choices?

o " Listen and read the excerpt from a cosmetology Student A: You are a nail
textbook again. How do squoval and oval shaped nails tec hnician at Bella Salon. Talk to
differ? Student B about:
• the type of manicure / nail
Listening shape preference

o " Listen to a conversation between a nail technician • where to find the nail polishes
and a client. Mark the following statements as true (T) • where to meet for the
or false (F). manicure

_ The client goes by her first name.

2 _ The client wants a French manicure. Student B: You are a client
and you want a manicure. Tell
3 _ The nail technician chooses the nail color for the client.
Student A what he/she should

o " Listen again and complete the conversation. call you. Then, respond to
Student A's questions.

Nail Technician: Hi, Miss Jensen. I'm Rick, and I'll be your nail
technician today.
Client: Hi Rick. You can call me Jan. Writing
Nail Technician: Very well, Jan. There are just a few things I
want to ask you before we get started.
o You are a nail technician. Use
the conversation from Task 8
Client: Okay. to write a note about a client's
Nail Technician: First, do you have a specific kind of manicure in manicure. Write about:
mind, like a 1 ?
• how your client should be
Client: No. I just want a regular manicure and addressed
2 _ __ _ _ _
• what type of manicure the client
Nail Technician: In that case, please pick out your nail color before wanted
we start. You'll find our selection of 3 _ __
• what nail shape the client chose
_ _ _ on the rack by the reception desk.
Client: Did you have any other questions?
Nail Technician: Oh, yes. Do you have a preference about the
4 ?
Client: What are the choices?
Nail Technician: We can do square, oval or 5 _ _ _
Client: Um, squoval is good I guess.
Nail Technician: Great! Go ahead and pick out your nail polish, then
meet me at the 6 over there.
Maintaining Your ManI·Cure
By: Lindsay Jordan

Getting your nails done is alwa s a tr

your manicure last? Follow . eft, ?ut do yoU know how to make
Pay the '1 t " e simp e tips to maintain beautiful nails:
nal echnlclan before he or sh
have to worry about di in e starts. That way, you don't
accidentally smudging for the money later and
During the manicure mak c mg. your new manicure.
, e sure the nail te h . .
of enamel to dry completely between a .c m.clan allows each coat
paint from shrinking then,. pphcatlons. This prevents the
your nails daily in order to pee 109 off later. Apply a clear topcoat to
pro tect the enamel fr h"
sure to apply the topcoat to the ed es .om c Ippmg off. Be
a protective seal. g of the nails In order to create

o Before you read the passage, Use a hand cream every day to kee
manicure to stay looking great b P you.r hands soft. This helps your
talk about these questions. Wear gloves while you do h y preventing dry and cracked cuticles
ousework. .
1 How can a manicure get
2 What are some ways to protect
a manicure?

f) Read the magazine article. Then,
choose the correct answers. 9 Use the words to fill in the blanks.
1 What is the main topic of the 1 scratched / smudged
article? Lynn her freshly-painted nails when she used
A how to extend a manicure her keyboard.
B common problems with Rita her polish as it wasn't dry.
2 shrink / cracked
C how to apply topcoat properly
The woman's cuticles made her hands look ugly.
o how to save money on
manicures Some nail polishes do not or peel off.

2 Why does the author suggest

3 seal/coat
paying the nail technician A topcoat acts as a protective _ _ __
before the manicure? I always apply more than one ____ of polish.
A to prevent being charged extra
B to get better service o Check V') the sentence that uses the underlined part
C to avoid damaging the new
manicure 1 _A Kara applies four clear topcoats of bright nail polish to
o to be more relaxed get a deep color.
_B Jane's manicure was ruined because most of the polish
3 Which of the following is NOT a
had chipped off.
tip mentioned in the article?
A Allow each coat of paint to dry. 2 _A Wendy's cheap nail polish usually peels off after a day.
B Peel off old coats of nail _B Jo maintains her manicure well, so her nails are always
polish first. broken.
C Apply a topcoat over the
3 _A Gloria uses hand cream to prevent her hands from
paint every day.
becoming too soft.
o Take care of cuticles with _B The nail technician waited ten minutes after the first
hand cream.
polish application to apply the second.
o " Listen and read the magazine article Speaking
again. Why is it important to apply a
topcoat during a manicure? o With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 7. Then, switch roles.


o " Listen to a nail technician and a client. I just hope it lasts.

Do you have any tips for making my manicure
Mark the following statements as true (T)
last longer?
or false (F).
Try ...
_ The nail technician tells the woman not to
wash the dishes straight away.
2 _ The beauty salon gives a complimentary Student A: You are a nail technician at the
pair of gloves with each manicure. Bella Salon. Talk to Student B about:
3 _ The nail technician recommends reapplying • common manicure problems
topcoat every day. • tips for making the manicure last longer

(I " Listen again and complete the

Student B: You are a client who just had a
manicure. Tell Student A about what problems
you usually have with your manicure.
Nail Technician: Okay, your manicure's all \
\ ./
done. What do you think?
Client: I love it! I just hope it lasts.
Nail Technician: What do you mean? Writing
Client: Oh, nothing. It's just that the
manicure always looks great for
o You are a nail technician. Use the
conversation from Task 8 to write a note to
a couple of days. But then the your client about caring for her manicure.
polish starts 1 _ _ _ _ __ Write about:
or gets scratched.
• common manicure problems
Nail Technician: There are a couple of ways that
you can avoid that, you know. • ways to make manicures last longer

Client: Really? Do you have any tips for

making my manicure 2 _ __
Nail Technician: Sure. For one, be careful with your
hands for the next few hours.
Client: So I shouldn't wash dishes?
Nail Technician: No, not right away, and when you
do, be sure to wear gloves. That
will help protect from smudging
and 3 _ __
Client: Okay, I can do that. What can I do
to prevent 4 ?
Nail Technician: Try applying some 5 _ __
over the polish every day.
Client: What a great idea! Thanks for the
6 _ __

---- -- -


{ aromatherapy)

8 Match the words (1-4) with the definitions (A-D).
1 _ shiatsu 3 _ aromatherapy
2 _ blood circulation 4 _ deep-tissue massage

