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Handbook of Industrial Robotics, Second Edition. Edited by Shimon Y. Nof

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T. Arai H. Makino
University of Tokyo Yamanashi University

J. J. DiPonio G. Salvendy
Ford Motor Co. Purdue University

G. Seliger
Y. Hasegawa
IPK/IFW Berlin
Waseda University
K. Tanie
S. W. Holland MEL Tsukuba
General Motors Corp.
K. Trostmann
S. Inaba Technical University Denmark
Y. Umetani
A. C. Kak Toyota Technological Institute
Purdue University
H. Van Brussel
Catholic University of Leuven
S. K. Kim
Samsung Electronics
H.-J. Warnecke
Fraunhofer Institute
J.-C. Latombe
Stanford University R. H. Weston
Loughborough University of
E. Lenz Technology
Technion—Israel Institute of
Technology D. Whitney
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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New York, Chichester, Weinheim, Brisbane, Singapore, Toronto




Shimon Y. Nof
Second Edition

edited by
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This book is printed on acid-free paper. 嘷

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Handbook of industrial robotics / edited by Shimon Y. Nof. — 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-471-17783-0 (alk. paper)
1. Robots, Industrial—Handbooks, manuals, etc. I. Nof, Shimon
TS191.8.H36 1999
670.42⬘72—dc21 98-8017
Printed in the United States of America
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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the wonders of human ingenuity
This handbook is dedicated

and robot servitude for the

to all of us who believe in

betterment of our life

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Foreword xi
Guest Forewords xiii
Preface xvii
Contributors xix


1. Historical Perspective and Role in Automation Joseph F. Engelberger 3

2. Robotics in Japan: Emerging Trends and Challenges Yoji Umetani,
Yukio Iwasa 11
3. Robots and Machine Intelligence Charles A. Rosen 19
4. Emerging Trends and Industry Needs Steven W. Holland, Shimon Y. Nof 31


5. Manipulator Design H.-J. Warnecke, R. D. Schraft, M. Hägele, O. Barth,

G. Schmierer 43
6. Kinematics and Dynamics of Robot Manipulators Andrew A. Goldenberg,
Mohammad R. Emami 79
7. Robot Hands and End-Effectors Kazuo Tanie 99
8. Mobile Robots and Walking Machines Hagen Schempf 145
9. Teleoperation, Telerobotics, and Telepresence Wayne Book, Lonnie Love 167
10. Microrobotics Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai 187
11. Nanorobotics Aristides A. G. Requicha 199


12. Design of Robot Controllers Hadi A. Akeel, Atsushi Watanabe 213

13. Sensors for Robotics C. R. Asfahl 245
14. Stereo Vision for Industrial Applications Akio Kosaka, A. C. Kak 269
15. Motion Planning and Control of Robots Vijay Kumar, Miloš Žefran,
James P. Ostrowski 295
16. Intelligent Control of Robot Mobility Ronald C. Arkin 317
17. Virtual Reality and Robotics Grigore C. Burdea, Philippe Coiffet 325


18. On-line Programming Michael P. Deisenroth, Krishna K. Krishnan 337

19. Off-line Programming Y. F. Yong, M. C. Bonney 353

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20. Learning, Reasoning, and Problem Solving in Robotics Spyros G. Tzafestas,

Elpida S. Tzafestas 373
21. Neuro-fuzzy Systems C. S. George Lee 393
22. Coordination, Collaboration, and Control of Multirobot Systems
Michael J. Shaw, Narendra Ahuja, Seth Hutchinson 423
23. Group Behavior of Robots George A. Bekey, Arvin Agah 439


24. Industrial Robotics Standards Nicholas G. Dagalakis 449

25. Organization and Automation Impacts on Production Workers Qualification
(European Experience) H.-J. Bullinger, J. Pack 461
26. Management Policies of Computer-Integrated Manufacturing / Robotics
A. Gunasekaran 473
27. The Role of CIM and Robotics in Enterprise Reengineering R. S. Maull,
S. J. Childe, J. B. Mills, P. A. Smart 495
28. Robot Integration Within Manufacturing Systems J. D. Gascoigne,
R. H. Weston 509


