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Junior High School Department - S.Y. 2023-2024

Worksheet in MAPEH 8

CN ____ Name: ___________________________________________________ PT: ______/ TS: ______/

Grade and Section: ____________________________________________ EM: B-____/5; D-____/5
Teacher: Mr. Robert Dayle R. Guanzon Parent’s Signature: __________

I. Read each item carefully, and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each
number. Write E if the answer is not in the choices.

_____ 1]. It is a small group of people bound by kinship and a common culture.
A. Courtship B. Dating C. Marriage D. Family
_____ 2]. This is the period when two people develop a romantic and intimate relationship that could lead to
A. Courtship B. Dating C. Marriage D. Family
_____ 3]. Which of the following structures of the family consists of the husband,wife and child?
A. Nuclear Family B. Extended Family C. Marriage D. Single-parent Family
_____ 4]. Which of the following countries dissolved when either the husband or the wife decides to quit?
A. Philippines B. Cambodia C. Singapore D. China
_____ 5].It is an important experience that contributes to the emotional growth and identity formation of a
person .
A. Courtship B. Dating C. Marriage D. Family

II. Courtship and having dates is the start of having an intimate relationship with the opposite sex. Write
FLOWER if the statement describes the importance of courting and write HEART if it describes the
importance of dating. Write your answer on the line before each item.

__________________11. Courting gives time to understand one another.

__________________12. It forms affection and respect.
__________________13. It reveals one’s interests, likes and dislikes limitations, and other aspirations in life.
__________________14. It strengthens the relationship.
__________________15. It gives quality time to each other.
__________________16. It allows couples to decide whether they want to be committed.
__________________17. It allows couples to know if they are ready to be committed.
__________________18. It leads one to observe the other person’s character.
__________________19. Provides an opportunity for one to know his/her strengths and weaknesses in
dealing with the opposite sex.
__________________20. It develops security.

III. IV. Give 5 factors necessary to consider in choosing a lifetime partner and give a scenario in
which it will help to work out for a successful married life.

21-22. __________________________________ - ___________________________________________

23-24. __________________________________ - ___________________________________________
25-26. __________________________________ - ___________________________________________
27-28. __________________________________ - ___________________________________________
29-30. __________________________________ - ___________________________________________

Scoring rubric for Essay

5 Information was clear and accurate
3 Information was not very clear
1 Information was incomplete and inaccurate

31-35) What are the qualities/characteristics of a girl that you are looking for a perfect partner in life?

36-40) If you are given a chance to play a team sport representing the Philippines in an International tournament, what
team sports will you choose between basketball and baseball?

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