Get ready! A a form of massage that involves the use of scented oils in

o Before you read the passage, combination with massage techniques

B an old massage technique in which the masseur uses hands,
talk about these questions.
fingers or elbows to apply pressure
1 Why do people get massages? C the transfer and movement of blood throughout the body.
2 What are some benefits of a D a form of massage that involves putting pressure on muscles
massage? in order to relieve muscle pain

Reading e Check (.!) the sentence that uses the underlined part
Read the poster from a salon.
Then, mark the following 1 _A James has large muscles because he exercises a lot.
statements as true (T) or _B Amanda's hands feel better after her reflexology session.
false (F).
2 _A Erica has muscle tension from having a long, relaxing
1 _ Deep-tissue massage gives
people more energy.
_B Linda breathed in the sweet smell of the scented oil.
2 _ Shiatsu is an ancient
technique. 3 _A The masseur used oil in order to put pressure on the
3 _ Reflexology involves man's back.
massaging the feet. _B The relaxing massage stimulates other parts of the body.
Listen and read the poster from a salon Speaking
ag ain. Which massage(s) might you
::: oose to increase your physical and o With a partner, act out the roles below
based on Task 8. Then, switch roles.
ental strength?
stening I'd like a massage ...
r-. Listen to a conversation between a
What types are available?
"eceptionist and a client. Choose the Da yau need it far ... ?
cor rect answers.
• What is the main topic of the conversation? Student A: You are a client who wants a
A deciding on what type of massage to get massage. Ask Student B questions about:
S describing different scented oils and their
• the types of massages available

C learning about the salon's aromatherapy

• why you want a massage

Student B: You are the receptionist at Bella
D changing an appointment with a masseur
Salon. Respond to Student B's questions and
2 What is NOT true about the client? help him or her schedule a massage.

A She chooses a foot massage.

S It is her first massage.
C She likes the scent of oils. Writing
D She wants to relax.
o Imagine that you are a receptionist. Use
the conversation from Task 8 to write a
Li sten again and complete the note about massage treatments available
conversation. at your salon. Make sure to mention the
: :c eptionist: Welcome to Bella Salon, how
can I help? • At least 2 different types of massages
Client: Good morning. I'd like a 1 _ _ __ • What the treatments help with
but it's my first time. What types are
:ceptionist: Our most popular is the
2 _______________
Client: Mmm ... I'm not sure I'd like that.
:c eptionist: Oh. Do you need it for 3 _______
_______ or just to relax?
Client: I just need to relax, I've been hiking MASSAGE TREATMENT NOTES
all weekend. I don't like
4 though.
Their scent is usually too strong.
=eceptionist: I'd recommend 5 then.
It's a stimulating foot massage,
perfect for tired feet.
Client: That sounds great!
=eceptionist: Okay. I'll 6 _______ a session for
Get ready!
o Before you read the passage, talk about
these questions.
1 What are the qualities of a good massage
therapy clinic?
2 How do people prepare for a massage?

. @ Read the excerpt from a massage textbook.

. Then, choose the correct answers.
1 What is the main topic of the excerpt?
A different kinds of massage
B good places to give a massage
C basic definitions of massage techniques
o how to give a satisfying massage

2 Which is NOT advice that the excerpt gives

The Massage Area
about the massage area?
Keep your massage area
A The massage area should be tidy.
clean and free of clutter. After
each session, make sure to B The massage table should be covered
sanitize the massage table throughout the massage.
and cover the table with the C A clean towel should be provided for each
fresh towel. new client.

Massage o The massage table should be cleaned

Start by placing hands flat after every client.
onto the sides of the body 3 What can we guess about the massage
and spread out the fingers. techniques described in the excerpt?
Smoothly slide upward with
A Professional training is required in order to
some pressure. Apply pressure
use them.
with the heel of the hand using
B They can cause pain if done incorrectly.
the technique, a
relaxing soothing massage. To C They cannot be performed without a
avoid causing the client massage table.
discomfort, do not place o They focus on making clients feel energized.
pressure on the spine. Gently
massage knots and tender Vocabulary
spots to relieve tension.
@ Read the sentence and choose the
Throughout the massage, ask correct word.
for feedback. Stop
immediately, if the client shows Jason's boss likes him to keep his area neat
and free of feedback I clutter.
signs of aches or pain. Finally,
remember as a professional 2 Harriet asked the client to lay on her heel of
massage therapist you should the hand I massage table.
always make sure your clients 3 Jimmy reported I sanitized the broken spa
are happy and at ease. chair to his manager.
4 Jane's back feels tender I at ease because
( heel of the hand ) she hurt it yesterday.
o Read the sentence pair. Choose where the words best Speaking
fit the blanks.
o With a partner, act out the
1 knots/heel of her hand roles below based on Task 7.
Rita rubs her client's backs with the _ _ __ _ Then, switch roles.
Samantha felt the in the client's shoulders. USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
2 feedback/Effleurage Where do you feel the most
Eric calls his employer every morning to give her
_ _ _ _ _ about their clients. Okay, I'm going to ...
Greg uses the _ _ _ _ _ technique at the beginning of Will that hurt?
the massage.

3 spine/clutter Student A: You are a masseur

Wendy removes all the from the room before at Bella Salon. Talk to Student B
her clients arrive. about:
Trevor is thinking about having a massage to relieve the pain
inhis _ _ __ _
• how to lie down

• where he or she feels tension

or pain
o textbook
" Listen and read the excerpt from a masseur
again. During an Effleurage massage what Student B: You are a client.
should the masseur NOT do? Respond to Student A's
questions and instructions.
Li stening
@ " Listen to a conversation between a masseur and a
cl ient. Mark the following statements as true (T) or Writing
false (F).
_ The client is having a foot massage.
o Imagine that you are a
massage instructor. Use the
2 _ The masseur causes the client some discomfort. conversation from Task 8 to fill
3 _ The masseur asks the client for feedback. out these instructions to your
students on giving a massage.
fj Listen again and complete the conversation.
/, L:i ";;iii

. asseur: Okay, sir, please lie down on the 1 _ _ __

facing downwards.
Giving a Back Massage
Client: Like this?
'a sseur: That's right. Now, tell me, where do you feel the most Instruct your client to:
Client: Mostly, here in my 2 _ _ _ _ ____
'asseur: Okay, I'm going to use the 3 _ _ _ _ __
_ _ _ _ __ to apply pressure.
Ask him or her:
Client: Will that 4 _ _ __ ?