29. Product Design and Production Planning William R. Tanner 529

30. Operations Research Techniques for Robotics Systems Nicholas G. Hall 543
31. Computation, AI, and Multiagent Techniques for Planning Robotic
Operations Venkat N. Rajan, Shimon Y. Nof 579
32. Robot Ergonomics: Optimizing Robot Work Shimon Y. Nof 603
33. Human Factors in Planning Robotics Systems Yee-Yin Choong,
Gavriel Salvendy 645
34. Justification of Robotics Systems John J. Mills, G. T. Stevens, Brian Huff,
Adrien Presley 675


35. Robotic Manufacturing Cells J. T. Black, Laxmi P. Musunur 697

36. Reliability, Maintenance, and Safety of Robots David R. Clark,
Mark R. Lehto 717
37. CAD and Graphic Simulators / Emulators of Robotic Systems
Jacob Rubinovitz 755
38. Computational, AI, and Multiagent Techniques for Design of Robotics
Systems George L. Kovács 773
39. Precision and Calibration Klaus Schröer 795
40. Robotics, FMS, and CIM H. Van Brussel, P. Valckenaers 811
41. A Strategy for Implementation of Robotics Projects Geary V. Soska 825


42. Fabrication and Processing J. T. Black 831

43. Robotics in Foundries Doug Niebruegge 859
44. Spot Welding and Laser Welding Mario Sciaky 867
45. Arc Welding José A. Ceroni 887
46. Painting, Coating, and Sealing K. Sugimoto 907
47. Flexible Fixturing Lane A. Hautau, Allen C. Grzebyk, José A. Ceroni 927
48. Workpiece Handling and Gripper Selection Hadi Abu-Akeel,
Atsushi Watanabe 935
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49. Material Handling and Warehousing Yavuz A. Bozer 957

50. Assembly: Mechanical Products Daniel E. Whitney 975
51. Assembly: Electronics K. Feldmann, S. Krimi, M. Reichenberger, K. Götz 997
52. Quality Assurance, Inspection, and Testing Charlie Duncheon 1013
53. Maintenance and Repair Lynne E. Parker, John V. Draper 1023
54. Product Remanufacturing E. Zussman, G. Seliger 1037
55. Microassembly Karl F. Böhringer, Ronald S. Fearing, Ken Y. Goldberg 1045


56. Automotive and Transportation Applications Valerie Bolhouse,

Brian Daugherty 1069
57. Electronics, Instruments, and Semiconductor Industry Sungkwun Kim 1081
58. Robotics in Space John G. Webster 1117
59. Appliance Industry Erich Niedermayr, Joseph Pössinger, Norbert Roth 1133
60. Food and Agriculture Robotics Yael Edan 1143
61. Apparel, Wire, and Woodworking Industries Manfred Schweizer,
Thomas Hörz, Claus Scholpp 1157
62. Robotics in Construction and Shipbuilding Kinya Tamaki 1167
63. Process Industries Thomas D. Jerney 1185
64. Services Gay Engelberger 1201
65. Medical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Surgery Russell H. Taylor 1213


