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Performance Task

Beauty in the Eyes of Mathematics

There is one mathematical relationship that has been consistently and repeatedly reported to
be present in beautiful things. This is what the famous painter Leonardo da Vinci describe as the
“divine proportion,” which is closely related to the number called the golden ratio. This is the
mathematical ratio that seems to appear recurrently in beautiful things in nature as well as in
other things that are seen as “beautiful.” The ratio is approximated as 1.618:1. The number 1.618
is also referred to as “phi.” In fact, this number is the limiting value of the quotient 𝑓 𝑛 of the two
consecutive terms of the Fibonacci sequence.
Recall that the terms of the Fibonacci sequence are
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, …
and the quotient of the two consecutive terms of this sequence are:

𝑭𝒏 𝑭𝒏
𝒏 𝒏
𝑭𝒏−𝟏 𝑭𝒏−𝟏
2 55
𝟑 =2 10 = 1.617647059
1 34
3 89
𝟒 = 1.5 11 = 1.618181818
2 55
5 144
𝟓 = 1.66666667 12 = 1.617977528
3 89
8 233
𝟔 = 1.6 13 = 1.61805556
5 144
13 377
𝟕 = 1.625 14 = 1.618025751
8 233
21 610
𝟖 = 1.615384615 15 = 1.618037135
13 377
34 987
𝟗 = 1.619047619 16 = 1.618032787
21 610
~Let’s Do ~(Part 1)
Measurements in the Human Body and the Golden Ratio

1. Choose a partner (one of your classmates) and use his/her hand for the
measurement of the distances shown in the picture. Use a tape measure or ruler and
record your results (use cm as the unit). 15 pts

2. Find an image of a face of your classmate (your chosen partner). Choose a large size
of picture so it will be easier to measure. Find the following measurements to the
nearest thousandths of a centimeter. 45 pts
a. Top – of – head to chin
b. Top – of – head to pupil
c. Pupil to nose tip
d. Pupil to lip
e. Width of nose
f. Outside distance between eyes
g. Width of head
h. Hairline to pupil
i. Nose – tip to chin
j. Lips to chin
k. Length of lips to chin
l. Nose – tip to lips
Now find the following ratios:
1. 𝑔

9. Does any of these ratios get close to the number 1.618?

Let’s Reflect (Part 2) 10 points each

Content ---------6%
Coherence ------ 4%

Total ---------------10%
1. If you were given the opportunity to explain how to solve word problems involving series
and sequences to one of your classmates, how would you do it? What strategies would
you employ in order to make sure that he/she will understand well the procedures
involved in the word problems?
2. In what way can series and sequences be helpful in making decisions in real-life?
3. In your earlier studies of functions, the variable x was often used to denote the
independent variable, and y is the dependent variable. In the definition of the circular
functions, the independent variable was 𝜃, which represents the measure of an angle in
standard position, while x and y only used to define the function. Did you have any
problem with the shift in the roles of the variable x and y? Elucidate your answer.
Note: For part 1, include pictures that you will be using as your proof and show your process in
number 2. Outputs will be submitted in a short size bond paper using cambria font 12. Make your
output a presentable one.
Deadline: Jan 5, 2024

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