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Wilma Jane F.


Major Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) in the Tourism Industry

Global Distribution Systems (GDSs) are essential platforms for the travel and tourism industry.
They connect travel service providers, such as airlines, hotels, car rental companies, and travel
agencies, with travel agents and customers. Here are some major GDSs used in the industry:
1. Amadeus:
 Description: Amadeus is one of the largest and most widely used GDSs globally.
It provides services to airlines, hotels, and travel agencies, allowing them to
access and distribute travel-related content. It offers a wide range of solutions for
reservations, inventory management, and pricing.
2. Sabre:
 Description: Sabre is another leading GDS that serves airlines, hotels, and travel
agencies. It offers a suite of tools for booking, scheduling, and managing travel
services. Sabre is known for its innovative solutions and global reach.
3. Travelport:
 Description: Travelport provides a GDS platform that caters to airlines, hotels,
and travel agencies. It offers various technology solutions to help businesses
manage and distribute their travel products efficiently.
4. Galileo:
 Description: Galileo, now a part of Travelport, primarily focuses on the airline
industry. It offers services like reservations and inventory management for
airlines, allowing them to reach travel agents and travelers worldwide.
Advantages of Using GDSs for Airlines, Tour Operators, and Travel Agencies
GDSs offer several advantages to different stakeholders in the travel industry:
1. Airlines:
 Wider Distribution: Airlines can reach a global network of travel agents, leading to
increased sales.
 Efficient Inventory Management: GDSs help airlines manage and update their
inventory in real-time.
 Dynamic Pricing: Airlines can adjust prices based on demand and market
conditions, maximizing revenue.
2. Tour Operators:
 Access to Various Services: Tour operators can access a wide range of travel
services, including flights, hotels, and car rentals, making it easier to create
comprehensive travel packages.
 Streamlined Operations: GDSs simplify the booking process, reducing manual
work and errors.
 Improved Customer Experience: Offering diverse travel options enhances
customer satisfaction.
3. Travel Agencies:
 Comprehensive Content: Travel agencies can access a vast inventory of travel
products, enabling them to offer a wide variety of options to customers.
 Efficient Booking Process: GDSs provide a unified platform for booking and
managing reservations, improving productivity.
 Real-time Updates: Travel agents can access real-time information on
availability, prices, and special offers.
The Future of GDSs: Trends and Developments
The future of GDSs in the tourism industry is marked by several trends and developments:
1. Personalization: GDSs are increasingly focusing on personalization to provide travelers
with more tailored options based on their preferences and previous behaviors.
2. API Integration: GDSs are adopting open APIs, allowing easier integration with third-
party applications and services, making the distribution process more flexible.
3. Mobile Integration: As mobile usage continues to grow, GDSs are developing mobile-
friendly interfaces and apps to cater to travelers' on-the-go needs.
4. Sustainability: GDSs are working on solutions to promote sustainable travel by
providing information on eco-friendly options and carbon footprint calculations.
5. Blockchain Technology: Some GDSs are exploring blockchain technology to enhance
transparency, security, and data accuracy in the travel distribution process.
6. New Market Entrants: New players are emerging in the GDS space, introducing
innovative technologies and competitive pricing models.

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