66. Robotics Around the World José A. Ceroni,

Chin-Yin Huang, Marco A. Lara, NaRaye P. Williams, Donald A. Vincent 1231


Robotics Terminology 1261

Index 1319

About the CD-Rom 1349

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In 1939, when I was 19 years old, I began to write a series of science fiction stories
about robots. At the time, the word robot had been in existence for only 18 years; Karel
Capek’s play, R.U.R., in which the word had been coined, having been performed for the
first time in Europe in 1921. The concept, however, that of machines that could perform
tasks with the apparent ‘‘intelligence’’ of human beings, had been in existence for
thousands of years.
Through all those years, however, robots in myth, legend, and literature had been
designed only to point a moral. Generally, they were treated as examples of overweening
pride on the part of the human designer; an effort to accomplish something that was
reserved to God alone. And, inevitably, this overweening pride was overtaken by Nemesis
(as it always is in morality tales), so that the designer was destroyed, usually by that
which he had created.
I grew tired of these myriad-told tales, and decided I would tell of robots that were
carefully designed to perform certain tasks, but with safeguards built in; robots that might
conceivably be dangerous, as any machine might be, but no more so.
In telling these tales, I worked out, perforce, certain rules of conduct that guided the
robots; rules that I dealt with in a more and more refined manner over the next 44 years
(my most recent robot novel, The Robots of Dawn, was published in October, 1983).
These rules were first put into words in a story called ‘‘Runaround,’’ which appeared in
the March, 1942, issue of Astounding Science Fiction.
In that issue, on page 100, one of my characters says, ‘‘Now, look, let’s start with the
three fundamental Rules of Robotics . . .’’ and he proceeds to recite them. (In later stories,
I took to referring to them as ‘‘the Three Laws of Robotics’’ and other people generally
say ‘‘Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics.’’)
I am carefully specific about this point because that line on that page in that story
was, as far as I know, the very first time and place that the word robotics had ever
appeared in print.
I did not deliberately make up the word. Since physics and most of its subdivisions
routinely have the ‘‘-ics’’ suffix, I assumed that ‘‘robotics’’ was the proper scientific term
for the systematic study of robots, of their construction, maintenance, and behavior, and
that it was used as such. It was only decades later that I became aware of the fact that
the word was in no dictionary, general or scientific, and that I had coined it.
Possibly every person has a chance at good fortune in his life, but there can’t be very
many people who have had the incredible luck to live to see their fantasies begin to turn
into reality.
I think sadly, for instance, of a good friend of mine who did not. He was Willy Ley
who, for all his adult life was wedded to rocketry and to the dream of reaching the moon;
who in his early twenties helped found rocket research in Germany; who, year after year
wrote popular books on the subject; who, in 1969, was preparing to witness the launch
of the first rocket intended to land on the moon; and who then died six weeks before that
launch took place.
Such a tragedy did not overtake me. I lived to see the transistor invented, and solid-
state devices undergo rapid development until the microchip became a reality. I lived to
see Joseph Engelberger (with his interest sparked by my stories, actually) found Uni-
mation, Inc., and then keep it going, with determination and foresight, until it actually
constructed and installed industrial robots and grew enormously profitable. His devices
were not quite the humanoid robots of my stories, but in many respects they were far
more sophisticated than anything I had ever been equipped to imagine. Nor is there any
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doubt that the development of robots more like mine, with the capacities to see and to
talk, for instance, are very far off.
I lived to see my Three Laws of Robotics taken seriously and routinely referred to in
articles on robotics, written by real roboticists, as in a couple of cases in this volume. I
lived to see them referred to familiarly, even in the popular press, and identified with my
name, so that I can see I have secured for myself (all unknowingly, I must admit) a secure
footnote in the history of science.
I even lived to see myself regarded with a certain amount of esteem by legitimate
people in the field of robotics, as a kind of grandfather of them all, even though, in actual
fact, I am merely a chemist by training and a science-fiction writer by choice—and know
virtually nothing about the nuts and bolts of robotics; or of computers, for that matter.
But even after I thought I had grown accustomed to all of this, and had ceased mar-
veling over this amazing turn of the wheel of fortune, and was certain that there was
nothing left in this situation that had the capacity to surprise me, I found I was wrong.
Let me explain . . .
In 1950 nine of my stories of robots were put together into a volume entitled I, Robot
(the volume, as it happens, that was to inspire Mr. Engelberger).
On the page before the table of contents, there are inscribed, in lonely splendor The
Three Laws of Robotics:
1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being
to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict
with the First or Second Law.
And underneath, I give my source. It is Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058
Unbelievable. Never, until it actually happened, did I ever believe that I would really
live to see robots, really live to see my three laws quoted everywhere. And certainly I
never actually believed that I would ever really live to see the first edition of that hand-
book published.
To be sure, it is Handbook of Industrial Robotics, for that is where the emphasis is
now, in the early days of robotics—but I am certain that, with the development of robots
for the office and the home, future editions will need the more general title. I also feel
that so rapidly does the field develop, there will be new editions at short intervals. And
if there are new editions every 15 months on the average, we will have the fifty-sixth
edition in 2058 A.D.
But matters don’t stop here. Having foreseen so much, let me look still further into
the future. I see robots rapidly growing incredibly more complex, versatile, and useful
than they are now. I see them taking over all work that is too simple, too repetitive, too
stultifying for the human brain to be subjected to. I see robots leaving human beings free
to develop creativity, and I see humanity astonished at finding that almost everyone can
be creative in one way or another. (Just as it turned out, astonishingly, once public edu-
cation became a matter of course, that reading and writing was not an elite activity but
could be engaged in by almost everyone.)
I see the world, and the human outposts on other worlds and in space, filled with
cousin-intelligences of two entirely different types. I see silicon-intelligence (robots) that
can manipulate numbers with incredible speed and precision and that can perform oper-
ations tirelessly and with perfect reproducibility; and I see carbon-intelligence (human
beings) that can apply intuition, insight, and imagination to the solution of problems on
the basis of what would seem insufficient data to a robot. I see the former building the
foundations of a new, and unimaginably better society than any we have ever experienced;
and I see the latter building the superstructure, with a creative fantasy we dare not picture
I see the two together advancing far more rapidly than either could alone. And though
this, alas, I will not live to see, I am confident our children and grandchildren will, and
that future editions of this handbook will detail the process.
New York, New York
January 1985
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When the first Handbook of Industrial Robotics was published, robots were relatively
new. Research projects were more prevalent than industrial usage. Implementation success
was less than certain, and those applying robotics had to have a wide variety of special
skills. Skeptics almost always outnumbered believers.
Time has substantiated the vision of those early practitioners. Robotics technologies,
including the associated control systems and sensors, have evolved over the intervening
years. Today robots are an accepted element in the portfolio of manufacturing equipment.
Many industries have proven the reliability, ease of use, and excellent productivity of
robots within their operations. Research projects continue, but they are building on the
strong base of established implementations to open up even more areas for productive
Motorola has been an active participant throughout this evolution. Our interest in
robotics began back in the early 1980s, not as a research project, but as a solution to a
serious business issue. We needed a better way to manufacture pagers to stay competitive.
The Bandit program, which vowed to ‘‘steal every good idea we could find,’’ identified
industrial robots as a major component of the solution. The rest, as they say, is history.
As robots have evolved during the past decade, so has the world around them. All
companies now operate in a global environment, where products from far-distant com-
petitors are accessible from international sales forces or simply over the Internet; com-
petition has never been stronger. At the same time, customers are increasing their
demands, expecting better prices, wider variety, improved performance, and shorter de-
livery times. These are the serious business issues that are facing us today.
Once again, robots play an important role in providing solutions at Motorola and many
other companies. Their exceptional speed, repeatability, and tirelessness improve produc-
tivity and hold down costs. They can work with tiny parts or challenging materials to
produce otherwise unattainable leading-edge products. With appropriate programming and
sensor input, they can move smoothly from assembling one product model to the next.
Once again, the Handbook of Industrial Robotics, in its second edition, explains the good
ideas and knowledge that are needed for solutions.
What will the future bring? Will nanorobots become indispensable as our semicon-
ductor products shrink smaller and smaller? At the other end of the scale, will space
robots eventually help us maintain our satellite-based telecommunications systems? The
work of robot researchers to make advances in surgery, agriculture, and many other di-
verse fields continues to open up new and exciting possibilities. The evolution continues.

