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Al- Qaseedah In praise of the Holy Prophet - Khataman Nabiyyeen This poem was first published by the author, the Promised Messiah’, in his book ‘A’ina Kamalat-e-Istam’ in 1893. Hadrat Pir Sirajul Haque’ narrates that: When the Promised Messiah® completed writing this poem, his face lit up with joy and he said: ‘Allah has told me that this poem has found acceptance by Al- jah. He will bestow His love and the love of the Prophet and will grant His near- ness 10 anyone who commits this poem to memory and recites it constantly.’ Hadrat Dr. Khalifa Rashiduddin® narrates that: ‘The Promised Messiah® used to advise regarding the Qaseedah that whosoever memorized this Qaseedah, his memory would be blessed (enhanced) by Allah” 2 “an aa « Rye weray-5) oo pling sile thi he yl ald cs gs NE hpi e Te 4d, ELA Tb ype Ke IEA BHA, 2p geste Ge" uy SW iA6E a GF Hyg eT Viera AL be ot be Sdyt Fhete SLL RY ti Stet wl bun AL ese tes fr ait bution J WEL peo yl WA Abie P oD ol ge pot Ge DPRELL GIL ig a tt 5 SASSee tL ke Soh Ce bbeen © (you who are) the Fountain of Allah’s munificence, and perfect understanding of Allah, People rush towards you, thirstily. 0 (you who are) the Ocean of God’s grace -— Who is the Bestower of Favours, exceed- ingly Beneficent, Hordes of (thirsty) people hurry towards you holding their bowls (in hand). 0 (you who are) the Sun of the (spiritual) Kingdom of Beauty and Grace! You have (spiritually) iltuminated (the in- habitants of) the deserts as well as the cit- ies. A (group of) people (was fortunate that they) saw you, while others simply heard about you: The (enchantingly beautiful) Full Moon which has casta spell over me. BiB sb as oe ME vy [ow] «| # ww AL vip RE 3 Att ola it gst KS =k [AS] GAS [AGT uie ub EME) ow us Sork HS cbalt plait Jab ary wi for | | see |e see Ao we hPL But Le LS eis poet NES L jolt SH Sed at || of | orgi see me LT ZK wh 5 ol a oot Ha £1 ks yl wera : PL ws PF Hh at eeesir) c=] 435 O35 ot |alomhe tig [pier bree De Mor DL winF Lt Syabi 55 Lat 5 5H; 05.8 Sot |] om [oo [er cr] CADRE Ma iad ete Bal AT ist iF ost 5 etre | Lut [mene] 2 — ‘ef ve a ot te y 2 Inspired by (your) love (O Holy Prophet), people tearfully recall your beauty. And their aching hearts are affre, due to being distant trom you. / see that (theit) hearts (are beating) in (such) anxiety (as if they) have reached their throats, And | see that (their grieving) eyes shed tears. O you whose Divine Light and tuminescence has rendered him like The twin luminaries -- the Sun and the Moon tighting up day as welll as night. O our Full Moon, O Sign of the Gracious God! O {you who are) the Greatest (spiritual) Guide, the Bravest among the brave. Lili aie ib otpseglt agg g ot LoitLis bg eéfle[ «4 fu ULL Phi ot HE Oh ee he sma af etal so Sg lkN 36 6 ee GAX | oF | db [usiaele UE STAPF IE We p Pend sun ie elas als agpadt sil wt | ade Pt | onthe | ut be Te Sore oo FA) Son ht ot Sle gong GE Soli 7 ees a] a jet oe OB bow Foe kt ow ot olga 35 § od Lr why [a] oe BT | vt Wihewehe te DLS eit Sethi oe eT L452 a we i £ ob 4 ot ue ee os aoe . 