'asseur: It shouldn't do, but feel free to tell me. I don't want to
cause you any 5 _ _ __ I
Client: No problem. I'm sure I'll 6 to it.

. Explain that:

,'''' " =,. "..,.-,,,,,,,,,,,,...-....--...........,...,..,...........


o Before you read the passage, talk about these questions.

1 What safety precautions must a beauty salon take?
2 Why is it important to have clean manicure tools?

f) Read the letter. Then, mark the following statements as

true (T) or false (F).
1 _ The salon owner must provide employees with protective
2 _ Smoking is not allowed in salons that perform manicures.
3 _ Salon employees must store tools used during a manicure
in a disinfectant solution.

o Read the sentence and choose the correct word.
1 Max wore a face mask I UV sanitizer to avoid breathing in
Dear Salon Owner,
dust at work.
According to your business license, your
employees offer on-site manicures. There are 2 The salon has a strict no-smoking policy I business license
certain safety and sanitation requirements and even staff members must smoke outside of the building.
relating to this type of work. Your business
3 Sally's infection was highly flammable I communicable and
must be in compliance with the following
regulations. stopped her from working as a pedicurist.

You must provide your employees with
face masks and disposable gloves.
Employees must wash their faces, hands
e Read the sentences and choose the correct meaning of
the underlined word.
and arms frequently.
• Material Safety Data Sheets for all 1 The manicure kit does not include nail polish as we cannot
products must be available to employees. mail flammable materials.
• Your salon must enforce a strict no-
smoking policy inside, and also near A capable of transmitting to others easily
dumpsters that contain flammable
B at a place of business
• No client with open sores, wounds or C capable of catching fire easily
infections may have an appointment.
• No employee showing signs of a 2 Tina always uses disinfectant to clean her salon's tools.
communicable disease may perform
services. A the act of following rules
• All used equipment must meet disinfection
standards. Store all tools in a UV
B a chemical substance that cleans things and destroys
sanitizer between uses. Any implements bacteria
that have come into contact with bodily C the act or process of making something clean and healthy
fluids must be immersed in disinfectant
solution for ten minutes.
• Clean tools and linens must be used with 3 The colorist wore disposable gloves to dye her client's hair.
each new client. A hand coverings that can be used and thrown away after use
• A constant flow of air must be maintained
to prevent the build-up of dangerous B substances that are put on the face to clean the skin
fumes. C gas or vapor that is irritating and often dangerous
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Department of Workplace Safety
o " Listen and read the letter again. What safety rule Speaking
applies to clients?
e With a partner, act out the
roles below based on Task 7.
Listening Then, switch roles.
o " Listen to a conversation between a client and a nail USE LANGUAGE SUCH AS:
technician at a salon. Choose the correct answers. How often do you ".
The client mostly asks questions about __ . And how exactly are those tools
A protective equipment for employees sanitized?
B maintaining her manicure tools at home
C how to treat a nail infection Student A: You are a client having
o salon procedures for avoiding the spread of illness a manicure at a salon. Ask Student
B questions about:
2 What is true about the woman?
• the salon's sanitation
A She is an employee of the Department of Workplace
• the salon's policies about
B She is concerned about the risks of infection. bringing manicure tools from
C She usually gets a manicure and a pedicure at the same home
o She brought her own manicure tools to the salon.
Student B: You are a nail
technician at Bella Salon.
f) " Listen again and complete the conversation. Answer Student A's questions
and convince him or her that
Client: How often do you 1 the the salon is a safe place to
equipment? have a manicure.
Nail Technician: We disinfect all of the tools that we use
2 after the manicure.
Client: And how exactly are those tools 3 ?
Nail Technician: We put them in a disinfectant solution for ten
minutes. That's how long the Department of
4 recommends.
o You are the owner of a salon.
Use the letter and the
Client: I wonder, do you allow clients to bring their conversation from Task 8 to
5 from home? write a notice to employees
Nail Technician: Of course. That's one way to make sure about sanitation. Include:
everything is clean. • Measures that protect employees
Client: I might do that next time. • Measures that protect clients
Nail Technician: That's not a problem at all. But I assure you, we • The sanitation process at the salon
work very hard to make sure that all of
6 and manicure stations
are sanitary. The last thing we want is for our
clients to get sick or have a bad experience

Study this example situation:

Sarah is in her car. She is on her way to work.

She is driving to work.

This means: she is driving now, at the time of speaking.

The action is not finished.

Am/is/are+ -ing is the present continuous:

am (=I'm) driving
he/she/it is (=he's etc.) working
we/you/they are (=we're etc.) doing etc.

I am doing something= I'm in the middle of doing it; I've started doing it and I haven 't finished :
Please don't make so much noise. I'm trying t o work. (not I try)
0 'Where's Mark?' 'He's having a shower.' (not He has a shower)
0 Let's go out now. lt isn't raining any more. (not lt doesn't rain)
0 (at a party) Hi, jane. Are you enjoying the party ? (not Do you enjoy)
C What's all that noise? What's going on? (=What's happening?}
Sometimes the action is not happening at the ti me of speaking. For example:

Steve is talking to a friend on the phone. He says:

I'm reading a really good book at the moment.

it's abou t a man who ...

Steve is not reading the book at th e t ime of speaking.

He means that he has started it, but has not fi nished it yet.
He is in the middle of reading it.

Some more examples:

0 Kate wants to work in Italy, so she's Learning Italian. (but perhaps she isn't learning Italian
at the time of speaki ng)
0 Some friends of mine are building their own house. They hope to finish it next summer.
You can use the present continuous with today I this week I this year et c. (periods around now}:
0 A: You're working hard today. (not You work hard today)
s: Yes, I have a lot to do.
C The company I work for isn't doing so well this year.

We use the present continuous when w e ta lk about changes happening around now, especially
with these verbs:
get change become increase rise fall grow improve begin start

0 Is your Engli sh getting better? (not Does your English get better)
0 The population of the world is increasing very fast. (not increases)
C At first I didn't like my job, but I'm beginning to enj oy it now. (not I begin}

Present conti nuous and presen t si mple -+ Units 3-4 Present te nses fo r the future -+ Unit 19
Exercises I. 1
The sentences on the right follow those on the left. Which sentence goes w ith which?

