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Aquaculture Economics & Management

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Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in

Oscar J. Cacho
Department of Agricultural And Resource Economics , University of New England ,
Armidale, NSW, 2351, Australia Fax:
Published online: 13 Nov 2008.

To cite this article: Oscar J. Cacho (1997) Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture, Aquaculture
Economics & Management, 1:1-2, 45-64, DOI: 10.1080/13657309709380202

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Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in
Department of Agricultural And Resource Economics, University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia
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Abstract ance and regression. More recently, nonlinear dynamic

system models and bioeconomic models are being used.
This paper reviews current and potential applications Formal models may take a variety of different forms,
of systems models and bioeconomic models in aquacul- from spreadsheet models to complex iterative models
ture. Basic information on alternative types of models described by sets of differential equations and imple-
and the process of model design and implementation is mented using programming languages. In many
presented. A simple optimal control model, applied to respects, the use of simulation models can be seen sim-
harvesting and feeding decisions, is used to illustrate ply as an extension of the general use of models to con-
the numerical solution of dynamic optimization prob- ceptualize and state hypotheses (Bywater & Cacho
lems. The dynamic programming version of the prob- 1994). However, simulation models offer a range of
lem is also presented and the advantages of each opportunities not normally associated with other types
approach are discussed. The paper concludes with a of models. This paper reviews the use of models in aqua-
discussion of future prospects. An overly mathematical culture, focusing on system models in general and bioe-
language is avoided and emphasis is placed on practical conomic models in particular. The paper also presents
solution techniques. information on model building and use which might be
useful to those interested in learning more about the
Keywords: bioeconomics, dynamic programming, field. In developing models for aquaculture, we have
optimal control, systems modelling much to learn from work done by agricultural scien-
tists and fishery economists and their work will be
briefly reviewed.
Introduction Models can be used for a number of different pur-
poses in research and management of production sys-
All research involves models, whether formal or infor- tems. Some possible uses are:
mal. Formal models are expressed in mathematical or
• integration of existing data and concepts;
statistical terms; while informal models might be noth-
• identification of gaps in research;
ing more than an abstract idea or a verbal description of
• screening of potential experiments;
a system or phenomenon. Although aquaculture has
• generation and testing of hypotheses;
been practised for centuries in some parts of the world,
• deduction of unmeasurable parameters;
its status as a discipline using scientific enquiry is rela-
• interpretation and evaluation of experimental
tively recent. As with other disciplines, aquaculture has
evolved from a verbally descriptive approach to the
more precise language afforded by mathematical and • design of efficient production systems;
statistical models. Traditionally, most formal models • determination of best operating conditions for a
used in aquacultural research have been linear, based given production system;
on the principles of statistical inference, analysis of vari- • evaluation of policy.
Aquaculture Economics
Most of these uses are mentioned by Bywater & Cacho & Management
Correspondence DrO.J. Cacho, Department of Agricultural (1994) in the context of agricultural production, but Volume 1, Number 1
& Resource Economics, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia. they apply to aquaculture as well. Obviously a single 1997
Fax:61-67-73-3281. model cannot be used for all purposes. An all-encom- pp45-64

© 1997BlackweIl Science Ltd 45

46 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

passing model runs the risk of becoming as complex as Farming systems research (FSR) uses a systems
the real system, defeating the purpose of the model as a approach to integrate information from physical, bio-
simplified representation of reality. As explained later, logical and social sciences. FSR places emphasis on the
the intended use of a model must be borne in mind in farmer, not only as a decision maker, but also as a
the initial stages of model design and development. 'social being' who is part of a community and has goals
This paper starts by discussing types of models other than profit maximization.
according to alternative classification criteria, it then Bioeconomic modelling is not explicitly represented
defines the concepts of systems and bioeconomic mod- in Fig. 1, as it can fit in different compartments depend-
elling and reviews the current status of bioeconomic ing on the context in which it is applied. Bioeconomic
modelling in aquaculture. A detailed description of the modelling can be viewed as a particular form of man-
model building process is then presented, followed by a agement research or as a component within a whole
simple example which illustrates the application of opti- FSR framework.
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mal control theory to an aquacultural enterprise. Finally In general, formal models can be classified under dif-
a discussion of future prospects for the field is presented. ferent criteria, depending on their level of complexity
(simplistic and holistic), how model equations are
derived (mechanistic and empirical), how time is treated
Types of models (static and dynamic), whether random events are
allowed (determinstic and stochastic), and whether opti-
Models can be classified according to different criteria, mizing behaviour is assumed (positive and normative).
depending on the phenomenon or system they describe Each of these classifications is briefly discussed below.
and the manner in which they are defined, implemented
and used. This section discusses the types of models - Simplistic vs. holistic
which can be produced by different types of research As suggested earlier, all models are simplified represen-
and describes several possible model classifications. tations of reality and, as such, they must contain sim-
Figure 1 (adapted fromBywater& Cacho 1994) pre- plifying assumptions. Simplistic models are more con-
sents the relationships between different types of strained in terms of their limiting assumptions; they are
research and the entities modelled in an aquacultural represented by one or a few equations and are designed
context. Biological research is represented as a box con- to be solved analytically. In contrast, holistic models
taining two possible approaches, based on whether the attempt to describe a system in detail and often cannot
research focuses on particular components of a system be solved analytically. Component models can be sim-
or on the system as a whole. Component research is plistic or holistic, while systems models are holistic by
concerned with the understanding of the mode of definition, as they describe detailed interactions.
action or behaviour of components of a production sys-
tem and its subsystems, such as tissue and cellular com-
ponents, as well as research at the whole animal and
plant level. In contrast, systems research is aimed at
characterizing interactions that occur between compo-
nents at the production system level. Although the dis-
tinction between the two is somewhat arbitrary, the research
main difference is that systems research tends to use
'systems approaches' while component research uses
'reductionist approaches' (Bywater&Cacho 1994). Fanning
Management research, which is outside of the realm systems
of biological research, uses the results of systems
research to quantify the effect of different system organi-
zations and interventions on system output, so as to
achieve better or best results. Results may be measured
in terms of physical performance, financial returns and
Aquaculture Economics
& Management
risk in different environments. The objective of manage-
ment research is not so much to understand why some-
Volume 1, Number 1
1997 thing happens, as to utilize the best understanding avail- Fig. 1 Relationship between different types of research and
pp 45-64 able for management purposes (Bywater & Cacho 1994). the types of models produced.

© 1997BlackweU Science Ltd

O.J.Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 47

Clark (1985) argues that simplistic modelling corre- includes time explicitly and it uses differential or differ-
sponds to 'open' scientific investigation with assump- ence equations to describe the change in the system
tions, deductions and conclusions available to variables through time. A dynamic model can be used
scrutiny, leading to the formulation of general theories. to describe paths (and the length) of adjustment when
Simplistic modelling often requires familiarity with an equilibrium is disturbed, or it can predict whether a
advanced mathematical techniques. In contrast, holis- new equilibrium will be reached at all.
tic modelling is more of a 'closed' investigation, in
which outsiders must rely on the assumptions, expla- Deterministic vs. stochastic
nations and conclusions supplied by the model Deterministic models can be used to predict expected
builders. A holistic model is possible only with the help values for the system and ignore the possibility of vari-
of a computer, which allows the analyst to experiment ability. Stochastic models contain random elements or
in ways that would not be possible with the real system. probability distributions, reflecting the uncertainty in
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