6 ct Qsebisg slag asl are ee ee be ot Wk we ot Uh LU J certainty see such glory in your sparkling face, Which transcends all (known) human at- tributes. The wise, no doubt, selected you (to sub- mit themselves) and it was due to their true sincerity that They eftaced even the memory of whatever reminded (them) of their homelands. Indeed they preferred you (O Holy Prophet) over everyone else, and gave up their (cher- ished) friends And they distanced themselves from their circle of fraternity. No doubt, they abandoned their wordly desires and their self-indulgence And they became averse to all transitory material wealth, fees e553 Sih GH 8 sol eft | ete cE or ht Mitigate old! Glas 5345 ULE wr Wise |e e 8 oy vis , ances ctl gle ais 5g 10 UP bu pr ok Lo] vekGt [ea edeet| a) eee eas fends ith ae sors | bh shit 4 OF AF FAS he Sth ook 2 ibis 15.5555 Gh 5185 1 Lot |oi| OHS | ar Vaden * Pps BSN NL wae olgeyia wiis ; Spo tgdslsg Luce | oe [eo | de» [a za wy nae ath ona No oft, gee ag ew9 5 poh “GBI 19655 48 1 a ee) vais [a] 2eeg) aaa Eek (HDL te iniettes SedgiL A AS AHS ES S012 sa noe 3 wind | te | oe Je Lanaiger | ot da pe CW LP The cleat arguments (and signs) from their (Holy) Prophet became manifest for them $0, the idols of their selfish desires were (completely) smashed. They became (spiritually) lit up (by the Sun of Truth) at the time of darkness (of sin and vices) And Allah (due to His grace) delivered them safely from this flood (of sin and vices). No doubt, they were crushed by the persecution and tyranny of their opponents Nevertheless, they endured steadfastly by the grace of the Gracious God. The mean-spirited people robbed their valuables, and ravaged their homes But (due to the spiritual wealth they ac- quired) their faces glowed from the (spar- Kling) pearts of the Holy Qur'an, alg SUG pgs Spb 13 Lutbot | J | got kant dx gw G Dee Gk Fe boar PLEGILS EAH 35 0 85 oe | aw | eew | Both we PrP Fa $07 oF 28) ots Sei # 1959 SIU 54955 85 58 14 Lats dé [ole Baht Fhe DEL Sze Les e CUBE os ARLES LLNg vie = eye! a [on eve vo Latbuis fhe MeL boars rates WN AIL pgbls G5 15 ifte [a] oof [2] usesm [6] We RS OL PS PL te oe zoe 7 peg gait any 1p hes editor [ ede | cophectnd eho Gouna de deberiidbutA rbjlie 9 passa pl re 18 vibes fowl Uren | Lua | utes ub et owe ube ur Le L ue Sat pols ii gs ow eur igus Figewrr Liab bern ih BL ede aloe They cleansed their hearts thoroughly (of all sins) and eagerly advanced To benetit from (the wealth of) firm-bellef and faith, They marched on, in their battles, follow- ing the advancing stride of the Holy Prophet (And threw themselves) in the battlefield, like those (who are) driven, and inspired, by love. So, the blood of these (brave) men, who were true and sincere in their love (and devotion) Was spilled under the swords (of their en- emies) as if (they were just) objects of sac- tifice. They came to you (O Holy Prophet) while they were robbed and deprived, like those (who are spiritually) bare. So you covered them with the drapes of faith. 135515 § nang be PALS 7 okie 2 2£ Meaty wer fat fain. fet le at De ow east SiN aly 1 auf | bn eed? Lezslichpalarcicgt Adal 8 Spelt 55 | a a (ey Dt Be Ba ORE oe a pat A nail Jeg pa Abo |e] at joke ea bos Ga kt Sut ek Sun Ol os be ant guy 2 ne HA BI sees Es a [oA] vy |e é yw o 6 wi 2 £ ut WAL Srg gia gb 55 tS a z ae diceie ata SG Ele Hh Sedo LL iw UI oles BS ve | God LA] pei ie ett (gab a) LF) efor Lid 8 9 You found them to be a group of people who (because of thelr sins) were despica~ ble like aung. But (due to your spiritual power) you trans- formed them into an ingot of pure gold. Until the dry and parched desert (coun- try of Arabia) became a (lush-green, spir- itual) garden in which rivulets of delectable water ran, and branches (of trees) were laden with trait. (Due to the blessings of the Holy Prophet) the towns of Arabla once again became verdent green After (a long spell of) barrenness, drought and devastation. People of Hijaz (Arabia) were preoccupied with flirting with pretty women. But (the spiritual power of the Holy Prophet caused them to become fost in (the love off the Gracious God. et ne oy on Sn gehe 2 US gif L098 pGdSL5 21 ects) ale cist Lit Up Parle ole ne et CoMyL LT W Betlae?