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Startup Spotlight Interview

Founded by Vikas Lachhwani and Tarun Sharma in October 2016

During the Interview with Vikas Lachhwani

Interviewer: Hello Sir, we are glad that you are here! I hope this interview brings meaningful insights
to the upcoming Entrepreneurs.

Vikas Lachhwani: Yes, In fact, I am glad to be here, giving an interview and sharing about mine and
Tarun Sharma’s journey behind building our Skincare Startup “M Caffeine”.

Interviewer: Shall we begin it?

Vikas Lachhwani: Yes definitely.

Interviewer: So, let’s start with a basic question- How would you define your startup?

Vikas Lachhwani: Nice Question though. I would say,

MCaffeine wakes up your routine with coffee-infused personal care. Vegan, cruelty-free, and eco-
conscious, they blend caffeine's antioxidant magic with coffee, green tea, and chocolate for
energized skin and hair. From face washes to body scrubs, their products invigorate your senses
and leave you feeling #UpForLife. Get your daily dose of energy and glow, naturally.

Interviewer: Great sir, So Just tell us how it all started, where did this unique idea come of
blending Caffeine in skincare?

Vikas Lachhwani: Well, It just arrived when me and Tarun had some research and we found out
that Caffeine is a good ingredient for nourishing skin and we worked hard on it.

Interviewer: So what you had been doing before that?

Vikas: I worked in Bentonville, USA, and launched a startup that focused on transforming HR
practices through the use of data. Meanwhile, Tarun had joined the operations of a food delivery
startup. In 2015, we decided to work together and we noticed a lack of personal care brands for
the younger-age people. At that moment we realized that we need to work on this and yes we are

Interviewer: Wonderful, then how many in-total stores do you have worldwide?

Vikas: Umm, as per my count, we have over 4999 stores in India. Also, we have expanded our
products on the global level in three different countries.

Interviewer: Congratulations to both of you Sir, A big Congratulations to MCaffeine as well.

Vikas: Thank you, Thanks a lot.

Interviewer: Sir, what were the major obstacles you faced throughout the journey of MCaffeine?
And how did you overcome it?
Vikas: See Obstacles, hurdles these all are part of our life. Me and Tarun Believe that these
accelerate our growth. We had to face a lot of things initially and in-between the journey but we
kept going on.

Interviewer: Would you like to name some of the main investors in your startup?

Vikas: As soon as I listened to this question, one name that popped up immediately was Kriti
Sanon. Yes, we had a partnership with her in 2023.

Interviewer: What made you believe in the success of your startup?

Vikas: Our hard work, our unique product, and product delivery.

Interviewer: Amazing sir, Would you like to share anything?

Vikas: Yes Just a quote: ' Keep believing in Yourself, because if you will not, then Nobody will”.

Interview: Thank you, sir.

Here is the article based on the information above.

From Face Wash to Body Scrub, mCaffeine: Your Daily Dose of

Skin Awesomeness!

Are you a Coffee lover and love the aroma of Coffee in everything?

Then why don’t you get it in your personal care products?

If you are wondering, we have answers for you all.

So, please All the Coffee lovers, kindly gather here and read till the end!

MCaffeine is a renowned personal care startup involved in manufacturing skincare products such
as shampoo, facewash, etc with the essence of Caffeine.

It’s time to ditch tired routines! Because…

mCaffeine perks up your self-care with a caffeinated twist. Coffee, green tea, and chocolate join
forces in these vegan, cruelty-free products, leaving your skin energized and hair gleaming. Body
scrubs invigorate, face washes awaken, and every scent gets you up for life.

Unwind with nature's power, one caffeinated treat at a time.

Where it all started?

Mr. Vikas Lachhwani and Tarun who had met through a common friend finally decided to work
together in 2015. They noticed a lack of personal care brands in the beauty industry for younger skin.
Hence, they decided to bring something extra-ordinary for everyone.
While researching, Vikas and Tarun learned about how Caffeine is extremely beneficial in terms of
skin as it provides nourishment to the skin, keeping the skin cells alive and fresh. And that moment,
they knew they had found that key ingredient and the most unique element for their startup.

Just like their thoughts, MCaffeine became a game changer in the personal care and beauty industry
due to its high quality, alluring smell, and attractive packaging which seems similar to a 5-star or
higher rated Café such as Starbucks etc.

About M Caffeine

Vikas and Tarun started caffeine in 2016 after discovering an amazing fact: caffeine is like a superfood
for your skin and hair! So, they decided to put caffeine in all their products, like face scrubs,
shampoos, and body lotions.

mCaffeine has over 20 products for faces, hair, and bodies. They focus on things millennials care
about, like using natural ingredients (no yucky chemicals!), not testing on animals, and celebrating
everyone's beauty, no matter their skin color. They even have their team to invent new products, and
they work with other companies to make them.

Guess what? In just 4 years, mCaffeine has sold over 2.8 million products, earning them a cool 100

Wowza! Looks like everyone loves caffeine for their beauty routine.

Also, MCaffeine has been financially backed by renowned investors like Paragon Partners, Amicus
Capital and RPSG Capital Ventures, etc.

What Makes MCaffeine unique and special?

Below are the few specialties provided by MCaffeine:

1. Coffee Kick for Your Skin & Hair:

Ditch boring routines! mCaffeine infuses its products with coffee, green tea, and chocolate,
giving your skin and hair an antioxidant boost and leaving you feeling energized and
refreshed. It's like a spa day every time you shower!

2. Natural Goodness:
mCaffeine is all about clean beauty. Their products are free from harsh chemicals, parabens,
and sulfates, and they only use natural ingredients that are gentle on your skin and kind to
the planet. Think happy skin and a happy Earth!

3. Millennial Vibes:
mCaffeine gets the millennial spirit. They're all about confidence and self-love, and they
don't believe in selling insecurities or promoting unfair beauty standards. It's all about
celebrating your unique beauty, no matter your skin color or type.

4. Animal-Friendly Fun:
mCaffeine is a PETA-certified cruelty-free brand, meaning they never test their products on
animals. You can pamper yourself guilt-free knowing no furry friends were harmed in the
making of your favorite face mask.

5. Big Success Story:

In just a few years, caffeine has become a huge hit! They've sold over 2.8 million products
and earned a whopping 100 crores. That just shows how much people love their unique and
effective products.

So, now, Ditch tired routines, and awaken your skin with coffee's kiss. mCaffeine: vegan, cruelty-free,
millennial vibes, success in every cup. Get your daily dose of glow – one caffeinated treat at a time!

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