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1. Present continuous (Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn)

(+) S + be (am/is/are) + V-ing.
e.g: She is reading a book now.
(-) S + be + not + V-ing.
e.g: Look! He isn’t cooking.
(?) Be + S + V-ing?
e.g: Are they playing soccer at the moment?
- Dấu hiệu: now, right now, at the moment, in a moment, at present, Look! Watch! ,
Listen! , Be careful! , Keep silent! , Watch out!
2. Wh-questions: What (cái gì), When (khi nào), Who (ai), Where (ở đâu), Why (tại
sao), How (bằng cách nào)

3. Modal verb CAN: chỉ khả năng, cơ hội hoặc sự cho phép
 S + can/ cannot (can’t) + Vbare .
e.g: You can’t park here.

4. Modal verb MUST: chỉ sự cần thiết hoặc bắt buộc
• S + must/must not (mustn’t) + Vbare .
e.g: You must slow down.

 Remember:
go by train = take a train
go by bus = take a bus
travel by plane = fly
go by taxi = take a taxi
walk to schook = go to school on foot
Unit 9: THE BODY
1. Trật tự tính từ: OSASCOMP
Opinion (quan điểm): beautiful, ugly, …
Size (kích thước): big, small, tall, …
Age (độ tuổi): new, old, ancient, modern, …
Shape (hình dạng): round, square, …
Color (màu sắc): red, yellow, blonde, …
Origin (nguồn gốc): Vietnamese, Chinese, …
Material (chất liệu): silk, cotton, plastic, …
Purpose (mục đích): swimming, writing, …
e.g: She has long black hair. (She has long and black hair.)
-> Her hair is long and black.

2. Hỏi về màu sắc:

What color is/are + N?
-> It’s/ They’re + color.
e.g: What color is your bag? -> It’s black.
What color are her eyes? -> They’re blue.

3. Để hỏi về hình dáng ai đó:

What do/does S look like?
How do/does S look?
1. would like = want (muốn)
-S + would like + to V / N
-S + want/wants + to V/ N

2. Hỏi về nhu cầu, ý muốn:

-What + would + S + like?
-Would + you + like + …?
-What + do/does + S + want?

3. Để hỏi xem người đó như thế nào:

-How do/does + S + feel?
-What’s the matter, S? / What’s the matter with S?
-What’s wrong with S?
 S + feel(s) / be (am/is/are) + adj. (e.g: I feel hungry. / I am hungry.)

4. Countable noun (danh từ đếm được): gồm danh từ số ít (singular) và danh từ số
nhiều (plural)
e.g: book -> books, leaf -> leaves, orange -> oranges, bookshelf -> bookshelves, …

5. Uncountable noun (danh từ không đếm được): chỉ vật liệu, chất lỏng, … và không
có số nhiều
e.g: water, orange juice, bread, weather, …
6. What would you like? -> I’d like … .

7. What is there to eat/drink? There is a/an hoặc is/are some… .

8. What is for breakfast/lunch/dinner?

9. What is your favorite food? = What food do you like (best)?

-> My favorite food is… = I like … (best). / … is my favorite food.

10. Do/Does + S + like + V-ing/ Noun?

-> Yes, S do/does.
-> No, S don’t/ doesn’t.

11. S + like/likes + … .
S + don’t/doesn’t like + … .
1. Partitives (từ định lượng)

2. How many + danh từ số nhiều đếm được + do/does + S + V?

3. How much + danh từ không đếm được + do/does + S + V?

4. Can/Could + I/we + have + …?: yêu cầu ai cho chúng ta cái gì
e.g: Can I have a piece of paper, please?

5. Can I …?: tỏ ý muốn giúp đỡ ai

6. want/need + to V/ N: nói đến nhu cầu, ý muốn

7. need + V-ing: mang nghĩa bị động

e.g: This room needs cleaning. (căn phòng này cần được dọn dẹp)

8. Hỏi về giá tiền:

How much do/does + S + cost?
= How much + be + S?
= What is the price of S?

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