Chief Executive Officer,
Motorola, Inc.
Schaumburg, Illinois


The first edition of the Handbook of Industrial Robotics was published in the United
States in 1985. The Handbook was large, almost 1,400 pages, and covered a wide variety
of topics regarding industrial robotics. The Handbook was a significant resource for the
robot specialists concerned with education globally. That time was also the golden age
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of factory robots. The annual worldwide robot population statistics surveyed by the In-
ternational Federation of Robotics disclosed rapid expansion of robots in manufacturing
industries. In particular, the electric and electronics and the automotive industries were
the leading robot users. As a result, these industries have enjoyed the fruits of robotization
and have succeeded in supplying their quality products to society at a lower price. The
progress of robot technology has enabled robots to work not only in factories. Their field
of productive applications has expanded to construction, agriculture, fishery, mining,
ocean development, and so forth. In the service area robots are now deployed in medical,
restaurant, care of the elderly and disabled persons, amusement, and other assignments.
During the initial period of new robot applications, several challenging problems and
research themes were defined. Extensive research and development projects in robotics
followed. As a result, some of the newly developed robots have gradually become justified
for the new missions.
The outcome is the birth of new industrial robots. Presently the field of industrial
robotics is expanding rapidly. The second edition of The Handbook of Industrial Robotics
will contribute to this new robot age. The material covered in this Handbook reflects the
new generation of robotics developments. It is a powerful educational resource for stu-
dents, engineers, and managers, written by a leading team of robotics experts.

