Session-7 (String in Python)

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By – Amresh Tiwari (SGEI)

Data type identifies the type of data

values a variable can hold and the
operations that can be performed on
that data.
Variables can hold values of different
data types.

Python Data
Python is a dynamically typed language
Types hence we need not define the type of
the variable while declaring it.

The interpreter implicitly binds the value

with its type.

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• A Python sequence is an ordered collection of items, where
each item is indexed by an integer.
• The three types of sequence data types available in Python are
Strings, Lists and Tuples.
• Note:

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

The string can be defined as the
sequence of characters represented
in the quotation marks.

In python, we can use single,
double, or triple quotes to define a

str1 = ”Good Morning” #string str1

str2 = ' how are you’ #string str2

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

List is a sequence of items
separated by commas and the
items are enclosed in square
brackets [ ].

List Example #To create a list

>>> list1 = [5, 3.4, "New Delhi", "20C", 45]
#print the elements of the list list1
>>> print(list1)
[5, 3.4, 'New Delhi', '20C', 45]

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Tuple is a sequence of items
separated by commas and items are
enclosed in parenthesis ( ).

This is unlike list, where values are

Tuple enclosed in brackets [ ]. Once

created, we cannot change the

#create a tuple tuple1

>>> tuple1 = (10, 20, "Apple", 3.4, 'a')
Eg. #print the elements of the tuple tuple1
>>> print(tuple1)
(10, 20, "Apple", 3.4, 'a')

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Mutable and Immutable Data Types
• Variables whose values can be changed after they are created
and assigned are called mutable.
• Variables whose values cannot be changed after they are
created and assigned are called immutable.
• When an attempt is made to update the value of an immutable
variable, the old variable is destroyed and a new variable is
created by the same name in memory.

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Mutable and Immutable Data Types

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

String is a sequence which is made up of one or more UNICODE

Here the character can be a letter, digit, whitespace or any other


A string can be created by enclosing one or more characters in single,

STRINGS double or triple quote.

>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str2 = "Hello World!"

>>> str3 = """Hello World!"""

>>> str4 = '''Hello World!'‘’

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

str1, str2, str3, str4 are all string variables having the
same value 'Hello World!'.

Values stored in str3 and str4 can be extended to

multiple lines using triple codes as can be seen in the
following example:
>>> str3 = """Hello World!
welcome to the world of Python"""
>>> str4 = '''Hello World!
welcome to the world of Python'''

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

The printing of the string is same
as of the printing of variables .
the print() function is used to

Printing print the strings.

strings Syntax : print(String_name)

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Accessing Character in a String
Character of a string can be accessed in the same way as a list or tuple using
indexing and slicing.

Accessing individual character using Positive indexing.

Accessing individual character using Negative indexing

Range of index (Slicing)

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Accessing individual Character in a String
(Using Positive Indexing)
• We can use the index operator [] to access >>> str1 = 'Hello World!' #initializes a string str1
a character in a string. #gives the first character of str1
>>> str1[0]
• In Python, indices starts from 0. So, a string 'H'
having 12 characters will have an index #gives seventh character of str1
from 0 to 11. >>> str1[6]
Note:- The index must be an integer.
#gives last character of str1
>>> str1[11]
#gives error as index is out of range
>>> str1[15]
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel) IndexError: string index out of range
Negative indexing

• Python allows negative indexing for its

• The negative indexing means the
beginning from end ( right to left).
• Eg. print(String[-1]) will print !.
print(String[-4]) will print r.

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Range of indexes (Slicing)
• We can specify a range of indexes by specifying from where to start and
where to end the range.
• We can access a range of characters in a string by using the slicing operator :
• Slicing is used to extract a part of the string.
• The slice operation str1[n:m] returns all the characters starting from str1[n]
till str1[m-1].
• The numbers of characters in the substring will always be equal to difference
of two indices m and n, i.e., (m-n). By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
Range of indexes (Slicing)…

>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'

>>> str1[1:5] #gives substring starting from index 1 to 4
>>> str1[7:10] #gives substring starting from 7 to 9
#index that is too big is truncated down to the end of the string
>>> str1[3:20] 'lo World!'
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
Range of indexes (Slicing)…
#first index > second index results in an empty '' string
>>> str1[7:2]
#If the first index is not mentioned, the slice starts from index.
>>> str1[:5] #gives substring from index 0 to 4
#If the second index is not mentioned, the slicing is done till the length of
the string.
>>> str1[6:] #gives substring from index 6 to end
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
Range of indexes (Slicing)…
 The slice operation can also take a third index that specifies the ‘step
 For example, str1[n:m:k], means every kth character has to be
extracted from the string str1 starting from n and ending at m-1.
 By default, the step size is one.
>>> str1[0:10:2]
>>> str1[0:10:3]
'HlWl' By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
Range of indexes (Slicing)…

 Negative indexes can also be used for slicing.

