Marine and Dam Structures

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oads and highways are In addition to roads and highways, 165m long and retains 17 million m
often constructed along Reinforced Earth is also used in the of water. The spillway and side walls
the seacoast and river construction of dams and spillways. are constructed of 3,500m of Rein-
valleys just above the high The first Reinforced Earth dam was forced Earth facing.
water or normal flood stage elevation. built in 1973 near Hyeres in Vallon
This can pose technical problems des Bîmes in France. The structure, Reinforced Earth marine structures
when the river bank or seacoast is 9m high with a downstream facing of have traditionally been constructed
so narrow that new construction or 200m , creates a reservoir used to under dry conditions or during
widening of existing roads encroach fight forest fires. periods of low tide. Now, the under-
on the river or the sea. Under these water construction of quay walls has
conditions, retaining structures are In 1984, the largest Reinforced Earth been successfully and economically
required which will be in permanent or dam in the world was built in the demonstrated with the completion of
temporary contact with either fresh or United States at Rangely, Colorado. three structures in Canada and the
salt water. The dam measures 16.5m high and Solomon Islands.

It is common knowledge that during

storms or floods, the combined forces
of water and water borne debris can
be highly destructive. Therefore, the
design and construction materials
used in retaining structures along river
and coastlines must allow for the risks
associated with this special environ-
Reinforced Earth is a proven alter-
native to other construction methods
and materials used to build marine
structures including highways and
railways built along waterways and
across dam spillways. It is easily
adapted to these complex situations
and has performance characteristics
that have made it universally accep-
ted in more traditional civil engineer-
ing applications. The worldwide use
of Reinforced Earth as a standard
construction technology has resulted
from these inherent advantages:
■ economy, which increases with the
height of the structure
■ flexibility, whether on moderately
compact or heterogeneous founda-
Coastal road between Saint Denis and Saint Pierre on Reunion Island.
tion soils
■ speed of wall construction and United States
backfill operations.

The largest Reinforced Earth marine

structure in the world supports and
protects a coastal highway on Reun-
ion Island in the Indian Ocean. Built
during 1974 and 1975, this 11km long
wall (72,000 m of facing) has with-
stood the punishment of five cyclones,
and continues to perform as designed.

Taylor Draw dam in Colorado.


esign procedures for Backfill Drainage and Protection
Reinforced Earth marine
structures are essentially A major concern in the selection of If permeable fill cannot be used for the
the same as for non- backfill material is ensuring the long- entire mass, a free-draining layer of
marine structures. However, in many term durability of the reinforcements. highly permeable material is often
instances, special precautions are When standard Reinforced Earth placed directly behind the panels. Filter
required in the choice of backfill and galvanized steel reinforcements are cloth is used on panel joints to prevent
other construction materials to ensure used, the physio-chemical parame- sand from seeping through the joints.
good drainage within and from the ters of soils are somewhat more As in traditional marine construction,
reinforced volume of the structure. restrictive than those for ordinary dry riprap or gabions are used to protect
land structures. the toe of the structure.
Good geotechnical design practice Hydraulic Engineering
In structures either partially or fully requires the use of materials that
submerged in fresh water, standard In structures with effective drainage,
ensure adequate drainage, especial-
galvanized steel reinforcements are the water level inside the reinforced
ly if the structure may be subjected
normally used. Uncoated steel reinfor- volume equals the river, dam or sea
to sudden rapid draw down and
cements, 8 to 12mm thick manufac- outside the structure. This will be the
other variations in water level. Such
tured from steel commonly used in case even under conditions of tidal
drainage conditions can be achieved
marine piling, are required for coastal flow, rapid draw down of water level,
with backfill materials which contain
projects subject to inundation by or sudden discharges of water. If
less than 5 percent fines (< 74 µm) or the structure is not essentially free
seawater (saline). in which the permeability coefficient
-3 draining the free water surface and
exceeds 10 cm/s. pattern of flow through the reinforced
volume at various stages or levels of
Materials with good drainage charac- water outside the structure must be
The facing consists of standard, pre-
teristics also exhibit a high degree of estimated.
cast concrete panels and, in some
friction. Any backfill material used
cases, special panels designed to
in an underwater structure must If the size of the projects warrants, this
resist unique conditions such as
meet internal friction criteria defined problem can be solved using computer
unusual tides or stresses caused by
by the properties of the fill when or analog models. Typically, however,
wave driven ice or erosion. Structures
saturated. a simple and conservative estimate is
often include panels designed for
functional requirements such as wave made, in which the free surface is
deflectors. assumed to be horizontal within the
Reinforced Earth volume.
Principle of internal design calculation
Structural Design
Above water level Under water level
The first step in designing a structure
Backfill unit weight moist γ buoyant γ'
is to define the mechanical character-
Effective angle of internal friction φ' > φ1 = 36° φ' > 25° ristics of backfill materials to be used in
Coefficient K, varies from KO = 1- sinφ1 from KO = 1 - sinφ' the zone above water levels and in the
2 π _ φ1 2 π _ φ' submerged zone below the water level
to Ka = tg ( ) to Ka = tg ( )
4 2 4 2 (see Table).
from fO* = 1,5 tg φ'
from fO* = 1,5
Apparent coefficient of friction tg φ1 ■ In the summation of the structure
(Soil-Strip) varies weight and external forces, i.e., of
to tgφ1 to tgφ'
components ΣV and ΣH and their
moment (ΣM) with respect to the
middle of the base of the Reinforced
Earth mass, the Meyerhof formula
can be used to compute the
“effective” vertical stress in the fill:
e= → σ’v =
ΣV L-2e
■ With UA being pore pressure at point
A (a point along the line of maximum
tension) the “total” vertical stress at
this point is
Loads applied to the structure above level z under investigation:
Vertical σv = σ’v + UA
V1 = Weight of part of structure above water table (unit weight γ).
V’1 = Weight of part of the structure below water table (unit weight γ’). ■ The total horizontal stress to be
V2 = Surcharge balanced by the reinforcements is
Horizontal (possibly inclined)
H1 = Backfill earth pressure (buoyant below water table) σh (A) = Kσ’v + UA
H2 = Earth pressure due to surcharge neglecting the effect of flow forces,
H3 = Hydrostatic pressure due to differential head between rear of Reinforced Earth
structure and front face.
which are insignificant under normal