1 Please don't make so much noise. a lt's getting late. 1 ...f.. . .....
2 I need to eat something soon. b They're lying. 2
3 I don't have anywhere to live right now. c lt's starting to rain. 3
4 We need to leave soon. d They're trying to sell it. 4
5 They don't need their car any more. e I'm getting hungry. 5
6 Things are not so good at work. f l'ffi +ryiAg {9 1 ""',..k
Cl Vf 01 . 6
7 lt isn't true what they sa id. g I'm looking for an apartment. 7
8 We're going to get wet . h The company is losing money. 8

Complete the conversations.

1 A: I saw Brian a few days ago.
B: Oh, did you? . .. n.e . these days? (what I he I do)
A: He's at university.
B: ? (what I he I study)
A: Psychology.
B: ..... ...... . it? (he I enjoy)
A: Yes, he says it's a very good course.

2 A: Hi , Nicola. How ......... ............. . ........ ? (your new job I go)

s: Not bad. lt wasn't so good at first, but . .. .. ........... ..... .. better now.
(it I get)
A: What about Daniel ? Is he OK?
s: Yes, but .. .. .... .. ... .... . . ..... . his wo rk right now. (he I not I enjoy)
He's been in the same job for a long time and .. ............ to get bored
with it. (he I begin)

Put the verb into the correct form, positive (I'm doing etc.) or negative (I'm not doing etc.) .
1 Please don't make so much noise. ......!'m .. (I I t ry) to work.
2 Let's go out now. . _____ (it I rain) any more.
3 You can turn off t he radio. (I I listen) to it.
4 Kate phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. (she I have)
a great t ime and doesn't want to come back.
5 I want to lose weight, so t his week ............. . . ....... .......... .. ..... (I I eat) lunch.
6 Andrew has just started evening classes. .................. ........ ... (he I learn) Japanese.
7 Paul and Sa lly have had an argument. ... ....... ..................... . . ..... . ............. ..... .... ......... (they I speak)
to each other.
8 ............. .... (I I get) tired. I need a rest.
9 Tim ....... . .. .................. (work) today. He's taken the day off.
10 .... . . (I I look) for Sophie. Do you know where she is?

Complete the sentences using the following verbs:

start get increase change rise

1 The population of the world very fast.

2 The world ......... . ................................................. . Things never stay the same.
3 The situation is already bad and it .... .... ..... . ......................... .... worse.
4 The cost of living ..... ........... ............... . Every year things are more expensive.
5 The weather .. . ..... to improve. The rai n has stopped, and the wind isn't
as strong.

Study this example situation:

Alex is a bus driver, but now he is in bed asleep.

He is not driving a bus. (He is asleep.)
but He drives a bus. (He is a bus driver.)
Drive(s)/work(s)/do(es) etc. is t he present simple:

1/we/yo u/they drive/ work/ do etc.

he/she/it drives/works/ does etc.

We use the present simple to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all
the time or repeatedly/ or that something is true in general:
0 Nurses Look after patients in hospitals.
0 I usually go away at weekends.
0 The earth goes round the su n.
0 The cafe opens at 7.30 in the morning.
I work ... but He works ... They teach . . . but My sist er teaches .. .
For spelling (-sor -es), see Appendix 6.

We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:

work ? work
do 1/we/yo u/ they 1/we/you/they don't
drive ? drive
does he/she/ it he/she/it doesn't
do? do

0 I come from Canada. Where do you come from ?

0 I don't go away very often.
0 What does this word mean ? (not What means this word?)
0 Rice doesn't grow in cold climates.
In the following examples, do is also the main verb (do you do I doesn,t do etc.):
U 'What do you do?' 'I work in a shop.'
0 He's always so lazy. He doesn't do anythi ng to help.
We use the present simple to say how often we do things:
'--' I get up at 8 o'clock every morning.
0 How often do you go to the dentist?
C1 julie doesn't drink tea very often.
0 Robert usually goes away two or three times a year.

I promise I I apologise etc.

Sometimes we do things by saying something. For example, when you promise to do something,
you can say 'I promise ... '; when you suggest something, you can say 'I suggest ... ':
0 I promise I won't be late. (not I'm promising)
0 'What do you suggest I do?' 'I suggest that you ... '
In the same way we say: I apologise .. . I I advise ... I I insist ... I I agree ... I I refuse ... etc.

Present simple and present continuous -+ Units 3-4 Present t enses for the future -+ Unit 19
Exercises ': 2
Complete the sentences using the following verbs:
cause(s) connect(s) drink(s) Live(s) open(s) speak(s) take(s)

1 Tanya ...... .. .... German very well.

2 I don't often ...... ............ ... coffee.
3 The swimming pool . . ...... .......... at 7.3 0 every morning.
4 Bad driving ... . .. .. ......... ...... many accidents.
5 My parents ..... ................. in a very small flat.
6 The Olympic Games .. .................. . ....... .. ...... place every four years.
7 The Panama Canal ............... ..... .. . ............ the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

Put the verb into the correct form.

1 Julie .....M.e?.n\ ...... (not I drink) tea very often.
2 What time ........ .................... ..................................................... (the banks I dose) here?
3 I've got a car, but I .................. ....................... ..... ... ........ .. (not I use) it much.
4 'Where ... .. .. ..... .. ..... ...... ..... ...... (Ricardo I come) from?' 'From Cuba.'
5 'What . ............. .... (you I do)?' Tm an electrician.'
6 lt .................................................................... .................... (take) me an hour to get to work. How long
.................................. .......................... ....... ................... (it I take) you?
7 Look at this sentence. What ...................... . ...... ... ....................................... (this word I mean)?
8 David isn't very fit. He .... .... . . ..... .... .. .......... ... (not I do) any sport.

Use the following verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative:
believe eat flow make nse tell translate

1 The earth goes round the sun. 7 An interpreter .... ....... .. ............. from one
2 Rice ..'J,t grow.. in Britain. language into another.
3 The sun ... ............ ......................... .... in the east. 8 Liars are people who ............................. ........ ...... the
4 Bees ................. . ... .... ..... ....... ... honey. t ruth.
5 Vegetarians ... . ... meat. 9 The River Amazon ....................................... into
6 An atheist in God. the Atlantic Ocean.

