Psych HOR Approach

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Psychologist approach to Child @ HOR

Chart Review

▪ Detailed history
▪ Demographic data to understand the family
▪ Current concerns
▪ Doctor’s Approach
▪ Other units that were visited and any relevant information.

Parental Interview

▪ Previous consultations and services offered.

▪ Current parental concerns and what can be done in 3-5 days
▪ Parental expectations

Observing the child for

▪ Social adaptation & reciprocity

▪ Attachment with parents
▪ Social smile
▪ Orientation to surroundings
▪ Comprehension of basic instruction

Formal Visual Eval.

▪ Sensory awareness
▪ Attention Span + ability to execute 1,2,3 step commands
▪ Joint Attention
▪ Face regard
▪ Eye Contact

Formal Hearing Eval.

▪ Auditory alertness to sound, voice, name recognition

▪ Auditory localization
▪ Listening Skills

Play Skills

▪ Infantile sensory motor

▪ Play interest and participation
▪ Solitary preference
▪ Parallel play
▪ Interactive play
▪ Make believe play
▪ Use of toys – Specific Preferences


• Communication Intent, content, fulfilment for the child.

• Mode of communication – Meaningful, convey need, express for basic ADL
o Primary ways of expression – cry, variation in frequency and intensity to express
pleasure or distress.
o Comprehension, turn taking, sound production
o Mono/ bi – Syllables, Meaningful Speech, Jargons, Kinship (Non-specific) ->
(Specific), meaningful Single word, 2-word combination, Phrases, Sentence,
Narrative skills, transferring information.

Home Inventory

▪ Family Status – Nuclear, Joint, Extended, Intact, broken, divorce, single parent, death of
parent or family member.
▪ Sibling details? Well & Normal
▪ Any issues in genogram, Planned or unplanned pregnancy.
▪ Financial constraints, insurance(medical)
▪ Family Support (Financial/ Emotional)
▪ Indian/NRI/ Govt. benefit
▪ Family Counsellor/ Service
▪ Unscheduled/ Scheduled home/ ADL? Performs ..
▪ Attitude towards the child with special needs
▪ Religious faith
▪ Coping Style


Involve both parents/ Sits when required. Alternate between parents to avoid burnout. Follow a time
schedule. Find time for personal chores and interest.


Scores and Values must be inputed. Next developmental level must be designed as a goal.


Observe for any high risk, maladaptive, stereotype, self- stimulatory, attacking.

Behaviour Analysis: A B C Analysis

Identify the:

Predisposing factors

Precipitating factors

Perpetuating factors

- Alter behaviours slowly

- Identify reward for the child

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