Professor Emeritus
Waseda University
Tokyo, Japan


From ancient times only human beings have known how to manufacture products. With
this ability we have created cultures. Although finance and consumer services tend to be
the main business topics in recent years, we ought not to forget the importance of man-
ufacturing. Manufacturing will always continue to be the biggest creator of wealth and
indispensable to economic growth. Toyota Motor Corporation has inherited the essence
of manufacturing matters from its experience with automatic loom manufacturing. Toyota
has considered the importance of manufacturing not only from the aspect of products,
such as automobiles, but also from the aspect of processes to manufacture them. Toyota
also has emphasized the importance of related matters in the education of employees, the
development of technology, and the establishment of effective organizations. TPS (Toyota
Production System), also called Lean Production, is the collected study of these efforts.
JIDOKA (Autonomation) is one of the two main pillars of TPS, together with JIT (Just-
in-Time). Industrial robots have played a significant role in enabling JIDOKA.
Robots have unique characteristics. Needless to say, robots are manufacturing ma-
chines which represent the state of the art in mechanics, electronics, and control theory.
They are attractive in a certain sense, and offer us visions of the future world. For robotics
researchers and engineers, the most important aspect is probably the fact that robots are
the embodiment of their design concepts and philosophy.
In an automated production line, one can observe its underlying concept and level of
automation. At present, the typical level of industrial robots can be considered as ‘‘making
what we can.’’ It has not yet reached the level of ‘‘making what we want.’’ Specifically,
robots are being called upon to work outside of factories. They are being expected to
coexist and cowork with humans. We still have many hurdles ahead of us in realizing
these expectations. How can we overcome these hurdles? People from various disciplines
not only have to cooperate and study industrial robotics from the technological aspect,
but also have to consider ethics, philosophy, and design concepts. And the most important
consideration is the need to move ahead. We must never forget how difficult it is to
recover after stopping progress and the powerful ability of continuous effort.
The second edition of The Handbook of Industrial Robotics organizes and systematizes
the current expertise of industrial robotics and its forthcoming capabilities. These efforts
are critical for solving the underlying problems of industry. This continuation is a source
of power. I believe this Handbook will stimulate those who are concerned with industrial
robots and motivate them to be great contributors to the progress of industrial robotics. I
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am most grateful for the efforts of those who have contributed to the development of this
second edition and hopeful that our visions will come true in the near future.

Toyota Motor Corporation
Tokyo, Japan


We all know ‘‘the machine that changed the world’’: the car. Now let me tell you about
another machine that is changing the world, the robot. Today companies in virtually every
industry are achieving significant improvements in productivity and quality by taking
advantage of automation technologies. I am happy to report that robotics is one of the
key technologies leading mankind into the twenty-first century. Robotics is now hailed
for its reliability and accepted by today’s workforce, and is benefiting small, medium-
sized, and large enterprises. This Handbook describes very well the available and emerg-
ing robotics capabilities. It is a most comprehensive guide, including valuable information
for both the providers and consumers of creative robotics applications. The attached CD-
ROM vividly illustrates robots in action. Nearly 40 years ago Joe Engelberger and other
pioneers envisioned a day when robots would perform the dangerous and dull jobs, en-
abling people to lead a more creative life. The vision developed slowly, as robot tech-
nology had to mature, workers had to be convinced that robots were not a threat to their
jobs, and managers had to be shown that robots can indeed help their companies thrive
as global competitors. In 1974, when our trade association was founded, American com-
panies remained unconvinced about the benefits of robotics. But Japanese companies had
started to embrace robots, a key factor in the emergence of Japan as a global manufac-
turing power.
By the early 1980s robotics was hailed as the ‘‘next industrial revolution.’’ Robots
were expected not only to solve all our manufacturing problems, but to cook our food,
clean our homes, and care for the elderly and disabled. Robotics companies posted record
new orders in 1985 as companies rushed to buy robots, often without fully understanding
what would be required to implement them effectively.
In the mid-1980s many robotics companies exited the field because robotics products
were considered high-priced and ineffective. But then, from 1987–1992, the robot man-
ufacturers worked hard to improve their products and decreased their dependence on the
automotive industry. They engineered new products with better intelligence and control,
better and simpler vision systems and interfaces, and greater service. Exciting nonman-
ufacturing applications started to become viable in areas such as security, health care,
environmental clean-up, and space and undersea exploration. Research and development
advances in robot control, graphic simulation, and off-line programming made sophisti-
cated robots easier to program and simpler to deploy and maintain.
During the last five years robotics companies have posted gains in new orders of 131%.
A total of 12,149 robots valued at over $1.1 billion were ordered in 1997, a new record.
Shipments also topped $1 billion for the first time. The big surge in robot use in the
United States made it again one of the hottest markets for robotics. Companies that gave
up on robotics long ago are now taking a fresh look and discovering that robotics can
provide the solutions they need. Predicting the future of the robotics industry can be left
to the futurists. However, I think it is safe to say that this industry has a solid foundation
and is well positioned for the twenty-first century. The automotive market is still the
largest, but applications in the electronics industry should grow at an average rate of 35%
a year; in the food and beverage industry robot installations for packaging, palletizing,
and filling are expected to grow by 25–30% annually for the next few years. These
industries are likely to represent the largest markets for the near term, but we also antic-
ipate growth in the aerospace, appliance, and nonmanufacturing markets.
After a quarter-century of being involved with robotics, I have concluded that the
robotics industry is here to stay. And robotics does not stop here. Sojourner is the first,
but certainly not the last, intelligent robot sent by humans to operate on another planet,
Mars. Robotics, robots, and their peripheral equipment will respond well to the challenges
of space construction, assembly, and communications; new applications in agriculture,
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agri-industries, and chemical industries; work in recycling, cleaning, and hazardous waste
disposal to protect our environment and the quality of our air and water; safe, reliable,
and fast transportation relying on robotics in flight and on intelligent highways. Robotics
prospered in the 1990s; it will thrive and proliferate in the twenty-first century.