You ask Lisa questions about herself and her family. Write the questions.
1 You know that Lisa plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her.
How often .. clo .. ...... ?
2 Perhaps Lisa's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Lisa.
.. your sister . . ....... . .... ... ........ ...... ........... .. ........ . ...... ......... 7.
3 You know that Lisa reads a newspa per every day. You want to know which one. Ask her.
........................ .......... 7

4 You know that Lisa 's brother works. You want to know wha t he does. Ask Lisa.

5 You know that Lisa goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.
.......... ......... • .. • .... .. ••••• •••••••• ••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ·-····· •• ••• •••• .. •• •• • •• • • •••• •• • ••• ••••• •••••••••••••••

6 You don't know where Lisa's grandparents live. You wan t to know. Ask Lisa.

Complete using the following :

I apologise I insist I promise I recommend I suggest

1 Mr Evans is not in the offi ce today. .. .. J.... .... you t ry calling him tomorrow.
2 I won't tell anybody what you sa id. ........ . . ..... . .. ....
3 (in a restaurant) You must let me pay for the meal.
4 . .. ........................ .... ...... for what I did. lt won't happen again.
5 The new resta urant in Hill Street is very good. .. ......................................................... it.

Present continuous (I am doing) Present simple (I do)

We use the continuous for things happening at We use the simple for things in general or
or around the time of speaking. th ings that happen repeatedly.
The action is not complete.

I am doing .__ I do
past now future past now future

0 The water is boiling. Can you turn it '--- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
off ?
0 Listen to those people. What language 0 Excuse me, do you speak English ?
are they speaking?
0 Let's go out. lt isn't raining now. c lt doesn't rain very much in summer.
0 'I'm busy.' 'What are you doing?' c What do you usua lly do at weekends?
0 I'm getting hungry. Let's go and eat. 0 I always get hungry in the afternoon.
c Kate wants to work in Italy, so she's 0 Most people Learn to swim when they
Learning Italian. are children.
c The population of the world is
I._.. Every day the popu lation of the world
increasing very fast. increases by about 200,000 people.
We use the continuous for temporary situations: We use the simple for permanent situations:
C) I'm Living with some friends until I find a 0 My parents Live in London. They have
place of my own. lived there all their lives.
0 A: You're working hard today. C joe isn,t lazy. He works hard most of
B: Yes, I have a lot to do. the t ime.

See Unit 1 for more information. See Unit 2 for more information .

I always do and I'm always doing

I always do (something) = I do it every time:

0 I always go to work by car. (not I'm always going)
'I 'm always doing something' has a different meaning. For example:

I'm always losing things.

I'm always Losing things = I lose t hings very often,

perhaps too often, or more often than normal.

More examples:
0 You're always playing computer games. You should do something more active.
(=You play computer gam es too often)
0 Tim is never satisfied. He's always complaining. (=He complains too much)

Present continu ous and simple 2 -+ Unit 4 Present t enses for th e fu ture -+ Un it 19
Exercises I
. 3

Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1 Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. .. Q)(
2 The water boils. Can you turn it off? ..............
3 Look! That man tries to open the door of your car.
4 Can you hear those people? What do they talk about?
5 The moon goes round the earth in about 27 days.
6 I must go now. lt gets late.
7 I usually go to work by car.
8 'Hurry up! lt's time to leave.' 'OK, I come.'
9 I hear you've got a new job. How do you get on?
10 Paul is never late. He's always getting to work on time.
11 They don't get on well. They're always arguing.

Put the verb into the correct form 1 present continuous or present simple.
1 Let's go out. ..l.t i.,s n 't . ..... (it I not I rain) now.
2 Julia is very good at languages. (she I speak) four languages very well.
3 Hurry up! .... .. .............. .... (everybody I wait) for you.
4 ' ... (you I listen) to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.'
5 '... ............... (you I listen) to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.'
6 The River Nile ............................................. (flow) into the Mediterranean.
7 The ri ver ............................................... .............. (flow) very fast today- much faster than usual.
8 ....................... ...... ..... . ..... .... ..... .... ............ ....... (we I usually I grow) vegetab les in our garden, but this year
..... . .. .... .. .. ...... ..... ...... ... ...... (we I not I grow) any.
9 A: How's your English?
s: Not bad. I think ..... ..... .. ......... . ..... .... ... (it I improve) slowly.
10 Rachel is in New York right now. . ..... ........ ..... .. (she I stay) at the Park Hotel.
..... ........ ... ....... (she I always I stay) there when she's in New York.
11 Can we stop walking soon? ........................... ..... ... .. ............ ..... (I I start) to feel tired.
12 A: Can you drive?
s: ............. ........................................................ (I I learn). My father ........................ ......... .. ......................... (teach) me.
13 Normally ...... . .... ..... . .......................... ............. (I I finish) work at five, but this week
..... ... ....... .. ................... (I I work) until six to earn a little more money.
14 My parents ... .. .......................... (live) in Manchester. They were born there and have never
lived anywhere else. Where ................. .... ..... . ....... . .. . (your parents I live)?
15 Sonia . ...... . ..... (look) for a place to live. ....... ...... .. .. ...... (she I stay)
with her sister until she finds somewhere.
16 A: What .... ........ . .... ... . ...................................... .... .... (your brother I do)?
s: He's an architect, but .............................................................................................. (he I not I work) at the moment.
17 (at a party) .. ....... . ....... ... ..... ........................... . ... ... ...... (I I usually enjoy) parties, but
......... ........................ ..... ... . .............. (I /not I enjoy) th is one very much.

Finish B's sentences. Use always -ing.

1 I've lost my phone again.
s: Not again! . YotA 're ....L.o?ill.g .!jOtAr ...................... ..
2 A: The ca r has broken down aga in.
s: That car is useless. lt ........ .................. . .. ..
3 A : Look! You've made the same mistake again.
s: Oh no, not again! I .................................................................................................................................................................................. ..
4 A: O h, I've forgotten my glasses again.
s: Typical! ......................

We use continuous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished (they are
eating I it is raining etc.). Some verbs (for example, know and Like) are not normally used in this
way. We don't say 'I am knowing' or 'they are liking'; we say 'I know', 'they Like'.