Holistic modelling might not demand the same mathe- the real world. A deterministic model represents a vari-
matical expertise required by simple models, as model able by its most likely value, a stochastic model repre-
equations are solved numerically. sents variables as probability distributions.
It is common practice to start by building and solv-
Empirical vs. mechanistic ing a deterministic model, to ensure that the model out-
According to France & Thornley (1984), an empirical put is satisfactory. Once confidence in the model is
model aims to predict, while a mechanistic model achieved, stochastic behaviour can be added; this is
attempts to describe. Empirical models follow the so generally done by allowing the environment (e.g. tem-
called 'black box' approach, where the interest is to perature; rainfall) to vary according to given probabil-
obtain output based on given inputs, with no regard for ity distributions. In stochastic economic models it is
the process by which such output was produced. Mech- also common to allow prices to vary randomly.
anistic models, in contrast, represent a mathematical Another common way of including stochastic
description of the actual process being modelled. behaviour in growth models is by attaching a probabil-
It is always possible to find an empirical model that ity distribution to the growth potential of the plant or
gives a better fit to a given dataset than a mechanistic animal population.
model. This is because the empirical model has fewer
constraints, whereas the mechanistic model can be Positive vs. normative
considerably constrained by its assumptions (France & Economic models can be classified according to
Thornley 1984). Empirical models often use polyno- whether they are descriptive (positive) or optimizing
mial functions which can be fitted to any degree, allow- (normative). A normative model gives the decision
ing as many turning points in the data to be mimicked maker information describing the courses of action
as desired. However, the applicability of empirical mod- that will lead to the optimization of a particular crite-
els is constrained to conditions similar to those in rion. Positive models simply indicate what outcomes
which the data were collected. Mechanistic models are will result from alternative decisions. Normative mod-
more general and can be applied to a wider range of els are usually much more expensive to operate than
conditions. positive models. According to Manetsch (1978) the
Notice that the definition of empirical models used cost of operating a nonoptimizing model increases in
by economists differs from that presented above. In eco- direct proportion with the size of the model (as mea-
nomics an empirical model is one which is applied to sured by the number of variables in the model). The
real world data, as opposed to a theoretical model. cost of operating an optimizing model, however, tends
to increase much faster than the model size.
Static vs. dynamic
Static models do not contain time as a variable. Many
econometric models and models implemented on Systems modelling
spreadsheets are of this type. Static models generally
simulate equilibrium conditions. When a system is dis- The central idea in systems modelling is that a system
Aquaculture Economics
turbed, a static model may predict what the new equi- contains components which interact with each other & Management
librium will be, but does not say anything about the over-time, and that such interaction is a primary Volume 1, Number 1
path of adjustment or the length of time required for determinant of system behaviour (Bywater 1990). 1997
adjustment to take place. In contrast a dynamic model Strictly speaking, a spreadsheet budgeting model is not pp45-64

© 1997Blackwell Science Ltd

48 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

a system model, because the response of the system is bioeconomics as 'the use of mathematical models to
exogenously determined and depends on the practical relate the biological performance of a production sys-
experience of the person developing the model. A tem to its economic and technical constraints'. Van der
requirement for a formal system model is that the Ploeg et al. (1987) use the term alternatively to refer to
reponse be endogenously determined by interactions 'the biological foundation of economic activity', simply
between components. as 'extending microeconomic concepts to biology', or
The systems modelling approach 'internalizes' more 'the idea of maximizing net economic yield while main-
variables (as state variables) rather than treating them taining sustainable yield'. Clark (1985) defines it as
as exogenous or ignoring them altogether as a spread- 'the interrelations between the economic forces affect-
sheet budgeting model would tend to do. This approach ing the fishing industry and the biological factors that
is thus advantageous in analysing natural resource determine the production and supply offish in the sea'.
management problems (Van der Ploeg et al. 1987). A bioeconomic model can be a systems model that
Resource management models are highly relevant to
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includes economic components or a multiequation

some forms of aquaculture, such as salmon, oyster, and model with a single biological equation. The logistic
mussel aquaculture, and other enterprises which com- equation and the Beverton-Holt recruitment model are
pete with recreational uses or affect the aesthetic value commonly used to capture the essential features of pop-
of the environment. Solutions to these problems will ulation dynamics in fishery and forestry models.
become increasingly important as regulatory con- According to Van der Ploeg et al. (1987) bioeco-
straints are put in place by government. nomics refers primarily to economic research using
Systems models are often too complex to be used as optimal control theory and models of population
management tools by producers and extension agents. dynamics of exploited species. Despite the common
In this regard, Bywater (1990) points out that compre- emphasis on dynamic models, bioeconomic modelling
hensive systems models can be used to identify and techniques can also contibute in other areas. A bioeco-
select the key factors to be included in more aggregate nomic model can be used as the basis for budget genera-
management models (summary models) for specific tors (Adams et al. 1980) and information from budgets
applications. Summary models can contain only ele- can be used to obtain coefficients for mathematical pro-
ments identified as essential. An advantage of this gramming models. Stochastic bioeconomic models can
approach, as pointed out by Bywater (1990), is that provide estimates of the range of values of selected vari-
summary or re-aggregated models generally provide ables, which can in turn be used for mathematical pro-
more accurate predictions over a wider range of cir- gramming models with stochastic elements (such as
cumstances than empirically derived models at a simi- target MOTAD) or stochastic dominance studies. Bioe-
lar level of aggregation. conomic models can also be used to generate data for
This paper focuses on bioeconomic applications, production function estimation (Cacho et al. 1990), to
and does not present an exhaustive review of stand- help design and evaluate production facilities (Allen &
alone system models (with no economic components). Johnston 1976) and to determine research priorities
Examples of complex system models in aquaculture (Bosch &Shabman 1990).
include those of Cuenco et al. (1985a,b,c) dealing with Figure 2 (based on Cacho 1993) presents a general
fish bioenergetics and growth; Wolfe et al. (1986) on a framework for a fish-farm model. Here, hexagonal
solar algae pond ecosystem; Piedrahita (19 8 8) on mod- boxes represent submodels, rectangles are model vari-
elling of pond ecosystems, and Hagiwara & Mitsch ables and ellipses represent exogenously determined
(1994) who model a carp polyculture system. variables. Arrows represent the flow of energy, matter
or information between compartments. Each level,
along with its 'local' variables is enclosed within a
Bioeconomic modelling shaded box to emphasize that it is viewed as a self-con-
tained unit in the development process.
Generally speaking, a bioeconomic model consists of a
biological model, which describes the production sys- The biological model
tem, and an economic model, which relates the produc- For convenience, the production system is represented
Aquaculture Economics
& Management tion system to market prices and resource constraints. at three levels of aggregation, the individual fish, the
Volume 1, Number 1
However, the term bioeconomics means different things pond and the whole farm; each level dealing with differ-
1997 to different people depending on their discipline and ent types of interactions. This is a convenient represen-
pp 45-64 particular area of interest. Allen et al. (1984) define tation because it allows the model developer to focus on

© 1997BlackwelI Science Ltd

O.J. Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 49

ecosystem. Factors such a phytoplankton populations,

phosphate concentration, solar radiation and wind can
have considerable effects on the ecosystem dynamics.
The variables presented in this conceptual model, how-
ever, emphasize the nature of a pond as a decision mak-
ing unit, rather than as an ecosystem.
At the whole farm level, a group of ponds is related
to resource availability, cash flow and environmental
constraints. Water discharges from individual ponds
and cash flow resulting from harvesting activities are
* * f \ faeration, )
[feedingstrategy) [biomass] I wale rexchange! fed back into the farm management model, which looks
at the 'big picture'. At the farm level, the allocation of
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

resources through time must be determined to meet

whatever objectives are set in the economic model.
Examples of decisions taken at the farm level include
those regarding water treatment before discharge (if
regulatory restrictions apply), the use of water for other
Fig. 2 A general conceptual model for a fish-farm enterprises (crops), or the establishment of rotational
bioeconomic model. stock-harvest strategies to even out cash flow through-
out the year.