Executive Vice President
Robotic Industries Association
Ann Arbor, Michigan
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The Handbook of Industrial Robotics was published first in 1985, translated to Russian
in 1989–90, and republished in 1992. The second edition is warranted by the relative
settling of this young professional field since the 1980s in some of its subareas; the
emergence of completely new areas; and the considerable developments in the artificial
intelligence aspects of robotics. We continue to use the term industrial robotics (hence-
forth, robotics) to distinguish robots working in service and production from science-
fiction and purely software ‘‘robots.’’
In the early days of robotics, the 1920s, the physical fear of monstrous, human-like
machines prevailed. In the 1960s, after pioneering robot applications in industry, there
was skepticism, sometimes mixed with ridicule, as to whether robots were at all practical.
In the 1980s, with increasing robot deployment and proven success, the main concern
was whether robots were going to replace us all. Indeed, in the first edition we added to
Asimov’s original (1940) Three Laws of Robotics the Three Laws of Robotics Applica-
1. Robots must continue to replace people on dangerous jobs. (This benefits all.)
2. Robots must continue to replace people on jobs people do not want to do. (This
also benefits all.)
3. Robots should replace people on jobs robots do more economically. (This will
initially disadvantage many, but inevitably will benefit all as in the first and second
By now robotics has become accepted as an essential and useful technology, still exciting
our imagination with feats such as the Sojourner’s Mars exploration, the emergence of
nanorobotics, and the advances in medical robotics. Interestingly, researchers are now
even seeking to develop human-like robots with which people would feel more comfort-
able to work and live.
After consultation with my colleagues, the members of the Handbook’s Editorial
Board, the table of contents was revised to reflect the above trends. 120 leading experts
from 12 countries participated in creating the new edition. I am grateful to all of them
for their excellent contributions. All the original chapters were revised, updated, and
consolidated. Of the 66 chapters in the new edition, 33 are new, covering important new
topics in the theory, design, control, and applications of robotics. A larger robotics ter-
minology with over 800 terms (300 more than in the original) was compiled from this
Handbook material. A CD-ROM was added to convey to our readers the colorful motions
and intelligence of robotics.
Each chapter was reviewed by two independent peer reviewers and by myself, and
revised based on the reviewers’ comments. In addition to the Editorial Board members,
I wish to thank the following reviewers:
Arvin Agah S. Krimi Jacob Rubinovitz
George A. Bekey C. S. George Lee Hagen Schempf
Johann J. Borenstein Masayuki Matsui Michael J. P. Shaw
Yavuz A. Bozer John J. Mills Shraga Shoval
Grigore C. Burdea Colin L. Moodie Jose M. A. Tanchoco
Nicholas Dagalakis Gordon R. Pennock Tibor Vamos
Yael Edan Venkat N. Rajan L. Vlacic
Thomas D. Jerney Aristides A. Requicha Daniel A. Whitney
Chang-Ouk Kim Elon Rimon Eyal Zussman
10.1002/9780470172506.fmatter, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [14/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