The following verbs are not normally used in the present continuous:

Like want need prefer

know realise suppose mean understand believe remember

belong fit contain consist seem

0 I'm hungry. I want something to eat. (not I'm wanting)

0 Do you understand what I mean?
r-- Anna doesn't seem very happy at the moment.


When think means 'believe' or 'have an opinion ', we do not use the continuous:
lJ I think Mary is Canadian, but I'm not sure. (not I'm thinking)
C What do you think of my plan? (=What is your opinion?)
When think means 'consider', the continuous is possible:
U I'm thinking about what happened. I often think about it.
0 Nicky is thinking of giving up her job. (=she is considering it)

See hear smell taste

We normally use the present simple (not continuous) with these verbs:
U Do you see that man over there? (not Are you seeing)
0 This room smells. Lefs open a window.
We often use can + see/ hear/smell/taste:
0 I can hear a strange noise. Can you hear it?
Look feel

You can use the present simple or continuous to say how somebody looks or feels now:
U You Look well today. or You're Looking well today.
0 How do you feel now? or How are you feeling now?
LJ I usually feel tired in the morning. (not I'm usually feeling)

He is selfish and He is being selfish

He's being= He's behaving I He's acting. Compare:

(J I can't understand why he's being so selfish. He isn't usually like that.
(being selfish = behaving selfishly at the moment)
0 He never thinks about other people. He is very selfish. (not He is being)
(= He is selfish generally, not only at the moment)

We use am/is/are being to say how somebody is behaving. lt is not usually possible in other
0 it's hot today. (not lt is being hot)
U Sarah is very tired . (not is being tired)

Present continuous and sim ple 1 Unit 3 Unit 17 Present tenses fo r t he Unit 19
Exercises 4
Put the verb into the correct form, present continuous or present simple.
1 Are you hungry? ...... .. ..... (you I want) something to eat?
2 Don't put the dictionary away. ........ ....... (I I use) it.
3 Don 't put the dictionary away. ......... ..... (1 I need) it.
4 Who is that man? What ... .. . ............................. .. ......... (he I wan t )?
5 Who is that man? Why .... ... .... ...................... ........ . .............. (he I look) at us?
6 Alan says he's 80 years old, but nobody ... . . . . ....................... ..... .. .. . .. ... (bel ieve) him .
7 She told me her name, but .. ....... ............. .. .......... (I I not I remem ber) it now.
8 ................ . . .................. ....... (I I think) of sell ing my car. Would you be interested in buy ing it?
9 ..... . ............... (I I think) you shou ld sell your car. . ... ....
(you I not I use) it very often.
10 Air ............. .. ..... ..................... .. ......... (consist) mainly of nitrogen and oxygen.

Use the words in brackets to make sentences. (You should also study Unit 3 before you do
this exercise.)
(what I you I do?)

(you I not I seem I very happy today)

.... .... 4Pnlt. ........... .
...... n

(the di nner I smell I good)

(these gloves I not I fit I me)

Are the underlined verbs right or wrong? Correct them where necessary.
1 N1 .c ky .IS t'mg o f g1vmg
. . up her JO
. b. .... Ok
.. . ....... .......... .. ..... . .. ..................... .

2 Are yo u beli eving in God? ...... .. ...... . ..... ......................... .

3 I'm feeling hungry. Is t here anything to eat? ..... . ..... .... .. ......
4 Th is sa uce is great. lt's tasting really good. ... . ...................... .. .. . .............
5 I'm thinking this is your key. Am I right? ................................................................

Complete the sentences using the most suitable form of be. Use am/is/are being (continuous)
where possible; otherwise use am/is/are (simple).
1 I ca n't understand why . h e s ___ b@g __ so selfish. He isn't usually like that.
2 Sa rah ...... .... . .. . .. very nice to me at the moment. I wonder w hy.
3 Yo u'll like Sop hi e w hen you meet her. She .. ....................... ............................. very n1ce.
4 You're usually very patient, so w hy ..... ..... . .. ............................... ........ so unreasona ble about waiting
ten more minutes?
5 Why isn't Steve at w ork today? .................. . ill?
Study this example:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was an Austrian

musician and composer. He Lived from 1756 to
1791. He started composing at the age of five
and wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
He was only 35 years old when he died .

lived/ started/ wrote/ was/ died are all past simple. 0 0

Very often the past simple ends in -ed (regular verbs) :

0 I work in a travel agency now. Before that I worked in a department store.
0 We invited them to our party, but they decided not to come.
0 The police stopped me on my way home last night.
0 Laura passed her exam because she studied very hard.
For spelling (stopped, studied etc.), see Appendix 6.

But many verbs are irregular. The past simple does not end in -ed. For example:
write --1 wrote 0 Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
see saw 0 We saw Tanya in town a few days ago.
go went C) I went to the cinema three times last week.
shut shut 0 lt was cold, so I shut the window.

In questions and negatives we use did/didn't+ infinitive (enjoy/see/go etc.) :

enjoyed you enjoy? I enjoy

she saw did she see ? she didn't see
they went they go? they go

0 A: Did you go out last night?

a: Yes, I went to the cinema, but I didn't enjoy the film much.
0 'When did MrThomas die?' 'About ten years ago.'
0 They didn't invite us to the party, so we didn't go.
0 'Did you have time to do the shopping?' 'No, I didn't.'

In the following examples, do is the main verb in the sentence (did ... do I didn't do):
0 What did you do at the weekend? (not What did you at the weekend?)
0 I didn't do anything. (not I didn't anything)

The past of be (am/is/are) is was/were:

1/he/she/it was/wasn't was 1/he/she/it?

we/you/they were/ weren't were we/you/they?

Note that we do not use did in negatives and questions with was/were:
0 I was angry because they were late.
0 Was the weather good when you were on holiday?
0 They weren't able to come because they were so busy.
0 Did you go out last night or were you too tired?

Past simple and past continuous _. Unit 6 Past simple and presen t perf ect _. Units 12- 14
Read what Laura says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which
takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45 . I never have lunch. I finish
work at 5 o'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal
in the evening. I don't usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o'clock, and I
always sleep well.