a given portion of the problem without being over- The economic model
whelmed by details of events occurring at another Once implemented, a biological model can be 'attached'
level. to different types of economic models. The economic
The individual fish growth model is mostly con- model can be designed to interact with the biological
cerned with the influence of the physical environment model at a given level of aggregation, depending on the
(temperature and water quality), the dietary environ- problem being analysed (see Fig. 2). An economic
ment (food intake and diet quality) and the status of the model provides the link between the market and the
individual fish (body weight and composition) on the production system. It can be viewed as an 'outer layer'
productive potential of the system. Notice that model which controls the operation of the biological model for
components at this level not only affect growth rate its own purposes. Control is achieved through model
directly, but also interact with each other in complex inputs and feedback is obtained as outputs. If the eco-
ways. In particular, food intake (perhaps the most nomic model is an iterative optimization model, the
important input) interacts with both water quality and input-output cycle may occur thousands of times, with
diet quality and is affected by fish weight and body com- the inputs being adjusted in response to outputs until
position. Also notice that, depending on the level of an optimal solution is obtained. If, on the other hand,
detail being modelled, each box in this diagram (Fig. 2) the economic model is a simple positive model, say a
could represent a composite of several variables. For budget generator, each input-output cycle might pro-
instance, water quality could represent dissolved oxy- duce a complete table of results containing the appro-
gen (DO), or a combination of DO, ammonia, chemical priate enterprise budget.
oxygen demand (COD) and other relevant variables. Obviously, a dynamic biological model is ideally
The pond management model is concerned with the suited as the base of a dynamic optimization economic
effect of pond management decisions on a fish popula- model. Fisheries economists have contributed consid-
tion and its environment. Stocking and harvesting erably to the development of dynamic bioeconomic
decisions affect the actual biomass in the pond, while models (Clark & Munro 1975; Clark 1976, 1985;
feeding, aeration and water exchange strategies affect Munro & Scott 1985). Clark & Munro (1975) called
the carrying capacity of the pond and the potential attention to the importance of explicitly accounting for
growth rate of fish. The diagram (Fig. 2) presents no time in fishery economic models and present an intro-
interactions between pond-level variables; decision ductory treatment of optimal control theory. Their Aquaculture Economics
& Management
variables translate into fish-level environmental vari- paper starts with a simple linear problem, followed by
Volume 1, Number 1
ables, which interact with each other as detailed above. the more complex nonlinear case. Clark (1976,1985) 1997
This is an oversimplification of the dynamics of a pond has been influential in stimulating the application of pp 45-64

© 1997BlackwelI Science Ltd

50 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J. Cacho

optimal control and capital theoretical concepts to fish- species, whose culture has not been technically devel-
ery management problems, and Clark (1976) provides oped to be economically viable. The capability for a pri-
an amenable introduction to the techniques of optimal ori evaluation of technology illustrated in these papers,
control as applied to fishery management. Chaudhuri represents an important application of bioeconomic
(1988) used optimal control theory to optimize the modelling.
combined harvesting of two competing species of fish. Adams etal. (1980), Griffin etal. (1981) andKarpef
These sources deal with simple mathematical popula- al. (1986) present shrimp models of different degrees of
tion models, which are solved analytically and provide sophistication, spawned from studies at Texas A & M
good insights into the nature of dynamic optimization, University. Adams et al. (1980) use budget simulation
but they do not provide information on techniques for analysis to study economies of size in shrimp produc-
the numerical solution of complex dynamic problems. tion. They study the effect of both pond size and farm
As mentioned earlier, although emphasis is often size on production costs. Griffin et al. (1981) introduce
a more complete environmental model, include
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

placed on dynamic models, not all bioeconomic models

are dynamic. The review that follows discusses exam- stochastic behaviour and use a market model to deter-
ples of both static and dynamic models. mine potential profits. These authors study the effects
on yield, cost, revenue and profit of stocking and har-
vest date, temperature, salinity and dissolved oxygen.
Review of past work in bioeconomics They present the probability distribution for profits
obtained through stochastic experiments using differ-
Table 1 presents a chronological review of bioeconomic ent combinations of decision variables. Karp et al.
models applied to aquaculture. This list is by no means (1986)usean optimal control model to determine opti-
exhaustive but rather presents, at a glance, the main mal harvest and restocking times and levels. They pre-
trends in thefieldover the last 20 years. sent and solve a determinstic optimal control model,
In general, it appears that the most popular species followed by a stochastic problem which they solve by
for modelling are shrimp, prawn and salmon. Different dynamic programming. Their results assess the value
combinations of single equation and complex nonlin- of information (in a stochastic environment) and con-
ear biological models have been used, with the Von- trol over the environment.
Bertalanffy equation being popular for simple models. The prawn and shrimp models developed at the Uni-
In terms of the optimization techniques used, optimal versity of Hawaii focus on stocking and harvesting
control and dynamic programming feature promi- decisions. Leung (1986) and Leung & Shang (1989)
nently, although budgeting, mathematical program- present a dynamic programming model of prawn pro-
ming, nonoptimizing simulation and comparative stat- duction. The biological (population) model consists of a
ics also occur. The most common decision variables are Markov process which updates the size distribution of
the time and rates of harvesting and stocking. Other prawns every two weeks, while the economic model
decision variables are environment (temperature) or determines optimal partial stocking/harvesting deci-
water quality (DO, salinity, water recirculation). sions. Leung et al. (1989) and Hochman et al. (1990)
Although the importance of feeding rates is mentioned present a stochastic dynamic shrimp model. They use
in many papers, surprisingly few include feeding as a the growing inventory approach to determine optimal
decision variable. Other decision variables deal with harvest-stocking decisions. Leung et al. (1993) present
facility design, research priorities and policy variables. a methodological comparison between their prawn
The most common objectives are profit maximization and shrimp models.
and the analysis of research priorities. A brief descrip- The models developed at Auburn University focus
tion of the papers follows. on nutritional responses and are applied to catfish pro-
Botsford et al. (1974) and Allen & Johnston (1976) duction, an important species in the south-eastern
are two instances of several papers on lobster aquacul- United States. Cacho et al. (1990) illustrate the use of
ture written by this group of scientists. The former bioeconomics to link the static analysis of traditional
paper applies optimal control theory to the design and production economics to the analysis of nutritional
operation of a lobster aquaculture facility, while the experimental results. The authors discuss the effects of
Aquaculture Economics
& Management
latter illustrates a positive approach, where the response diet quantity and quality on profitability and crop
Volume 1, Number 1
of costs to changes in parameters and design variables length. Cacho et al. (1991) present an optimal control
1997 is described. Both papers emphasize the problem of model designed to determine the optimal feeding trajec-
pp 45-64 designing an aquaculture facility for a high-value tory of a catfish pond under a cyclical temperature

© 1997BlackwelI Science Ltd

Table 1 A chronological sample of published research in bieconomics of aquaculture
o Optimization/analysis
ienc<5 Ltd

Author(s) Species Biological model technique Decision variables Objectives

Botsford etal. (1974) lobster mechanistic/empirical optimal control temperature, space. minimize cost
nonlinear system recirculation, feeding facility design
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

Allen & Johnston (1976) lobster as above budgeting plant size, target weight. research priorities, facility design
temperature, recirculation
Adams etal. (1980) shrimp Von-Bertalanffy budgeting pond size. study economies of size
number of ponds
Griffin eta/. (1981) shrimp multiequation/multicompartment stochastic experiments stock, harvest, DO, identify study areas critical to profitability
temperature, salinity
Talpaz&Tsur(1982) carp Von-Bertalanffy, Gompertz optimal control harvest, stock density. maximize profit
water flow
Anderson (1985) salmon Beverton-Holt optimal control harvest, recruitment maximize profit (rancher and fishermen)
Karp etal. (1986) shrimp Von-Bertalanffy optimal control. stock, harvest maximize profit
dynamic programming
Leung (1986),
Leung & Shang (1989) prawn Markov process (size distribution) dynamic programming stock, harvest maximize profit
Bjomdal (1988) salmon. Beverton-Holt recruitment. comparative statics harvest maximize profit
turbot cubic polynomial growth
Bola&Satter(1989) prawn population/system dynamics linear programming partial harvest maximize profit
Leung etal. (1989),
Hochman etal. (1990) shrimp log-reciprocal growth (empirical) dynamic programming stock, harvest maximize profit
Bosch &Shabman (1990) oyster exponential function of simulation research priorities improve risk efficiency
environmental factors (empirical)
Cacho etal. (1990) catfish bioenergetic model static optimization feed quality and quantity. explore bioeconomic relationships D.
crop length
Cacho etal. (1991) catfish bioenergetic model optimal control feeding rate minimize cost
Sylvia & Anderson (1993) salmon simple rate constants multilevel modelling various policy variables evaluate policy alternatives
Hean (1994) salmon Beverton-Holt recruitment, static optimization stocking density. maximize profit
cubic polynomial growth harvest time
Logan etal. (1995) sturgeon spline growth-age. simulation plant size, stocking density. analyse cost, revenues and
logistic mortality marketing age return on investment
Part on & Nissapa (1995) seabass. Cobb-Douglass goal programming Aquaculture production meet income, employment and
tiger prawn levels, fishing effort water quality goals
52 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

