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Sheila Sancho Zarzuela


Both text deal the transformation of the work environment in the face of technological
advancements, focusing on telecommunication and transportation infrastructure. These
changes are having an impact on how individuals structure their daily routines and their
approach to work-related activities.

Text A discusses the daily commuting issue that many people face due to the
geographic distance between their homes and workplaces. This often results in long, time-
consuming commutes. Telecommunication advancements are proposed as a solution,
enabling more people to work from home, saving time and reducing stress associated with

Text B examine the changing nature of office work due to telecommunications

technology. It highlights the flexibility that technology offers, allowing people to work
remotely and not be tied to a fixed location. However, it also describes the potential
downside, the loss of team spirit and common purpose, which can negatively impact staff

When comparing the two texts, it becomes evident that they share a common
theme of the evolving work landscape in light of technological advancements. Both texts
emphasize the potential benefits of telecommuting, such as saving time and reducing
stress, as well as the downside, which is the potential loss of team spirit and motivation.

In conclusion, whilst telecommunication technology has the potential to

revolutionize the way we work and commute, it comes with its own set of challenges. It
is crucial for companies and individuals to strike a balance that maximizes the benefits of
flexibility while maintaining the motivation and sense of purpose that come from working
in a traditional office setting. Ultimately, the future of work may involve a combination
of remote work and in-person collaboration to create a more efficient and fulfilling work

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