-e* Hie a & te eee bee) Se wv us a % iit 2 eer) 3 aa aT TRITCae CNL fake ae 04 9 fest phe at & bude In Gal UE SUB FL a tt if ee §jUa G55 Sait 0h Ssle oe | A he I Ses Encitiz he Wie LS Pi bi Me PEL nt oie puaits st HORS BRS g fa 26 em Qe Bs nN 3 dy | x dew keu ai a SN bade ce cede ort Jj bts Leet ols re[ieterDun wi Ki | orig | ow 2 il Me UF ert GE Pw SNS SoU Glens CS ee eee DAPI Me phe tQnd fsa he YF The Arab nation was blindly obsessed with two things Savouring (intoxicating) drinks, and (pur- suing) a lot of women. As for women, their marriage was declared unlawful To those men whose forbidden status is (described) in the Holy Qur'an. And (by instituting the rule of prohibition of drinking) you devastated their drinking- bars And caused the closure of liquor-stores in their towns. There were many drinkers who used to guz- zie barrels full of liquor But (O Holy Prophet) you made them drunk in (the love of the Islamic) faith. ges be pail otto is 25 tude ol | oar 3 wae Porn Sie Co S oF Sed ae aed Ng SF 5 RT gs dt] ex fol oP yh ntl tte ah Wd ot whe - 4 GSLG! oo 5 ZL Lal 26 re Fuster Vienako ales z Ceoifeire (mp uw uee tolr ol Ree OA mi AN I Ss 3 eduy [eel y+ = (hx = bt oi or Sob = uy ol Gis pladit 83 C3 Lass 27 le | oe | eer | EM Ma LEME MIS 3 APL ALE pn LL Big eure Le | cido | oeegi [ot wee ea ut vi Foe S om il 6S Abb yb RS 20 er Fe eee ZlghecrE ene flyin nts IAW cian 58 Lilens Gere | corte | 4 | eh AAS PL ghee Be WB). Many innovators (of vices) would (rather) converse with their tutes But surely you (O Holy Prophet, by your spiritual power) caused them to converse with Rahman (the Gracious God). There were many who were driven by their Jove for fragrant beautiful women But you (O Holy Prophet) attracted them (tully) towards AJ-Furgan (the Holy Qur'an). (0 Holy Prophet) You brought to life, with a single glimpse, those who lay (spiritually) dead for centuries. Who can compare with you in this glorious achievement? (Following your instructions) they gave up their (habit of) evening-drink and, in ex- change for Its drinking pleasure, They adopted the (practice of deriving) pleasure from prayers in the nights of grief. iAH Bis oases AF 29 wy l dn Ke ot ae ELM SPINE ie we Metin AFH dns Kis jlo dS Luce | ect | un | ag (aded 6p 85u pLgics es 30 ae P | Lait got fied) | uate (E2dE Ble EP NPL Wh esd yond ot ag elie Ade fetbelgded SA As gies we | at a Biss PFs Seti Pics goles gat Sigal KS st on eh Sure of ches hig bode ke feyl wok GLE gy Kies tLe we | wie | eof En Poe elie ct Mute £535 0 I § SHINS @ 2 edd Le | ble | | Aer Joe PL Warn APL ue FELD OST ALL edt 555 Sur oy ei =u i Fae ad Fut tuk Forxs Pb uri They were devoted to (playing) two-string musical Instruments and (producing) plain- tive notes from them Indeed they had a slavish attachment to it (as a pursuit). Their parties were always marked by sing- ing to the accompaniment of music. They would either flirt with women or in- dulge in heavy drinking. They had no worries (in Iife) except being preoccupied with (the thoughts of) pretty female singers. They either