regime. They calculate 'dynamically optimal' iso- deals with the conflicting objectives of decreasing efflu-
quants to illustrate the trade-off between diet quantity ent produced by salmon farms, while allowing salmon
and quality. aquaculture to develop as a competitive industry in the
Other papers based on optimal control theory United States. Their model includes simple biological
include those of Talpaz & Tsur (1982) and Anderson relationships (based on feed conversion and expected
(1985). Talpaz & Tsur (1982) present a model for par- growth rates), physical variables (farm site depth and
tial harvesting in a common-carp/cotton operation in current speed), and policy variables (taxes and controls
Israel, and determine optimal water flow and initial on density of cages per site).
stocking density. Anderson (1985) bases his compara- The book of Allen et al. (1984) and their various
tive dynamics analysis on optimal control theory. He papers dealing with the bioeconomics of lobster aqua-
studies the interaction between salmon ranching and culture represent pioneering efforts in the application
open accessfisheries,presents different policy scenarios of bioeconomic principles to aquaculture. Readers
and concludes that co-operative management of both interested in the field are referred to this book, which
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

aquaculture and commercial fishing can be profitable also contains a large list of references.
for both groups.
Bjorndal (1988) presents a comparative statics ana-
lysis of the effects of discount rates, harvesting costs and Model design and development
feed costs on optimal harvest date. He provides exam-
ples of optimal harvesting for salmon and turbot, using This section reviews basic concepts in the design and
a fitted third degree polynomial to simulate fish growth, development of dynamic models. It emphasizes biologi-
with time as the independent variable. Bjorndal's work cal models, because they are the most detailed and diffi-
was followed up by other authors, including Hean cult to develop, and they represent the base which can
(1994) who presents an analysis of the optimal number be used by many different economic models.
of recruits to stock and the optimal harvesting time, as
affected by stocking, harvesting and feeding costs. She Model components
applies her analysis to an empirical model of salmon At the risk of oversimplifying, it can be said that a
aquaculture in Tasmania. dynamic mathematical model consists of variables,
Arnason (1992) bases his analysis on that of Bjorn- parameters, constants and equations. Each one of these
dal, introducing dynamic behaviour and presenting a components is reviewed in turn. This discussion is
general comparative dynamics analysis. Heaps (1993) largely based on the book of France & Thornley (1984).
extends the model of Arnason by including feeding rate The reader is referred to this source for an excellent
as a decision variable. treatment of modelling applied to agriculture.
Bala & Satter (1989) present a model of prawn pro-
duction which incorporates a population dynamics Variables parameters and constants
model and a linear programming model. The popula- Variables in a dynamic model can be classified into four
tion model provides input to the linear programming types: state variables, rate variables, auxiliary variables
(LP) model which in turns determines an optimal har- and driving variables, with some possible subclasses.
vesting schedule. The nature of the link between the State variables define the state of the system at a
dynamic model and the LP model is not made clear in given point in time. A set of state variables uniquely
the paper. describe the system. Examples of state variables in an
Bosch & Shabman (1990) use a representative aquaculture model include fish weight, dissolved oxy-
model of an oyster planting firm to study the benefits of gen and ammonia. The process of dynamic modelling
alternative research programmes. They find that consists of constructing differential equations which
improvements in seed harvesting technology and define how state variables change through time.
accurate knowledge of the salinity range at which Rate variables define processes within the system at
disease problems occur provide the most potential for a given point in time. They have dimensions of quantity
increasing profitability of oyster production. They base per unit of time. These variables cannot be measured
their conclusion on evaluation of the risk efficiency of instantaneously (as state variables are) but must be
Aquaculture Economics
& Management
alternative programs. measured over an interval of time. Rate variables deter-
Volume 1, Number 1 Sylvia & Anderson (1993) use a multilevel dynamic mine how state variables change through time. Exam-
1997 model to analyse the effects of alternative policy vari- ples in aquaculture include fish growth rate, rate of
pp 45-64 ables on net-pen salmon aquaculture. Their model oxygen consumption and rate of ammonia production.

© 19 9 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

0. /. Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 53

Driving variables are data inputs which vary where P represents a vector of parameters and D repre-
exogenously with time rather than being endoge- sents a vector of driving variables (i.e. environment,
nously determined within the model. Driving variables control and policy variables). Since the system is
can be used to represent the environment (e.g. temper- defined by n state variables, it is useful to think of a point
ature, rainfall), management decisions (e.g. feeding in n-dimensional space; France & Thornley (1984)
rate, aeration rate), policy variables (e.g. pollution refer to this as the 'system point'. The position of the
control, subsidies) or the economy in general (e.g. system point uniquely defines the state of the system at
input and output markets). In some iterative optimiza- any point in time. The differential equations above
tion models, the value of a decision variable (e.g. feed- determine the velocity at which the system point moves
ing rate) may be adjusted in response to model output through 'system space'. Thus the system point will
so as to maximize (or minimize) the objective function. trace out a trajectory through system space as the sim-
Although it could be argued that the value of such ulation proceeds through time.
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

variables is endogenously determined within the opti-

mization model, they are considered to be driving vari- Steps in model development
ables since they represent the variables which control The modelling literature is full of 'recipes' which
(or drive) the system. explain, with varying degrees of detail, the steps that
In most dynamic models it is desirable to obtain cer- should be followed when developing computer-based
tain extra variables to assist in understanding the sys- mathematical models. The steps described here are
tem or to make the model definition more readable; based on those recommended by Piedrahita (1988).
these are called auxiliary variables. Most variables in a The reader should be warned, however, that this is not
dynamic model are likely to be of this type. Auxiliary a linear process. Although some of the tasks detailed in
variables can be rates or absolute quantities (e.g. com- this section might be pursued simultaneously or itera-
binations of state variables). Examples of auxiliary vari- tively, a step by step presentation helps us focus on the
ables include feed efficiency, specific growth rate and general modelling process. The steps are as follows:
body protein/fat ratio.
Parameters and constants can be defined as quanti- 1 Define objectives;
ties appearing in the model which do not vary endoge- 2 Review existing knowledge;
nously. Constants are quantities that retain the same 3 Develop a conceptual model;
value across different experimental conditions (e.g. 4 Formulate model equations;
molecular weight of glucose, density of water, gross 5 Estimate parameter values;
6 Implement computer model;
energy content of fat) and do not vary with time.
7 Perform sensitivity analysis;
Parameters are quantities which can vary in time or
8 Perform model validation.
across experimental conditions, but they do so exoge-
nously; examples include maintenance and respiration
coefficients and Michaelis-Menten constants. Values of Define objectives
parameters might vary with experimental or climatic The first step is to define the problem to be addressed.
conditions, animal (or plant) species and genotype. A When defining objectives the following must be
given parameter may have a biological or physical included: (i) an assessment of the goals to be achieved
interpretation (in mechanistic models), or may simply (e.g. maximize profit subject to environmental regula-
be a number which produces good predictions (in tions), and (ii) definition of the system boundaries (e.g.
empirical models). single pond, whole farm, industry). A clearly stated
objective will help determine what are the relevant
variables to be included in the model.
Differential equations
A typical dynamic model consists of first-order
Review existing knowledge
differential equations which describe how the state
The literature must be reviewed to determine whether
variables change with time. If the n state variables X lt
existing models can do the job. In some cases it might be
X2 Xn describe the system at time t, we require
possible to combine components from several existing
exactly n differential equations: Aquaculture Economics
models and add new components to meet objectives. & Management
dX 1 /d£=/ 1 (X 1 ,X 2 Xn;P;D) For mechanistic models, it is important to review the Volume 1, Number 1
current knowledge concerning the physiological, bio- 1997
dX n /dt=/ n (X 1 ,X 2 Xn;P;D) chemical and nutritional causes of fish growth, as well pp 45-64