#characters at index -6,-5,-4,-3 and -2 are sliced
>>> str1[-6:-1]
 If we ignore both the indexes and give step size as -1
#str1 string is obtained in the reverse order
>>> str1[::-1]
'!dlroW olleH'
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
String is Immutable
• A string is an immutable data type. It means that the contents
of the string cannot be changed after it has been created.
• An attempt to do this would lead to an error.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = "Hello World!"
#if we try to replace character 'e' with 'a'
>>> str1[1] = 'a'
TypeError: 'str' object does not support item assignment

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)


We can access each character of a string or traverse a

string using for loop and while loop.

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)


• Another way of accessing the H
• String Traversal Using for Loop: elements of the string is using e
range() and len() functions: l
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!' l
>>> for ch in str1: >>> str1 = 'Hello World!' o

print(ch,end = '') >>> for ch in range(len(str1)):

Hello World! #output of for loop print(str1[ch])
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
TRAVERSING A STRING (Using while Loop)

>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'

>>> index = 0
#len(): a function to get length of string
>>> while(index < len(str1)):
print(str1[index],end = '')
index += 1

Hello World! #output of while loop

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)




By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

• To concatenate means to join. We can also use + (plus)
operator to combine two strings. This is called the
concatenation of two strings.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello' #First string
>>> str2 = 'World!' #Second string
>>> str1 + str2 #Concatenated strings
• Eg.-
Concatenation >>> str1 = 'Hello' #First string
>>> str2 = 'World!' #Second string
>>> str3=str1 + str2 #Concatenated strings
>>> str3

Note: str1 and str2 still remains the same after the use of
concatenation operator.
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• The * operator repeats a string for the given
number of times.
• The repetition operator requires the first
operand to be a string and the second operand
to be an integer only.
Replication/ • Eg.-
Repetition >>> str1 = 'Hello'
>>> str1 * 3
• Note: str1 still remains the same after the use of
repetition operator.

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

• Python has two membership operators 'in' and
'not in'.
• The 'in' operator takes two strings and returns
True if the first string appears as a substring in
the second string, otherwise it returns False.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
Membership >>> 'W' in str1
>>> 'Wor' in str1
>>> 'My' in str1
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• The 'not in' operator also takes two strings and
returns True if the first string does not appear as
a substring in the second string, otherwise
returns False.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
Membership… >>> 'W' not in str1
>>> 'Wor' not in str1
>>> 'My' not in str1
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• The data type string has several built-in methods that are useful in
• Some of them are –
len() title() lower()
upper() count(str, start, end) find(str, start, end)
index(str, start, end) endswith() startswith()
isalnum() isalpha() isdigit()
islower() isupper() isspace()
istitle() lstrip() rstrip()
strip() replace(oldstr, newstr) join()
partition() split()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Returns the length of the given string.

For eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> len(str1)

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)


Returns the string with first letter of every word

in the string in uppercase and rest in lowercase.
For eg.-
>>> str1 = 'hello WORLD!'
>>> str1.title()
'Hello World!'
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Returns the string with all uppercase letters

converted to lowercase
For eg.-
>>> str1 = 'hello WORLD!'
>>> str1.lower()
'hello world!'
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