Yesterday was a typical working day for Laura. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday.
1 _gpt- (Ap at 7 o'clock. 7 ........ ....... .. .......... ....... ........... at 5 o'clock.
2 She .. . a big breakfast. 8 ... ... tired when ... home.
3 She .... . . .... ....... ........ . .... ... ........ ... 9 .... . ....... .......... a mea l yesterday evening.
4 lt .... .... ..... .... .... ....... ..... ..... ........ ... to get to work. 10 ............... ............... ......................... ... out yesterday evening.
5 ..................................... ............................... .. .... .. ..... at 8.45. 11 ................ ........ ...................... ............................. at 11 o'clock.
6 .. ... .. ... lunch. 12 ............. .... well last night.

Complete the sentences using the following verbs in the correct form:
buy catch cost fall hurt sell spend teach throw ·write

1 Mozart more than 600 pieces of music.

2 ' How did you learn to drive?' 'My father . .......... me.'
3 We couldn't afford to keep our car, so we ... . . . ... . it.
4 Dave ...... ............. ................... down the stairs this morning and ... ............. ................ his leg.
5 joe ..................... .................... the ball to Sue, who .. ..... .... .... ............... it.
6 Ann .......... ......... ...... a lot of money yesterday. She . ... ........... a dress which
........... ..... .. ..... £100.

You ask James about his holiday. Write your questions.

Hi. How are things?
Fine, thanks. I've just had a great holiday.
1 Where ......cLUL ... go... ?
To the U.S. We went on a trip from San Francisco to Denver.
2 How ............... . ....... ............ ..... ... . ..................... ........ . ? By car?
Yes, we hired a car in San Francisco.
3 lt's a long way to drive. How long ....... .......... . . ............ ........ ......... . ..... . ........................ to get to Denver?
Two weeks.
4 Where ........... ? In hotels?
Yes, small hotels or motels.
5 .. ........................ ....... .. ........ . .... ... ... . .............. ... good?
Yes, but it was very hot - sometimes too hot .
6 ....... ..... the Grand Canyon ?
Of co urse. lt was wonderful.

Complete the sentences. Put the verb into the correct form, positive or negative.
1 lt was warm, so I off my coat. (take)
2 The film wasn't very good. I . it much. (enjoy)
3 I knew Sarah was busy, so I .... .. . .. ..................... .. . ....................... her. (disturb)
4 We were very tired, so we . ..... .. ........ ........... ............... the party ea rly. (leave)
5 The bed was very uncomfortable. I .... ........... ....... .................................................... well. (sleep)
6 The wi ndow was open and a bird ................. . . .... . . ........... ...... .... . . into the room. (fly)
7 The hotel wasn't very expensive. lt .. ..... . ..... . ......... . ............. much to stay there. (cost)
8 I was in a hurry, so I ....... . . ..... .... ... .. ......... time to phone you. (have)
9 lt was hard carrying the bags. They .............. ... ...... ......................... .. ................ very heavy. (be)
Study this example situation:

Yesterday Karen and jim played te nn is. They started at

10 o'clock and finished at 11.30.
So, at 10.30 they were playing tennis.

They were playing = they were in the middle of playing.

They had not finished playing.
Was/were -ing is the past continuous:
1/he/she/ it was
we/you/they were
working etc.

I was doing something= I was in the middle of doing something at a certain time. The action or
situation had already started before this time, but had not finished:
I started doing I was doing I finished doing

past •
past now
0 This time last year I was living in Brazil.
C What were you doing at 10 o'clock last night?
0 I waved to Helen, but she wasn't looking.
Compare the past continuous (I was doing) and past simple (I did):

Past continuous (in the middle of an action) Past simple (complete action)
C I was walking home when I met Dan. 0 I walked home after the party last night.
(in the middle of walking home) (=all the way, completely)
0 Kate was watching TV when we 0 Kate watched television a lot when she
arrived. was ill last year.

We often use the past simple and the past continuous together to say that something happened in the
middle of something else:
0 Matt phoned while we were having dinner.
0 lt was raining when I got up.
0 I saw you in the park yesterday. You were sitting on the grass and reading a book.
0 I hurt my back while I was working in the garden.
But we use the past simple to say that one thing happened after another:
0 I was walking along the road when I saw Dan. So I stopped, and we had a chat.

0 When Karen arrived, we were having C When Karen arrived, we had dinner.
dinner. (= we had already started (= Karen arrived , and then we had
before she arrived) dinner)

Some verbs (for example, know and want) are not normally used in the continuous (see Unit 4A):
We were good friends. We knew each other well. (not We were knowing)
0 I was enjoying the party, but Chris wanted to go home. (not was wanting)
· Unit
Exercises 6
What were you doing at these times? Write sentences as in the examples. The past continuous
is not always necessary (see the second example).
1 (at 8 o'clock yesterday evening) .. ..1. ... ho...vmg.... ........... ...... .... .... .... .. ..........................
2 (at 5 o'clock last Monday) I .O.n Q.- ..b<As qn_ __ m!:J ... . ...... .............. .... . . . ..... ..
3 (at 10.15 yesterday morning) ... ................... .. . ...... ...................... ........ ..... ....... .. ....... ......... .......... .. .................... ..
4 (at 4.30 this morning) .......... ...... .. ....... . ....... ... .... ..... . ..... .......... . . .... . ................... . .... . .. ................ ..
5 (at 7.45 yesterday evening) .. . ......... ...... .. .. . ....... ....................... ...................................................... .......... .
6 (half an hour ago) .................... ........ . ....... . ..... ........... .. .. .. .... ...... ........ ...... .. .. ... . ...... .

Use your own ideas to complete the sentences. Use the past continuous.
1 Matt phoned while we .... .. .. ......... .............................. ............ ................. .......... .................. .
2 The doorbell rang while I .. ...... . ...... .................... . . . .................... . . .... . ...... . ..... ................. .
3 The car began to make a strange noise when we ....... ... .. ........... .. . .. ... ... . .... ........ ...... .
4 jessica fell asleep whi le she .. ...... ............ ...... . ... .... .. .. ..... ..... .. . ..... ... ....... . ..... .. ..... . . ........ .... .. .................... .
5 The television was on, but nobody ........................................ ................................................................................................................... .

Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.

w <1 Gates 1-10 I

....... (see) Sue in town I ........................ .................... (meet) I ..... .......................... (cycle) home
yesterday, but she ............. . Tom and jane at the airport a yesterday when a man
... ... .. .......... (not I see) me. few weeks ago. They ...... ... ........... .... (step) out
She .... ................. (go) to Paris and into the road in front of me. I
(look) the other way. I . ... ..... ..... . .................. ... (go) ......... . ............ (go) quite fast,
to Rome. We ...... ............... (have) but luckily I .......................................... .
a chat while we ........................ (manage) to stop in time and
............ ......... (wait) for our flights . ..... .... (not I hit) him.