© 1997 Blackwell Science Ltd

54 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

as the chemical and physical interactions which occur function have been used to describe nutrient response
in a fish pond or tank. Review of engineering principles data (Mercer et al. 1977) and the effects of temperature
might also be Important, particularly for models of on enzymatic reactions (Eyring & Urry 1965).
intensive systems where the environment is controlled Although the use of the Michaelis-Menten function in
and water is filtered and recirculated. Another impor- fish models is not as widespread as in other animal stud-
tant result from the review process is the location of ies, it has considerable potential.
existing data sources which can be later used for
parameter estimation. Estimate parameter values
Parameter estimation in dynamic models is not a trivial
Develop a conceptual model process, it is as much an art as a science. Although
The design of a conceptual model starts by enumerat- sophisticated computer packages for statistical analysis
ing the key variables and their relationships. At this are widely available today, no general-purpose pack-
stage relationships between variables are not formally age exists which can fit a nonlinear differential equa-
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(mathematically) stated, but it may be possible to state tion system to a dataset. Even if such a package were
whether a given variable has a positive or negative available, it is unlikely that we would possess the
influence on another variable. Growth models can be datasets necessary to simultaneously estimate all
conveniently based on bioenergetic principles, where model parameters. The values of some parameters may
the sources and uses of energy are detailed in an energy be known from work carried out at a lower level of
budget. The reader interested in the application of aggregation than that described by the model, and
bioenergetics to fish growth is referred to Brett & Groves some parameters may have values which can be
(1979). The conceptual model can be presented as a approximated algebraically, based on energetic, bio-
flow diagram with boxes representing variables and chemical or physiological principles. However, in most
arrows representing the flow of matter and energy. models we will encounter some parameters whose val-
This type of diagram provides valuable insights and can ues are unknown or poorly known, and they have to be
simplify the development of the mathematical model. A estimated by fitting the model to experimental data.
flow diagram is also useful when documenting the This process is known as model calibration.
model and explaining its structure to potential users. Assuming that there is a dataset containing the rele-
vant state variables measured at several points in time,
Formulate model equations and that the values of driving variables are known, the
The formulation of model equations requires informa- model can be calibrated by simulating the experiment
tion on the 'shape' of the relationships between variables. which produced the dataset. The known parameters
Although linear functions are easy to use and manipu- are held constant, while the unknown parameters are
late, biological relationships are generally nonlinear. given 'best guess' initial values. The model is then run
There are numerous functions which have been found to iteratively until the combination of parameter values
provide reasonable mathematical descriptions of growth that produces the best predictions is found. Each itera-
processes. Ricker (1979) presents a good review of the tion in this process represents a computer experiment
types of functions used in fish growth studies, Brett with a different combination of parameter values. The
(1979) reviews the effects of environmental factors on sum of squared deviations between predicted and
fish growth curves, and Mercer (1980) reviews some observed values is calculated at the end of every itera-
functions commonly used in nutrition studies. tion and the parameter values are modified by an algo-
The Michaelis-Menten function, originally devel- rithm designed to minimize the weighed sum of
oped to describe enzyme kinetics, has been widely squared deviations. This is a multivariate problem
applied in mechanistic models of animal growth. This (unless the model contains a single state variable),
simple equation has been used to represent uptake and where the predicted and observed values of several
utilization of nutrients by tissues and has been found to dependent variables are used in the minimization pro-
increase solution efficiency, stabilize model behaviour cess. The weight given to the prediction accuracy of
and allow estimation of rate constants from experimen- each state variable is up to the modeller, as is the choice
tal data (Baldwin et al. 1985). Changing the parame- of minimization algorithm. More details on model cali-
Aquaculture Economics
ters of the Michaelis-Menten function provides a rela- bration can be found in France & Thornley (1984;
& Management
tively simple means of accomodating changes in p. 27). A treatment of multidimensional minimization
Volume 1, Number 1
1997 metabolic properties due to growth and hormonal algorithms can be found in any numerical analysis
pp 45-64 changes. Modifications of the Michaelis-Menten book (e.g. Press etal. 1986)

© 1997Blackwell Science Ltd

O.J.Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 55

Implement computer model influence on model results. If the model is found to be

For most practical problems, the system of differential very sensitive to a particular parameter, efforts should
equations does not have an analytical solution and be made to estimate that parameter as accurately as
must be solved numerically. This requires using a com- possible.
puter and applying a numerical integration technique. Ranking model parameters according to model sen-
There are several techniques for numerical integration, sitivity is not trivial; some parameters can have a large
the two most common being the Euler and the Runge- influence on the final value of a given state variable and
Kutta methods. Detailed treatment of these techniques no influence on other variables. Also, the sensitivity of
is out of the scope of this paper; however, further infor- the model to some parameters might be affected by the
mation can be found in any numerical analysis book initial state of the system. Interactions among parame-
(e.g. Press et al. 1986). The general solution technique ters can also have important effects on model output.
consists of: (i) assigning initial values to all state vari- With large models it is impossible to evaluate the effect
ables; (ii) determining the rate of change of the state of all parameters and their interactions on model out-
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

variables by solving each differential equation; (iii) esti- put. It is possible, however, to use factorial designs to
mating the value of state variables for the next time test main effects and first order interactions, and such
period and; (iv) repeating steps (ii) and (iii) for the an approach was used by Cacho (1990). As with other
desired time horizon. aspects of modelling, there is no fail-safe recipe for sen-
The actual implementation of the model can be sitivity analysis. As the modeller gains experience and
based on a general purpose language (such as BASIC, becomes familiar with the model, he or she can develop
Fortran, Pascal, C, C++), a specialized simulation pack- creative ways of dealing with the problem.
age (such as CSMP, ACSL) or a systems dynamics pack-
age (such as DYNAMO, Stella, VenSim, Powersim). Some Perform model validation
of the more friendly systems dynamics packages allow Model validation is an elusive goal. Ideally, a model is
the user to define the model graphically (by connecting validated by comparing model predictions with actual
boxes representing stocks and flows) and have facilities experimental results not previously used in parameter
for graphical and table output, greatly simplifying the estimation. In practice, insufficient data is available for
task of exploring interactions between model compo- both parameter estimation and independent valida-
nents. However, the trade-off between ease of use and tion. Interdisciplinary co-operation between field
flexibility must be borne in mind when selecting a pack- researchers and modellers can ease this limitation. By
age. designing research programmes where modelling and
If a detailed biological model is used as part of a field research are used in conjunction, better datasets
dynamic optimization model (optimal control or can be produced and appropriate validation of some
dynamic programming), the only practical option for parts of a model can be eventually achieved.
implementation is a general purpose language. To the It is important to point out that complex manage-
author's knowledge, the optimization algorithms ment models cannot be completely validated. There are
required to solve dynamic models are not yet available too many decision variables and random effects in the
in special purpose language. Another advantage of real system to perform a complete validation. We can,
using a language such as FORTRAN or C is that a large however, gain increasing confidence in the model by
body of proven numerical algorithms exists in the allowing extension agents, consultants, producers and
public domain, many of which can be freely downloaded other experts to inspect the model output and comment
through the Internet. on its realism (or otherwise), strengths and deficiencies.

Perform sensitivity analysis Other considerations

Sensitivity analysis consists of evaluating the effects on
model output of changes in parameter values. This is Input datasets
generally accomplished by changing the value of each Complex models may need detailed datasets for initial-
parameter in turn, while keeping the values of all other ization, which is not a trivial task. At a minimum, ini-
parameters at base values, and running the model. tial values for all the state variables in the system are
Aquaculture Economics
Sensitivity analysis results are generally presented as required, as well as parameter values for the particular & Management
the percentage change in each output variable caused species and location being studied, and other auxiliary Volume 1, Number 1
by a given percentage change in each parameter value. variables such as length of time step, reporting inter- 1997
Parameters can then be ranked according to their vals, convergence criteria, number of iterations for pp45-64

© 1997Blackwell Science Ltd

56 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

optimizing models and so on. Bywater (1990) states: 'in price (Py), while cost is a function of the price of har-
the development of a production system model, assume vesting services (Pf,) and price of feed (Py). Thus:
it will cost at least as much to generate the data sets
Rt = htPy (2)
necessary to run the model as it will to construct it in
the first place'. t = htPh+ftPf (3)

Equation 3 assumes linear feed and harvesting costs.