hen dry conditions pre- of corrosion on the fill side of sheet forced back over the roadway. At some
vail along coastlines and pile walls and in the strips is much points the barrier shifted as much as
river valleys, traditional lower than on the surfaces exposed 2m. The waves also detached metal
Reinforced Earth cons- to sea spray or to tidal fluctuations. guard rails from a 250m section of the
truction procedures are used for As has been the case, the long-term barrier’s median strip. Throughout the
building retaining walls or bridge performance of reinforcements used storm, the Reinforced Earth walls
abutments. During periods of low in Reinforced Earth structures is suffered only minor damage, primarily
water, the foundation and the first few always based on conservative along their top edge and only on those
rows of panels are installed. Along the durability assumptions. portions of walls at the most exposed
coast this first step of construction is points along the route.
typically accomplished at low tide. In Case Histories
such cases, tidal fluctuations will flood In the United States, four Reinforced
the project twice a day, but experience The coastal highway on Reunion Earth retaining walls, spanning a
has proved that this causes no da- Island is a good example of a sea- cumulative length of 3km and incorpo-
mage to wall construction in sheltered coast project. In this part of the world, rating 23,500m of facing, support the
sites or harbours. where tropical storms are frequent Southern Tier Expressway along a
and particularly violent, it was neces- section of road that runs between
Special care must be taken to prepare sary to protect the structures against mountains and the Allegheny River in
a stable foundation under the facing. damage from the constant impact of New York state. The use of Reinforced
The levelling pad should rest directly ocean waves (Figure 1). This project Earth reduced encroachment on the
on rock, if rock is present, or on a thick was completed in 1975 and the river to an absolute minimum while
layer of drainage material, which also combination of tetrapods and riprap allowing the structure to blend in with
provides protection against ground has proved to be structurally sound the natural surroundings. The founda-
seepage. Generally, the foundation is and effective. In February 1986, the tion consists of riprap that drops
additionally protected using gabions or cyclone “Erinesta” produced extra- at a 2/1 slope toward the river. The
riprap sized according to the wave ordinarily high waves that cut off all embankment is protected by a concrete
forces expected at the site. traffic for four days, even in the inner revetment. When the river recently
lanes. At several points the waves reached its highest flood level in a
Durability of Reinforcements topped the wall, crossed the road century, the backfill was saturated and
and ditch, and reached the foot of the the water level rose to 3m within the
The durability of galvanized steel mountain cliffs. A 175m section of structure.
reinforcements must be considered concrete continuous traffic barrier,
when selecting backfill for structures battered by storm driven water, was
which are temporarily or permanently
exposed to fresh water. The following
chemical and electrochemical criteria
must be met:

Fresh Water Structures

Resistivity, saturated > 3000 Ω.cm
pH 5 – 10
[Chlorides] < 100 ppm
[Sulfates] < 500 ppm

When designing permanent struc-

tures, the sacrificial thickness required
under these conditions ranges from
1.5 to 2mm.