I also thank the professionals from John Wiley and Sons, the Pro-Image production team,
and the talented editorial and research help from my graduate students: José Ceroni, Chin-
Yin Huang, Marco Lara, Jeff Liberski, NaRaye Williams, Jianhao Chen, Jorge Avila, Nitin
Khanna, Keyvan Esfarjani, and Jose Peralta.
Finally, I thank my wife Nava, my parents Yaffa and the late Dr. Jacob Nowomiast,
and our daughters, Moriah and Jasmin, for all their valuable advice and support.


West Lafayette, Indiana
10.1002/9780470172506.fmatter, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [14/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Arvin Agah, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The University of Kan-
sas, Lawrence, Kansas
Narendra Ahuja, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
Hadi Abu-Akeel, FANUC Robotics North America, Inc., Rochester Hills, Michigan
Fumihito Arai, Department of Micro System Engineering, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan
Ronald C. Arkin, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
C. R. Asfahl, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Arkansas
O. Barth, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart,
George A. Bekey, Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Systems, Department of Computer Science,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
J. T. Black, Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama
Karl F. Böhringer, University of California, Berkeley, California
Valerie Bolhouse, Ford Motor Company, Redform, Michigan
M. C. Bonney, University of Nottingham, University Park, United Kingdom
Wayne Book, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Yavuz A. Bozer, Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering, The University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan
H.-J. Bullinger, Institute of Work Organization, Stuttgart, Germany
Grigore C. Burdea, Rutgers—The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey
José A. Ceroni, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
S. J. Childe, Manufacturing and Business Systems, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United
Yee-Yin Choong, GE Information Services, Inc., Rockville, Maryland
David R. Clark, Kettering University, Flint, Michigan
Philippe Coiffet, Laboratoire de Robotique de Paris, Velizy, France
Nicholas G. Dagalakis, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Intelligent Systems Divi-
sion, Gaithersburg, Maryland
Brian Daugherty, Ford Motor Company, Redform, Michigan
Michael P. Deisenroth, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia
John V. Draper, Robotics and Process Systems Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, Tennessee
Charlie Duncheon, P.E., Adept Technology, Inc., San José, California
Yael Edan, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Ben-Gurion University of the
Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel
Mohammad R. Emami, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
Gay Engelberger, HelpMate Robotics Inc., Danbury, Connecticut

10.1002/9780470172506.fmatter, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [14/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Joseph F. Engelberger, HelpMate Robotics Inc., Danbury, Connecticut

Ronald S. Fearing, University of California, Berkeley, California
K. Feldmann, Institute for Manufacturing Automatization and Production Systematics (FAPS), Uni-
versity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Toshio Fukuda, Center for Cooperative Research in Advanced Science and Technology, Nagoya
University, Nagoya, Japan
J. D. Gascoigne, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University of Tech-
nology, Loughborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Ken Y. Goldberg, University of California, Berkeley, California
Andrew A. Goldenberg, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
K. Götz, Institute for Manufacturing Automatization and Production Systematics (FAPS), Univer-
sity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Allen C. Grzebyk, FANUC Robotics North America, Inc., Rochester Hills, Michigan
A. Gunasekaran, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, Massachusetts
M. Hägele, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart,
Nicholas G. Hall, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
Lane A. Hautau, FANUC Robotics North America, Inc., Rochester Hills, Michigan
Steven W. Holland, General Motors Corp., Warren, Michigan
Thomas Hörz, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stutt-
gart, Germany
Chin-Yin Huang, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Brian Huff, The Automation & Robotics Research Institute, The University of Texas at Arlington,
Fort Worth, Texas
Seth Hutchinson, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
Yukio Iwasa, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan
Thomas D. Jerney, Adept Technology, Inc., San José, California
A. C. Kak, Robot Vision Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue Uni-
versity, West Lafayette, Indiana
Sungkwun Kim, Samsung Electronics, Kyunggi-Do, Korea
Akio Kosaka, Robot Vision Laboratory, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
George L. Kovács, CIM Research Laboratory, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hun-
garian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary
S. Krimi, Institute for Manufacturing Automatization and Production Systematics (FAPS), Univer-
sity of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Krishna K. Krishnan, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering, Wichita State
University, Wichita, Kansas
Vijay Kumar, General Robotics and Active Sensory Perception (GRASP) Laboratory, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Marco A. Lara, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
C. S. George Lee, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University, West La-
fayette, Indiana
Mark R. Lehto, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Lonnie Love, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Robotics and Process Systems Division, Oak Ridge,
R. S. Maull, School of Business and Management, University of Exeter, Exeter, United Kingdom
J. B. Mills, Manufacturing and Business Systems, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United King-
John J. Mills, The Automation & Robotics Research Institute, The University of Texas at Arlington,
Fort Worth, Texas
Laxmi P. Musunur, FANUC Robotics North America, Inc., Rochester Hills, Michigan
10.1002/9780470172506.fmatter, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [14/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Doug Niebruegge, ABB Flexible Automation, New Berlin, Wisconsin