Returns the string with all lowercase letters

converted to uppercase
For eg.-
>>> str1 = 'hello WORLD!'
>>> str1.upper()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
count(str, start, end)
• Returns number of times substring str occurs in the given
• If we do not give start index and end index then searching
starts from index 0 and ends at length of the string
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World! Hello Hello'
>>> str1.count('Hello',12,25)
>>> str1.count('Hello')
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
find(str,start, end)
• Returns the first occurrence of index of substring str occurring in the given
• If we do not give start and end then searching starts from index 0 and ends
at length of the string.
• If the substring is not present in the given string, then the function returns -1
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World! Hello Hello'
>>> str1.find('Hello',10,20)
>>> str1.find('Hello',15,25)
>>> str1.find('Hello')
>>> str1.find('Hee')
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
index(str, start, end)
• Same as find() but raises an exception if the
substring is not present in the given string.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World! Hello Hello'
>>> str1.index('Hello')
>>> str1.index('Hee')
ValueError: substring not found
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if the given string ends with the supplied
substring otherwise returns False.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.endswith('World!')
>>> str1.endswith('!')
>>> str1.endswith('lde')
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if the given string starts with the
supplied substring otherwise returns False.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.startswith('He')
>>> str1.startswith('Hee')
False By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if characters of the given string are either alphabets or
• If whitespace or special symbols are part of the given string or the
string is empty it returns False
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld'
>>> str1.isalnum()
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld2'
>>> str1.isalnum()
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld!!'
>>> str1.isalnum()
False By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if characters of the given string are alphabets.
• If whitespace or special symbols are part of the given string or the
string is empty it returns False.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld'
>>> str1.isalpha()
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld2'
>>> str1.isalpha()
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld!!'
>>> str1.isalpha()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if all characters in the string are digits, Otherwise, It
returns “False”.
• If whitespace or special symbols are part of the given string or the
string is empty it returns False.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld'
>>> str1.isdigit()
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld2'
>>> str1.isdigit()
>>> str1 = ‘12345'
>>> str1.isdigit()
True By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
>>> str1 = 'hello world!'
>>> str1.islower()
• Returns True if the string is True
>>> str1 = 'hello 1234'
non-empty and has all >>> str1.islower()
lowercase alphabets, or has True
at least one character as >>> str1 = 'hello ??'
>>> str1.islower()
lowercase alphabet and rest True
are non-alphabet characters. >>> str1 = '1234'
>>> str1.islower()
• Eg.- False
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.islower()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
>>> str1 = 'HELLO WORLD!'
• Returns True if the string is >>> str1.isupper()
non-empty and has all >>> str1 = 'HELLO 1234'
uppercase alphabets, or has >>> str1.isupper()
at least one character as True
>>> str1 = 'HELLO ??'
uppercase character and >>> str1.isupper()
rest are non-alphabet True
>>> str1 = '1234'
characters >>> str1.isupper()
• Eg.- False
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.isupper()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if the string is non-empty and all
characters are white spaces (blank, tab, newline,
carriage return)
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = ' \n \t \r'
>>> str1.isspace()
>>> str1 = 'Hello \n'
>>> str1.isspace()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns True if the string is non-empty and title
case, i.e., the first letter of every word in the string
in uppercase and rest in lowercase.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.istitle()
>>> str1 = 'hello World!'
>>> str1.istitle()
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns the string after removing the spaces
only on the left of the string.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = ' Hello World! '
>>> str1.lstrip()
'Hello World! '

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

• Returns the string after removing the spaces
only on the right of the string.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = ' Hello World! '
>>> str1.rstrip()
' Hello World!'

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

• Returns the string after removing the spaces
both on the left and the right of the string.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = ' Hello World! '
>>> str1.strip()
'Hello World!'

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

replace(oldstr, newstr)
• Replaces all occurrences of old string with the new string.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.replace('o','*')
'Hell* W*rld!'
>>> str1 = 'Hello World!'
>>> str1.replace('World','Country')
'Hello Country!'
>>> str1 = 'Hello World! Hello'
>>> str1.replace('Hello','Bye')
'Bye World! Bye'
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Returns a string in which the characters in the
string have been joined by a separator.
• Eg.-
>>> str1 = 'HelloWorld!'
>>> str2 = '-' #separator
>>> str2.join(str1)
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Partitions the given string at the >>> str1 = 'India is a Great
first occurrence of the substring Country'
(separator) and returns the string
partitioned into three parts. >>> str1.partition('is')
1. Substring before the separator ('India ', 'is', ' a Great Country')
2. Separator >>> str1.partition('are')
3. Substring after the separator ('India is a Great Country',' ',' ')
• If the separator is not found in
the string, it returns the whole
string itself and two empty

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

• Returns a list of words >>>str1='India is a Great Country'
>>> str1.split()
delimited by the specified
substring. >>> str1 = 'India is a Great Country'
• If no delimiter is given >>> str1.split('a')
then words are separated ['Indi', ' is ', ' Gre', 't Country']

by space.
• Eg.-
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
What will be the output of the following code segment:
Consider the following string mySubject:
mySubject = "Computer Science"
What will be the output of the following string operations :
i. print(mySubject[0:len(mySubject)])
ii. print(mySubject[-7:-1])
iii. print(mySubject[::2])
iv. print(mySubject[len(mySubject)-1])
v. print(2*mySubject)
vi. print(mySubject[::-2])
vii. print(mySubject[:3] + mySubject[3:])
viii. print(mySubject.swapcase())
ix. print(mySubject.startswith('Comp'))
x. print(mySubject.isalpha())
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
What will be the output of the following code segment:
Consider the following string myAddress:
myAddress = "WZ-1,New Ganga Nagar,New Delhi"
What will be the output of following string operations :
i. print(myAddress.lower())
ii. print(myAddress.upper())
iii. print(myAddress.count('New'))
iv. print(myAddress.find('New'))
v. print(myAddress.rfind('New'))
vi. print(myAddress.split(','))
vii. print(myAddress.split(' '))
viii. print(myAddress.replace('New','Old'))
ix. print(myAddress.partition(','))
x. print(myAddress.index('Agra'))
By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)
• Write a program that takes a sentence as an input
where each word in the sentence is separated by a
space. The program should replace each blank with
a hyphen and then return the modified sentence.
• Write a program which replaces all vowels in the
inputted string with '*'.
• Write a program to check if a string is a palindrome
or not. (A string is called palindrome if it reads same
backwards as forward. For example, MADAM is a

By-Amresh Tiwari, Sunbeam Suncity (School & Hostel)

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