Model maintenance
Quadratic, cubic or nonlinear cost functions can be
A complex systems model is never finished. Continuing
accommodated by modifying this equation.
field and laboratory research provides new insights and
The problem is subject to a number of biological
information which must be included to keep the model
constraints. The amount of fish that can be harvested
current. Also, the economic and regulatory environ-
and sold over a growing season ultimately depends on
ments change, necessitating the addition of variables
the growth rate of individual fish and the number offish
which were not considered when the model was first
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

in the pond. Since we are dealing with a deterministic,

conceived. Model maintenance must also account for
computer technology developments and advances in homogeneous fish population, we can refer to the
user interface design. Perhaps the most difficult feature growth rate of the 'average' fish (dw/dt). Assuming
of model maintenance is the need to keep the modelling that water quality is maintained at nonconstraining
team alive. As people in the modelling team move on to levels, the growth rate of the average fish on a given day
new projects, the effort required to raise funds and train is affected by individual body weight (w), the amount of
new people on the intricacies of the model may be insu- feed consumed (/), the total biomass in the pond (B) and
perable and may lead to the model fading away after a water temperature (T):
few years. There is no easy answer to this problem, per- = $w(wt,ft,Bt,Tt). (4)
haps the key is to develop the model to a stage where it
proves its value in a real-world decision-making envi- Biomass is simply the individual weight multiplied by
ronment and becomes self-funding. the number of individuals (n) in the population:

t = wtnt. (5)
The number offish in the pond cannot increase during
the season, but it can decrease through either harvest
An example
or mortality (M):
This section presents a simple example of a determinis- dn/dt = -(ht + Mt). (6)
tic dynamic optimization model. It is complex enough
Finally, mortality can be expressed as a function of total
to give a flavour for the application of dynamic opti-
biomass in the pond:
mization techniques, yet simple enough to be described
by a few equations.
Suppose that we have a pond, tank or cage to be
Depending on the objectives of the study and available
stocked with a generic fish species. It is planned to feed
information, functions 4 and 7 can be expressed by sin-
the fish daily and to undertake partial harvesting
gle empirical equations or by a mechanistic model with
throughout the growing season, but there will be no
multiple equations. The growth function 4 can be rep-
restocking. The objective is to determine the feeding
resented by a polynomial (e.g. Bjorndal 1988; Hean
and harvesting trajectories through time which maxi-
1994), a logistic or Von-Bertalanffy equation (e.g. Tal-
mize profits over a growing cycle. Depending on the
paz & Tsur 19 8 2; Karp et al. 19 8 6) or a detailed bioen-
species in question, a growing cycle may represent sev-
ergetic model (e.g. Cacho 1990; Cuenco et al. 1985a).
eral years. The problem is
Similarly, the relationship between mortality and
biomass in eqn 7 can be represented either by a polyno-
Max 71= J [Rj-CJ (1) mial function fitted to experimental data, or by a series
of equations explicitly describing the effects of biomass
where Rt and Ct are revenue and cost at time t, r is the and population density on water quality and social
Aquaculture Economics interactions (e.g. food competition and aggression),
& Management discount rate and T is the time of final harvest. Assum-
ing that the price per unit of weight is constant and and the effects of these factors on mortality.
Volume 1, Number 1
1997 independent offish size, revenue can be expressed as a Following the variable classification introduced ear-
pp 45-64 function of biomass harvested at any time (ht) and fish lier, we have:

© 199 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

O.J.Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 57

State variables: wt and nt {dH/dh) = (14b)

Rate variables: dw/d£anddn/dt
The Hamilton equations (one for each state variable)
Driving variables:
are then defined:
Exogenous: Tt,Py,Ph,Pf,r
Controlled: (15a)
Auxiliary variables: B(, Mt, Rt, Ct.

The optimal control formulation as are the equations of motion

The problem stated above can be expressed in terms of
dH/dXw=dw/dt (16a)
optimal control as:
dHldX=dnldt (16b)
Maxn= j (Rt-Ct)e-rtdt (8) t = o The optimal trajectory through time is obtained by
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

solving the system (14-16) for each time period in the

subject to eqns 4 and 6, and:
growing season. Theoretically, the system can be
(9) solved by the following steps:

0<ht<Bt; (10) 1 Use eqns 14 to solve for the optimal controls (f and
fi*) and substitute into eqns 15 and 16, thus elimi-
w(0) = w0; (ID nating/and h.
n(O) = no. (12) 2 Use eqns 15 and 16 to solve for the optimal values,

In the language of optimal control, eqn 8 is called the

3 Use the optimal values obtained in step 2 to deter-
functional to be maximized and eqns 4 and 6 are the
mine the value of the Hamiltonian (H) for the follow-
equations of motion, which describe the rate of change
ing time period.
of the state variables. There is one equation of motion
4 Return to step 1 and continue until t = T.
for each state variable in the problem. Constraints 9
and 10 place limits on the allowed values of the control In practice, the system cannot be solved analytically
variables (ft and ht). For this problem both variables except for very simple functional forms. Fortunately,
must be non-negative. In addition, feed must not the numerical solution is relatively straightforward.
exceed the limit offish appetite (fmax), and it is not possi- For simplicity of exposition, the solution above has
ble to harvest more than the total biomass available at ignored the presence of constraints in the value of the
any given time. Notice that fish appetite (/max) is not control variables (eqns 9 and 10). Introducing them
constant, but changes with body weight and water will cause eqns 14a and 14b to be bound, according to
temperature. Finally, eqns 11 and 12 are the initial val- the Kuhn-Tucker conditions, so that a corner solution
ues of the state variables. will be obtained if one of these first-order conditions
The problem is solved by defining a Hamiltonian occurs outside the allowed bounds (the so called
function containing the integrand of eqn 8 and one bang-bang control formulation). Formally, we have a
Lagrangean function for each equation of motion (4 Lagrangean function:
and 6); temporarily neglecting 9 and 10 we have:
Ht = {Rt-Ct)errt + Xwt(dw/dt) + Xnt(dn/dt) (13)
where Ht is as defined in (13), and the first order con-
In contrast to the static optimization problem, the ditions (14) become:
Lagrangean functions (Xwt and Xnt) are functions of
time, rather than single values. In the context of opti-
mal control they are called 'adjoint' or 'costate' vari- dl/dQf> O,Qf>Q, =0 (18b)
dl/dh<O,h>O,h(dl/dh) = O (18c)
The problem can be solved by Pontyagrin's maxi-
mum principle. Firstly we equate the partial derivatives dimh > o, eft > o, eh(di/d eh)=o (18d)
of H with respect to the control variables to zero (one for Aquaculture Economics
Such bounded maximization is easily implemented in a & Management
each control variable), dropping the t subscripts to
computer model. Before detailing the numerical solu- Volume 1, Number 1
avoid clutter:
tion technique, the remaining boundary conditions 1997
(14a) must be discussed. pp 45-64

© 19 9 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

58 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

Boundary conditions controls/ t and ht, subject to constraints 9 and 10. This
As presented above, the problem has an infinite num- step can be accomplished by any multidimensional
ber of possible solutions. In order to obtain a unique maximization algorithm, such as a conjugate gradi-
solution, boundary conditions, which depend on the ent or a quasi-Newton method (Press et aL 19 8 6).
particular objectives, must be introduced. So far there 3 Substitute f* and h*, from step 2, into eqns 15 and
are two boundary conditions in eqns 11 and 12, yet 16 to determine the optimal change in the state and
there are four trajectories to be determined (wt, nt, Xwt adjoint variables, and calculate their optimal values
and Xnt). The solution would be simplified if, in addition for the next time step [w*(t +1), n*{t +1), X*w(t + 1)
to the initial state (w 0 and n0), the initial value of each and X*n(t + 1)]. This step takes care of numerical
adjoint variable (X^ and Xn0) were known. Unfortu- integration of the biological model, as eqns 16 are
nately, these values are unknown for most but the sim- the differential equations which describe the motion
plest problems, as they cannot be analytically deter- of the system through time.
mined, and they must be determined as a second step 4 Move on to the next time period (e.g. increase the
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

after the main algorithm. time counter by one).