indulged In drinking, or kept dreaming ot goblets. They were very fond of creating disorder due to their ignorance (and foolishness) And were (quite pleased) with (their) life {that was spent) in filth and squalor. LS alt Li LF 33 key | Shum | Shrunt | A [eo ou Sade Sout» Fa (GE or eD BUY leh cB Iijest 35 ele ae lel wv [ew ze») ae Sud tes or f WS al agi PSU SS 34 ls bonus | & Bede he Pat uk Sets HS ut t, fe, 9 ¢€ gh b5 ne Ng Ela] f las tay Lew dAl opt L Sia Pew ipo Ws rn LS 8 35 Zs = 4 ete BEAL ae i rn - cake nt ak lhe JUS fiely ial we | we [lvls fT fa Gadde Kur EP AL EMBs neler 3 ghd vias US 36 = eteedt | | As: é 2A BL Laden die Dede Ble gS lg CLGGIL Stal} Sil ke [al ow Sr 2 7 hs Sie od a EK Fe The (Arab nation was marked by) two (main) shortcomings which symbolized their ignorance: (One was) the stupidity (and stubbornness) ofa donkey, and (the other was) the fierce attack (like that) of a (charging) wolf. Then, O Sun of Guidance (The Holy Prophet), you rose (on the horizon) for their benefit, So that you may illuminate them (with the divine-light emanating) from your glowing face. (O Holy Prophet) you were sent by God ~ the Gracious, the Benefactor At (a time when the prevalence of sin was causing) great disorder and (its severity was like) a flood. 0 (handsome) young man! How can (the elegance of) your beauty and (Its refined) grace be (fully) described? (You are) the one whose fragrance capti- vates the heart like (the scent of) a fragrant plant. ral ip i oAF otis wir aed 2 Foe Sam v llr aoa OE oN AS 5 § loon GAS Le fete || et ou eae Cane EEE poet poe bs aS LGD Dis BIG Kass oe ede Peeries b du paral ae ae et wy S5 be CLsi 39 we i ate veto | ef [Lew le | ves PS A ES Big (Fs et POT ad - oan label g LSI! asa 8 ae [ol ee ae } £e ew 6G oo bea B Miss 5 Ls eb Za U 40 det |u| oir wey de skeet (UA D hes 2 Mew oset obs) * LE weed 65 : value [ ob Lev abi EES RILU SE a OES The presence of (Allah) the Protector, is reflected in the (blessed) face (of the Holy Prophet) And his entire manner (and moral conduct) sparkles with the same (characteristic) magnificence. So, it is for this (reason) that he Is loved (so much) and his (spiritual grace and) beauty deserves. That he (alone) should be adored (with all our devotion), excluding the group of all (other) friends. He has great moral qualities (and he) is of noble conduct, bountiful, and a friend of (those who are) God-fearing. He ts (exceedingly) generous, and he has surpassed the (whole) contingent of (chari- table) young men. (The Holy Prophet of Islam) possesses superiority (over all creation) due to his (spiritual) excellence, his (elegance and) grace And his majesty, and his ever-fresh (and spiritually refreshing) heart (and soul). 5B alE osielll toy weet] A | eb eles 38 ettPyg to tide ge io heat see edn? ingids £22494 28 be OULU fag Cate) dig ting ee eee BEAL ot ot yr BEI od Ut PL Ga) Las Goes § Cd NS 42 Bails [edine ang Viet Cite bovete (Mle enludeunes NASI 8505 Jpn LS & [| of Le [eel Hw Lede SIEM Lee oie din cs 4 ag a i AN SS S36 Rit Bt os aiken | bas | Umer | rt Bat BE SP GT CLA BIg S L555 wind of | rest || aE Big um L vied poo FLT ASS § ALAS, 5 55i1 BLS 44 evens jo | ede] OF feces Je eto da hs bw BeAr ol jl s5 4 sg nt edit La] duet [9 BOF ee EI ee Fah iret No doubt, it is Muhammad” who ts the bast of all creation; He Is the essence (and vital force) of the elect of God. All (noble) qualities (pertaining to) every kind of superiority, have reached perfection