Put the verb into the correct form, past continuous or past simple.
1 jenny ...... ....NP,W.g ...... (wait) for me when I (arrive).
2 'What . ......... ...... .. .. ....... ..... (you I do) at this time yesterdayt 'I was asleep.'
3 ' .... ............................................. (you I go) out last night?' 'No, I was too tired .'
4 How fast ........... ... . ..................... ..... . .. . ......... .... ..... (you I drive) when the accident .............................................. .
(happen) ?
5 Sa m . ... ....... ..... . ................ (take) a picture of me while I ... ....................... . .... .. ...................... .... .. ........
(not I look).
6 We were in a very difficult position. We ..... ........ . ......... . ...... . ..................... (not I know) what to do.
7 I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last ..... .. ... ....... ... .. . (see) him, he
........... .............................. ................. (try) to find a job.
8 I . . ...... ............ ........ ..... ...................... (walk) along the street when suddenly I ....... . ..... . ........ . ............. ..
(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ..... ............... . . ........ ............. ... . (follow) me. I was
scared and I .................................. (start) to run.
9 When I was young, I ... .......................... .................. .. ... .... (want) to be a pilot.
10 Last night I ............................................................. (drop) a plate when I ................................................................... (do) the
washing-up. Fortunately it .. .. ...... .............. . .. ............ (not I break).

-t Additional exercise 1 (page 302) 13

Regular verbs
If a verb is regular, the past si mple and past pa rticiple end in -ed . For example:

infinitive clean finish use paint stop carry

past simple.. } L
c eane
finished used painted stopped carry
past parttctp 1e
I Fo r spelling rules, see Appendix 6.
For the past simple (I cleaned I t hey finished I she carried etc.), see Unit 5.

We use the past participle t o make the perfect t enses and all the passive form s.
Perfect tenses (have/ has/ had cleaned) :
0 I have cleaned the wi ndows. (present perfect- see Units 7- 8)
0 They w ere still working. They hadn't finished . (past perfect - see Unit 15)
Passive (is cleaned I was cleaned et c.):
0 He was carried out of the room. (past simple passive)
:J This gate has just been painted. (present perfect passtve)
l U .
see n1ts 42- 44

Irregular verbs
When the past simple and past pa rt iciple do not end in -ed (for exa m ple, I saw I I have seen), the
verb is irregular.
W ith som e irregu lar ve rbs, all t hree f orms (infinitive, past simple and past participle) are the same.
For exa mple, hit:
0 Don't hit m e. (infinitive)
0 Som ebody hit me as I cam e into the room . (past simple)
0 I've never hit anybody in my life. (past participle- present perfect)
0 George was hit on t he head by a stone. (past participle - passive)
With ot her irregu lar verbs, th e past simple is the same as the past participle (but different from the
infinit ive) . For exa m ple, tell
0 Ca n you tell m e w hat t o do? (infinitive)
8 She told me t o com e back t he next day. (past simple)
0 Have you told any bo dy about your new job? (past participle - present perfect)
C I was told t o come back t he next day. (past participle - passive)
With oth er irregular verbs, all three forms are different. For example, woke/ woken :
0 I'll wake yo u up. (infinitive)
C I woke up in t he midd le of the night. (past simple)
0 The baby has woken up. (past participle - present perfect)
0 I was woken up by a loud noise. (past participle - passive)
The fo llowing verbs ca n be regular or irregular:
I burn burn ed or burnt smell smelled or smelt
dream dreamed or dreamt (dremt] * spell spelled or spelt
Lean leaned or leant (lent] * spill sp illed or spilt
Learn learned or learnt spoil spoiled or spoi lt
* pronunciation
So you can say:
I Leant out of t he w indow. or I Leaned out of the window.
0 The dinner has been spoiled . or The dinner has been spoilt.
In Brit ish English t he irregu lar form (burnt/ learnt etc.) is more usual. For America n English, see
Appendi x 7.

Appendix 1

Li st of irregular verbs

infinitive past simple past participle infinitive past simple past participle
be was/were been Light lit lit
beat beat beaten lose lost lost
become became become make made made
begin began begu n mean meant meant
bend bent bent meet m et met
bet bet bet pay paid paid
bite bit bitten put put put
blow blew blown read read [red]* read [red] *
break broke broken ride rode ridden
bring brought brought ring rang rung
broadcast broadcast broadcast rise rose risen
build bu ilt built run ran run
burst bu rst burst say said said
buy bo ught bought see saw seen
catch caught caught seek sought sought
choose chose chosen sell sold sold
come came come send sent sent
cost cost cost set set set
creep crept crept sew sewed sewn/sewed
cut cut cut shake shook shaken
deal dealt dealt shine shone shone
dig dug dug shoot shot shot
do did done show showed shown/showed
draw drew drawn shrink sh rank shrunk
drink drank drunk shut shut sh ut
drive drove driven sing sang sung
eat ate eaten sink sank sunk
fall fell fallen sit sat sat
feed fed fed sleep s lept slept
feel fe lt fe lt slide slid slid
fight fou ght fought speak spoke spoken
find fou nd found spend spent spent
flee fled fled spit spat spat
fly flew flown split split split
forbid forbade forbidden spread spread spread
forget forgot forgotten spring spra ng sprung
forgive fo rgave forgiven stand stood stood
freeze froze frozen steal stole stolen
get got got/gotten stick stuck stuck
give gave given sting stung stung
go went gone stink stank stunk
grow grew grown strike struck struck
hang hung hung swear swore sworn
have had had sweep swept swept
hear heard heard swim swam swum
hide hid hidden swing swung swung
hit hi t hit take took taken
hold held held teach ta ught taught
hurt hurt hurt tear tore torn
keep kept kept tell to ld to ld
kneel knelt knelt think thought thought
know knew known throw threw thrown
Lay la id la id understand understood understood
Lead led led wake woke woken
Leave left left wear wore worn
Lend le nt le nt weep wept wept
Let let let win won won
Lie la la in write wrote written
* pronunciation

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