The additional boundary conditions (called 5 Check whether the terminal time has been reached
transversality conditions) depend on the terminal (t = T). Recall, however, that this problem assumes
value of the state variables (x) and time (t) as follows: that t is not known in advance. Therefore we must
apply the transversality condition (21) and check
• If the final value of x is fixed (x(i) - xx), then the
whether H(t) is suitably close to zero (allowing for
final adjoint value Xx{x) is free.
truncation error in the numerical operations).
• If the final value of x is free, then Xx(x) = 0 must be
6 If terminal time has been reached continue to step 7,
otherwise return to step 2;
• If the terminal time is free (T will be determined as
7 Check whether the transversality conditions 19 and
part of the solution), then the condition H(x) = 0
20 have been satisfied. If they have, the optimal
must be imposed.
solution has been obtained; stop and save all the rel-
The following restrictions could apply to the prob- evant results. Otherwise go on to step 8.
lem: 8 Adjust the initial adjoint values (X^ and A,n0) and
Final weight is free, therefore: return to step 1. This step requires the use of a root-
finding algorithm (such as the Newton-Raphson
method). The objective of the adjustment is to find
no fish should remain after final harvest: the initial adjoint values that satisfy the transversal-
ity conditions.
Some concluding comments concerning the
and optimal harvest time will be determined as part of
numerical solution of optimal control models are in
the problem, therefore:
H(t) = 0. (21)

The numerical solution

The numerical solution, as outlined in Fig. 3, consists of I
maximize H(t),
two nested iterations. The 'interior' iteration solves the obtain f(t)*,h(t)*
optimal control problem over a growing season, for any
given set of initial conditions, while the 'exterior' itera- adjust
obtain »*((+/), n*{t+l),
tion solves for the initial adjoint values, based on the
1 no
transversality conditions. The solution process starts
by assigning initial ('best guess') values to the adjoint
variables X^Q and Xn0 and iteratively taking the follow-
A are

conditions .
ing steps:
Aquaculture Economics
& Management 1 Set time equal to zero and assign initial values to the
I end
Volume 1. Number 1 state variables using eqns 11 and 12;
1997 2 Given the current values of w(t), n(t), Xw{t) and Xn(t) Fig. 3 Representation of the numerical solution of an
pp45-64 maximize the Hamiltonian (15) with respect to the optimal control problem.

© 19 9 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

O.J.Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 59

order. They have to do with the introduction of stochas- cycle and the associated probability distribution(s).
tic behaviour and the use of dynamic programming Given enough data, the shape of the distribution, the
techniques. question of whether moments other than the mean
change seasonally, and the possible presence of autore-
Introducing stochastic behaviour gressive mechanisms can be determined statistically.
Conversion of the problem into a stochastic model can
be achieved in two general ways, both of them involv- Dynamic programming
ing multiple runs of the algorithm presented above. We The optimal control problem can be translated into a
can either (i) let the environment become stochastic or; dynamic programming (DP) framework. This will
(ii) let one or more state variables become stochastic. increase the number of state and control variables that
Given the strong influence of temperature on bio- can be practically dealt with, and may also simplify the
logical and chemical rates, including fish appetite, implementation of stochastic models. Dynamic pro-
growth, metabolism and oxygen solubility in water, gramming is a systematic iterative method originally
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

temperature represents a prime candidate to introduce developed by Bellman (1957). The optimal control
stochastic behaviour into the model. This can be model can be discretized and expressed as:
achieved by associating a probability distribution to the T-l
annual temperature cycle for the location of interest. max n = S [Rt - Ct] P' + [R T - CT] P'. (22)
The deterministic version of the model is first run, as in (=0
the previous section, and the optimal initial adjoint val- subject to eqns 4, 6 and 9-12, where p = 1/(1 + r) is
ues are obtained. The model is then repeatedly run, but the discount factor.
now the temperature for each time period is randomly The second term in the right-hand side of eqn 22 is
selected from the appropriate probability distribution. the terminal value (the profit obtained from final har-
Each stochastic run of the model will yield a different set vest). The dynamic programming formulation places
of optimal paths and terminal time. Results can then be emphasis on the state variables, rather than on the con-
analysed to determine both expected values and vari- trol variables. To simplify the description of the tech-
ability in production and profit. nique define the function:
Notice that, in each stochastic run of the model,
t = [Rt - Ct] = \|/t( wt, nt,ft, ht). (23)
the same seasonal temperature pattern must be simu-
lated repeatedly in order to find the initial adjoint val- This is called the one-period return function; it empha-
ues which satisfy the transversality conditions for the sizes the fact that current returns depend on the values
given climatic conditions. That is, each run of the of state and control variables. The optimal decision
optimal control algorithm should use the same series rules are expressed as:
of random numbers for the interior loop. This is
'ft* =ft(wf " t ) a n d V = Hwv nt)- (24)
accomplished by using the same random seed to ini-
tialize the random number generator each time step 1 These functions show that the optimal values of the
above is executed. Say we plan to run 500 cases, then control variables at any point in time depend on the
we can randomly select 500 seeds and use each seed state of the system. Finally, the principle of optimality is
for one execution of the optimal control algorithm. defined as:
Each random seed will be invoked repeatedly as the
outer loop of the algorithm attempts to satisfy the Vt(wt, nt) = max [\|/,(w(, nt.ft, ht
transversality conditions. (25)

The second approach to introducing stochastic Equation 2 5 is also called the 'optimal value function'
behaviour is similar to that outlined above, except that or the 'recursive equation' and it is the key to the solu-
now the probability distributions are attached to the tion of dynamic programming problems.
state variables. The differential equations then describe The solution of this problem starts by creating a
the expected rate of change in response to given condi- two-dimensional 'state grid' (one dimension for each
tions, the actual change being randomly selected from state variable). Each point on the grid represents a dif-
the appropriate distribution. ferent combination of state variable values. Each state
Aquaculture Economics
In general, thefirstapproach to introducing stochas- variable (x) is assigned a lower bound (xL) and an upper & Management
tic behaviour may be preferred, because it is more likely bound (xa); this interval is split into kx equidistant Volume 1, Number 1
that long temperature data series are available. These points. Thus the distance between each pair of points is 1997
series can be used to estimate the expected seasonal dx = (xH-xL)/(kx-l). pp 45-64

© 199 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

60 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • 0. /. Cacho

values obtained at time t +1 as a result of the combina-

• • * • .

tion of control variables applied at time t, will not

exactly correspond to a point on the grid. Therefore, lin-
ear interpolation must be applied between the appro-
priate elements of Vt + j to find the value Vt+i(wt+1,
n t + 1 ) to be used in eqn 25.
Step (ii), retrieval of the optimal paths, is relatively
straightforward. For the given initial state of the sys-
Fig. 4 Dynamic programming grid for a two-dimensional tem, apply the optimal policies /Q*(W 0 , n0) and h0*(w0,
problem. n0) to eqns 4 and 6 to determine the values w^* and nj*.
Repeat the procedure, now using fi*(w-y, MJ) and
/i1*(w1< Hj) to obtain w2* and n2*, and continue in this
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