Projects directly exposed to salt water Figure 1: Reunion Island. Typical section of highway built away from the cliff.
are subject to particularly harsh
conditions. Regardless of the electro- United States
chemical characteristics of the back-
fill, the seawater itself is the primary
determinant of the corrosion rate of the
reinforcements. For such structures 8
to 12mm thick black steel must be
used. The excess thickness used as a
reserve against corrosion assures the
structure’s service life. With respect to
the thickness of the steel used, this
design approach is comparable to
structures built with sheet or bearing
piles. Many older structures of this
type have been inspected to assess
the rate of corrosion. It has been
consistently observed that the extent Southern Tier Expressway, New York.

From 1978 to 1984, several sections In 1983, a parking area and boat quickly, as on a land-based project.
of Highway 132 along the Gaspé launching ramp were built directly on The base of the structure is protected
Peninsula in Quebec, Canada were Reinforced Earth walls at the port of against erosion by a stone embank-
constructed on Reinforced Earth Swansea on the southern coast of ment 1.5m thick. When designing the
seawalls. In total, the project consists Wales in Great Britain. The maximum reinforcements of the structure, it was
of over 55,000m of walls extending height of these walls is 10m; the tide assumed that at ebb tide the difference
over a cumulative length of 13,400km. can rise as high at 9.9m. At a depth between the level of the sea and the
Each winter, these walls are sub- of 1.3m, the wall rests on a bed of level of the water inside the structure
jected to the build up of storm-driven drainage material that was also used was 2.5m, corresponding to one hour
pack ice. For added protection against to replace pockets of soft clay. The of tidal change.
the weather, the walls were built footing, which is 1m in width, was
with 230mm thick, Z-shaped panels prefabricated in 3m sections and Many other examples of Reinforced
(Figure 2) that allowed for rapid secured to the lower half-panels, thus Earth marine structures built in or
construction (up to 700m per day avoiding any need to pour concrete along the water can be found through-
on this project) necessitated by the on-site. out the world. Currently, more than
extreme tidal fluctuations experienced 300,000m of Reinforced Earth walls
at that latitude. A special panel at the The foundation was laid and the first or abutments have been built along
top of the wall deflects the pounding row of panels installed during periods rivers and coastlines.
of ocean waves. The majority of these of low tide. At high tide, the job
walls are built directly on rock, with no site was completely submerged.
special protection at the foot of the After construction in the tidal zone Canada
structure. was completed, erection proceeded

Figure 2: The walls of the Gaspé Highway use Z-shaped panels.

United Kingdom

Gaspé Peninsula, Quebec.

Port of Swansea, southern coast of Wales


he use of Reinforced Earth Design In the latter three conditions, continued
in the construction of earth internal stability must be verified,
dams allows the reduction The stability of a dam and spillway although safety coefficients under
or elimination of the struc- depends on two essentially indepen- these conditions may be reduced.
ture’s downstream slopes, resulting dent factors:
in considerable project savings. For each situation the process begins
■ computing the slope stability of by defining “above water” and “satu-
Reinforced Earth makes it possible to
the upstream embankment against rated” zones. Next, loading conditions
build a dam spillway with its sill at the
failure are determined from the weight of the
very crest of the structure, eliminating
costly gates and other flood control ■ computing the internal downstream structure itself, earth pressure, and
structures that would otherwise be stability of the Reinforced Earth hydrostatic pressures on the structure.
required in addition to the dam. In the volume. It is then possible to compute the
event of high water levels during resultant of the internal and external
construction, it is possible to allow a The stability of the Reinforced Earth forces and the effective vertical stress
portion of the flow to spill over the volume must be determined for two within the fill for each level of
unfinished dam. This provides added conditions: reinforcement. The resulting horizontal
savings by minimizing the need for stress and the interstitial pressures
■ normal operations, for which a high determine the level of tensile stress in
a temporary diversion of the water
level of security is required the reinforcements.
■ accidental (and unlikely) satura-
These advantages may also be tion, in which the dam ceases to be Pullout resistance of the reinforce-
obtained with other types of vertical watertight and the drains become ments in the zone of resistance is then
walls. However, Reinforced Earth has clogged. checked, taking into account effective
additional, unique benefits: structural vertical stress due to the weight of
flexibility on moderately compact or In some cases, stability in two special the earth and a friction coefficient that
heterogeneous foundation soils, speed conditions must also be examined: depends on depth and on whether or
of construction, and the integration of not the fill is saturated.
embankment work with construction ■ high water occurring in the course
of the Reinforced Earth spillway. of construction and saturating all of
the backfill
Design of Reinforced Earth Dams ■ the final phase of construction, in
and Spillways which interstitial pressures devel-
oped in impermeable fills might
Upstream, the design of a Reinforced not yet have had a chance to
Earth dam is analogous to that of a dissipate.
conventional earth dam with respect
to its impervious zones and the slopes
required for the embankment. Down-
stream, however, the situation is
different. Reinforced Earth structures
have a vertical facing on the down-
stream side (Figure 3). Thus the
volume of the dam can be reduced by
half. The length of the intake and
discharge channels and conduits are
also reduced.
Figure 3: Typical cross-section of a Reinforced Earth dam, compared with traditional earth dam.
The upstream impervious barrier may
consist of a surface membrane or France
of a core of impervious material
placed behind, and possibly above,
the reinforced volume. As usual, a
drainage system, including a filter,
is installed just behind the water
barrier to absorb any leaks. When
the reinforced backfill is not highly
permeable, the system also includes
a drainage layer directly behind the
facing panels. The spillway is normally
formed by a single reinforced concrete
slab placed in a notch in the dam’s
crest, through which the water is
conducted downstream. To protect
the dam from harmful erosion, its
foundation is built below the bottom of
the settling basin, and/or the impact
area of the water flow is covered with
riprap (energy dissipation).
Vallon des Bîmes, near Hyeres.