inhim; And (aiso) the (spiritual) bounties for all times have reached thelr climax in him (and Allah will now grant these only to those who truly follow Him). By God! (the Holy Prophet) Muhammack™ is certainly like the Prime Minister (in his spiritual retation to Almighty God) And it Is through him (alone) that there can be access (for anyone) to the threshold of the King (Aimighty God). He is the pride of every purified and holy person; And the spiritual troops (of Allah, also cherish him and) take pride in him. 536i LS thas Si av 4s oe | 2 [wl mw Pie Ah Cant aaa Ds GET SS 5 och 3, one ait Sip shied Gwe tui Pu eds vill Hpk of olde ile Sis 46 =P] i | ov ad GF anSBiPG none ad ej IF? eS ay Cs oo [tin] ate ee MELO P eb Re gtae O5e ast Fee. a jl elit 47 Bo [A anaipare Seiten DUEL 54k Spoil ay ah of a oe asl br be Fae Sty Ca Ae i ie jh jhe 2 ain | 2 aietivea, Bin Pr gba & * B52! saa Pld 45 wr echt [ants] ett ad) Fa O88 He SLT He is preferred over everyone who is tront- ranking and has (achieved) nearness (to Allah). And (remember that) excellence (of spiritual rank) is because of virtues, not because of priority in time. (Just like) a drizzle comes before a torren- tial rain, But a drizzle is (nothing more than just) a drizzle; itis (certainly) not comparable to a torrential rain. (The Holy Prophet is) the unique champion (-~-a skilled archer —- ) whose arrows never miss (the target). (in fact) he shoots (his arrows) right on tar~ get, and (he) is the destroyer of Satan. He is (like) a (splondid spiritual) garden, and folearly see that its fruits (in the form) of bunches have been made closer to my heart. pee jis | S58 a9 enertt | oe | oe [wo ghecbrmab aa Pat je ¥ etsil, Jails 4 a] ew ene es Tod tig Pa bigit plat sds 38 peas 50 edety? | i | Cuba | ede we wy al ai DD 8 on BIE hb Sb iw Le chsourt et La [4 De Zt LP abe tor ne de Fd FIA ae Bee Aolew es» y oes 3 51 ia | az “eat id anne i 28 ’ MEN R22 al ca mead olesit ge SL 95 witty | genLbie [ev Sh Sobel gL get EDL Sjeodi coy Chis ge 52 oa | uch | tit ty ” tug Les FL DuitubheeatGoolt pili SLs 35 45g, Liver ludew| & | eosin | ates GE bee et inn Hound (him to be) the ocean of truths and guidance, And | saw him sparkle like a pearl. No doubt, (Hazrat) Eesa died a quiet (nor- mal) death, but our Prophet (Hazrat Muhammad) 1s (spiritually) alive, and by God he has met me (ina vision)! 1 swear by Allah, that | indeed witnessed the beauty (of the Holy Prophet) (Because | saw him) with my own eyes while he was seated in my house. Hark! if you think that (Hazrat) Eesa is (still) alive, Then it is your responsibility to prove (that he is still alive) with (a conctusive) arguement. sails § Blais at 53 al g% [| [yeeu yee ce fay A OOS A ett Perl st list 54 UL L4I5 4 oe Le Le [ew eee Word de two ge be for 5§U pd ois Os 3S foe | ce, “y ls Ul omey Sagano wes Sl S55 ued | nin [ePied |] one PRrendi onesie adaanbs iiss Lets 38 Lf 4 big deer | ive |e | ate | Als ee et PAIL CPSs gan oss BR's Gate og end | fe jew vobee Ws de ob Ei WT Ye ES o! USE aye Sit CLES OILS ane we Bes ety [A “sultant sid ALLS] Sil Pte a TA le ele | ee 7] eed yf et tees bot Fe LB Se th gg Have you (ever) met (Hazrat) Maseeh (Hazrat Eesa) while you were awake? ‘Or, has anyone informed you (about see- Ing Hazrat Maseeh) while awake? Read the Holy Quran (carefully, and see for yourself) how (clearly) it states (the fact of Hazrat Maseeh’s death). (Despite that) do you turn away (in disre- gard) from the guidance (given to