Figure 4 presents a grid obtained by the 'discretiza- fashion until the end of the planning horizon is
tion' operation described above, with kw = 9 and kn = 7; reached. This step requires linear interpolation
there are 63 points (kw x kn) on the grid. The dashed between elements of ft and h t to determine the optimal
arrows pointing from t + 1 towards t emphasize that polices to be applied when the current state is not on a
the problem is solved by moving backwards in time. grid point.
The values contained on the grid can be stored in a The DP approach can generally handle larger prob-
matrix of the appropriate dimensions. For this problem, lems than the numerical optimal control (NOC)
at least three such matrices are needed per time period approach, with the added advantage that the recursive
to store each of the optimal decision rules f*(wt, nt) and solution yields a set of decision rules which can later be
h*{wt, nt), and the corresponding optimal values Vt(wv used to determine the optimal paths for different initial
nt). These matrices will be termed f t , h t and V t , respec- conditions. In contrast, the NOC algorithm must be re-
tively. run for every new set of initial conditions. The trade-off
The solution is divided into two main steps: (i) pro- is the loss of precision caused by linearizing the inter-
ceed backwards in time to determine a set of optimal vals between DP grid points.
decision rules, and (ii) use the optimal decision rules to The DP solution can be refined by using successive
determine the optimal paths for given initial condi- approximations, which consists of initially applying the
tions. These two steps can be independently taken. recursive solution to a relatively wide grid (with a few
Once a set of decision rules is determined and stored in points). This results in relatively large linear interpola-
permanent media, it can be used repeatedly to find opti- tion error, but also speeds up the solution and helps
mal paths for alternative initial conditions. identify the relevant area on the grid. The area covered
To execute step (i), start by estimating the terminal by the state grid is then decreased by reducing the size
value for each element in the Vx matrix: of the interval (xL, xH), thereby reducing the distance
between points on the grid and improving the accuracy
Vz(wv nx) = v T (w r nx) = (Rx-Cx) (26) of linear interpolation as a new solution is obtained.
then proceed to apply the recursive eqn 25 backwards This process can be repeated several times, zooming
in time until the initial time period is reached. In gen- into the optimal solution to the desired level of accu-
eral, only two time periods (t and t +1) need to be stored racy. For more details on this technique see Boudarel et
at a time in memory, because the optimal values for al. (1971; p.37). Other detailed treatments of dynamic
future time periods (from t + 2 to i) are imbeded in programming techniques are presented by Bellman &
Vt + y. The solution of each time step will yield Dreyfus (1962), Dreyfus & Law (1978), and Cooper &
k = kw x kn optimal feeding and k optimal harvesting Cooper (1981).
policies, corresponding to the elements of ft and h t ,
respectively. These policies are saved to disk and later
used to retrieve the optimal path. Future prospects
The maximization in eqn 25 can be achieved
through the same type of algorithm used in the optimal In recent years, application of bioeconomic models has
Aquaculture Economics
& Management control problem or, more commonly, the control space increased in the scientific literature; however, their
Volume 1, Number 1
is discretized and the maximum is found from among a application in the management of real-world aquacul-
1997 limited set of alternatives. Whichever method is used tural enterprises is practically nonexistent. Shang
pp45-64 for maximization, some (or most) of the state variable (1986) mentions bioeconomics as one of the promising

© 199 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

O.J.Cacho • Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture 61

approaches to help improve efficiency at the farm level. physical characteristics and behaviour (attributes)
This 'promise' should not be restricted to the use of from 'parent' objects and contain additional attributes
bioeconomic models directly on farms. In all fairness, of their own.
efficient production facility designs and management To illustrate the role of OOP in model maintenance
techniques which result from the use of bioeconomic imagine an 'abstract' fish, which functions according
models and find their way to the farm, should also be to general bioenergetic and physiological principles.
considered. Although bioeconomics, as an applied dis- The abstract fish is able to receive dietary energy and
cipline, might fare better when evaluated in this man- process it for maintenance and growth (attributes com-
ner, it remains a relatively young discipline, which mon to all species). The abstract fish's basic attributes
requires high levels of technical skills and multidisci- are inherited by several 'real' fishes, each of which has
plinary co-operation for its development. additional attributes according to species. In a polycul-
The suitability of bioeconomics as a tool for interdis- ture model, each species occupies a particular niche in
ciplinary co-operation and its potential ability to help the pond and obtains its food in a different manner. In
Downloaded by [Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana] at 10:55 16 March 2015

design more efficient research programmes is one of its an OOP system, when a new species is added to the
main strengths. Modelling is not a substitute for field pond, the modeller does not have to deal with the
research, and it will never be. Modelling is an ideal com- description of a whole new fish, only the characteristics
plement to field and laboratory research efforts. The which distinguish the new species from the abstract
need for close co-operation between modellers and field fish need to be defined. The inheritance mechanism can
researchers has been emphasized repeatedly in this branch incrementally; carnivorous and herbivorous
paper. The establishment of long-term research pro- fish may inherit attributes from the abstract fish, then
grammes, where the model evolves in conjunction grass carp and silver carp can both inherit most of their
with field and laboratory experiments, will be the key to attributes from herviborous fish, with each species hav-
the development of long-lived bioeconomic models. ing a few attributes of its own. Assume that we have a
Perhaps a few existing models will evolve as they are complex model, populated by several fish species, and
used in co-operative research efforts, many others will that new research reveals an improved representation
fade away because of a lack of maintenance. of a basic metabolic process. Under OOP, the new pro-
cess can be simply incorporated into the abstract fish,
User interface design is an area which will con-
and all its 'descendants' will automatically inherit the
tribute to the widespread use of systems models and
new attribute. Contrast this with the need to update
bioeconomic models. More often than not, models are
each single species individually in a traditional pro-
too difficult to use by anyone except their developers.
gramming model, and the reduced maintenance
Today, graphical user interfaces offer an intuitive way
requirements of OOP models becomes obvious.
for nontechnical users to interact with the computer.
This is important, because the evolution of a model can Algorithm design is an area which may influence
greatly benefit from interaction with users who are the development of bioeconomic models, particularly
experts in areas other than modelling. Making the use those that attempt to optimize a combination of differ-
of the model easy and attractive may encourage pro- ent (often conflictive) objectives. Most traditional maxi-
ducers, extension agents and other experts to experi- mization algorithms can efficiently solve monomodal
ment with it. More attention should be paid by mod- functions (functions with a single peak). However, the
ellers to this important issue in the future. solution of multimodal functions (functions with many
In recent years, the technique of object oriented peaks) is more problematic. The most pervasive prob-
programming (OOP) has received increasing attention lem is the possibility of converging to a local maximum
in computing circles. Most of this attention has focused and leaving the global maximum undetected. Many
on the advantages of this technique in the development 'tricks' have been attempted to prevent this problem,
of user interfaces and operating systems. However, none of them totally effective. Genetic algorithms (GA),
OOP also offers interesting possibilities as a tool to based on the evolution of populations of living organ-
design and maintain complex models (Cacho & Bywa- isms, offer an interesting alternative. A GA starts with a
ter 1991). The power of abstraction afforded by the population of 'random individuals', each representing
OOP paradigm, which goes beyond the traditional a possible solution to the problem. Each individual
structured programming approach, allows the design receives a 'fitness score' depending on how good a solu- Aquaculture Economics
& Management
of models which are easier to modify and maintain. tion to the problem it is. The fitness score may be a
Volume 1, Number 1
Entities in a bioeconomic model can be conveniently weighed average of performance on different goals (e.g. 1997
represented as objects, these objects can inherit attempt to maximize profit and minimize pollution). pp45-64

© 19 9 7 Blackwell Science Ltd

62 Systems modelling and bioeconomic modelling in aquaculture • O.J.Cacho

Individuals are given the opportunity to reproduce model for shrimp mariculture systems. Southern
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tion. The new generation of individuals inherits traits (1984) Bioeconomics ofAquaculture. Elsevier, Amsterdam.
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less fit members die out. Eventually the population will
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Anderson, J.L. (1985) Private aquaculture and
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probably be controlled according to simple decision Application of optimization theory to the economics of
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Brett, J.R. (1979) Environmental factors and growth. Fish
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J. Randall and J. R. Brett), pp. 279-352. Academic
The author wishes to thank Robyn Hean, John Dillon
Press, London.
and two anonymous reviewers for valuable comments
Bywater, A.C. (1990) Exploitation of the systems
on an earlier draft of this manuscript. approach in technical design of agricultural
enterprises. Systems Theory Applied to Agriculture and
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the Food Chain (eds J. G. W. Jones and P. R. Street), pp.
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pp4S-64 (1980) Applications of a bioeconomic engineering Society of Animal Production, 54, 403-412.

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Aquaculture Economics
& Management
Volume 1, Number 1
pp 45-64

© 1997Blackwell Science Ltd

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