Construction dam and increase the holding rious condition and recreational value
capacity of the reservoir it impounds to the local community. Economic
The Taylor Draw dam on the White (Figure 5). Compared to other considerations and public opinion
River in Colorado (USA) is the largest materials, the advantages of dictated that the dam be strengthened
and most complex dam and spillway Reinforced Earth are: rather than removed. Reinforced Earth
built of Reinforced Earth (Figure 4). was specified for stabilizing and
■ its flexibility, which is important improving the stability of the structure.
The dam is 380m in length and
for structures founded on large This century-old dam is 15m high and
consists of these two sections: tow
embankments 3
retains 8 million m of water. Built of
embankment section from each
abutment, and a central section of ■ the uniform distribution of loads stone and cyclopic concrete masonry,
Reinforced Earth that supports the throughout the structure which the dam exhibited general bulging
spillway. The wingwalls are also built results in the least possible impact of the downstream facing and water
of Reinforced Earth. The flow of the on the entire structure seepage and occasional flows from
spillway can reach 1,850m /s. open joints between blocks. Its reno-
■ the increased stability of the vation consisted of building a new
Imperviousness of the foundation and existing embankment high-water spillway of Reinforced Earth
dam is assured by foundation inject- with a sloped facing that abuts the
Of course, a dam built in this manner
tions and a core of impermeable downstream face of the old dam,
must not be subject to overtopping.
material. The Reinforced Earth volume thereby strengthening and stabilizing it.
is drained by two vertical upstream The earth dam at Lake Sherburne A reinforced concrete slab covers the
and downstream drainage zones. In in Montana (USA) is 60 years old panels and seals out water (Figure 6).
addition, a geomembrane covers the and rises to a height of 26m. In 1983
reinforced volume to prevent water it was topped with a double-faced
penetration from above. The structure Reinforced Earth wall 7.3m wide,
is capped by a reinforced concrete 6m high, and 350m long, increasing
slab which ends in the slope of a flip the reservoir holding capacity to
bucket spillway. 3
approximately 200 million m . The
Reinforced Earth solution was 35%
The savings resulting from the use of
less expensive than other methods
Reinforced Earth on this project have
for raising the dam, such as widen-
been estimated at almost one and a
ing and raising the embankments
half million dollars.
which would have increased the risk
of overloading the foundation.
Increasing the Height of Existing
Dams Dam Restoration
Reinforced Earth can also be used to The restoration of a 100-year-old
Figure 6: Cross-section of Jamesville, New York
form a double-faced structure used to dam in Jamesville, New York (USA)
raise the height of an existing earth was required because of its preca-
United States

Lake Sherburne, Montana.

Figure 4: Front face elevation and typical cross-section of Taylor Draw dam.

Figure 5: New section of earth dam at Lake Sherburne.

France United Kingdom

Reinforced Earth is a proven and

effective construction material readi-
ly applicable to marine structures
such as retaining walls, bridge
abutments, quay walls, and dams
and spillways. The use of Reinfor-
ced Earth offers significant project
cost savings, design flexibility, and
rapid construction. As an alternative
to traditional materials, Reinforced
Earth has demonstrated superior
performance characteristics in
almost any application, whether on
dry land or submerged in water.
Epinal. Port of Swansea.
United States

Owensboro, Kentucky.
United States

Taylor Draw dam on the White River, Colorado.

Reinforced Earth Malaysia Sdn Bhd

80-1, Jalan 8/62A, Bandar Menjalara
52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 603-62746162, Fax: 603-62747212

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