Erich Niedermayr, Corporate Technology Department—Production Engineering, Siemens AG,
Munich, Germany
Shimon Y. Nof, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
James P. Ostrowski, General Robotics and Active Sensory Perception (GRASP) Laboratory, Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
J. Pack, Institute of Work Organization, Stuttgart, Germany
Lynne E. Parker, Center for Engineering Systems Advanced Research, Oak Ridge National Lab-
oratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Joseph Pössinger, Corporate Technology Department—Production Engineering, Siemens AG, Mu-
nich, Germany
Adrien Presley, Division of Business and Accountancy, Truman State University, Kirksville, Mis-
Venkat N. Rajan, i2 Technologies, Chicago, Illinois
M. Reichenberger, Institute for Manufacturing Automatization and Production Systematics (FAPS),
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany
Aristides A. G. Requicha, Laboratory for Molecular Robotics and Computer Science Department,
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Charles A. Rosen, Machine Intelligence Corp., Sunnyvale, California
Norbert Roth, Corporate Technology Department—Production Engineering, Siemens AG, Munich,
Jacob Rubinovitz, The Davidson Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management, Technion,
Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
Gavriel Salvendy, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Hagen Schempf, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
G. Schmierer, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart,
Claus Scholpp, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stutt-
gart, Germany
R. D. Schraft, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA), Stuttgart,
Klaus Schröer, Fraunhofer-IPK, Berlin, Germany
Manfred Schweizer, Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation (IPA),
Stuttgart, Germany
Mario Sciaky, Sciaky S. A., Vitry-Sur-Seine, France
G. Seliger, IPK / IFW, Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Michael J. Shaw, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois
P. A. Smart, Manufacturing and Business Systems, University of Plymouth, Plymouth, United
Geary V. Soska, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
G. T. Stevens, The Automation & Robotics Research Institute, The University of Texas at Arling-
ton, Fort Worth, Texas
K. Sugimoto, Hitachi Limited, Yokohama, Japan
Kinya Tamaki, School of Business Administration, Aoyama Gakuin University, Tokyo, Japan
Kazuo Tanie, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, AIST-MITI, Tsukuba, Japan
William R. Tanner, Productivity Systems, Inc., Farmington, Michigan
Russell H. Taylor, Department of Computer Science, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Elpida S. Tzafestas, Intelligent Robotics and Automation Laboratory, Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zographou, Athens, Greece
Spyros G. Tzafestas, Intelligent Robotics and Automation Laboratory, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Zographou, Athens, Greece
10.1002/9780470172506.fmatter, Downloaded from, Wiley Online Library on [14/01/2024]. See the Terms and Conditions ( on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License

Yoji Umetani, Toyota Technological Institute, Nagoya, Japan

P. Valckenaers, Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Leuven, Belgium
H. Van Brussel, Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Leuven, Belgium
Donald A. Vincent, Robotic Industries Association, Ann Arbor, Michigan
H.-J. Warnecke, Fraunhofer Institute, Munich, Germany
Atsushi Watanabe, FANUC Ltd., Robot Laboratory, Yamanashi, Japan
John G. Webster, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
R. H. Weston, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Loughborough University of Technol-
ogy, Loughborough, Leicestershire, United Kingdom
Daniel E. Whitney, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
NaRaye P. Williams, School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
Y. F. Yong, BYG Systems Ltd., Nottingham, United Kingdom
Miloš Žefran, General Robotics and Active Sensory Perception (GRASP) Laboratory, University
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
E. Zussman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technion—Israel Institute of Technology,
Haifa, Israel

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