you) by the Gracious God? You must realize that a (never-ending) life can certainly not be proven (for any human being), In fact (It Is true that Hazrat) Eesa did die like a mortal human being. But our Prophet (Hazrat Muhammad) is (spiritually) alive and, of course, J stand witness (to it) And I have surely benefitted from the fruits of meeting with him. nk ay 5 aianicll es ¥ EStst 57 vin | bee Ea w® be Fey f Oi FO oUbEg cpp LSI 10s ol oie Le us Sue 2 HATE BoP in Pw Fe EB AS otpait iy BT 58 ew | 2 | a | LS eh Seb L he cviiget> cet GB SE 8 3 diet ia ay |e | ever | te LA Pe a SA LT Ot EW with ot oth leu ot a [ear | dt 9 “e = a x CAS Li oe A i oe J ots Os u&flealal ee [4 [4 spews Sunde HF (AW tet Sal 5515 5s A%5 60 ue | tte | | Gen [ai Ha Bb don Piglet PENG tel of Ola os BLES LAs 55 Lett ie fate ee Unite APL etl Pgh li Ke At tat 8 Une Sean thad (earlier) seen his (blessed) face in my adolescence; Later on, the Holy Prophet (graced me with the opportunity, when he) met me while 1 was awake. indeed | have come tc life due to his life- giving (touch). Bravo! Whata miracle! How (perfectly) he brought me to (spiritual) life! Omy Lord! Shower Your eternal blessings on Your Prophet —- Jn this life, as well in the Next Life. 0 (Holy Prophet), my Spiritual Master! 1 have surely come to your door, complain- ing That your followers have hurt me (deeply) by declaring mea disbelfever. 465 GyAd ys 23 Lath 61 ett | Abe | dat | [ei | Bae bine Fede L tal Bib Y gids Sit ad bf bye ME A we Pos het Se bint fA ethno «UN Foti ee (o' istic ge Sort bd LS aa Sor eR Bs Lass EY Lig ond | ha eet | phew fe ai gO GUE vie MODE Leten Lisle i ole Jost 63 Be: Aiea | ne et nee Pose ide! QE hig GN oA os vie | ett | ot 3s vo fs OA ol te FIO SKU pF LEI UaY GG ide 38 Conte 64 Feri} | sot omit] 6 cee Urls via toe A Loe ee ceils! 45 USL pails ot | aw | tr [8 | eh EF Un Mee SS WAL Fw (O Holy Prophet) your arrows pierce through the heart of every (rival) warrlor, And (the strength of) your resolve crushes the head of a serpent (ie., you were a man of great determination). May Allah bless you, O Leader of the World! You rank the highest, and are the (bravest) leader of the brave. Please glance towards my (humble) self, with mercy and kindness, my (spiritual) Master! 1am the lowliest one among your (humble) servants. Omy beloved! Your love has certainly pen- etrated, My soul, my mind, and my heart. gs IF CS Kiley Sf 65 Lui kB | te | ob | 2cct luce wie ig be dul 8 el ¥ go. 2 bot | sy ret | eta [ot Ebi en Pe let dL AS etl AWARD oe . L poLait pLal Lj 555 4 66 ot elt < l uit | we Eee et LD a ole BN ba § Sgtall i =~)» bl fee Lo Bay Luise ened ite Wie GT 2 sel 6 | wen hg Ow talsit is (Ui Gases ad “ we le me Re cae ee xs 15545 Bice U 68 oleae] soe [eo] BA oS FL ie Lh ewe oF BE 5 51889 BS tue at wie [at hat ¥ e Cet hb oe ot by ces ub be O my Garden of Spiritual Delights! (I am ever so absorbed in your fond thoughts and) from the remembrance of your (blessed) face, 1am not free, even for a moment or split- second. My body is craving to fly towards you due to (my) enormous longing for you (O Holy Prophet)! I wish | (actually) had the (capacity and) power to ily! BRE Bis GG Srdise |i | a a fe ASH DE TIGLLODL Bear (one tpt | 4 |e | dice ol 8B 25 BIG 2 ef a oe 3 594 yo Sil jas Gone 70 = [waar eri] fie ete Sein BW oI ele wie sdb Je 5s oe eB ULL D An ee iA et eS Sad ej ata ge Jog ia Sy Es ea ees Tatas Sh ah ata eS oad

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